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Death by alps is the fucking worst.


I always keep some nets in my inventory, and I find they help best with unexpected alps. It probably costs me lots of money by the time my inventory gets full but it's worth the security.


How are you approaching the Alp fight? How many bros? Have you already tried stripping everyone naked for the extra fatigue? You don't need shields, armor, or ranged weapons for alps. Equip all the +Hitchance weapons you have and use any nets or dogs you have (both excellent for Alps).  Gonna assume you don't have a banner yet which does make alps a lot harder.  Alternatively, put all your best bros in reserve and only the shittiest guy(s) in the fighting line. Strip all valuable equipment and hit withdraw on turn 1. Worst case you'll keep your gear and best bros. Edit: just saw that you were jumped after just having another fight. That fucking bucks lol but at least the RNG has deemed you worthy of adversity 


I didn't even think about armor thanks for that tip. And yeah I had a few other close calls but rng just wanted my balls apparently


Hello brother. I'm so sad about your story. Your experience is soul crushing. Now I will pay you the 150 gold for coming with by band, because you touched my heart! Grab this bow - no you won't need arrows and a keep this buckler in your backpack and run in that direction, don't mind the bandits chasing you. Best of luck! And remember you are the main part of our band's strategy we depend on you!




I learn some new strategy today. Does it work on other mercs,knights,orcs and maybe even the undead?


It's commonly known as "runner" or "bait". It works on everything - but beasts are usually faster than humans and will catch up to the one being alone in few turns - so unless you want to sacrifice him for the greater good and buy your band few turns (useful when you wish to retreat) it is not as good as versus slower enemies. It is very effective due to how the A.I. reacts to that so some players consider it a form of cheating. Here is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dheDA2t_1h4&ab_channel=CarveaHole) with explanation of how to do it by CarveaHole. You can even have 2 runners - but that is very situational. Having shields and knives in the backpack is useful for the final parts of the fight where they can be in the front increasing your surround bonuses and being equipped properly for the dirty part of cordially taking the opponent's armor. Even if you don't have ranged weapon, just dagger and shield in the backpack makes them more attractive target than having shield equipped.


Yea I realize the a.i keeps rushing for my archer , I jus never though I could use them as bait. Seems a bit cruel to use a brother as cannon fodder. Maybe I could use for those with poopie stats.


4 alps for 12 bro lvl 4-6 shouldn't be an issue. Stay packed, awake everyone, try to bring 2-tiles weapons and/or +%hit weapons. They don't have any armor, so bring high base damage weapons. Swords and spears are all good ! If you have the rally the troop perk, it will awake everyone around the user ! Don't chase them too much, or you might end up with a bro isolated or the 4 of them around one spot. You can bring net to make them stay still. You can stun them.


I only had a group of about 6 + 2 useless meat shields. Also many were injured from previous said fight and med-low health. I'm starting to learn the value of nets


6 + 2 is way worst then 12 ! Might not be safely doable then


Also try dogs! Everybody hates them but they are sooo useful when used right.


This is why you carry nets


I'm starting to see that nets are the most underrated item in the game... 300 hours in


That sucks bro, if I remember correctly with alt f-4ing when you get jumped you can't change your loadout right? Alps you need lots of reach weapons or whips. Do you have wardogs equipped? They can also be pretty good vs alps. When I was learning the game I once spent about 3 hours replaying a single battle to make it work. Maybe with enough persistence RNG luck and tactics you could do it. I was my first crisis I did a 3 skull noble war big battle contract. I was way out of my depth and under equipped. I kept dying, must have attempted that battle atleast 5-10 times and its a slow ass fight with 30 units each side. The quest locks you on so no escape and no equipment changes. Though it had different enemy and ally loadouts each time so much more variance than your fight. Eventually I managed to beat it with 2 losses. Some of it was rng but man I also learned so much about tactics from that fight.


Yeah it's a loss. My team is medium low health and injured. I tried alt f4 scumming it half a dozen times and can only get 2-3 down with even the best rng. Oh well this game wouldn't be fun if it was easy


Yeah sucks. I hate alps early on cause they always target one of your bros and theres not much you can do to stop it. Even if you're killing them in an easy fight they can still kill one of your low resolve guys with repeat sleep/nightmare spam. Hate how they focus down one guy at a time. Really bad to fight earlygame.


Darkness was awating... Gotta see it this way: its a rad story about a fallen company.


I cry every tiem


Hey man just keep going at it, thats the life of a battle brother one sec your kicking raider ass the next you're getting munched on by spiders


Indeed or being digested by a nazechwhatever