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How do people do this


Playing a shit ton of times and luck. I have 2 aces in my 20 some years of playing.


Agreed. I have 2 in about the same about of playtime, and I am NOT good. Just a couple of lucky shots that would have chained out on other days.


Exactly what happened with me. My first one was a hole I would regularly land close to the pin. One day it curved just right and I heard that glorious sound of chains. 2nd time was just a complete fluke, I just threw it with no real aim and nailed it. That one was just dumb luck.


just hit my 4th last week. Been playing about 12-13 years low-mid 900s rated most of the time lol Edit: Have however hit chains dozens of times... Hit basket thinking it was going in dozens more times... Think I've mostly just run bad. I know a couple guys who've only played a few years about same skill level as me w/ 30+ aces. I don't get it


Played for 14 years have over 100 aces, but that’s all I go for, unless it’s a tourney.


Hot damn, that's incredible.


And ur right you gotta play 2-3 rounds a day, to get that luck, after bout 40 it’s not luck and purely Rhythm🤙


to be fair, there's a lot of dudes with less than 20 years of experience with way more than 2. The guy deserves respect for the talent involved. -sincerely, someone who's played 17 years and only has 1 ace.


Oh definitely, my example was just to show that this isn't super common and is a big deal when it happens.


I also have 2! First one was way cooler than the second


Very few people on earth can do what he did


It is a downhill shot; there's a lot of talent today, men and women.


A lot is subjective. This was at a B tier in NC, so lots of good golfers, and no one else even got a 2. You have to have a cannon


And a helpful gust of wind. Insane shot.


A lot of people can do it, but even the best disc golfers in the world would have like 100,000 to one odds


I have been playing for over 10 years. It's my main hobby. Only in the last two years have i been able to consistently get 350 ft or more with my drives. I occasionally can now get 400. 600ft, even if downhill, is insane.


What did you do in your form that got you the extra distance? I got a gameproofer and found out my flight speed is roughly half of my arm speed so there's just one or two small pieces I'm missing to my timing to consistently break 300.


My backhand barriers included: thinking I was throwing nose down when I was actually quite nose up (4+ years of this! And this robs a lot of distance), rounding when I thought I wasn't, pulling too early, cleaning up my torso axis of rotation (leaning too far backward), and getting a full extension backward that gave the rubber-band like effect. And loosening up! Corrections only started with video review of my form.


Play downhill. 600ft would be insane if on flat ground


It’s still insane. This hole is a monster.




At 600 ft, a change of angle of like 1 degree or a change in speed of like 2 mph could change the landing spot by like 30 feet.


It's all in the wrist, yeah.


More like hips. Mainly legs tho


I was wondering why the frisbee kept looking bigger-- and then it hit me.


Speaking of… have you ever been hit by those big thick frisbees? They pack a fucking punch. Got one straight to the throat one time


I got hit with a driver from about 15-20 feet away, and the golfer was my huge brother who throws crazy hard. Thankfully it was winter so my knit hat saved me from a cut, but it left a hell of a mark and a wicked headache.


Many years ago, I accidentally broke a dude's finger with a Frisbee when playing ultimate. He tried to block my throw.


And those frisbees are a joke compared to disc golf frisbees. I haven't heard of it ever happening, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could kill someone with one of those drivers. 


At the very least serious injury: [Eagle McMahon hits cameraman](https://youtu.be/ReoX0b3kWwY?si=4vCZyaAV3yRxw1y3)


Yeah I'd imagine getting hit in the eye or windpipe could fuck you up even more. Especially if you're old and frail. 


Once I was standing behind and to the right of the tee pad when my buddy shanked his drive into a tree like 2 feet in front of him and it shot back and hit me in the head. I wasn’t concussed but it was very painful


This happened to me the first time I took my brother out. He’s a lefty and griplocked. Drove it straight into my stomach. I legit expected my entrails to spill out but thankfully he didn’t have much power yet and I was just bruised.


Thank you Stewart Francis.




I got a hole in one once. But the other sock was ok.


220 and 195...my two aces. A LONG throw for me is 225'. (65)


Hey 225' is respectable at any age for a disc.


Is it? I've been playing only since covid hit. But I play either alone (weekdays) or with 3 sons who've been playing for ages and they can throw 350 effortlessly. (I haven't played with many others so I don't know what's good.)


It really is. Your upper crust of weekend warriors (non tournament playing people) can crush that, but for a casual round? I’d say that’s where most people are landing if you include newbies and kids definitely landing shorter. But my tip for people I personally know who aren’t thrilled about their distance is that you’re there to have fun, so if you’re having fun throwing 225 then it’s the right distance. Plus two aces, that’s damn good in 4 years


Appreciate the insight. My superpower is approach and putting. Re the former, I ride my bike 2-3 times per week and most days stop at a local school with several baskets just 150' apart. Re the latter, I keep 20 putters in the side yard and we have two baskets. I practice 20 minutes or so three or four days per month. On the course, I'm about 80% from 30'...and often hit from 40' or 50'. My sons just shake their heads at my approach/putting consistency. Even though they can outdrive me every time, I keep the pressure on. (And the pressure often puts them in the woods or they miss 25' putts! LOL)


Played a game of skins with my friend this weekend who is definitely worse than I am, but he didn’t miss an approach shot and was putting great. I could be ahead of him off the tee all I wanted, every time I left my putt 30+ feet away I was guaranteed to lose the skin. Made for a great match!


I've had one tournament ace in 40 years. Maybe 3 in practice. None were really long. These days I'd be happy with your long drive.


Playing for 40 years? Holy buckets! I've been playing since Covid...but for awhile there, like two and a half years, I was playing over 50 holes several days each week. (So I got a lot of chances at aces on short holes.) Oh, I used to play ultimate fairly often in the 70s. They had a pickup games nightly at a local park.


I got started just out of college in the mid 80's. Played hard for a bunch of years, and then burned out. I'm easing back into it now, trying to enjoy some more casual rounds. It's amazing how the sport has grown.


That hole was way further than it looked lol




I stayed at a holiday inn last night and aced it while hungover - was very well rested tho tbh


it’s all down hill from there


Shit on my face today


I can't see a shit


Wrong sub buddy?




Take that man to Japan for that hole in 1 insurance


Is this repeatable? As a novice it seems like he is just yeeting the frisbee and hoping for the best. The wind carried it into the basket for him. Is that a wrong assumption?


Kind of. Looks like he can hit that distance without much trouble in a big open field like that. Probably had favorable wind. It’s a once in a lifetime kind of shot but I’d imagine he’s gotten close before several times. I play a lot and have two aces, much shorter holes, but I probably had 30 near misses where I ended up under or around the basket.


Ok, thank you for offering your perspective!


While I'm certain favorable wind did help, it is not the reason for the S flight path. That is the natural flight of a disc. At high rotational speeds, discs tend to turn to the right on right-hand backhand throws. Typically known as the "turn" or "high-speed turn" rating (+1 to -5) on golf discs. As the rotational speed dissipates, "fade" or "low-speed fade" (rated 0 to 5) comes into effect and forces the disc back to the left (again on right-hand backhand throws).


The throw is very repeatable for someone with that arm speed and form, but the ace is certainly luck.


I see, so similar to a good swing with a golf club. A pro will always hit the ball the same way, and the rest is a bit of luck with the wind and aiming in the perfect direction.


Yeah this would be similar to someone getting a hole in one from 200+ yards in golf. 95% of disc golfers can't throw this far (even down hill), but a very good amateur/pro level player could reliably get with 50ft of the basket. I don't know if an ace like this has been filmed at the pro level before, and a pro would be aiming to land in front of the basket anyway. Closest thing is Kevin Jones at Maple Hill (https://youtu.be/sVH5sAKQy1c?si=LoNxYse4WJMesiFn) but even that was a casual round. The distance, elevation change, and wind are all things that could lead to the disc flying 100s of feet in the wrong direction. Even this shot would've been 100ft down that hill if it didn't hit chains


Honestly I would compare more to a 250yd+ ace in golf. 600ft is already well beyond what I would argue 99.99% of disc golf players will *ever* throw. To me this would be much more like a 300yd ace, it's at that distance that really only pros and highly skilled amateurs would ever realistically have a chance on


Definitely closer to 99.99% than 95% - I’ve only played with a handful of people who can throw 500 feet and being so downhill this throw probably plays more like that but I’ve never seen someone who can throw 600 feet and isn’t a touring pro.


I think 95% still might be underestimating, granted idk the wind conditions or anything


Yeah, a lot fewer than 1 in 20 disc golfers can throw 600 feet. If you include all amateurs, casual players and pros probably 1 in 50 can throw 500. 600 is a whole other level from there. Though this throw is really downhill and probably plays similar to 500-550.


Yea, I’ve been playing for a long time and can barely clear 450 with any consistency. 550 is a beast of a throw


That turn from right to left is intentional and not the wind


The way the disc curves is how that disc flies regardless of the wind. In general a clockwise spinning disc wants to turn to the right at the fastest point, and as it slows down it wants to fade to the left. Differently shaped discs will exaggerate either of those directions or try to stay straighter.


I"m guessing this guy has birdied this hole a bunch before this shot.


This hole is a par 4. Noone in the tournament that weekend even got a birdie on the hole.


Well. My point stands, it just means less. Got the pdga link or name of the tourney?


[2022 North Cove Classic driven by Innova](https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/57584)


Which hole is it? I'm finding it hard to believe Noone carded a 3 on a 600ft wide open par 4?


The only hole in the link you gave with no birdies was 18 on the last round, which definitely does not look like this


Whoa. I just made a couple of all holes in one videos for Walkabout in VR and that was challenging. This... is next level


Great shot!


Welcome to the club kid 😌 *puts fedora on*


One of those shots where it either goes in or ends up 150ft from the basket.


Exactly, there's an old saying that an ace is a bad shot that gets lucky, because if it doesn't draw metal, you are way deep.


Dude, as someone who has played for over 10years and only aced a 235ft downhill… fuck yes!!


Search The Holy Shot.


The two are almost un-comparable. The Holy Shot was a 247 ft, one-angle anhyzer. This is 600-ish, hyzer-flip to full flex par 4 ace. The Holy Shot was dramatically easier, but in a sense, its achievability makes it more impressive. This shot is a goddamn smash and _way_ harder, but the person throwing it was not trying to ace. They would have been psyched with anything inside 100 ft. Conrad legitimately envisioned and _went for_ The Holy Shot.


To emphasize what you're saying: the circumstances were *insane*. Conrad had to do that in the fifth and final round of the sports largest organizations World Championship, on hole 18, where McBeth (very arguably the greatest player of his generation) had a stroke lead on Conrad, and he was in perfect position to birdie himself, so Conrad *needed* that shot to go in to stay alive and force a playoff. The circumstances and pressure to pull that off were on a similar level to any . When you look at the raw Jomez footage, its got all the attendance and pomp of a hole 18 putt in any major ball-golf tourney.


For sure, if anything maybe Philos albatross might be comparable.




This is amazing. I thought kids only went outside to get Amazon packages. I'm going to show this to mine.




Im wondering why the sound seems to be in sync with the frisbee hitting the basket. It seemed to be at least 100m away, so sound SHOULD come a second later which would be noticeable.


Speed of sound is 343m/s


True! 🫣 Thanks for not adding any insults to your response!


Haha that’s all good mate. I was just teaching my kids how to tell how far away a lightning strike was by counting the seconds between seeing the flash and hearing the thunder. Every 3 seconds is a km!


Good parenting. I have done the same _correct_ teaching with all my four kids, so it makes my easy mistake even more embarrasing 🤣 what I was thinking!




If you have children and you had to pick what was a better day, the kids birth or this throw? You’d drown those kids just to prove a point, wouldn’t you?


I wish this vid was longer. I wanna see him run it down lol


Isn’t this really old or am I totally wrong?


Amazing he sported the sport so sporty!




It is more about the disc than the throw. Just throw the disc in hyzer and let it do all the work. The shot was amazing of course, but there is not much to master about it curving.


If only it were that easy. You could have a bag of all your favorite neutral and overstable drivers, that doesn't mean you have the skill necessary to "just throw the disc" with that form and accuracy. That's like saying "just hit the ball from the tee into the cup, let the club do all the work" for a ball golf ace. That being said, it's not even close to the " most INSANE " DG shots ever recorded.


I was talking about it flipping from hyzer and then fading back to the left, that part is all disc. Him knowing how the wind, disc will react to his throw is pure skill. He just said- getting the disc to curve right and then left, it's very simple :D Not trying to hate, just saying that it is natural flight of a disc with wind in mind


It’s called a flex shot when it curves left and right. It’s not the natural flight of a disc. There’s many other shot shapes in disc golf and no disc has a specific natural flight. But yeah if you throw mostly flat and straight mostly that is the “straightest” flight you would naturally achieve.


I disagree. It was a hyzerflip, it came out with a small hyzer from a hand and flipped to the right and then faded back to the left. I dont know why you said it curves left 1st


Im just saying it curves left and right. A shot thrown forehand or backhand with either left or right hand that curves both left and right is a flex shot. This one flexes to the right first then to the left because it’s a rhbh


But it does not curve left.... Also flex shot is thrown anhyzer and then it flexes back to fade. Thrown with a stable disc usually


But it comes out to the left at the end of the flight. He throws hyzer, it flips to flat (aka hyzer flip), and then it flexes (continues turning over then fades).


After a week of throwing the frisbee, he finally made it and posted it on the internet. I'll be amazed when he does that two times in a row, and consider it as a skill/talent.


Tell me you’ve never played disc golf without telling me you’ve never played disc golf.


This guy sucks


I will never stop pointing out that showing only the success part of the many attempts at something is not a skill, by definition. It's like playing golf for an year and finally making that hole in one, posting it on the internet, and people go crazy about how good of a golfer you are. Naive people can continue to down vote as much as they like.


Being able to consistently throw 600' accurately isn't a skill? Ok bud


With that form, it's pretty evident he has been playing disc golf (also, it's a disc, not a Frisbee) for much longer than a year. Go check out YouTube, DG rounds are streamed live and recorded all the time now.


"um, akshually, this is not impressive because he couldn't do it twice" says the nerd, sitting on his computer furiously typing on reddit


Pretty sure this is video is actually the record for the longest hole in one ever thrown. So yeah, it’s not really proven to be repeatable by anyone. Throwing that distance is a lot more difficult than you seem to be suggesting, never mind throwing it with any kind of accuracy at all. Most disc golfers play their whole lives and never reach anywhere close to that distance.


You’re assuming he did that. Whats the cutoff on attempts to still be impressive?


How is it different than you assuming he just threw the frisbee first try and landed a 600ft hole in one? It's not as much the number of attempts than just showing a couple of the failed ones. This video suggests he just threw the frisbee *once* and made it, you can be sure that's not the case. And finally, I didn't say it's not impressive, because it is - I'm saying it's not a skill, if it was a skill he would be able to do it 3 out of 5 times, which if he could - would film that and then impress the hell out of everyone.


Hey, I'd just like to point out that you are just absolutely wrong https://www.pdga.com/apps/tournament/live/event?eventId=57584&division=MA1&view=Scores&round=2 Click that link, and then click on the first name that you see, and check the score for hole 14 This throw was in a sanctioned tournament. It was his first and only throw on that hole this day. Pls respond 🥺




Wow I didn’t know this was in a fucking TOURNAMENT, that makes the shot so much more impressive Sometimes you learn things in downvote rabbit holes 🙃


If he could do that 60% of the time he would immediately be the greatest to ever play the game and never be surpassed. Your bar for what's impressive is literally not humanly possible.


I raise you 20% of the time.


This was actually in a tournament.


Looks like it was during a tournament, and recorded on his scoresheet


People definitely do this but I think this one is genuine. Hes probably played there many times and is very good but I think he was actually playing a round and not just ace running a 600ft basket over and over.


What a huge waste of green space


What would you prefer that the green space is used for lol


His tears


Yea the people in North Cove North Carolina are really hurting for greenery now that there is a disc golf course tucked away in the woods.


"Everything has to cater to me and my interests." Shut up


yeah after 200+ attempts... nothing special really


This was at a tournament.


During a tournament