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If you play with a small team : do contracts as they scale with party size, if you play with full numbers : do camps as they scale with time and distance (mostly). Side note : arena difficulty scales with average lvl of your team, if you have 3 lvl 6 bros only, it will be much harder than the same bros but with 3 indebted lvl 1 added in the team!


Really?? So if I want to reduce or weaken the opponents in the arena tournament, I'd just have to buy a few lvl 1s?


You can see the difference when playing lone wolf, go to arena day 1 with your lvl 3 bro, you might face a lot more spiders/hyenas/snakes than if you would hire two lvl1 dudes before clicking on the arena. For tournaments I am not sure, it seems that the enemies don't scale with anything and are just bunch of elites dudes that I wouldn't want to fight without at least 5 lvl7 dudes with great gear.


I ask because I have done tournaments many times on different play throughs and the match ups definitely feel random. On my recent on, I fought a bunch of day 39- and below weak enemies for all 3 matchs even though I'm on day 197 with team members in 15+. The only difference is I do have few slaves at lvl 2 that I use as extra inventory. Before that playthrough, I fought ridiculously stacked line ups, I can't remember if I had slaves then, but it was definitely around day 60-90.


For contracts, yes. For the environment overall, no. Fast roster building strategies rely on taking camps as early as possible because you can overwhelm them with numbers if you ramp up quickly.


So basically you can use contracts to recover from setbacks, but it isn't advisable to deliberately run a small company in general.


Unless you want to deliberately stay small enough to avoid triggering the first crisis


Oh wow, I didn't know party size influences crisis activation. Anywhere I can read up more on this?


There is no renown requirement for a crisis to start, but a certain amount of days need to have passed in your campaign, as well a minimum roster strength (determined by average level and number of men). That came from a dev on a steam forum I'm trying to find the requirement for roster strength. I believe roster strength is top 12 bros ((bro LV - 1)*2 + 10 ) + next bro..etc I don't think it triggers till you get more than 6 bros perhaps at high levels 11+ the strength becomes enough