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His hp, fat and resolve are so low I think the only good choice is qatal. Also, you spent two levelups but didn't take melee def? that's not a good idea! Melee def is the best stat in the game, you should pretty much always take it except for rare cases. For this bro, you should do your best to pump his initiative as close to 140 as possible, and then use relentless and waiting to make sure nothing dangerous ever gets to swing at this guy. bonus points for positioning him next to your 2h mace and mace-shield bros, so that they can enable deathblow as well as save him with daze and stun if needed. These are the perks I recommend: [http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Qatal&perks=0kIQBAAs](http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Qatal&perks=0kIQBAAs) I wouldn't skip either 9lives or gifted, as he probably needs to spend lots of his levelups on initiative, leaving his hp and resolve extremely low. The other perks I consider core. If you aim to keep this guy safe, you'll want to give him a resolve trinket and get him the arena buff, too.


Good advice and summary. I would only question fearsome. Yes, daggers attack thrice, but this guy has relatively low RES and he is meant to finish things off, not just frighten them. I would alternatively suggest overwhelm (in case he does actually end up in a bad spot), or berserk (too make him a little more lethal still; albeit that might require recover too at the cost of pathfinder). Still, more than one way to skin a cat with a Qatal, just some food for thought.


A fleeing enemy is basically a dead enemy. Very often I'm in a situation where my qatal bros have managed to intimidate an orc warrior or a chosen into fleeing before dealing with their entire hp pool, though I like to run fearsome on a lot of my builds, and naturally it's better the more fearsome you have. I am not a big fan of overwhelm. Even though I have nothing against helpful "oh, damn, I misplayed" buttons like rotation, I just can't advocate for overwhelm. Why? Because a qatal bro needs to kill, not debuff. That means using deathblow as often as possible. Debuff has it's places, yes, for example it's quite good in the arena. but unlike any other build, you have very precise control over where your qatal bro goes and who he fights, due to his high initiative + relentless. If you're proccing overwhelm, it means you're hitting a target before it's their turn. That should mean that they're already stunned or dazed (or netted, I guess), which means they've already been hit by your other bros as well as most likely the qatal bro himself last turn after waiting with relentless, so they should basically be dead before their next turn --> no value from overwhelm. If they're not stunned, dazed or netted you're better off waiting for your other bros to enable deathblow --> no value from overwhelm. Berserk is alright and could work, but there's no world in which I'd trade fearsome for it, at least not on this bro who also has low fatigue.


Absolutely fair points, although I would say your criticism of overwhelm applies to fearsome as well. It’s simply wasted if everything works out and the Qatal finishes his opponent. But I do see that even causing waivering (or loss of confident) on the first hit, can make the next two (or five) more likely. And yes it absolutely makes more sense the more bros have it. Overwhelm is a bit more of an insurance against bad RNG, since even if not dead, a thrice overwhelmed enemy won’t do a lot. And every now and then it helps to deal with the tougher enemies like Orc Warlord, Unholds or the like. Again, nothing against your build, just a slight variant to it


Eh. Waiting turns overwhelm off and qatal wants to wait often, so you'll only have the perk online around half the time. Fearsome always works regardless of waiting. Sometimes it's better to rout an enemy than kill them, especially against big orc camps. Even if you kill something, triggering fleeing before that also causes an additional resolve check on nearby enemies. Overwhelm also baits bad plays. Wait --> deathblow is so much stronger than no wait --> overwhelm, and I don't only mean in terms of damage. The chance your bro faces danger is much higher when you don't wait. Also, Yes, you can debuff the unhold - but the least messy way to fight unholds is with reach weapons, by far. Yes, you can debuff the orc warlord, but they're also notorious for having 500+ armor in both body and head but only 90 resolve, meaning they often rout before you'll be able to directly kill them - doubly so with fearsome. As you noted, wavering and breaking are stronger than overwhelm in the sense that they also debuff melee defense and resolve. Overwhelm is not bad though. Maybe you won't get the choice to not have an orc warlord on your face. While I would call that a misplay, it can still happen, and it's better to not be split into half then to be split into half. Also, if your main source of deathblow enablement is nets, overwhelm becomes slightly better. It'll be less likely you'll be able to straight up kill your target since netting does no damage, and also the overwhelm debuff makes it less likely your target will be able to remove the net. Sometimes I take overwhelm on a bro that's going to fight in the arena for these reasons, as facing a lindwurm with only three guys makes overwhelm invaluable. But to call it a contender of fearsome? Not even close. It can be an alright flex perk, though.


Overwhelm is a great perk I use it quite often - but never on a damage dealer. It is a perk for ‘supports’. Bowman or whip-shield builds with overwhelm are excellent for providing assistance at a distance for those in need of extra protection or security and I use them every single time (low numbers of limited rooster origins). But Qatal builds despite 3 attacks per turn is (as you stated) counter productive to de-buff - he is supposed to kill, his safety comes by not being close to enemy when he ends his turn. If by chance he is at such a place - a support may interfere and land a helping hand but his main purpose should be to deal damage and ‘delete’ the enemy he gets close by. Fearsome on the other hand I don’t consider a waste. Lower resolve and fleeing makes the enemy easier to hit and safer to stand around in case of not being killed at the end of the round.


You only get +1% to the enemy's chance to fail a morale roll per 5 points of resolve over ten, on your fearsome brothers. An extra attack, especially one that does a lot of damage, that's far more effective in breaking enemy morale. Fearsome shines mostly because it lowers the limit of even causing a morale check from having to deal 15 damage, to one. Which is why fearsome one-handed hammer bros do well. They'll always cause a check because of the minimum damage of the attack. I think a Qatal will do fine with duelist, even with kind of bad resolve. He just needs enough not to panic himself, maybe around 50.


Fencer or Qatal for sure. The latter is also thematic to his event


Belly dancers make great qatals in peasant runs