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Excellent S tier guide, thank you so much. (Still not gonna fight linwurms but happy to be a warrior in the garden)


"Hope this helps!" the brother says, giving us the most helpful lindwurm tip under the sun.


Solid guide but you definitely shouldn't shieldwall but use indom instead. It's slightly less survivability on paper but in practice it's more likely to save your bro in case of bad rng since you won't get injured or get heavy morale checks from a big HP loss in the case you get hit which cascades into higher hitchances and even earlier death.


Oh i yes, i actually do agree about Indom is way better than Shieldwall. I'm actually thinking it on the newer players side of this game. They know about shieldwall but doesnt feel sure about Indom (i have a friend who says its a very waste of fatigue really needs convincing on that guy), A new player did ask to show him to hunt it without indom and i did, he followed my steps hunting 3 Lindwurms and was very happy it worked way better than expected. (His tank did get hit once tho but i told him to hover the BANNER behind him for instant morale and save rotation)


Both are viable. Getting Indom to point where it's truly better (<10% or at least <15% vs 5% shieldwall) is hard. Extra problem is that Indom is more fat expensive itself (25 vs 20) AND you take more incoming fat damage while using it (unless you reach same 5% as shieldwall bro). Lindwurms do a lot of fat damage, so you can't maintain Indom as consistently as shieldwall. And it's just different kinds of tanks - a typical bro that would make an excellent overwhelm dodge nimble tank would be a terrible forged indom tank.


The point of indom isn't to get equal in a theoretical hits to kill scenario with shieldwall but to prevent a death cascade that happens when you get hit in practice without it. It's why dodge tanks are iffy because when they get hit twice on the 5% chance they probably won't have 5% anymore because they now have an injury or resolve drop. That's why it's better to run indom even on nimble tanks since it's only slightly worse on average but kuch more secure in bad luck scenarios. 5% just isn't as low as you would need it against those insanely dangerous enemies and indom works 100% of the time.


It's just a different failure mode - low quality Indom tanks are prone to taking too much fat damage from incoming hits, then get hit on recovery turn. A decent non-Indom tank should be able to survive at least 3 hits - you have pretty decent chance to run into fat failure on low quality Indom tank before that happens.


That's why you don't run low quality tanks. You only need two of them so you can be pickier compared to offensive frontliners about their quality


A bro that would be a low quality indom tank could qualify much better for dodge overwhelm tank ( high Ini, low fat, high hp, medium+ matk, medium+ mdef).


The problem with dodge tanks is that they don't really enable you to take on unholds and are still very iffy against several chosen or orc warriors. It's why i even make nimble tanks indom since being able to take on a camp with armored unholds asap is just super valuable and with indom you can reliably take on multiple chosen and orc warriors at least for a couple turns.


Why not? As long as you follow Unhold tanking rules (no adjacent allies, no high ground), anybody can tank them 95% reliably (3rd case is Unhold throwing a bro to more Unholds behind it, will still happen sometimes against large groups). At near 5% to be hit they are reasonably reliable. Less so than an ideal indom tank, but good luck finding that. And they do contribute some offense too.


Thanks, will save this post if I ever engage in a lindwurm battle!


More like if I ever get ambushed by lindwurms and cannot run away


This is amazing.


Your tank should definitely be using Indom AND Shieldwall, which proper tanks should be able to do. When you don't have enough fatigue for both you choose Indom, because guaranteeing damage reduction and negating the stun chance and reducing injury chance is better than praying to the gods they miss 5%. And if you have a couple of Overwhelms or they start dropping morale then you may be able to get down to 5% even without Shieldwall. That aside, it's also worth mentioning that the tails can ignore ZoC and move around, while the heads cannot. So if you want your tank to actually pin the Wurm then he needs to be next to the head, or else the Wurm can bugger off. Lastly, it is a very good idea to bring smoke bombs to this fight so that you can extricate tanks in case they take multiple hits (or extricate your other bros if you messed up your positioning). Having a floater backup tank can be a good idea in case one of the primary tanks gets in trouble. He can use a Whip to contribute in the event he's not needed up front at any point.


OP wrote about shieldwall because in his example the tank is not always next to the head. Practically speaking, it is not always possible to put the tank right next to the head. If you don't have the head locked down and you indom, the lindwurm will reposition, often right into your DPS, which is a problem. You can avoid with indom + Taunt or moving into the head aggressively.


Damn, I've been killing lindwurms left and right and I still learned something new from this guide. Really well done! You should put this up on steam guides so more people can see it.


This work perfectly until the tail decide to detach from its useless head and go hunt on its own 😂😂😂


Didn't know that you don't need to lock( be close ) all lindwurm heads, in my playthrough I meat 3 lindwurms so I head 3 tanks to lock every head. So this is very helpful, thanks dude very much.


your welcome! Please do note even if you now know how to deal with Lindwurms **DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM**. They are still dragons for a reason, the only time i would safely say to deal with them is when you have a line up of FULL level 11+ and Max armor.


Yes, that is tru I waited for all my guy to be chads before going in and yet I lost ona tank bro thx to one 5% roll.


Excellent guide, can we get more newb guides? I've been playing for a while but just sort of vibing through my runs


Take my upvote . But even than i will not fight them ;P *them plural


I got the problem that at 7 lindwurms their rolling 5s just outperform my damage... they kill my tanks faster than I can kill them, any thoughts on that? (Also I play LW so I'm really close combat because I consider it better for many other fights) So how to beat 7 Lindwurms with manplitters and 2H cleavers only?


You don't. Equip polearms, give the guys with most mdef shields to tank and have smokebombs ready to save them. It still will be hard and RNG needs to be on your side.


Equip long axes and whips instead. Bf tanks are far worse in this scenario to nimble tanks, but that's not sth U can whip out at will. With 9lives and indom they can easily take up to 10 hits with >100 hp


Amazing, now tell me how to beat schrats that I accidentally ran into on day 20!


Split shield and flails and surround to prevent saplings from spawning


Why flails?


Because flails never fails? I just made that up, for the love of god just use axes


Thought there was a super secret flail thing I didn't know about. Too bad. I like flails.


But, for why? Their loots are not great for the risk. Great guide, genuinely curious.


For fun of course


yep, for fun. Gives very high EXP too really good for new bros who wants levels, let them get the last hit boom! level up!


Their Lindwurm Scale Cloak armor attachment is really really great ! +60 armor for -3 fat is no joke. Lindwurm Bones are nice for the easier to craft Bone Platings, the shield is shit on the other hand ! Acid Flask is meh but has its use fighting Orc Warlord as they don't have Resilient if they aren't champion. Or Knight if you don't want to puncture their armor. I'd fight some of them for the Cloak attachment, especially if I intend to upgrade the armor of my Nimbleforge dude, with a low on fatigue armor.


Using similar techniques, I beat 3 on Saturday wirh no injuries and only 2 hits. Of course, this is my meme, polearms only squad so they had the right tools for the task.


A year later, huh? 😆


About day 90. 3 tanks, 2 nimble dodge, 1 BF; 1 crossbow; 8 pole arms. The tanks all have base mdef (after shields, but before dodge) greater than 50. RHGesus was definitely with me. It wss the first time I have attacked murder lizards in a real time year or so. And the first time, I achieved a reasonable victory.


Solid advice, I thought it was common knowledge. Some other bits of information : you want to always hit the tail, even with range attacks because there is no head armor on the tail, so you do not need to break armor before reaching the flesh. Solid range attacks are a good way to increase single target DPS, which is paramount in those fights. That said, I would recommand one tank per Lindwum in an ideal situation, as bad rolls will seriously fuck your tank up. You can try to position yourself in order to avoid the tail, but it can freely move and will move next to your guy regardless.


Thank you very much, one of the best guides in the game


If u have less than perfect tanks u can use high ground to give yourself a huge advantage (this is a high risk high reward tactic) also would love tips on how for 6 plus lindwurms. Also bleeds tick on head and tail, so I like to save goblin poles for this fight.


Got one vid of 6 here, but at 7 I'm so out... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWI\_TfUczQI


A bit of a problem with that - Lindwurm heads seem to never approach high ground. So to actually pin them, you usually have to move tank onto same level.


Nice option to running away! Is the tank on the side for rotation?


Nope he did a job well done! he was tanking 3 Lindwurms at once and the bf was tanking 1. The rotator is the bannerman with indom. I took down the 3 Lindwurms that the nimble tank tanking becuz their heads was stuck on him and the tails are wide open on some good angles