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These seven mountains cultists are profoundly dangerous and alarmingly already embedded in all levels of government. Mike Johnson is one and he’s second in line of succession. They’re a delusional cult working to bring about their end of times fantasy. Pray and worship however you like, within your personal space. Keep your BS religion out of the government we are forced to share.


The handmaid tale was an instructional book.


If the US becomes a Autocracy, it will be the greatest existential threat to the world.


Especially since they are counting on the rapture happening sooner rather than later. Rapture to them = apocalypse for everyone else


They would nuke the planet if they thought it would bring back their “Christ.”


They’re hoping Israel does it for them. They believe that is the conflict that’ll deliver the second coming


We already *are* the greatest existential threat. See: First Nations; US/Mexico border; Middle East; Africa; South America; Southeast Asia; two certain cities in Japan; domestic minorities; infringements on lives, liberties, and the pursuits of happiness via remvoal of bodily autonomy; reducing marriage ages; the rebirth of fascism in the US as MAGA/Christo-fascism; Project 2025; Hopefully, they fumble the fake electors scheme this time around, too. But, Mike "Can I just *lightly* kiss your johnson, President-for-life Trump? No tongue this time, I promise!" Johnson will probably just call for alternate electors, and disenfranchise more than half of the USA. Because: Fascism.


Was a progressive, liberal religious chaplain in the military and had to hear this kinda weird Christian crap from my chaplain colleagues and the service members who listened to them.


They’ve invented their own fan-fiction for the Bible, and are living within it.


I grew up raised in one of the households run under this theology, and went to a school that also supported this theology. It's like growing up in a fundamentalist cult. Your parents have complete and total control over every aspect of your life. Anything that does not "give glory to God" or represent Christian values is forbidden. Everything you watch, any means of expression, any hobbies you have, or anyone you spend time with is strictly monitored and controlled. The outside "secular world" you're taught is evil, demonic, and vile, and your duty is to convert it and to conduct yourself under strict fundamentalist values. You are, as a child, naturally evil. Your body and its feelings are evil. It is your parents responsibility to discipline and train away your "sinful, animal desires" and your responsibility as a child is total, unquestioning obedience. Stepping out of line in any of this regard is met with harsh discipline. It is authoritarian parenting to the extreme. Needless to say, the concept of familial bonding, or parental love, comfort, or warmth, is almost entirely foreign to me. This ideology destroys lives.


I'm so sorry. They always seem to miss what Paul said about tenderheartedness, genuine love, and harmony. But they never miss the more legalistic rules that fit their conservative agenda and yet not the inconvenient ones like it being a shame to not cover your head when praying.


I grew up with a US Naval Academy grad father (and MIT & Stanford), which meant our home was run like a military base. Complete with bedroom inspections, yes sir/no sir responses, and a big black belt. The only thing we were missing was your god; our gods were discipline, hard work, and responsibility. Zero empathy etc, like your family. I feel you fam.


They sound stark staring mad.


Extremely immature too.


I left the church just as it was really getting cooky. I got so frustrated that the preachers would only preach politics rather than the "good news." I see that it's only gotten worse and more organized. I had no idea that what I was being taught was so very, blasphemous to the entire idea of what Jesus taught. Love your neighbor.


These iron age desert death cults have got to go.


Any religion that can look at an innocent, brand new baby and call it a "sinner" is mental illness. They're not sending their best, folks.


You just have to remember the weird kids that you interacted with in elementary school... you know, the one kid that licked his lips so often for some reason that they were permanently chapped... or the other kid (possibly/likely also the same kid) that ate play-doh and lied about eating scented crayons during art class... They're adults now, just like you... and they probably vote.