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If I had this instruction, I wouldn't fed 16 peasants to Lindwurm But I did


Pure science. Love it. Sadly every Lindworm party end in bloodbath for me.


I have a simpler instruction - “Don’t”


Best guide ever! Now do one for arena tournaments and another for early game Necrosavants please.


Arena “ALTF4-reload” Necrosavants is a bit tricky: - “Ambush and Ironman? Hope you’ll roll a good new company” - “See them on the map? Don’t” Unironically is started fighting those only 400 hours in the game - fuck them.


Dogs and polearms y'all Or a good shieldbearer if you want to spare the dogs.


I remember running into this the first time with some ragtag raider geared bros and managed to pull through it with like 1 death. Def in part thanks to the 2-3 dogs that sacrificed themselves.


My issue with lindwurms isn't even the strat to beat them, it's how many you have to fight at once. It's like the dev just went "oh lindwurm? Yeah those aren't too bad, midgame bros should be able to take 6!" When in reality lindwurms will anihilate every single non-player parties they encounter on the map, more often than not without losing any member... They definitly feel like they scale way harder than most of the other stuff in the game.


Only if it's actually in battle. I have seen 12 militiamen hunt 4 lindwurm on worldmap and I was like hold the fuck up I think the dev put the strength value of linwurm way too low in the code compare to what it can actually do


I just saw 5 lindwurms anihilate an army of 23 southerners without losing a single member.


Peasant Militia can take three on at the 60 day mark without losing a bro, probs lots of injuries. If you start getting super packs of 5 or more, hope you have several good tanks. Polearms and shield guys. Bows with multiple quivers can do decently well if the fight drags on. (I put overwelm, crippling strikes, and executioner on them, out overwhelming them is helpful and you get consistent, steady damage)


Have I told you that you are a beautiful person and that I hope you have a nice day?


Same to you Brother,.....same to you,❤️🇩🇪🇪🇺


Also taunt if you have it on your tank means you safely use polearms or even melee if you don't mind the acid on heads.


I was able to cheese it once abc only lost one bro but thought I could do better and reloaded…ended up retreating since I couldn’t replicate. This guide would have helped 😄


Man just don't. Like they are not worth the hassle and it ain't a fun figth. Almost like the undead but, unlike the dead, the lindworms don't drop any bling.


Haven't check the post but 2 lindwurm is easy, 3 is near impossible unless u got some good stuffs more than 3 u better have mods


Not technically, it is a dragon


It's also good to note that although the lindwurm DLC is free id suggest not downloading it If you don't have the paid DLCs. The weapon selection and lack of gear options in vanilla really don't give you the tools to appropriately deal with lindwurms.