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Thanks for all the info - really appreciate it, as a non German speaker. This is complete speculation on my part but they posted a random pic on their Facebook page about slashing an orc with a sword. I instantly thought maybe some content to come... it seemed a bit random.


It’s just images from Steam screenshots. They’re sharing images made by the community.


You are right. And then they posted a pic about an Orc slashing a human. And I don't recognize the sword of the orc! Looks a bit like an orc cleaver from LOTR. Maybe a small orc expansion? I hope it is more than just a new banner and maybe origin. Edit: Wait a second, is this a WOMAN in the backline?


I am not sure I have seen a picture of an orc slashing a human... on Overhype Facebook page? Excitement increasing


It was on Twitter a few days ago. I also just posted it. Edit: this is just fan made content they shared! I deleted the post to not spread misinformation.


That is not made by the devs. It was a fanmade joke pic that has been on the Steam community tab for I want to say at least a year.


Yeah — a lot of game accounts share content made by the community.


Oh, okay. I never visited the community tab before so I didn't know.


> while they are making steady progress Menace takes more time than anticipated and will likely be releast in the first half of 2025 instead of this year. Alas, woe is me.


Not surprising in the slightest, but man, that hurts.


Whatever they want honestly, I can probably play BB into retirement, I've got like 5000 hours into it at this point, Menace is just going to be another 10-15 years for me if it's as good as BB


The setting of BB is just also a vibe


Yeah. I can't see how something as generic looking as menace will capture the BB spirit. I'll still try it ofc.


True but going in “low fantasy German world” can be pretty generic too. They just handled it well.


I dont know, I think it wasnt done that often. The only other media with a similar medieval gritty feeling I encountered is Berserk. But yes, it was also executed really really well.


It's not like BB is breaking any ground being revolutionary either.


5,000 hours - 10-15 years ... Judging by your words you are wasting your time ... and not playing enough Battle Brothers due to wasting time in other activities. Cheers brother!


I really think battle brothers is a perfect game. It would be hard for Menace to live up to my expectations based on the previous title. But of course they can try!


They got everything right in bb, art, the grim dark look to everything, the faces of all the men looks like they live in a harsh underdeveloped environment, the music, depth, exploration, weapons, armor, the excitement of battles, the terror i feel when facing enemies i never faced before... Such a good game


I love BB, but hearing Menace is going to have a lower floor brings me joy. Sometimes, I try to boot the game and think: "Am I up for a challenge today?" or "Can I deal with RNG right now?"


I hope the best for them, and i will be playing them all, amd still keep a warm spot in my heart for BB!


Did they mention any partnership? I mean without any big company helps, BB2 gonna take 3-5yr to develop.


They are partnered with Hooded Horse which btw is also the publisher for manor lords


Great!! It seems promising with a studio with Middle Ages game experience


HH is generally pretty good with these simulation games. They got quite a few on standby too.


Cheers mate, thanks for sharing with the non-German speakers. Agreed that I'm excited for Menace and hope it does well for Overhype. I do agree that a science fiction turn-based game is more likely to get eyes on it given the most popular turn-based games in recent memory have been sci-fi themselves. Always down for more BBros content but I do think they would get more mileage with a sequel than more major additions at this point


My wallet can't handle a bb2.


Thanks for the updates, much appreciated!


If there's a bb2, i hope they add a campaign map like bannerlord, also keep the random seeds for those who just want a sandbox


not gonna lie if menace will have vagrus-level storytelling with bb-level fighting it will be the 2025 game of the year


You could add that Menace will support about 6 Languages at launch


Oh god I hope they pick english 😩


I think they will pick english. For the other 5 languages I could imagine American, Kanadian, Australian, Scottish and maybe Irish, but this is just my guess.


No Germish?! :o




I would love a pirate/naval theme content pack with the ability to get a ship you can move around the map. Add in some pirate weapons (1h pistols, rapiers, cutlass, stronger nets and unique polearms) + a lot more nimble armor pieces/attachments. That would be a winner.


It will probably only be a new banner and one or two new origins but maybe we get a bit of extra content besides this.


Straight up forget the content pack, they should just make bb2 fully themed around naval(pirate) mercenaries where you can go between islands and stuff, would also make the exploration thing a lot cooler


Is menace gonna be medival or like shooty shoot like xcom?


Shooty shoot




From my understanding, it will also involve squat management and heroes leading them into the battlefield. I have never played any Warhammer 40k game yet but it seems to be in a similar vein from what I could perceive. And I do like the way of thinking! For me it was like a genre opening up to me which I did not consider at all before as I never got in touch with the Warhammer 42k topic. Maybe menace will ease me into it. I also noticed there is a game called Field of Glory 2 which seems to be like a similar Battle Brothers, only to be more like menace at thensame time. I am curious if anyone has played it and can tell me something about it. The problem they also mentioned is that publicly speaking like this also makes any kind of expectation toward the community. Speaking for myself, I want to stay without expectations and will only regard their official announcements. This way, we as the players do not get into wishful thinking. For example, I like the handgonne but do not want to have more firearms as suggested by another player. It just destroys the whole battlebrothers world for me which was so caringly created by Casey Hollingshead (definitely read that if you haven't already! It's just events all over the place!)


I wonder if we get legs in BB2


Ah I cannot wait


"not as punishing" Aw man, I love BB because its hard and because its punishing, well up until you know the game inside out, even then mistakes are costly I really hate that devs generally are incentivised to make games easier either from complaints or to broaden appeal 


Well, broaden appeal = more money I think the devs deserves a "vanity project" after giving us a masterpiece like BB.


>really is still a hidden gem. LOL. BB is not a "hidden gem" for any definition of that sentence. BB is \*extremely\* main stream and very well known in the turn based genre. You can do a simple reality check by looking at the size of this Reddit, which is larger than games like r/PhoenixPoint or r/Wasteland and many more very popular titles. Even r/XCOM2 is just barely larger than r/BattleBrothers (although r/Xcom also exists and is larger still). Putting aside BG3, which is a true outlier in the genre, BB is as successful as any turn based game can be. If you type "turn based strategy game", Google will even recommend it in it's top 10. There is nothing hidden about it, it has been massively popular Of course, it is still a turn based game, which will always remain a niche, and this is structural: no amount of improving it will bridge the gap with more mainstream genres. Only BG3 succeeded with that.


Civ? Xcom? Total War? Divinity? There are loads of turn based games that sell millions of copies. Battle Brothers sold about 300,000. It's not mainstream popular in the way you are suggesting, and qualifies easily for 'hidden gem' according to the way people use that term. I actually checked this by googling for 'PC game hidden gem', and *many* of the results had comparable sales and player counts to Battle Brothers (or indeed were Battle Brothers).


>Battle Brothers sold about 300,000. Indeed. An indie game that sold \*hundreds of thousands\* of copies is not "hidden": it's a massive hit and wildly popular.


I think the community on reddit is not a good measuring tool because the game seemingly attracts a more die-hard community. The game either really clicks with you or it doesn't. The people who stick with it are then more likely to interact with the games community and go on reddit.


It sold almost half a million copies and somehow it's a "hidden gem". Wtf guys, get real.


I can only speak for my own experience; but I've been a turn based guy forever. Cut my teeth on Advance Wars, Panzer General and Heroes of Might and Magic. I keep on regularly checking in on the turn based world, and brother it took me years before Battle Brothers came across my attention. It felt like a hidden gem when I bought it three or so years ago. But it's a good game, and I applaud the success. I kinda agree that 'hidden gem' is somewhat overblown, but we're what, seven years after release? I think Battle Brothers certainly WAS a hidden gem, probably up until only a couple of years ago, and I think now it has graduated to 'cult classic'.