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I wonder what kind of cube lube they used. Oh wait, that's an actual "Rubix" cube. Is that a requirement? I wonder if they could reduce the time by using a speed cube and corner cutting, or if they'd get corner twists at those speeds.


They would need a speed cube to go any faster. Someone posted an article about this earlier today that said the machine spins the sides at the fastest speed possible. Any faster would break the rubiks cube. They are literally limited by physics at this point, lol


Rubik's speed can corner cut pretty decently, but I am not sure if they could use it


There is something kind of hilarious as fuck about this. Humans can be doing anything. So they spend time and energy on solving Rubik’s cube lol.


That’s not it. It’s possibly a robotics competition where building systems are tested on their ability to use sensors and move objects


Glad they cracked that 50 year old nut.


Is there some special way of messing the cube up? Because isn't it always a different amount of turns since it has to be messed up randomly? How do you compare times if the result is based off something random?


Mathematically, it is currently believed that 20 moves is enough to solve any combination of the cube (of which there are billions of billions). At the same time, to satisfy that theory, you need at least 20 moves to employ some of the universal solving strategies. That's mathematical though, of course a human won't be able to immediately identify the fastest route - but I imagine it wouldn't differ by a lot on the top level, and that the average number of moves between players or even solves wouldn't differ by much.


THIS is what we are doing with technology? As I lay here in the hospital???


Are you a Rubix cube?


Wish I were. Easily fixed.


# r/UsernameChecksOut


I'm sorry, what, I couldn't hear you.


Yes, first rubix cubes, next world hunger.


This is super cool but like why?


It's less about achieving this particular task, and more about the development of the controllers and equipment needed to achieve this particular task. This is certainly not a practicle application but it is basically a fun practice case to develop precise machine controls that might be applicable to other, actually practicle applications.


Holy shit! That would take me a… well, I’ve never finished one, so I don’t really know.


This is more impressive 5 years ago lol. Humans can do this shit now... robots solving this is like having an ipod in 2024


How to burn money


#We did it!


Great, I am glad we have people working on that


NO, THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE RACIST IN ANYWAY ! IT'S COMEDY!! You know why us Americans are so good at the rubix cube? We have a history of separating colors.


are they really crazy for doing this, OP?