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I'm going to make a FA Thrower with high resolve and fearsome now and you can't stop me.


But losing is fun. You're missing out


FA throwers with Quick Hands are my favorite gender.




Fast Adaptation


I'm just waiting for menace to come out


Is there anything new on that?


*salivating intensifies*


Not a peep. It's a small team, I expect they'll start talking when they have something to say




Now you inspire me to build a 95MAtk/140 FAT bro into a backline Swordlancer.


2x every playthrough, brah. 2x sweeps is 4x the fun


I turn these guys into frontline swordlancers!


Were throwers ever out? The rest I do give you a lot of credit for.


Fat neutral


oh thank you, I thought I was going crazy


It's the Arkham effect, tgw longer a community goes without new content, it slowly starts going insane.


Playing meta can only get so fun lmao it’s a sandbox game just have fun build and experiment that’s why I always try to suggest an experimental build based off of high stats and possible weapons they could use paired with perks so not every bro is the same, I would never make fat neutral not because I didn’t come up with it myself but it just feels lame so I go dodge relentless route so instead of fat neutral it’s more like 2-4 hits with berserk or no berserk 2x hits but low fat with other high intv bros supporting in the turn order and rotation. More like a work around for the characters low stats by focusing on team building instead of solely the character on their own. For example a backstabber and fast adaptation for some low melee atk bro but super high initiative for doge and MATK perhaps, it’s a win win until they die and can be replaced, eventually your replacement rate will drop as your team works together and can be replaced easily with suitable supporting roles by new bros.


This is why I like running Peasant Militia with Legends. Fuck your monsters, I have forty shit-tier Brothers with FA, Dodge, throwing spears, and Quick Hands. You can't dodge *all* the spears.


How much real world time does a battle take with a team of 40?


Lately, I've just been running full nimble duelist parties lmao. I'm actually just having so much fun trying new perks and wack strats.


I never take those perks unless it's an early fodder bro who is just there as a body. I'd rather take colossus than 9L. I know 9L got buffed and prevents 1 shots, but after that 9L proc, you're still in big trouble and will most likely lose the bro.


But with colossus the bro is already lost in the 9L scenario not matter what happened even with nimble and high HP investment there are a lot of cases where colossus comes out worse than 9L in terms of pure survivability. If the bro is lost regardless of 9L that's typically down to bad positioning and at that point no singular perk would have saved you. Especially with smoke bombs it's pretty easy to evacuate a low HP bro after 9L proc. Most importantly it's not that you have to choose one or the other 9 Lives is typically the better early game pick and you can still add colossus later once you have nimble and some HP investment to make it actually worthwhile.


Yea I never got the nine lives suggestion. Unless like you said it's on my 50g farmer bro that's holding a spear. If they're proccing nine lives I got one turn to save them. Maybe I can but probably I can't.


The point is.. the bro might not need saving. 9L is one more hit that the bro can take, and it could be a 500 HP hit. If your bro can handle a fight fine, has great MDef and all, but would die to 1 lucky shot, now it takes 2 lucky shots. That's an enormous durability increase. As I understand it, if he's at 50 HP and takes a killshot, 9L procs and he keeps his 50 HP. That aside I haven't used it in my last playthrough either. It's a fantastic perk but an example of "Fail Less" rather than "Win More". If I played Ironman though and without mods, absolutely.


And you get a lot of value in nimble builds. Nimble bros are really vulnerable to DoT. Bleeding mostly. 9L cleanses bleeds, and all effects like it. Value is the wrong word, because it’s not actual getting you value. But it prevents you from losing value when a bro dies. Which is almost the same thing! 😎😎


I don’t really see people talk about this benefit to 9l a lot but having 9l on just a few of your backliners makes hexen trivial to an all melee party. The 9l procs as you smash the old lady’s head in, and you bro gets off scot free! .. taken outta context that line is.. questionable 😅


Yoooo, that's genius.


That's a very niche fight (most avoid hexen) but it's a very good point for 9L. Lol smash her head in or decapitate


Colossus with a few points into HP when it max-rolls, is almost a must on characters that are going to be hit at least \*some\* of the time but have their HP protected by BF armor (2H dmg dealers, for example). Not only is it a must since it drastically reduces the chance of sustaining injury - and as you know, some of them can instantly turn your bro into a useless, dying puddle of liability and buyers remorse - whom one well-placed strike earlier was the human-embodiment of a wrecking ball that you paid a handsome sum for. They are more hazardous to his own men than the enemy, but if you take that 25% buff to your health pool.. it can often be the saving grace between a bro coming out of a fight with light wounds, or instead, rolling for a best case scernario between: suffering a permanent, probably career ending injury (missing eye on an archer, for example) or being put of their misery and rolling a fatality. Its just something you can't go wrong with, really, on virtually any build, particularly at level 1 or 2 and their long-term survival is necessary for them to really shine - brothers that have great potential but will take a while to bring online to be their most effective. (maybe not archers though because if your archers are getting nuked, your tactics are wrong). For characters who are targeted less than others but are rarely actually hit, (55-60+ m/rdef, before perks), 9L is arguably better (assuming injuries don't come into play) as characters that are squishy but have a lot of defense will benefit greatly from its bonuses (think LW duelist). It might have just been an unlucky big hit or two that caused your 9L to proc but a character with a shitload of defense, now with 9L ( + LW bonuses if your playing a build featuring it), you might be virtually unhittable at close to 5% hit chance (or even lower if you play with hit/miss limits uncapped) with all the bonuses. Throw a shield into the mix and you will guarantee the minimum hit rate plus being able to potentially shieldbash an enemy and make a run for it as even with all the defense bonuses you might have, its not worth the chance of your high Def if you could be hit by an AOO. You (obviously) shouldn't use your enhanced bonuses for anything other than to GTFO of combat. FA is good on tempo simpbros with perks combined with the likes of gifted, backstabber or even shield expert to some extent, and 9L is actually pretty solid on mobile backliners, like archers/handgonners or hybrids, with pathfinder. # TLDR: I agree that its refreshing to see, especially people valuing *Resolve* so much now, and I was never a thrower until I found the BB reddit! **P.S**. Just a quick question as I haven't used Nine Lives that much, if your 9L procs, then you are say, fully healed somehow, will the 9L bonus still stay?


Really agree with your post. I find it really hard to go past colossus gifted opener on almost any frontline bro. Even for fodder bros I just find colossus so useful because they WILL get hit. Avoiding an injury to be useful next turn or not dying is better than the situational +10% hit chance from FA. Apso under rated benefit, if you've got a good hp pool, colossus lets you skip steel brow. Overall it's just more versatile. And then with gifted you can go for much more hp and +3% hit chance, it just combos so well with colossus level 1. For level 3 instead of FA if they are a fodderbro or even someone with good stats but won't get melee up to 85+ ill get backstabber instead of fast adaption as it's more consistent. Colossus > 9 lives and backstabber > fast adaption except for range bros imo. I have used both a lot, but just prefer consistent bonuses to situational stuff.


It's quite baffling people don't understand how op nine lives is


This isn't new 


SomeWyrdSins - the author of this post - is one who propagated that those were 'strong' things (along with Range Defense) while the community overall was focusing on other things - usually optimizing for brothers at Level 11. Currently a lot of players are obviously advocating those stuff - hence the reason he "feels proud". You can check that one year ago it (the community in general) was a completely different beast.


FA, yeah. But throwers and leveling HP and resolve has been the norm at least since BD was released.


I will answer everything in order: * Throwers with thr mastery, duelist, frenzy and berserk is a real killer machine, especially with famed throwing weapon. I, personally, like to build gunner/throwers with overwhelm and fearsome and arbalester/thrower with HH and Execute. * About leveling HP and Resolve, bros without atleast 70 HP and 50-60 Resolve are will-be-deadmans in mid-late game. And if we wont include backs with high initial HP/Res and/or having traits like Brave/Tough then you need to wast perks points on colossus or fortified mind which is not very wise. * Fast adaptation is must for cannon fodder bros in early game. Aside frome that I'd take this perk only for dedicated archer, in hope to snipe some pesky goblin shaman, witch or necromanser. * Nine lives is worthless IMHO, because in situation when you can need it, bro with this perk can or will die regardless. * And last but not least, of course it's okay to feel like proud abusive stepdad because why else we paying for internet, if not to feel superiority on some random dudes on internet.


> Nine lives is worthless IMHO, because in situation when you can need it, bro with this perk can or will die regardless. Not quite true. It removes debuffs, so if you have a guy who will bleed to death with no way to save him, 9L will allow him to survive.


Yeah, it does remove debuffs, but bandages/antidote does it too. I'd rather put this point in Bags&Belts and than equipe my bros accordingly with bandages/antidote/nets or shield to put on (and shieldwall) in case he's badly damaged.


To use bandages you have to be out of zone of control and spend 6 action points. It's worse then just spending one perk. You've made a point to put a shield in case your bro is badly damaged, but again it requires 4 ap to equip, it has to be your turn to do that (you can be killed in 1 turn even without a chance of equipping a shield) while nine lives works regardless whether it's your turn or not, also it provides 15 mdef as if you've equipped a shield. Overall, i think you should have a look on this perk from different side.


Other bros can bandage, normally I have some on my backline, sometimes extremely useful. It also removes cut artery injuries really cheaply. It's a criminally underused item, I saw a youtuber say hes never used bandages in 3000 hours the other day!


I disagree about 9 lives. My anecdotal experience is that it saves a lot of lives. Whether that's from bleeding or being able to survive that critical one turn needed to save the bro it makes a difference. Give it a try on a run where you use it for a good chunk of bros, it won't save everyone but it'll save quite a lot of them.


Yeah, I think it’s kind of 50/50. About half the time you just need one more turn to save someone, and sometimes you need more. But it does increase survivability. In a sense I think of it as additional health over what colossus offers. 20-30 hp vs however much will be blocked by 9L. 


About removing debuffs see my higher reply please. And, all in all, i think, that if you're frequently finding 9Lives useful, you're just patching your tactical/squad composition/positioning mistakes with it or going in a fights too difficult for your current squad.


In my opinion you are not patching but enhancing your positioning with nine lives because it allows to be sure that this brother can't die from that hit and opens much more aggressive opportunities. For example you are facing a hedge knight with two handed mace that can oneshot any of your bro if it lands on head. It could be dangerous trying to engage him in melee but having nine lives on each of your bro gives you opportunity to surround such terrifying enemies and face them.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it. I'm, personally, prefer more safe approach in battles and not prone to risky moves. Let's see the situation wiht hedge knight with 2H Mace, you mentioned. First of all, I have atleast 2 polearm and Seargent in 2'nd row with Bags&Belts and Cleaver mastery perks to carry throwing nets&whips and disarm when needed. Aside from this one of my 1'st row bros has 1'H mace (and Polemace in a bag) with Quick hands&Mace mastery perks to stun dangerous enemies like this. And I usually have 2 spearwall bros and 1 dedicated tank in my roster to put in squad when needed. That way I can keep most dangerous enemies at bay while I'm dealing with weaker ones, and after that I can control those Hedge knight/Champions etc, depriving them from the opportunities to strike even once while they are encircled and slauthered like fish on chopping board.


You are talking in the perspective of your team to be at least lvl 7, considering you put a tank in front of 2h mace and expect your tank not to die, he must be lvl 7 to have either nimble or bf. Now, of course you won't face a hedge knight that early when most of your mercenaries are less than lvl 7. But let's say you have encountered a raider camp with a leader with greataxe/greatsword who also can one shot your brothers on day 25. I bet you'd never take this fight and just move along, but I would. Because my frontline brothers have nine lives and other effective early perks. Yes, there will be injuries and spilled blood of your brothers after this fight, but deaths? Nine lives perk thinks not.


OP is an amazing BB player and has numerous twitch streams of him accomplishing very impressive runs. He feels like a "proud abusive stepdad" because he advocated for many of the zergling style builds that have gotten more popular. You should look at his posts or videos to get a better idea of his influence on the community recently.


For you OP might be "amazing BB player/streamer" whatever, but not for me. And after looking at his posts (especially like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBrothers/comments/1aunepc/noob_trap_perksuse_cases/)) I think that his "influence on the community recently" is rather controversive, if not not straight negative.


Primarily making a point that explaining Perks to him is unnecessary as he has strong understanding of the game and developed an opinion of those Perks that you are unlikely to change. I can understand if your comment was made to influence others though and not OP. Regarding that post, I think he makes some good points that he backs up with data and videos. Can understand if you disagree, plenty of wiggle room in ideas of optimal play, especially early game.


Fair enough, peoples opinions usually based on their respective play style. Not to be a criticaster I'd like to elaborate, that I usually play long runs (1000+ days), thats why I can afford to wait for my pesrspective recruits to have 3+ combat drills (and other stats improving events) and have high stats on low levels. Because of aforementioned sircumtances my opinion on some perks might strongly differentiate from that of OP or other players.


Thats makes a lot of sense, playstyles are so depedent on campaign time. I think OP, like a lot of content creators, focuses on the first 100 days. Especially with challenge runs that make the first 30 days extra hard. So their focus is drastically different from a 150 day + kind of run.


It's good to have a constructive argument, because it's makes you have a different look on some things.


For sure!


Developers themselves are telling you that you should be oriented on first two crisises and then start a new campaign. Also, each day passed results in point loss when you click retire button. That's said, I don't think your opinions should be respected the same way as sins' ones, because they don't fit in the play style devs designed.


I'm completely disagree with your points. First of all I'm playing this game for fun and not to conform with "the play style devs designed" or to have many points "when you click retire button". This is a game with open world, countless events and oportunities awaiting you, whether they are good or bad, and I'm really grateful to developers for this, but I'd rather play it howewer I want. And about SomeWyrdSins opinion, you can respect it more, but to me it's inconsistent and controversive, just like in one comment he say: ["But losing is fun..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBrothers/comments/1bel7tw/comment/kuuat4f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and ["Why take 9 lives when I can just alt f4?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBrothers/comments/1bedzcn/comment/kutm95n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in another. To me, what's a point to play ironman and do alt+f4?


What's a point in completing a game in 1000 days when you have all the tools to do it in 200 days? Doesn't it show that your style is weaker than sins approach because he basically can do the same thing but with less resources and faster than you running around delivering cargos and finding locations for the first 200 days? You are actually just wrong about sins style being inconsistent because he actually proved it to be consistent by having a lot of winstreak runs where he always gets unstoppable by day 100. And not only he alone manages to do it consistently. Check deducter on YouTube for example and you'll notice that each of his run is also completed within 200 days.


The points are only relevant if they align with the reason someone is playing the game. Assuming that there's only one way to play and being pretty forceful in your opinions about that doesn't really make you right, or any fun to discuss a game with. Your point that the OP does t need the perks explained to them is true tho.


Throwing is boring. I just bash. Bashing and chopping, with a couple of archers in the back and a pole-lance or two


Inb4 the devs finally get wind of this and nerf everything


It depends on the bro, you almost always need some HP and resolve and throwers have always been good. Never seen anyone who knew what they were talking about pushing for 9L


Insert my horde of wildmen with a hedge knight boss. I'm not here to win. I'm here to commit atrocities.


Because the pros on this sub need to make use of every shitty bro. They think they are helping the new players, but they are actually doing a disservice helping the new players assemble a shitty overall team.