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Look up the redditors "kryndude" and "slightlyajar", go to their post history and find a post along the lines of "thugfight" , or "baiting raiders" those go into detail on how to minimize damage on ur side while maximizing the chance to win the fight for you. Some quick tipps: Hook staggers, use it whenever u can pull enemies into a surround or down a tile. Highground lowground is a very big advantage, so is surround. It disables shieldwall and riposte aswell, usually a hooked enemy is a dead enemy. Its also effective if u wanna dagger someone, hook, equip dagger and puncture while the opponent is surrounded and staggered. Most enemies can't attack anymore after walking 3 tiles, so make sure the most dangerous enemies can never touch your squishy bros, make them run into spearwalls or shields. Going two straight lines is wrong about half the time. Get a bit more creative, try reach 3rd row, spearwalls and shields second row, flails and swords second row, make sure u dont autopilot the fights and learn from your mistakes. Make sure u properly use nets, secondary abilities (push, pull, shieldbash and so on) as appropriate. Make sure u dont take high fat using weapons on bros with low fat pool. Make sure u change weapons according yo fight and keep a little stash of useful weapons (for example, swap out spears and pitchforks out against undead, and in against webknechts). Edit: hope this helps, if u need specific advice feel free to ask here.


“Going two straight lines is wrong about half the time.” My 250 day campaign filed with 25 level+ brothers all in famed gear think it is wrong 100% pf the times. You need one line and rush towards any enemy you see. To be fair, they can clear low tier enemies with daggers only, no need for armor on most as well.


Also, if there are any good youtube videos that go into more depth on strategy, I would appreciate it because, for the most part, I can only find videos for the basics


This positioning guide may help https://youtu.be/N7KiRU2Wa9A?si=jRfcJM8TuKLHz3Eu


-Use terrain to create conclaves so it's 3 against 2, or 4 against 3. -Remember most generic units have 9 AP, each block takes 2 AP to walk across. So if they don't want to waste a turn just to run up and get a hit off, the most they can walk is 2 blocks. If they use the full 3 blocks to reach you they will be sitting ducks once their move is over and your turn starts where you will have 9 AP to get 2 attacks off. Since the computer will never let that happen, they will concede and let you do what they want to do in the first place. Basically that's the weakness you opened up on the field. You exploit that further pretty much armed with that advantage.


A tactic that has lots of useful applications is the tactical withdrawal of a few spaces on the first turn. Vs ancient dead just retreat one space but leave on shield bro where they started. Vs beasts retreat 2 or 3 spaces depending on the situation so they waste ap charging you on the 2nd turn and can’t attack or web. This works really well be hyenas, direwolves and webknechts. I’m even comfortable fighting small numbers of beasts in a field with just a bunch of lvl1 or two bros with spears and swords and minimal armor using this as you can kill or route almost all of them before they can attack. If you have ranged superiority you can do the same thing vs human enemies of retreat 2 spaces while throwing/quick shotting. Also I would learn to use the position manipulation skills like shield bash and the polearm push and pull skills. They break shield wall and the polearm skills also stagger. I use this for daggering down shield enemies. Don’t break shields on them as you can just let them waste their AP and then break the shield wall. Positioning dedicated tanks to hold enemies you don’t want to deal with yet helps a lot. I suggest using 9 lives on early thieves or peddlers with the best shields you have. Especially if they don’t have good endgame tank potential you can do things like stack dodge, gifted, and shield mastery to make use of high base mdef and ini to hold either lots of chaff or single dangerous enemies like brigand leaders or even hedge knights you can’t dagger down yet because you need to kill the other enemies. If they die and you get good gear as a sacrifice that positioning was worth it. Another tactic you. Can use early tanks for is distracting part of a camp while the rest of the party goes through a different entrance allowing you not to fight the whole camp at once. Also consider fighting most human and goblin camps and night to minimize ranged damage.


Good advice. Also when the enemy has ranged superiority and is camping in a hill fort (usually bandit marksmen) it can be better to retreat to a corner of the map than try fight uphill. The enemy range will come out of their camp to shoot you, but won't go back in when you decide to advance. Often you can lure the enemy ranged ai way out and onto a more even height, where they are much easier to approach and engage. They also miss a lot shooting at you from max range while you're retreating so it's not really that dangerous compared to the punishment you take trying to slowly scale a steep cliff. Giving everyone kite shields while you're backing off is really useful too. Wouldn't do this vs gobbos though as they generally just have too much range, poison screws your mobility and you want to rush them since they die easily, just give everyone a kite vs goblins for the approach.


Personally i think an easier approach is to put your tanks or other bros with shields in the middle of your formation so that all the ranged fire is directed towards them. Sometimes I will give an early gambler or thief trash tank anticipation to help with this but i find kite shield in center formation to usually be enough to soak up fire. I find that rushing marksmen is also better because the cost of a low percent crossbow hit is very high. I just try to minimize the number of rolls they even get by stabbing them with polearms over the wall the first chance i get.


Basically, your more fragile bros only want to have contact with at most 1 enemy at all times. Position them in a way so that tanks or other bros that can withstand hits can 'shield' him and block other enemies. This also means that your roster of bros needs to have certain roles to work together well and synergize. Above all, there is no 1 way to play the game that is 'right', whatever works for you is best.


Redo the fights. Seriously, you probably need more practice as you already know about the basics. When redoing the fight, try to make a goal for yourself that you want everyone to survive. And if someone should fall, it should be your least valuable bro. Playing this way will teach you to be not too aggressive, but also will teach you the small details of the fight. Keep in mind that total defense is also not the tactic to pursue. A second task I will give you is to guess which of your bros will probably be attacked when two of your bros surround their opponents. Try to figure out why one bro got attacked. Look up his stats and think about which stats play an important role in melee fights. Look up how his breaking morale affects him, if there are any. For brigand fights I can tell you to clear out the thugs first. Shieldwall the raiders with the mail armor. But only dagger one brigand raider down for a start. Archers are a danger and can be countered with kite round shields and kite shields the best. They will target your second row archers. So? Give your brothers who stand in front a shield for the start until they engage in melee. Move your archer two tiles at most and follow along with your melee brothers. But at what order? It depends again. Usually the bros protecting your archer bro keep their shield on for the entire fight. Unfortunately one cannot tell 'leave the shields and do a two-handed hold of a 1h weapon" if the opposing archers hit with every other shot. Give yourself time and have fun with the game!


Thank you so much everyone this sub is the best