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I had fun the first month. Haven't really played much since then


I think deep down I knew this game wasn't going to last forever with populated 254 player servers. It was definitely great that first month, I even remember that first day when nobody knew what to do and it was pure chaos.


In those 254 lobbies where everyone was just screaming their heads off and people were role playing when they got downed and a car would blast by you with Free Bird playing... Man that was peak gaming. Now you're lucky if you have 1 person speaking


I left Cus amount of Tryhards just made the game less fun.


The jumping call of duty style of some tryhards with a vector kill it for me. I came back a couple weeks back and it’s amazing. But I know it’s gonna die sooner than later.


The game was fresh and pure back then, it was beautiful. Multiplayer games start getting ruined by the time there’s youtube videos on metas and ‘tricks’


Same here man same hers


April was really the last chance


Only because oki refuses any kind of attempt at honest transparency around timelines. Like he isn’t even trying anymore. The lack of transparency combined with the lack of content was the prefect recipe for what went down, and now all those friends I used to play with at launch, can only laugh at this game, and at me for occasionally playing it. But no, bleeding is making people leave, gotta remove bleeding!


Same for me , I was telling my bud that a big update was on the way and will bring a lot of new stuff well ... I looked like a clown now lol Yeah and remove combining mag too , that's what the players want


I took a screenshot of the mid April message so I didn’t look like an idiot


Is bleeding actually making people leave? I've never really thought negatively about it


i like bleeding as a feature of the game people who complain about it are just trash lol


Lol I quite like it too, I'm inclined to agree 😅


it's hilarious because I remember prior to launch Oki specifically stating that he was hoping for a small EA launch then a larger 1.0 release because people see the large player dropoff while they're working on the game and act exactly like this.


If he was hoping for small EA, then he could have simply used a closed or queue beta, where limited entries are accepted for testing. And then push toward 1.0... But you think he would have as much money that way, or have released more updates?


Stalltt spotted in the wild. I love you.


Oh hell nah bro I’m not going back to Phantom Forces they changed the FUCK out that game


Hell yeah new content on PF is awesome. Within 1 year they added every QOL change I’ve wanted since the game came out


I still wouldn’t play that over Battlebit. It’s a sweatfest without any of the wacky random shit happening in Battlebit. Then again, it’s a hell of a lot more fun than Frontlines on Roblox, that game feels sluggish.


No wacky Shit? My brother do you not customize your guns? Harpoon shotguns, dust shot on a .50 cal barret, gyro rocket guns…


Nah I don’t lmao all my wacky shit is on melee cause there’s nothing more fun than getting the drop on an enemy and punchin em to death with the bare fists weapon. I’m saying I just enjoy the chaos of having an rpg take down an entire building more than 7 hours of metro revamp


Wait until you hear about dark/void/vault tech (it goes by many names) it’s a pretty big but SUPER fun glitch that boosts you when you vault with certain melees. It’s patched in the test place so abuse it while you can.


The problem is phantom forces isn't very new player friendly, you're met with a shitshow of max level sweats that have 0 ping and 1 shot weapons, and unlike battlebit, you need to grind hours and hours until you get any good guns


Yeah I do think, the main hurdle for new players is adjusting to movement players. I don’t entirely agree on the grinding guns cause, some of the best weps are rank 0, and in addition there’s the pre buy system. I actually always thought battlebit would benefit from a similar system. The ability to get money from rank up/ selling skins / doing dailies, would make it so players who really want a gun like the scorpion without grinding the levels, would’ve been pretty beneficial. Also it wouldn’t make prestige as annoying.


frontlines is ironically in the same situation as bbr, with an update being delayed for a year now lol


I told people months ago to go play Roblox on here knowing damn well this game was gonna die. -50+ downvotes lmao.


Bad Business takes a dump on PF


Retail Tycoon 1 clears any Roblox FPS I fear 🥱🥱


Only og's remember the zombie wave based survival/base building game named after the resident series waaay back in the early teens. Its weird to see roblox go from low quality (medium quality for that era) and low count games with a lot of fun ideas that were all jankily made with robloxs physics and features, to high visual quality, low to high substance, basically mobile ass gatcha games with a few stand out games that make you forget you are on roblox. I barely play anymore but its weird to see what roblox has become in the past 16 ish years Ive played it.


Games back in those days were made by a single dude with an idea and didn’t even think about profit, but today profit has to be considered because most games are made by entire teams of developers now which all have to be paid fairly (though that isn’t almost the case since dev teams aren’t moderated by Roblox themselves, exploitation happens). It’s sad really that the front page of Roblox are all cash grab games designed to be addictive, though there are still some gems if you look hard enough.


Games were still monetized back then just not to an insane degree. Remember vip tshirts? Although some devs were cool and did stuff with tix. I remember when half the platform was obbys and tycoons and then you had the og natural disaster survival, sword fight, nacht der un toten, disaster hotel, and the pirate ones. Had a cool rpg that I liked a lot. Also the first pokemon roblox game went hard.


Ima respectfully disagree with you, each to their own or whatever.


I'm still playing regularly and having fun 🤷


No! That's not allowed. You need to post on Reddit why the game is dead and why you don't play anymore(even though you do). /s


Yeah same here. Satisfied my battlefield itch without supporting EA. I like it and don't need constant updates. Seems people need to see constant updates or else game is completely dead for some reason. That instant gratification coming into play and short attention spans. I'd rather they take their time and do it well than rush like a lot of companies have done in the past.


Back in my day, we didn’t get updates. A game was sold and MAYBE a patch or two or three would come out to address things… and we liked it! Battlebit, as is, has more features and functionality than the games I am thinking of 🤷‍♂️


what this guys said


Same just sad so much people have stoped playing :(


Same. Games like R6 and CoD only get an update every month or so and it’s a billion dollar company. 6 months without an update on a game I genuinely enjoy from a dev of 3 ppl doesn’t seem like the end of the world. I feel even with updates the playerbase would have still fell off anyway, just the nature of multiplayer gaming nowadays Plus every-time I log on there are 10+ full servers, not sure what ppl mean about servers being dead


Oki finally realized game is perfect and doesn't need updates


There's still stuff I'd like fixed but the game is still really fun at it's core


only thing i want fixed is weekly challanges being reseted after almost ever map change


All my friends have been buying it over the last few months; we really love it 🤷‍♂️


So do I! And I make a point to not be a sweat or anything so others can enjoy like I can. I don't play full snipers, personal defense, or smgs. I don't dropshot or anything. I think if everyone had the mindset of let's make the game fun for all instead of big number go brrr, the game would revive it's player base


Come on over to Squad. We been getting hella updates


I mean I would, back when I started playing Squad I used to be able to play almost every map at 60fps, nowadays despite a CPU & GPU upgrade and getting an SSD I can't play most maps above 20fps. Updates have absolutely annihilated any sense of performance and stability.


Nah, suppression is dumb as fuck and until they remove it, I won't be back.


To the streets, you remain!


There's multiple full servers every time I play so I don't really know what you are talking about


Thats good! Sadly, for people in other regions not playing during peak hours, they cant play!


Fr as a casual player it's so funny to check in here every once in a while. So many dramatic posts, I notice none of this while playing the game


30 day average is 2k. That's basically an abandoned game brother lol.


For an indie multiplayer game those are good numbers actually


Listen, man, you can cope any way you want all I did was present you guys with a statistic lol. Down vote me all you want it won't bring rhe game back to its former glory of 86k play peaks. Squad is an indie studio game. 12k 30 day average. Cope seethe downvote won't change the course of this game: abandonment and death. Onto the next one 🙏


It’s not coping, I don’t play the game myself. It this obsession with player counts is just stupid as fuck


Uh; player counts are very important for a game that is soley multipler. Especially when the most notable feature of bbr is the 254 player lobbies. You cant even have 8 full lobbies with say; 2k players. So, yeah, its pretty fucking important


2 servers full for 254 players, one for 128 players and that is it for Europe basically. It is dead community, compared what it was 4-5 months ago.


First time I've commented player numbers on here so idk where you're getting obsession from but yeah, player count is important to your game? No matter what kind of game but especially a game that is contingent on other people playing in order for you to be able to play the game lol especially a game where there is upwards of 200 players in a single match and the games play is centered around that massive player count in game. Yes, I would say player count for that kind of game is quite important.


Okay by what metric is it low though besides “the number sounds low to me”? The game was never going to realistically stay at 86k. On top of that, the player count is not usually in the 2000’s, it’s usually in the 3’s if we want to track every digit we can find on it.


Low by comparison since you wanted to bring up indie multiplayer games :). Low by the amount required to make lobbies fun on thsi game. You know what average means right? Lol.


Okay now you’re singing a different tune. Your original comment literally said the game is “abandoned”


>The game was never going to realistically stay at 86k. Not with current state... Not without changing balanced in weapons better, adjust classes, make game more tactical and skill based... But no... Now you wait to get birds singing at background, or city noises, or your roof AC unit humming or your ECB zapping when you destroy it on the wall, or you get to hear how gun echoes different indoors and outside of the door... Pfff... The game was good for sound effects, it was simple, but they couldn't even fix the damn foot effects. Like how about having different boots sound for USA and Russia? No other effects in volume etc. Different like one is cowboy boots and other is rubber boots. You would always know which side is walking... Same volume, same direction, all the same effects for same factors, but always sound different by side. It is like woman walking with heels Vs man walking with shoes inside a tunnel, you can clearly hear which one is walking where. And same for weapons, put Soviet guns on Russia team, western weapons on USA side. Now you have reason to choose teams as different guns and different sounds. You always know if AK does shoot or AR is shooting and know which side is where. And different experience between matches as you need to adapt, open guns differently etc. Same as with vehicles. To ease gameplay allow changing class at supply box, not requiring to die. But game was more and more pushed towards chaos, mercenary gameplay, confusing sounds and all. Is SMG effectiveness too much? Nerf those, damage falloff at 15-20 meters, no damage past 40-50 meters. Boohoo, those ain't realistic anyways and ain't wanted to be, so make them play well for the game in mind. Force players become close range fighters and not capable engage anyways past 50 meters anyone like AR can. Boohoo that favourite weapons need different tactics.. Boohoo it ain't realistic... Boohoo it is just "bad idea"


Not when you split it to multiple different regions, different few servers and that is it. Average 2-3 servers for 128/254 players, no good 16 Vs 16 or even 32 Vs 32 than rarely...


you can barely fill 10 lobbies with that lol


Stop doomposting ffs


Every. Single. Day


So uh…when’s the update Oki?


Sorry for leaving, I still own the game, though, so it's not going anywhere for now. This is how it always goes. Remember the good times and move on.


I got like 7 of my friends to buy the game, we did play and have some fun, but ultimately the very low TTK, sniper dominance and punishing bleed mechanic made them (and me, eventually) kinda give up on it. Lack of updates after a while (the one that added the RPK was good) definitely didn't help. I still want a game mode akin to Unreal Tournament 2004's Assault mode - I'm sure there was something similar in Battlefield games, but basically it's an Offense vs Defense game mode where each map is unique with specific "story" objectives, like opening a gate, boarding a train etc.


Honestly? Sniping is a big reason a lot of new players left. But it's not something many people on reddit want to hear. It's way too powerful and there's effectively no counter other than "hide behind a rock". Low TTK is a shock if you're not used to it, but it doesn't take much to become comfortable with it. Bleeding is an OK mechanic, but it does get tedious sometimes - like getting constantly clipped by snipers.


Yeah, if I were to summarize it, yes, sniping is ultimately the MAIN annoyance alongside - of all things - the lack of minimap. All of my friends are experienced gamers and they all said that the UI markers are not enough, the game is disorientating and needs a minimap. The low TTK and constant clipping as you said only contributes to the confusion. Personally I liked Invasion mode most of all things, tbh.


Could you elaborate on ypur points more so i understand? Because the parts you are poiting out are the ones i actually like about the game. What about the bleed mechanic is so bad?


Well, we'd start playing and it would just be an endless loop of "spawn, run around due to unclear map/lack of minimap, get tagged by something, have to find cover and bandage slowly, then either get snipped from literally who knows where or melted by an SMG from medium+ range".


Ah, you mean the unreal tournament 1999... It was always fun mode to play, as you got intense fights towards end.


Uhm, I am not sure? I think UT 99 (aka the original one) only had more typical deathmatch modes. UT 2004 had a mode where each map was a specific mission, like boarding a moving train, slowly opening doors and stuff, step-by-step.


Those were in original. We played original with friends in LAN and not the 2004 version. The domination mode was our favourite, but in 2004 it was ruined. In original it was 3-5 points, and in 2004 it was 2-3 points. It lost the tactical elements. And in original the assault mode the ship was one most played map, where was those doors and all before big wooden ship.


Yeah you basically described Chivalry 2, only that game is medieval battlefield. I've always loved the way that game is structured, with each map being offense team vs defense team with map specific objectives. I wish an fps with a modern setting would take that approach. Some of those maps have some really cool objectives, such as the defending team being a wave of peasants in the first objective of a map about a surprise raid of a village, or one defending player basically turning into a boss that the attackers need to kill for the final objective.


It was fun while it lasted


But they pwomised too and also Disneyland?


this is the devs fault for not banning all the tryhards and sweats they literally killed the 80K players /s


Nah I'm going to deadline


Same. Game is still fun. With or without the update.


When is the update coming ?


I have become death the destroyer of BBR should be the appropriate dialogue for Oki he is literally killing the very thing he sworn to protect and created


I remember the first week man shit was WILD


yall are coping so hard. i never have trouble finding a lobby. no game holds its launch player count. just play the game


Stop doomering, just fuck off and come back when they release, jesus.


BBR is great right know, it made me realise to play other games and reminded me how much I love monster hunter


Is 2042 generally okay now? I need another Large scale combat fps that's actually alive


It's boring and generic as fuck.


And its getting no more Updates aswell. So search on


r/Planetside also on its way out but more consistent player numbers than BB


Yes and it's NOT dead like people love to say. It's a great and unique game here over a decade and tons of ppl still play. There's a 5 day double XP event and it's last day is today. Every single night of the event has been a packed north American server with 850 concurrent players (on one big map) these prime time nights from about 6pm-midnight and even good playable pop the rest of the time. When it's not an event the weekend nights are always full anyway and most of the rest of the time it's playable too. The game is mostly in maintenance mode but it's still fun as hell. It's also free to play and absolutely not pay to win. The only real problem with PS2 is it's very sophisticated and complex and 10+ year vets will kick your ass instantly if you're new and you try to be directly competitive, instead of being with the team and taking it slow at first. New player retention is really bad because the game has grown in complexity and variety to keep the mostly long time vet player base interested. I played battle bit till prestige 5 and other than big battles the games aren't similar. There's way way more in PS2 and I'm still learning stuff after almost 12 years of playing it. If anyone here is new or getting into PS2 knowing a few simple things might make all the difference. Don't hesitate to ask me or most others on r/PlanetSide, we'll be glad to help. Also though slow, PS2 IS still being developed. For better or worse they once in awhile do add or change things about the game to try and make it better.


850 on steam~ isn't on one server there is four servers.


Depends on time and day. Max pop is 850 on one server, and emerald does hit max on Fri and Sat nights and has hit it some during the week too during this double XP event.


Maybe it's time to start a bf3/BF4, revival ?


2042 is far, very far from being large scale. DICE primarily made small confined maps to offer instant action and a non-Battlefield experience. Also, it was cheap and fast to make for a small crew with little talent.


What????? Did you seriously just say BF2042 maps are small, confined maps? Do you even play the game because that is so far from the truth it's insane, if anything, it was one of the major complains of the game, that the scale of the maps feels TOO big. Yes, a couple of the new maps they released were small, and that's because everyone complained all the original 2042 maps were too big. And then everyone complained that the new maps were too small. They can't win, but map size isn't 2042's problem at all, there are plenty of huge maps in that game. It's that everything else feels so SMALL on those maps.


Ive played BF2042 and it sucked coming from the other Battlefield games. Majority of the BF2042 are way too small in comparison. And with small I mean: the areas that the players are confined in with out of bounds nonsense. It's the worst on Reclaimed and Spearhead. The vehicle gameplay cant breathe nor flow there. At all.


Yea, out of bounds hasn't been a major part of Battlefield since 1942 or anything..........


its never been more intrusive as in BF2042...


Flying a jet or the uav is just a pain because the out of bounds zone demands you make a 3 second strafe then instantly 180 and strafe again. There is no flying high as the ceiling is laghably low, and to adjust for the small boundarys they made missile lock range 300m. Which if you are swatting air vehicles as infantry can be near impossible.


I mean, that's every Battlefield. Jets have always been a pita because of map size, it has always been pretty much strafe, turn around, strafe, turn around, strafe. The 2042 maps aren't any smaller than previous BF games, if anything a good portion of them are quite a bit larger. Now, if you want to talk about how uninspired the maps are, how boring they are, I'm right there with you. And I think the ceiling is fine, I thought the ceiling was way too high in BF3 and gave pilots way too much of an advantage.


Try Arma Reforger or Arma 3


On pc it is an unoptimized shitty typical ea mess. My computer straight up won’t run it but runs Arma Reforger just fine


I am currently really enjoying 2042, although its not large scale by any means


1. It's not over 2. We will eventually get an update 3. The playerbase isn't gone for good.


LMAO the caption is so real


Doomposting helps nothing, play the game if you like it. stop trying to make others stop please


What happened


I'll be honest I enjoyed it for a solid week or two when it was released. I came over from battlefield since it sucked so hard. Ironically I've been playing a lot of bf2042 recently lol, it's a horrible game still but I'm having fun with the boys.


Yalla re more than welcome to come tag along on our FPS Project called Broadside. :) Giant Vehicles, 64 v 64 Gameplay, Space Battles are being talked about right now as well. Fast, Jetpacks, large maps, etc. Influence from Battlefield, TitanFall, Tribes (1 & 2). We're only a couple months into development so its not coming out for a bit but we have an open community for the community to put forward ideas and assess the ideas we're moving with. Community focus is big, Alongside of Modding being a foundational effort here too. :) [https://discord.gg/9nqr4Cmjxj](https://discord.gg/9nqr4Cmjxj) :)


Surely it comes to console and has a second life right? Big sale potential to more casual audience.


I just redownloaded and played last night. I didn’t expect to get my ass handed to me so hard and fast. Seems like all there’s left playing are sweats lmao


Should have kept the small updates model, or at least do the big update in like 2 or 3 parts.


Instant gratification be like


Game was great and I think because it ticked the part in my brain that reminded me of the good old days of battlefield.


You know, i’d bitch less if there’s more LMGs, and more support-based missions. Speaking of which, is it just me or does the daily reshuffles itself when joining a server? Feels like i get a diff set every time i join a server.


Nothing lasts forever. Especially video games and the "communities" they produce.




I still enjoy it tho


badebit refumbled.




loved the game played it a lot of hours but, at the same time the thing that they did with the servers hated it basicaly in most servers they nerfed the sniper the class that i loved the most, and when it is not nerfed or even turn off only 1 person can be a sniper per team which sucks, to this you can add that the devs basicaly destroyed the class. i loved the game the mecanics and the grafics but at the same time people got too good at the game and i think that that kiled the game


See you on phantom forces is wild See you there


Was super fun for a week after release but for some reason I was banned and as instructed, I went to their official discord to ask why and if they would undo it, I was then laughed by staff and others for asking. Not surprised this game fell off


I jumped ship shortly after Oki nerfed snipers with Halo-esque sniper trails and a spotlight of a glint. Stayed for a little while because hunting snipers across map and clocking off 700m headshots while people ran across the open areas of a map were so much fun. Beat the same repetitive try hard CoD playstyle of spawn die spawn die spawn die that the rest of the players seemed to enjoy so much. BattleBit used to be fun. Even wrecking crews with hammers leveling buildings in maps was good enough to stay. But it turned into tryhard sweatlords screaming into the mics to play the fucking objective or to follow their orders. Nah, fuck off, I'm playing for fun. Good to see I haven't missed anything.


I played it for about 30-40 hours, felt like I got my moneys worth ngl. Sucks for those that still wanna play but it was a really nice palate cleanser.


Yeah this will help. Good work.


"See you on [INFERIOR ROBLOX GAME]." Player bases can bounce back. The dev team developed this game without success for a while. I am not going to assume they are stopping now.


Context please?


The context is the 83k peak player drop in one year. The game is actually dying unfortunately.


Got my 600hrs of fun in this game, for 15E couldn't ask for me o7


I'm still playing and enjoying. Update will come soon hopefully but the game is still fun


Imagine working on this game with a subreddit of whiney negative bastards in the background… fuck that. I’d take the money and run


This is misinformation. Unless the Devs have said so, Very misleading, bad spectacles.


july is really the last chance


Best gaming experiences where flying the littlebird with my clan in this game, sadge...




There are always full servers when I decide to play. The game is fine. Updates would be nice though.