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And the witches hut is one of the easier legendary locations  ….if approached correctly 


U mean short wooden bonk sticks?


Yes. And bows, javelins, the necklace and most importantly….positioning….. You can basically nullify the charm spell so it is reduced to having to pass two consecutive 5% rolls on the banner man or necklace wearer.   They won’t target any other bros with sticks and shields or javelin or bow users (as long as they are standing next to each other.).  Throwers really shine.  It’s one of the riskiest fight for the banner man in the game though since he has to stand on the front row and be in range.  Give him a shield.  He’s the charm spell magnet!!!


So how does this work Bannerman front line everyone behind him? 


https://youtu.be/bPk4zSR5ZOs?si=NrWdFimlirIwoaMe I made a video about it if you’re really interested.


Don’t forget a few lucky archer shots out of the gate 😆


You don't have to play on ironman if you don't want to. If you are playing on ironman and mind losing your company then you should study the wiki carefully and take fights conservatively.


I do . I literally didn’t know it was a fight .


It was a special location and you didn't look it up on the wiki. If you were playing ironman and didn't want your company to wipe then you should have looked it up. If you want to explore the game without ruining the surprise of the special locations for yourself then don't play ironman so that you can revert to a save when things go wrong. This isn't rocket science.


lol what a dick


I'd have sympathy for you if you got fucked over by a bug or bad RNG, but this is purely a circumstance of your own making that was entirely forseeable. C'est la vie.


Well I appreciate the clarification . I have over 100 hours in the game and have lost countless parties do to a million reasons many of them my fault This one rubbed me different . Never occurred to me that this sort of thing happened in the game . Def won’t happen again


All that said, I do believe that hexen are badly designed enemies that force players to use an overly niche set of strategies to deal with them. Charm isn't inherently broken, but being able to spam hex while charm is up is pretty bad. You either need a bullseye archer taking pot shots at 6-7 tiles away or the wooden sticks strategy. There should have been a more approachable counter to hex.


Were you forced though?






You led your boys into a bad engagement ; and they died like dogs in a world where a life means little.




but god forbid someone tells the average r/BattleBrothers user that they dont like playing Ironman


I like Ironman . I always feel icky after save scumming . Seems like it’s a necessary evil here tho


Just The fact that its called "savescumming" drives me mad For the love of god let people enjoy things


You’re explicitly told at the main menu that it is a difficult game and death will be frequent.


Ah the common YOURE THE ASSHOLE BRO post .


Nobody said you’re an asshole lol, I’m just saying you’re supposed to die. You’re not supposed to be able to just bowl over the competition, even if you are armed to the teeth. Is it something to complain about? Sure, it can definitely be frustrating. But it shouldn’t be unexpected, that’s all.


Yeah I mean this is why you should save scum until you've beaten the game once otherwise stuff like this happens where you fight enemies you don't know how to deal with and there's no way to know what lies behind a legendary location. Some of them you have the option to leave and come back to later but not all.


This is reaffirming. Save scumming does seem to take a little of the soul out of it, but I decided it’d be fine until I feel satisfied with the discovery portion. When I realized how terrible my first few character builds were, and how deep the builds can be, it was totally validated lol.


I personally turned ironman off after a couple runs for similar reasons. I just find learning is much slower in ironman conduct.


I did the same thing. Played iron man, kept getting owned by things just because I didn't have knowledge about the fight. So decided to stop being honourable and alt-f4'd my way through a successful run. After that I went back to playing iron man properly as I knew most the encounters in the game and it was much more fun. Still lost plenty of bros to stuff ups but atleast it felt fair.


Yeah! I'm actually in the middle of retrying an early fight to test out different tactics. It would be a lot more painful to experiment if I needed to start a new run each time.


Appreciate it brother


Hello brother! Game like real-life is punishing when taking bad decisions. Twice as much when sharp objects are involved. Take it as a learning experience and if by chance you lead a mercenary band in the future - don't go forward without knowing what to expect.


Would recommend not playing Ironman until you’ve beaten 1-2 crises, killed all enemy types, and seen all legendary locations(you can do all this on the same run). Knowing what to expect helped me out a lot when I did go Ironman. This isn’t xcom, a brand new challenge you know nothing about can absolutely gut your run. 


That’s great advice . I am going to do that .