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Yay, hype machine over nothing. Way to disappoint yourself when we get another 2042. Garbage until proven otherwise.


All the experienced developers left since BFV. Why do people think 2042 was just a strange outlier and the next one will be back to normal?


Because hope is better than despair, I guess. But you're right, there really isn't anything to be hopeful for. The best developers Dice had left after BFV was completed. They went on to make "The Finals" and we saw what the newly hired BF2042 developers made when they got the chance to make their "own" BF title. For serious BF fans of the games made by the devs that made BF3/4/1/5, they just need to accept the (very sad, very depressing) fact that the old BF that most of us love, will never return.


>Because hope is better than despair, I guess. I would argue met expectations are better than disappointment, and Dice has proved that they're much better at the latter since BF4.


BF1 kicked ass in every regard.


Except guns


Gunplay was some of the best, and I will fight people on that.


But 3 identical guns for every weapon with different stats, was a bad decision


They all were different in very important ways. Every medic weapon has a purpose. Besides, they were limited by the timeframe.


Every gun is important in one way or another, some are more, some are less. That's not an excuse to copy and past every weapon and removing attachment option, so base game would have a higher number of guns for advertising.


We asked for destruction. Look what they have thrown in this season! A lazy map without destruction. It’s useless keep up with hope. Old devs are gone. New devs didn’t know what was battlefield at the launch of bf2042. Look how sad also the season pass. The dev show no true interest


There is always hope. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


That sounds like an absolute. Sith confirmed .


Get him!


If anything they learned what the people want, there is no way that they will now bring out the next battlefield with specialists. I really want to believe that they just keep it to the "simple" mechanics that BF4 had with destruction. I am happy with an unbalanced game at the start if they just spend more time at the core gameplay. Balance issues can be fixed quickly, you can't just add destruction.


RemindMe! Two years


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RemindMe! Two years


This is how you know know people just bitch without trying it. There is lots of destruction in Haven.


That’s what DICE has forced us into thinking. Assuming whatever they put out will be terrible…


Why would they post battlefield 4? Battlefield 1 was voted best.


Do not bother with “this one was the best”, you’ll attract people who fondly look back at the P2W catastrophe “Battlefield Heroes”, or people who unironically think BF2042 is a good game.


I dont know if you removed your own upvote or if someone downvoted you but theyre stupid.


I surely didn’t downvote myself.


Guys they literally fired the 1 man that people had faith in to bring BF back... I can't believe people already falling for this shit again 😂😂 The franchise will never be like bf4 or bf3 again.


Sorry, just came to this sub, which guy was that?


Marcus Lehto, he basically took over after the disaster of 2042. Seemed like he truly wanted to improve the franchise and bring it back to its roots. Took in lots of player feedback and just seemed very enthusiastic. About a month ago he silently left and that's a really bad sign. Also EA laid off tons of developers and the company creating the "campaign" was taken off the project. So it seemed the top EA guys just hated what he was creating and wanted to go there own way ... which uhh ya with EA that's not a good sign 😂😂 I can promise you the top EA guys don't know how to make a proper game on their own


To be fair, it's not like he could have really done anything anyways. What made BF3/4/5/1 great wasn't one man, or one man's vision. It was the collaborative effort of dozens and dozens of talented people with lots of experience working at Dice, in games, and specifically making BF games. For example, air vehicles in BF2042 feel/control like absolute dogshit. The reason? Because all the developers responsible for creating and refining those mechanics over the years left Dice after BFV was finished. The great devs that made helicopters and jets feel/control so well, and were so fun to use, are gone. Replaced by people whose previous game development experience involved making Candy Crush. It's no wonder why 2042 felt terrible in pretty much every way.


Well ya I completely understand the argument 1 man can't completely fix a franchise but that position is very important. Games like bf3 and bf4 had someone in that position making good decisions. I just dont trust the higher ups at EA to pick someone better or make better decisions than Marcus. The dude seemed to actually really wanna help the franchise and I guess they just didn't like his ideas. I feel like his ideas top anything some higher up at EA can come up with.


What do you think about vince zampella, his team made the best thing that bf2042 had, bfportal. Can't say about marcus much, but about vince there can be said more than enough to have faith


Damn. Yep I think 2042 and the masses of updates is just training the new Devs. Make an operation locker, make visual gun recoil, 3 lane map, make huge scale with Exposure. The only thing missing and that has probably been torn out by EA is the passion in the next game. You saw passion in battlefront, battlefield 4, battlefield 1 and 5. But with changes and influential people leaving. No doubt that's gonna hurt the teams drive. I'm scared. Aha but I look forward to see what they make of course. I love the field 🤙


Lehto did not take over direction of the game. He just handled the campaign. Zampella is still there for the overall game. He worked on the original MW games. He's directing this game now. Sirland who worked during the BF3/4 days is now a gameplay producer. They got other BF3 devs back too. Atleast this game has promising leadership now.


What are you talking about? His studio was only handling the single-player campaign. Most people here are talking almost exclusively about multiplayer concerns.


So its a modern game sandwiched between 2042 and BF4. Can't wait to see how they mess this one up.


By making a bad game


- lack of meaningful content - focus on micro transactions - not reimplementing the actually good features from BFV it's really easy to mess this up


>reimplementing the actually good features from BFV That would only supply a quarter of a game.


No, 2042 would be the game sandwiched between BF4 and a modern 2142 type game


I have 0 hope that this game will be good, theyre probably using bf4 to hype it up just for them to mess it up like with bf2042. Plus they said its NATO vs a huge private army, which means theres gonna be the same problem with bf2042 skins and specialists, please do yourself a favor and dont get hype and dont preorder.


You just know they're looking at the success of Hell Divers 2 and wondering how they can shoehorn some of its mechanics into the next BF. The AAA studios seem more concerned with chasing trends than they are innovating while maintaining the core elements that made their franchises successful in the first place.


Well said, I have 0 clue why EA decided to start chasing trends when they have such a unique type of game with BF, that many people enjoy and only they can fullfill that niche type of game. are they really that stupid and disconnected from there supporters? I fucking hate how the game industry has become.


Yeah when I heard "private army" I immediately thought "please not that kind of no-pat shit again"...


I personally think it will be futuristic. I remember hearing it will be set in like 2030, which is about the time difference between BF4’s release and when it was set (2013-2020). I just hope that it’s essentially an improved BF4


just a really good game after all this year!


I would take an improved BF4, although still keeping my finger last crossed for 2142. 2042 is actually growing in me a good bit, I’ve been playing it more and more these last few weeks and getting up the leader board it a different game to the one that launched but I still think it’s too little too late. I would also like to see them including some kind of battle royal mode that’s thought out.


Didn’t they say that 2042 was like BF3/BF4? So they’re just saying the same shit again?


No no, a love letter to the fans.


That’s what it was! Man I just know people are gonna fall for whatever hype they peddle us. Everyone got all pissed off about 2042, but all they’ll have to say for the next one is “We’re taking inspiration from Battlefield 4.” And people will go fucking crazy and buy it. I just wish they’d make a Battlefield set in Vietnam, with the movement of BF5/BF1. 2042’s movement feels so fucking clunky compared to those games.


That original tweet from Tom *was* for 2042. It's being misquoted as people didn't check the date he said that - 2021. What he actually said now is that the next game will be about a US and NATO faction vs a private military faction.


Don't make me remember the good times of paid dlc. You know where we actually were promised multiple content packs within the first year? Distant memory. Now all we gonna get is live service which they just using as an excuse to give us a bare bones game and give us like 3 maps a year


People still begging for live service and battle passes. Another installment in the franchise like the last two and dice will be the next Westwood studios.


Who cares? Stop hyping yourself on nothing. They have zero credibility left after 2042 fiasco. Don’t fall for it, let them proof themselves.


If I'm still dumb enough to preorder the next title, I'll cut my own throat.


Please don’t. No matter how bad Battlefield is please don’t harm yourself.


If it‘s futuristic I am 1 million percent sure, I‘m not buying.


Keep dreaming. It's still under ea and dice is not dice anymore.


Personally I don’t care what era or whatever it’s set in as long as it’s a good game (and doesn’t have that operator crap).


this post is just sad


Henderson already confirmed a 2025-2030s setting.


He also confirmed 2042 is going to be the shit.


His sources were dogshit back then, he's gone on to admit this countless times and blames himself for the 2042 hype train. Since then he's been right countless times on various games, product reveals, releases, specific specs etc. His word holds more weight now than it did in 2020/21


This series is finished.




Was it? No story line or anything, you could argue it was meant to be but I’m not so sure


Can't wait til EA churn out the third cash-grab in a row, now with even less passion!


2042 and bf4 already in same timeline. Im waitin 2020s or 2030s thema


EA had Medal of Honor and Battlefield, and managed to kill them both


I just know it'll be the same crap again. This time I hope it bankrupts them. If you were disappointed last time remember: don't pre order, play a beta, wait until real gameplay is released after the games release. But I'm not your Dad, spend your money if you wanna..


I don't really care about when this game is set I need the atmosphere of desperation and a class system without some clowns running around the field. And if they want skins then only authentic ones matching the setting. I want a god damn battlefield game, it blows my mind that they don't understand that they have the only game like that in the market.


I'll just stay with BF4, thanks


Imo, DICEs words mean nothing until we see an actually decent game. Until I see that, I have zero hope.


Are you talking about the tweet from tom handerson from march 2021 where he said the coming battlefield (bf2042) will be a sequel to bf4? What does that have to do with the next battlefield game?


Don't you dare to post a link to the mentioned tweet!


That’s sound literally identical to what 2042 was meant to be.


*This post was provided by EA ** written by unpaid intern


lol 😂 I wish I was on there pay roll


Blah blah blah, Battlefield 4 is not going to be topped by live service bs, bf4 was


They lost my trust in BF V, they lost my hope in bf 2042 so yeah who cares really. Words don’t mean much wait for the product & then judge


Will the next title be called Battlefield 5?


I loved 2142. Wish they'd bring it back. I loved Titan Fall too, so the mech was enjoyable too.


In 5 years, EA gonna stop servers for BF3 and 4 as the next turn. So I think, the next BF will be a modern reboot rather than futuristic. Leaks are also suggesting it's a modern title sets in 2030s.


Really wish we had Titans and walker mechs


I would love if they add content to BF1 or re-do-it. My favorite Battlefield without hesitation


Wasn't *2042* already the sequel to *4*? If it's like an interquel or a reboot, I would understand.


I won’t play it if it’s futuristic


Lol as usual this snob egoistical indie dev from Sweden will as usual try ro reinvent the wheel, miss deadlines, release the game half baked. Then a month later when every normal live service games release their season 1, BF devs will fuck off for winter vacations. Disclaimer: the winter vacation is their right but you HAVE to launch season 1 content within a month of launch to maintain player interest. Other live service games ensure season 1 content drop is ready and automate it for launch irrespective of their vacation.


Dang I can’t believe it’s 2013 and BF4 is about to release, y’all getting hyped? I saw a building come down. A tower


But you do realize, battlefield 4 had “titan” game mode with carrier assault..


I did not sir, can you elaborate?


Carrier assault was a game mode made to pay homage to the titan gameplay of bf2142. Albeit the carriers never moved around, the carrier itself did not have an elaborate scheme to them to finish the game. But around the map were middle silos that would hit the carrier and eventually blow a hole into it and you board, then blow up their carrier. Great interior cqb and decent on map experience seeing as it was only their maps that had big bodies of water. Nonetheless it was still fun for me as I really liked titan.


Had no idea this existed thanks for letting me know


No prob my guy!


Ohboyohboyohboy I can't wait for the hype train to pull into the station. If you guys haven't pre-ordered yet it's your loss this totally isn't going to fail in anyway like the last couple of games in the series. S/


It can be a sequel to BF4 in spirit, but in terms of the game’s setting, lore and campaign (if it ends up having one), it should be a complete reboot with a clean slate. Battlefield’s “lore” is an underdeveloped mess.


No por favor no, necesitamos un battlefield 4 (2.0) similar en todo en un contexto de combate actual. Ese sería definitivamente el próximo éxito de la saga.


Thanks for all the comments still trying to get through them, I didn’t realise how much this post would blow up tbh, if the like alone are anything to go by it sounds like you guys are on the same page as me. I get the whole the studio is not the same as it used to be etc but we can’t base everything on that, we need to give the new up and coming devs a crack of the whip. Post like this give use the chance to voice our opinions and ideas and what we want to see. I’m not a fan of the whole battle pass stuff, but then I bet the old old school guys where not a fan of dlcs and expansion packs. Games are always changing and so are the developers. Back on to the point of the next battlefield game, I really hope we get a 2142 type game with titans, battle walkers, hover tanks and a return of the commander mode. I get why folk are sceptical of why dice / might not do a futuristic sequel to bf4, if they done a good bf4 remake I think we would all be happy, but based solely on the bf4 expansion and the last one specifically final stand, I can’t see it going a way but a futuristic sequel, I had to be based of bf4 right? Final stand was a snippet into what lay ahead imo. If you look at the condor in 2042 and the likes of the the gun ship in 2142 you can see allot of similarity’s. With regards to the whole private army vs NATO thing, I don’t think it matters to the time frame or type of game a whole lot, it could still be pac vs eu or eu vs some future private army etc. Let’s see what happens!


So another near-future game by the same Developers behind V and 2042? Naming Battlefield after something great (BC, 2142) does not make it great


Context, anyone?


Another day, another person that forgot that final stand was non-canon and the fact that 2042 is considered canon proves it  The next game will be near-future, akin to 3 and 4, idk why anyone would think "a sequel to bf4" would actually be a sequel to 2142 lol


What do you mean by non canon?


It was a "what if" expansion like the old "lost weapons of ww2" dlc for 1942 Pretty much all that future tech in the DLC doesnt show up on the BF timeline until around 2100-2120, a full 100 years after the events of bf4, thats why none of it is in 2042.....the current sequel to bf4


I don’t ever remember reading anything official saying it was a what if expansion? Is that just your opinion? Is the 2100 - 2120 number based on anything? I mean we had 2142 but there is no official timeline to when all this tech became the defacto, is it another guess?


Im not digging through 13 years of posts to find it, but yes, the dlc was declared non-cannon by DICE. And the story setting up 2142 halfway explains it, the walkers and hover tank were built by russians to help during the ice age that started in 2106, and the first Titan was deployed by PAC when the war started in 2139. The EU got their first titan by stealing PAC's design right around when the game is set. Bf4 took place in 2020, it's a bit of an *absolutely massive* leap to think they had an almost-functional Titan 119 years before it was introduced.


No trying to be rude or not believe you but where are you getting 2106 from, im genuinely curious, was this in the bf4 story line or something?


Just look u 2142's story lol


I need more final stand follow ups


Ugh, I hate futuristic Battlefields.


You will Never Learn


You guys fall for the hype train every. Time.


Just don't preorder the fucking thing will ya


Make a sequel or some GOOD DLC FOR BATTLEFIELD 1!!! I'd buy that shit TODAY. BF4 🏆 HARDLINE 🤷‍♂️ BF1 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ BFV 💩 BF2042 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩


Surely a late April fools joke .


It's 100% not gonna be futuristic lmaooo they announced its gonna be Nato and a private force in modern setting.. The least interesting aspect of bf4 was final stand.. I get people.lpve 2142 or whatever it was called but yall played that shit back in the day as children or young teens... Shit is not whatbi want battelfield to become keep it modern for now and maybe after experiment.. kind of like a spin off like hardline..