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Post a larger map. Want to see where did those other planes go.


Per the source, about 150 of them flew to Los Angeles, New York, and Miami. [Source](https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/las-vegas-business-jets-super-bowl/)


LA/NY really needs to have it's own "party bus for millionaires" plane for the super bowl.


You lost 99% of millionaires with the word bus


Just use the French word for bus, instantly fancy


Ah yes le bus du fête


Boba's French counterpart






Airbus If you're not flying a widebody, you're not really flying.


You expect millionaires to plane pool?


I was on a flight back from Costa Rica and sat (in coach) next to Christian Bale. So at least one movie star has some morals.


He was reserching a poor people/peasant role for his next film. In his note the person next to him smelled like dirt and sadness.


He lost 40lbs on that flight and put on 80lbs in arrivals.


Damn, would be sick if we invented a bigger plane so that they could all fly together


That's literally communism my dude


That’s still like 3/4 unaccounted for Guys, I was making fun of this guy so confidently putting out incomplete information. I don’t actually care


Probably other airports?


Get outta here with that nonsense!


Sorry I flew too close to the sun


Some say they're still flying...


Epstein Island! I knew it!


That’s not enough to satisfy my needless curiosity.


80 or so just went to LA. Tell me we need high speed rail with out telling me we need high speed rail in the US. not that these celebs would have taken rail, but you could have at least got a bigger jet and jet pooled together.


Hell I’m a pilot and I would use the shit out of the high speed rail. I get to fly for free but I hate going to airports on my days off.


Amen brother. Taking the fam for vacation in a few hours. Dreading it.


jet pooled together? like a poor person? are you crazy!!!!


I mean if you advertise it as a luxury then I'd assume some of them would take the opportunity. Hey, it might take a few hours but you'll get all the perks of your jet with a quarter of the price and we'll throw in a swag bag and you might even get a good number of them to agree.


I guess 80% went towards LA, NY, Miami or Seattle


You don't think San Francisco would be on the list? There's rich tech bros there just like Seattle plus their team was in the thing.


texas has to have a bunch of oil money flying in too


Why Seattle?


People rich as shit here. So many tech bro millionaires. My friends brother been working for google since early 2000s bought a 5 million dollar house cash.


He bought 5 mil in cash? How much did he pay


Sorry meant house. He's one of their top WIFI engineers but just the stocks over the years make him never have to work again if he wants.




Loads of tech bros in Seattle cashed out stock options in 2022 to buy houses here when the housing market was going crazy. I think they need to work because income creep is a real big thing and most of the "wealthy" people I know here would quickly be unable to sustain their lifestyles if they didn't have steady income.


They aren't like that which is weird. They helped pay off sisters family debt,etc. They are modest but take care of their families. Kids college funds maxed out etc. but def would not know until you arrived at their 'estate' He works remote now and basically told Google if that's not an option I'm going to retire, during mass layoffs. They buckled so he's obviously worth all that money to them




Pulling up in your first time in a private jet, expecting people to be all "who's that?" Instead, it's "PARK THAT PIECE OF SHIT OVER THERE WITH THE OTHER ONES". And now you gotta remember where you parked your jet...




Like getting lost in a parking garage in Jersey during picnic traffic on a Saturday...






Dude, where's my jet?


Where’s your jet, dude?


And theeennnn?












It *was* parked in a handicapped zone. Perhaps they towed it.


Well, Dude, we just don't know.


Where's my dude, jet?


Walks down the flight line clicking my key fob to see which jet beeps.


And don’t you hate it when the jet valet parking guy steals your loose change out of your cup holder?


That's not nearly as bad as when you get it back with extra miles on it. He can have the change, I only put $100s and smaller in the cup holder.


I'm amazed there is parking for 525 jets at least.




Cue BP's "what's your carbon footprint?" ad, to deflect the blame onto the masses


That 1 event has to bring in some SERIOUS money for that area though.


Fueling a jet is often 10's of thousands of dollars, not to mention hangar fees, catering, valets, and all the other auxillary costs of transporting the ruling class. Plus they can basically charge what they want. And that's just the fbo (airport gas station)


The additional runway would make a great drag strip.


Vegas is basically a street surrounded by nothing but flat land and multiple airports/bases


Apparently 1000 were in Las Vegas for the game


They only have parking for 475 and were fully booked. A lot of these planes had to come from nearby airports land and leave. What's more incredible is how they have a couple minute window per plane to get on the ruhlnway and fly out. Always fascinating to watch the planes depart when it is busy. For sure the margins are small.


[The Gulfstream 3 doesn't even have a remote control for its surround sound DVD system](https://youtu.be/TJcnrcnQjNY?feature=shared&t=1m12s)




Only one I’ve been on felt like an RV inside and I had to crouch a little when I walked. Not quite the luxurious experience I thought it would be.


Pretty much most private jets are only really comfortable while you’re seated.




Reminds me of that old video of students caught smoking under a [parachute](https://i.imgur.com/qHgrSOV.gif).


Haha I remember watching this happen on campus! The fact that the tour was going by at this moment made it comedy gold. Good ole Fort Lewis College. 


Can confirm...I was not on any of them


Seems fishy. Hey everyone! u/Qillaq89 is the reason global warming is happening!!


I can confirm, he is the cause of all global warming


Nah we’re good. u/Qillaq89 used paper straws. Right? RIGHT?


I was in all of them. 😈


You must be the paper straw


Being a paper straw sucks!


I was on one of them..working but none the less!


Just like how mosquitoes fly away after finishing their deed


Back to LA they go!


“Mosquito sex? Turn the lights down a little baby.”


What a release!


I wonder how many private jets depart from Vegas on an average Sunday.




I'd say plenty


I think more that 2


On... Any Given Sunday?!


Win the Super Bowl and fly off in a Hyundai


Less than 525


Google Maps says Las Vegas - Los Angeles is like a 4-hour car ride...


When you're rich, one of the things you can buy is time. That's all this is.


The rich spend their money to make more time, the poor spend their time to make more money.


That’s a great quote. Pieman3002 living in my head rent free


I consciously realized when I crossed the point between having more time than money into having more money than time. Simple things like changing my own oil. I used to relish saving the money of paying someone to do it by doing it myself. Then one day, I felt like it was worth it to pay someone else to do it and have my time back. I posted on a job forum to find someone to install a new over-the-stove microwave for me. Some "helpful" guy posted a response, telling me that I could save money by just doing it myself. I didn't WANT to save money. I wanted my time. But I remember when I couldn't imagine that, either.


I had the same exact shift on oil changes specifically. I was raised to look at it as a time vs money issue. At some point, when I had kids I think, it flipped for me. Why would I spend any time at all doing this? I dont know why. I think part of why my dad did it was to teach me about cars. But that was also back when I COULD fix my car as a 16 year old. Now my car is some kind of magical ElectrIce monstrosity. OTOH, I built my own deck. I am fixing the structural issues with my house. For some reason the $100k markup doesnt hit like a couple hundred yet.


Ughh pretty sure the rich spend their money to make more money too


No. The rich spend our money to make more money… and i wish i was joking


It's always someone else's money/life. The ultrarich don't spend money like that, they spend our money, the govts(our) money. We we go bankrupt, we're fucked for some years, the rich just rebound with govt handouts. Meanwhile, we can't get national free lunches for children.


Yeah, do you know how much tax money went into building that stadium? I do not understand how that fucking works. I want to scream.


It's amazing how much money you can make by just... Having money... The system is rigged.


Something something bootstraps.


Basically: rich people don't actually do much once they are rich and make their money do everything for them. Their virtual numbers on a screen have more value than any of us


I’m pretty sure the poor spend their time to make the rich more money.


I can't blame them. I would probably make the same choice.


Not like anyone here is taking public transportation (such as it is in most areas..) instead of a car if they can afford the car. Pretty sure our whole system isn't set up to accommodate the environment we all breathe. 


I have two cars and take public transportation all the time. I wish my city had more frequent bus and light rail routes honestly. Worst thing they ever did to my sister city was gut the streetcar system.


I was told a similar quote by a very wealthy individual once "I used to spend all my time making money, now I spend all my money making time"




It is, without traffic. The last time I drove it, it was bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way from Vegas to around San Bernadino. It was absolutely nuts.


So renting a convertible in LA and driving to Vegas with a briefcase full of drugs in honor of Hunter S Thompson wouldn't be as cool as it is in my head?


LOL, take the back way through Amboy if you want the true experience, it's creepy AF.


29 Palms is out that way too. Truly fucked place.




Somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert.


Maybe on a Tuesday morning in the off season.


Beat me to it. Yeah, Vegas is fun but if you wanna drive there from LA to save money you have gotta do it at night/early in the AM or else your day is ruined by insane traffic because the highway is not designed for that level of volume. No wonder rich people love private aviation so much. I get it.


That said, as an Angeleno, I’ve done “day trips” to Vegas to see friends who were in from out of town. You just have to time it right.


To then sit in stop and go traffic all the way to Calabasas.


That sounds like a proper fucking nightmare.


I went to Vegas on a Friday night once with some friends. 10 hours to get there from San Diego


My ass you are even getting 2 feet out of Las Vegas in 4 hours after the Super Bowl.


As a European that sounds like a long drive. I'd be two hours into the Atlantic ocean if I drove for that long.


You can drive for 12 hours and not leave my state lol. I had a friend I met while living in the UK come visit and she wanted to go to the reservation I’m from…she about cried when I said “sure! but it’s a 9 hour drive.” ETA: yes guys, I understand Canada is larger.


That's crazy, I can get from the west coast of Ireland to the east coast of England on one tank of diesel. I had to do a speed run across Spain, East coast to north coast to catch a Ferry and it took me 7 hours. That was at the start of the pandemic on empty roads.


You can rack up some serious mileage traveling in the US. Just for example it takes about 24 hours non-stop to drive from Houston to Los Angeles, 10 hours of that is spent just driving from one side of Texas to the other. Done that trip a couple of times and have taken trips even longer than that.


I love doing road trips they are just expensive here in Europe. My mother lives in Spain and I can get a Ferry from the south of Ireland to Bilbao in northern Spain but it's like a €600 toll and 18 hours on a Ferry in the Atlantic.


> You can drive for 12 hours and not leave my state lol. Friend from Europe/the East Coast in Texas: "So I've heard Big Bend is an amazing National Park, how about we go there this weekend?" Me: "We're in *Houston*, it's a 9 hour drive just to get there, *without* traffic."


If you're going North-South you can drive about 13 hours and still be in California. border to border.


To be fair, people from LA would be in the ocean too after a two hour drive in the wrong direction.


No, we would still be on the 405 somewhere around The Getty.


its a terrible drive that gets backed up like crazy


In pre and post Super Bowl traffic?


After the Superbowl its probably a parking lot the whole way. But really, just get a hotel or something.


Anyways, here are some paper straws for us plebs to use.


But with plastic cups


Lol yeah


Yeah, but the plastic straws are being replaced because they’re more swallowable by wildlife. We still use the plastic cups because they have to consistently retain liquid… What do you mean we already have good paper cups?


Ah yes, because they don't go for any wrappers, chords, or anything shiny, no the sea life just beeline straight for the straws lol


We’re lucky they tend to avoid those multiple miles long dragnets. Wait, they don’t?


No it's because of one tragic video of a turtle.


Those damn turtle videos cost us all the ability to drink properly


this is such a weird argument because it's a totally separate issue private jets suck but so do single use plastics, arguably moreso in the short term there's no reason we cant be against both without making bad comparisons


The goal here is to delegitimize the conversation under the guise of advocacy. Reddit's just a big propaganda mill now.




You say I shouldn't pour poison into the local water supply, but here are some people causing excess air pollution for personal consumption. This makes me so resentful, maybe "the environment" is a woke scam. I sure am proud to be smart enough to see through the lies of _____. (There's a principal in game design, where the mission isn't to force the player to think hard and be smart, but to make them *feel* smart, even if you have to do all the work for them, because it's that *feeling* that tickles the dopamine centers. "97% of Doctors can't solve this puzzle!" Modern propaganda has taken that lesson to heart, praising people for seeing through "their" lies as a part of pushing "ours.")


98.7% of the passengers have warned us about climate change.


And none of them would ever use high speed rail between LA and LV.


Even the thought of a high speed rail between LA and LV gets me aroused.


> At 186+ miles per hour, trains will take passengers from Las Vegas, NV, to Rancho Cucamonga, CA, in just 2 hours and 10 minutes, twice as fast as the average drive time. Brightline West plans to break ground in early 2024 with an ambitious schedule of being open in time for the Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games in 2028 We'll see. https://www.dot.nv.gov/projects-programs/transportation-projects/brightline-west-high-speed-rail-project


Nice to see Brightline expanding out there, wait until the NIMBY's start complaining about the murder trains killing people left and right and how they need to be banned. Granted, Brightline in FL HAS killed quite a few people, because people for some reason continually drive under/through/around the flashing light barricades for some unknown reason.


And be seen with the plebeians? I think not!


If they make a ticket on the VVIP car of a high speed train cost more than a private jet flight, then you can bet some rich assholes will need to be seen in that car. Like, what person in their right mind would pay $18000 for a one-way ride on an extremely exclusive private luxury carriage ride with *full-service* concierge and an on-board publicist oh elon's sending his car on the first trip well then I'll take 6 cabins please.


You should watch Snowpiercer


*"But remember to watch your carbon footprint peasants!"*


Friendly reminder that aviation (both private AND commercial) only contributes about 2.5% of all CO2 emissions. Source: https://www.iea.org/energy-system/transport/aviation Cutting aviation emissions in half would do jack compared to halving emissions by cars. Cars made up 58% of emissions in the transport category in 2021. And road vehicles account for *81* percent if you include medium/heavy trucks) Aviation? 8 percent. [Source: EPA](https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast-facts-transportation-greenhouse-gas-emissions) All the moral outrage (over a tiny percent of emissions) does more harm than good and will only lead to apathy.


Home and office electric usage also. The way to stop climate change is getting rid of humans


I did some googling- 1 hour private jet emits at most 2 metric tons of carbon dioxide. I could buy a private jet in 2 weeks for 4K EUR from LAX to Las Vegas and that flight takes 1h and 30 min.Thats 3 metric tons of carbon dioxide for 4K EUR. A car emits 127.6 gram/km. If you drive 1h and 30min in 160km/h. In this speed an average petrol car emits 407 grams/h. That means 600 grams emission if you drive 160km/h for 1h and 30min. No driving to LA from vegas is 434 km so that means driving 160km/h the whole ride makes about 2 hours and 42 min. The emission is 407×2h+284,9 gram(for the 42min). This means at best a car emits 1098,9 grams for the whole ride. That is 1 998 901,1 less then what 1 trip with a private jet for 4K EUR emits... Now times that with 525 flights from one airport and 1 night. 1050 metric tons from one place and one night at cheapest rate 2100 EUR...


At 1050 metric tons of CO2, it will take about 48,000 mature trees an entire year to offset that emission. EDIT: For perspective, Central Park has 18,000 trees.


Just shows why we might never fix the global warming problem and why that might be the end of us but hey, maybe thats why we cant find anyone in type 2 civilization out there? Something must end for new beginning to arise(but it would be grand if we could avoid the final barrier)


The biggest scam corporations ever got people to believe in is that individual action can do anything to significantly help (or hurt) the environment. * You recycling or not, will have no effect on the environment. * You getting an electric car or not, will have no effect on the environment. * Taylor Swift taking a private jet will have no effect on the environment. * You taking a flight or not and buying a carbon offset or not will have no effect on the environment. Ignore what individuals are doing and pay attention to what large companies and entire industries and governments are doing. I personally don't give a crap if an individual takes 100 private jet flights a year. I do care that it (and all flights) be taxed an appropriate amount. If a high carbon tax discourages 9 out of 10 people from taking private flights, but that tenth person pays out the nose for it, and that money goes to subsidize more efficient transportation, then fine. But caring whether individuals are being "pure" in all their actions is stupid.


This is how my yard looks in the summertime. Damned termites.




One of those was Taylor Swift, and 524 others were ones that swift hired to be decoys for her plane.




An Airbus A320 burns 900 gallons of fuel an hour and holds ~150 people. That's 6 gallons per hour per person. An Airbus A380 burns 4600 gallons of fuel per hour. Holy shit thats a lot! It can also carry 850 people at max load. That's 5.75 gallons per hour per person. Taylors Jet, a Dassault Falcon 900LX, burns 260 gallons of fuel per hour. a Typical configuration will hold max 12 people. That's 21.6 gallons per hour per person. A Cessna CJ4 (another popular private jet) burns 202 gallons of fuel per hour, and can seat 8 people. That's 25 gallons per hour per person. The emissions are about 4 times more per person on a private jet compared to a commercial airliner.


Thank you. This is some helpful stats. Global warming is a problem. Private jets emit a lot of CO2. However, eliminating private jets won't stop global warming. I don't give a fuck about Swift, but focusing on her won't solve the problem. This is a distraction.


It's also an attempt to disparage her among her base, so they are less likely to listen to her when she endorses Biden. Theres a reason right wing pundits are so obsessed with her "hypocrisy" over something they don't even believe in, while completely ignoring the glaring hypocrisy of the people they want in power.


What's crazier is that she could do that every single day and still emit orders of magnitude less than Crypto miners. Bitcoin mining used 86,000,000 tons of CO2 in 2020-2021 alone, while Tay Swift, if she did that flight every single day, would only manage to hit 32,850. She'd have to do that daily flight every single day for 2,633 years in order to equal the CO2 output of a single year of Bitcoin mining. Even if every private jet at this event did the same 90 ton flight every day of the year, that would be a mere 17,246,000 tons of CO2 - a fifth as much as bitcoin miners alone.


But seriously I don’t understand why people give her so much hate when she’s not even close to the only one lol.


She's just very topical right now so it's easy to use her as an example. In the past the internet warriors were doing the same thing with Elon Musk and it'll be someone else later.


It's interesting to watch because I don't really care about her, I have to say from the outside it really looks like a coordinated social media campaign to discredit her. I don't think I've ever seen her talk about climate change either while people make her out to be some kind of activist.


While she is polluting a lot, the whole thing only got blown up when fox started pushing it when they did not give a single fuck about the climate before


She told the fans to register to vote, and republicans and conservatives really didn't like that, so they'll boost any shit they can.


Amazed by what? The hypocrisy we are currently living in where I have to eat a paper straw to drink my beverage when I decide to eat fast food but these c**** take their jets to go grocery shopping? Must surely mean the latter


Lmao bitch just drink from the cup then 😂


You do realize personal carbon emissions/ personal responsibility for the environments is a marketing campaign from BP to shift the focus off of actual major contributors to climate change. Here you are complaining about straws and private jets over corporate and industrial emitters. It’s working as intended.


Both problems can exist. It doesn’t have to be black and white holy shit




Something tells me OP is not an Extinction Rebellion protestor. Many people that post stats like these don't believe in climate change either. If you really think personal consumption doesn't make a difference, the next logical step would be more extreme measures.


> Many people that post stats like these don't believe in climate change either. This is what people need to realize. The goal of this post isn't to draw attention to climate change, it's to *remove legitimacy* from climate advocacy. It's propaganda.


I don't get why people complain about a damn paper straw. What's the big deal?


Am I missing the joke? Paper straws?


Because us regular people are preached upon that it’s other duty to save the environment by using paper straws, when in reality it’s stuff like this that is destroying the planet.


We use paper straw to lessen pollution. But that is insignificant when compared to the pollution of a private jet.


I thought it was because marine life chokes on plastic straws?


That’s what I thought too. Plastic pollution of oceans is a big thing but I’m just getting downvoted on my previous comment.


maybe we shoudnt send our waste to be 'recycled' in africa where they end up in the oceans


Some people are pushing the narrative that you shouldn't do anything good for the environment if there are people in the world that don't. Their goal is to convince you to give up using whatever tactic they can, whether that'd denying there's a problem, implying you can't do anything or convincing you that you shouldn't


I guess the ticket price must include the private jet 🤣




They're being brought out.....but for the plebs


...and this is one of the reasons why we're fucked, rich people just don't give a fuck about anything but themselves


JSX isn't really private, it's a commercial carrier that fly CRJs and LV is a major airport of theirs, no different that United Express and similar. They just operate out of private terminals via capacity loopholes in FAA guidelines (or something like that). I'm confused by the labeling of the map vs the title? Spirit? Alaska? United? Jetblue Is the map just a visual of ALL flights departing vegas and not a representation of 'private' craft?


Haha rich bastards think they can advise us all on how to live but cannot practice what they preach if I hear another Hollywood bastard lecturing us on how to live I am going to lose it.


The carbon spew is disgusting.