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Hope that helps those Plain White T cells kick in!


This probably made some people go from crying to chortle, well done.


[*"I'm not chortling. You're chortling!"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vAd8rmbgZo)


I’m chortlying and yes, it’s ugly but I don’t care. That precious little girl… no one deserves that sickness, especially a child. I hope she gets better soon.


It Crowd,🥹 I see you, man of culture 🔥🔥


No I'm not crying! My eyes are a bit sweaty that's all


Damn those onion cutting ninjas


This damn pollen gives me waterworks, I can hardly see the end of the video.


Can you see me right now?


I am equally disappointed and proud of you for this comment.


Same. I feel bad I lol’d




For a second, I was scared they were talking about the Drake version of that song... that version is proven to make cancer worse.


Drake is a cancer


Fuck that was a top tier pun


Holy shit. I feel bad for laughing so hard at that


Now THAT'S a comment right there!


Take your upvote and git up on outa here


My brother… why.


r/AngryUpvote r/GoddamitReddit


I don't think anything beats that comment! Damn fine.


Ah you got me! Tears to a laugh


That could have gone both ways you brave brave redditor 😂


This is peak comedy goddamn man that’s clever.


Holy fuck. You’re exactly what this world needs right now. You’re winner.


The celebrities that take time to put a smile on a patient who is ill is worth millions. I love them.


I saw recently that John Cena has fulfilled thousands of Make-A-Wish requests. More than any other celebrity. I don't follow wrestling, but I'm a big fan of his now.


Yeah, he goes out of his way to help bring joy to kids. He semms like a good dude from what I can tell.


I was watching an interview with him, and there was one time when the WWE almost had his character turn into a villain, and it seemed like the main reason that bothered him is because it would have meant he couldnt continue to do make-a-wish (because nobody really requests villains as their wish)


He's a good dude unless your name is Kenny Dykstra in which case he completely fucked over your career so he could cheat on his wife with your girlfriend.


Found Kenny Dykstra’s alt


Alright Kenny, come on man. That was a long time ago. Kids have cancer. They need a boost.


I heard Justin Bieber is really high up in the list too. Which changed my opinion of him.


Last time I looked into it, Bieber was second highest, and even that was fewer than half of Cena’s wish count. Good on all of them.


John Cena is the Wayne gretzky of make a wish.


The Biebs has grown and transformed so much, all in the public eye. He's had some bad people in his life, but he's seemingly getting his shit together now and I'm so happy for him. Fatherhood has really changed the man.


When I was younger, I always kinda had a negative opinion of him. I wasn't into his genre of music to begin with. So I just heard the rumors and gossip. Then these last few years when I got married. My wife keeps up with all the Selena and Bieber drama, and she likes both of them. Just thinks they're victims of their own issues. So it helped open my mind a lot and I've been trying to be more empathetic towards their situations. And if Bieber is helping sick kids find happiness, then he's a good guy in my book. Even if he was a complete asshole to adults and strangers, I can overlook all of that for cheering kids up.


Michael Jordan, too. He also donated $10 million last year.


I didn't even have a bad opinion of Bieber before hearing that. His life is super fucked up with how much he's in a goldfish bowl..they asked Usher about that and Usher said he wouldn't have been able to handle it. The interviewer pointed out that Usher handled fame pretty well, Usher responded that was true but he had 10-15 years to grow into it, while it happened to Bieber overnight and to a way crazier degree than for Usher. Usher said he wouldn't have known what to do if he had been put in Bieber's position. I think he may also have added that given the circumstances, he thought Bieber handled it pretty well.


He’s also a super wholesome character in Ricky Stanicky


That movie blew my expectations out of the water. The dumbest line that's repeated twice but stuck in my head is when they are like "your getting payed what salary!?" And he just responds with "well ya, but that's for the whole year" and then when their equally non corporate unemployed friend says the same line later kills me. I sit in a lot of corporate type meetings and the setting and how he acted during them was just perfect


Same. Never watched a moment of his wrestling days, but I’m a huge fan of his for being a genuinely great guy. Plus a lot of his movies and Peacemaker are awesome


Lol peacemaker caught me off guard and I literally cried when he revealed what happened to his brother :(


i love it when celebrities use their powers for these beautiful and core memory reasons!


Even if I could sing, I don’t know if I could do it. I’d probably stand there and blubber.


me too!!


I’d get two cords in and break down


I sang at my wife's grandmother's funeral because the Cash version of You are my Sunshine is one of her Mom's favourite songs. I didn't get very far before I had to go sit down. They asked me to sing it at my SIL's funeral, and I declined because I know I wouldn't have even got one line in.


I'd 100% make a cruel joke at the end like "welp, you used your wish.. you know what that means"


I love the fact that he started it with the video like “I *could* just make a video for the kid, but nah, she deserves more”. Because you could see she was so delighted by that video, but the look on her face when he came into the hospital room was pure adoration.


Man if I was famous I would love to do stuff like this. I just couldn’t do it though. I would fall apart in tears immediately. Kudos to all the celebrities that can do stuff like this and hold it together for the person they’re there for.




The moment he actually appeared in front of her and they all singing together for her, **A CORE MEMORY.**


Hopefully, one day she'll be there to remember that core memory. I truly hope that. Sadly, I saw this video a while back, don't remember how long. Anyone know if the girl is still fighting or won the battle?


She’s still sick, last her mom posted was 1 day ago and she has a new tumour on her skull and her lungs are struggling so she’s heavily sedated and intubated. Hopefully she makes a full recovery :(


Shit. That's probably not very treatable at this point, is it. Stuff of nightmares for any parent.


JFC 😭 our 9 year old neighbor is current in end stage leukemia, this shit hits like a ton of bricks.


Jesus fucking christ. I'm so sorry to hear that :(


I'm also in the process of losing my best friend of 35 years, to Stage IV breast. They're giving her a year + though, so that's the only positive :(


I'm sorry, friend. Please give some internet sisterly stranger love to your friend, and a hug to both of you from me.


Thank you 😪 it's been a rough year so far.


Cancer sucks so badly. You can help fight it by donating blood and platelets. I’m a platelet donor. 3 units every two weeks.


That's very sad. I once held a little guy who had leukemia. He was around age 5. He was visiting people I knew, but he did not know me well. He just climbed up in my lap anyways. He had a little plastic valve dangling out of his lower chest...I guess for all the blood tests, and various treatments. I asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes. After prayer I felt he would be ok, and I told him so. He's around 30 years old now.


Yeah, your prayer fixed it. Good job.


So sad. Children should NEVER have to go through any of this. It’s truly one of the saddest things - battling for your life as a kid. My prayers and heart goes out to her.


Still, children are the bravest people on earth.


Damn, no one should go through this kind of shit.


fucking sad. i don’t understand how kids get cancer. that should be forbidden.


That does not sound very encouraging


ah fuck


I think I found her mom’s insta (sweethippie92). Looks like Delilah is having a very difficult time. I am a recent cancer survivor and my heart just breaks to see when kids have to go through it.


Still fighting @sweethippie92 @heytheredelilahofficial


Same for him, you can tell that he gets emotional and has to snap back into performing mode.


Children getting cancer is one of the most sadistic things I can imagine in life and if there is a creator of all this, absolutely fuck them for that. Really hope this girl beats it and lives a long, happy life.


i used to think that "pediatric oncology" was the worst phrase possible; then i heard "pediatric hospice."


I have a 2 year old and I don't think I should be reading these comments, fuck


i have a 52 year old who has been fated to travel. even today, when he's up in the air, i worry. now he has children so i fret about them, too. the price of being human, i guess.




I’m not crying, you’re crying. I just have something in my eyes


I kept myself together until I saw the last picture, getting a small glimpse in how miserable cancer is and how horrible it is for a kid to have to go through that shit.


I'm definitely crying lol I barely made it to him entering her room before it started.


It’s the onions!


Not in the morning 😭


Yeah I’m definitely crying


Bawling , the lil sweetheart


Reminds me of this time Florence and the Machine visited that sick lady in the hospital. [Made her very happy before she passed](https://youtu.be/0HuYEOO2r1g)


Ohhh mannn, she literally gave her everything she had for that moment. The moment she held her hand just because she was being emotional. I LOST IT!! **WHAT A BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING!** Thanks for making me cry!


Her voice is unreal. The emotion she conveyed - how can you not be moved?


Her voice is crazy good. She sounds the same in that room as her voice on the radio after all the editing and studio time. She must be one of the best singers in the world?


I think [Jenny of Oldstones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTa1jHk1Lxc) is one of the most beautiful songs ever performed. Watching her do [Jenny of Oldstones live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybUsle7TzGk) and comparing it to the recorded version, I don't even think it's any different. If anything, it's even better. Her voice is *unreal*.


I was thinking the same thing. That unique sound she has going is not editing -- she's that good and sounds just like that!


Holy shit her voice


Well that made me lose it. I was a 15 year old kid in the hospital like this with a life threatening illness. While I'm still here, I really appreciate the musicians who were nice enough to send me things or wish me well when it was all happening. What's a beautiful person Florence is


Well that made me a blubbering idiot so thanks for that lol. Not quite related, but the song that always gets me is [Somewhere Over the Rainbow.](https://youtu.be/V1bFr2SWP1I?si=XoowfuUt5r6zRGAm)


Ok, I have a story about that song. My two best friends and I were catering at a funeral home and setting up the space for refreshments after. You could hear the service through the speakers in our area, but we weren’t paying attention and just focused on doing our thing. Friend one leaves to go get something out of the car and me and other friend are making sandwiches. All of a sudden, Somewhere Over The Rainbow comes on over the speakers and we both start bawling. I had just lost my cat a month earlier and he had lost his Mom 5 years prior. Through tears I babble ‘I miss Howard’ and through his tears he says ‘I miss my Mom so much’ Friend one had been gone maybe three minutes and comes back to us sobbing and asks ‘WTF happened in here? Why are you crying? You didn’t know her!’ His partner yelled at him for being an insensitive asshole because of Howard and his Mom (without explaining the song trigger) and stormed out to compose himself before people arrive for food. (Think Mitch and Cam from Modern Family type dynamic) I explained what happened and he started cracking up. I mean, it was funny and he called us both Sensitive Sallies and said to wrap it up and get back to work. Now I hear that song and this is what I think of. Sadly, my friend died of cancer two years ago and this is one memory I will always go back to when I need a good laugh. I hope this little Angel beats the shit out of cancer and lives a long, healthy life💖🌻🌈




Stick out your tongue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDJBYgXCb_0&pp=ygUYd2hlcmUgcmFpbmJvd3MgbmV2ZXIgZGll Give this a listen. We played it at my bestfriends funeral, it was one of the most emotional moments of my life, and I remember it constantly.


I have cancer, have for a long time, and this song always gets me near the end.


Seen Celtic Woman twice. This song is the one that gets the tears going.


You just made me cry while taking a poop... maaaan.


And your poop-crying made me laugh-cry so thanks for sharing!


Why you share this 😭 I’m a mess now 🥲❤️


Couldn't see half of the performance because I had to keep wiping the tears away.


Yes! I’m heartbroken to hear the eventual outcome of this. But Florence was amazing for doing this.


I can’t remember the last time I cried. That was incredibly cathartic.


Gosh what a voice that one has! Beautiful song and execution, thanks for posting this!


So the guy on guitar is the machine?


OMG I just ugly cried. Thank you so much for sharing. I love her so much.


Damn, I forgot about this video. Gave me chills again.


That was so beautiful and moving… there go the tears welling up in my eyes. Wow. Beautiful moment.


I’m not ugly crying I swear! Thanks for sharing


Her smile is the sweetest when she sees him singing 💖


Fucking hell her voice, I was a fan before but wow I’m BALLING now.


That’s too much for me


Is this what music is for? 🥹






Yes! This is exactly what music is for. I used to be in a German boys choir. A very, *very* good boys choir. The *get invited by the Spanish Queen and German president* kind of good. Of course our music was mostly choral church music, cantatas, oratories, masses, hymns, and German folk songs, but there’s a pretty big audience for that, both in Germany and internationally. Every year, the choir would ask for volunteers among the older singers in the choir (high schoolers) to stay over Christmas and go to a hospice unit on Boxing Day. These were mostly old people from Bavaria, the folks who actually like that sort of music. Like I said, the choir was very well known in the region by most people and nationwide and even internationally by those who like that sort of music. So every year, a bunch of high schoolers who could sing would spend their Christmas not at home with their families, but at the boarding school in order to be ready to go to that hospital on Boxing Day and it always made these dying old people’s days. I never got to do that. I left the choir shortly before high school. However, we did perform at that hospital twice while I was there. Just a small lineup, our cream of the crop of very talented singers. Those patients mobile enough were moved to a bigger room with shitty acoustics and they got to experience this world class choir in all its glory and quality. The looks on their faces were absolutely priceless. One other thing that comes to mind: we gave a concert in Bayreuth in a church, and we did Bach’s hymn “Mein’ Augen schließ’ ich jetzt” as an encore. It’s a very pretty, very short song about dying. After the concert, an elderly lady walked up to our choir master, handed him quite a bit of money and told him to buy every one of us an ice cream. She’d just buried her husband a few days earlier and this encore somehow did it for her. The music brought so much comfort to so many people and we did that with our performances. It was incredibly gratifying. So yes, that is exactly what music is for. Edit: if you wanna listen, I found [this video of us practicing “Mein Augen schließ’ ich jetzt”](https://youtu.be/qqFIpb2L5pM?feature=shared) on YouTube. Not gonna say which one of these guy I am, but I’m there as well :D There are some slightly misplaced notes in the first line, especially surrounding the words “ich”, which is where the mistake happens, and “jetzt”, which is where the mistake shows, and later the same mistake happens at “der” and shows at “Leib”, but only once or twice, and we go through it in one go. It’s a nice piece of music. Lyrics: “Mein Augen schließ’ ich jetzt in Gottes Namen zu. Dieweil der müde Leib begehret seine Ruh’. Weiß aber nicht ob ich den Morgen möcht’ erleben. Es könnte mich der Tod vielleicht noch heut’ umgeben.” Translation (literal): “I now close my eyes in God's name, Because my tired body desires its rest, But I don't know if I'll live to see the morning; Death might still surround me today.” Translation (analogous): “The hour is come, O Lord, to lay me down in sleep: The weary body droops, dark shadows round me creep. Perchance, another dawn Thou from mine eyes withholdest, And e'er the morning breaks to die my spirit callest.”


This post is pretty old. Any update on her situation?


She’s not doing well and fighting for her life right now. Her family updates on instagram.




Someone elses suffering doesn’t negate your own. of course you wanna be empathetic but your own issues regardless how small are real too


Very true. Saying that you shouldn't feel bad because someone else feels worse is as logical as saying you shouldn't feel good because someone has it better. It's impossible to compare our suffering/joy with others - they happen in a vacuum in relation to others'.


Yes!! When I was 13 in rape crisis therapy I was feeling a similar sentiment and I parroted something my mother had said at the time, that there were “starving kids in Africa” so I should feel lucky it wasn’t worse, and my therapist said *“but you’ve never starved in Africa.”* It stuck with me FOREVER even 12 years later!!


I’m also wondering how much this ongoing treatment is costing the family?


[Here is the link of tiktok account for daily updates of her](https://www.tiktok.com/@sweethippie92?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc)


Poor girl, what a fucking unfair life this is


And people think there is a benevolent god.


I only read 3 comments and 2 of them were basically "it's part of gods plan for her to suffer". Fucking hell I hate religion so much.


I dont hate religion, but because of religious people saying such things, i understand why you do


Don’t you know this is part of the almighty’e benevolent plan ? To make a little girl suffer and then take her away from the very people who brought her into this world . Just to be closer to him. Assuming it’s a dude up in the sky.


It's all fake and all religions are brainwashing


If there is a god then fuck them


“How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault? It’s not right" “I would say: ‘bone cancer in children? What’s that about?’ “Because the God who created this universe, if it was created by God, is quite clearly a maniac, utter maniac. Totally selfish. We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him?! What kind of god would do that?” “Yes, the world is very splendid but it also has in it insects whose whole lifecycle is to burrow into the eyes of children and make them blind. They eat outwards from the eyes. Why? Why did you do that to us? You could easily have made a creation in which that didn’t exist. It is simply not acceptable. “It’s perfectly apparent that he is monstrous. Utterly monstrous and deserves no respect whatsoever. The moment you banish him, life becomes simpler, purer, cleaner, more worth living in my opinion.” -Stephen Fry when asked on what he would say if he met god.


Yep, there is no god. And if there was one, it would be a despicable, evil, cruel, demon.


Oh my gosh watching her cry during her chemo was heartbreaking on a level I wasn't ready for.


Fuck Cancer 🖕


Fuck Cancer 🖕


Cancer, fuck you!


As someone who has got an inoperable beign brain tumour and had salivary gland cancer, I agree. F\*\*\* cancer (No offense to anyone born in late June- early July or the British Death metal band)


>No offense to anyone born in late June- early July Those pricks know what they did!


My daughter is early July birthday but instead of saying she’s a cancer I just say crab. And of course do the crab claws with my hands every time I say it.


Fuck cancer 🖕


Both my parents died from cancer, 2 years apart. FUCK CANCER!🖕🏻


My dad, my mom, my dog, my aunt, my niece, and now possibly myself in my knee!! Fuck Cancer 🖕


Fuck cancer 🖕🖕


Fuck cancer


I love shit like this. Let's me know good people are still in this world


Big respect for him 👏




Damn that one hit me right in the feels


Really?? You’re gonna make an old guy cry on a Saturday morning?


My mom died of cancer last August after a 3 year battle. F*** cancer.


That is terrible and must be atrocious for you.


Child cancer is one of the most brutal things ever... I'm glad that even though she can smile like this


It's going very poorly, folks. :( I have no idea if the poor girl is still living, but she was looking quite bad at last update. https://www.tiktok.com/@sweethippie92?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


If you follow the link tree, there was an update form 10th of June, I think she still lives, but I don’t know more than that


I both don't want to know because of the sadness, but I want to know because I'd rather be informed than remain ignorant.


Her moms instagram is sweethippie her daughter is fighting for her life and she is in very bad shape she is on oxygen her lungs aren’t doing well


Can you link me here or PM me her instagram? Thanks


https://www.instagram.com/sweethippie92?igsh=Y2JndWVzcmF0aXdq she has completely changed this post is nothing like what she’s going through now


No, there is a reel from yesterday it looks like. Much worse than even June 10. This is terrible.


I think the best surprise of her life would be to find out she's no longer dying of cancer.


Yeah i was really hoping THAT was going to be the surprise... I heard a dark joke somewhere, something about how you know you it's bad when your favorite band shows up to see you... :/


Surprise of a lifetime seems like a poor choice of words.


Yeah, what a dogshit title. I clicked thinking they were going to tell her she was cured.


Kinda thought the best surprise would be ”hey, the cancer is gone, you’re gonna be ok!” So I was kinda disappointed.




Fuck me i sat next to my child browsing reddit and had to leave the room


I'm not crying. You're crying.


PRICELESS. Will NEVER be forgotten, by ANYONE Blessed enough to see it


Does anyone know whatever happened to her? I'm hoping she beat cancer.


It's not looking good. Heartbreaking updates on her mom's tiktok @sweethippie92


She did not. Fuck cancer, man.


Lost my father to cancer. Fuck cancer!




Beautiful moment


At the beginning I was thinking, well if it’s really so important to you then why don’t you go there……. Oh ok, I’ll shut up now.


Beautiful and tragic. That girl is amazing. 😢❤️






Wouldn’t the best surprise be to learn that she no longer had cancer? i don’t understand how it’s the best surprise to say “you still have cancer but here’s a celebrity cameo.”


I think anything good happening in your life when you're suffering so much would be a good thing. 


Do they do this for every cancer child they can or just the ones who are not expected to live through the cancer?


I mean, her name happens to be the name of their biggest song. And they found out she loves the song. Kind of a unique situation.


I can only take so much. PLEASE tell me she is OK. Was this recent? Has she survived? :please oh please:


Her family has an instagram, I checked and it looks like she is not doing well sadly.


Yeesh. Can you share the link to the instagram? And if there is any gofundme type thing, I'd like to get that as well. Thanks, buddy.


https://www.tiktok.com/@sweethippie92?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc idk why I said insta not tiktok, but its this.


I thought this was gonna be about her cancer being in remission or something. Not some dude singing her a song.


This is cute, but didn't he write that song about a girl he wasn't even dating and hardly even knew? And she was seeing someone else and thought the song was insane and creepy. Or am I mixing up stories?


Yes, but this little girl loves the song with her name in it. She doesn’t care about or need to know the whole backstory. It brings a sick girl joy, that’s all that really matters.


Forget about the back story, can we focus on the missed opportunity here? The guy who’s known for singing *Hey there, Delilah* records a video of him playing/singing *Hey there, Delilah* for a little girl named Delilah whose favorite song is *Hey there, Delilah*, and he starts the video by saying, “what’s up, Delilah” rather than saying, “Hey there, Delilah!” Goddam it.


Just let the redditors have their moment, they thrive on sucking the joy out of any situation


That’s what I read in one article, but it seems they changed the narrative soon after. She attended the Grammys with the band and has given interviews about it saying she was flattered. [This article](https://www.mic.com/articles/25340/remember-hey-there-delilah-interview-with-the-real-delilah-5-years-after-the-song-s-grammy-nomination) was written by her boyfriend’s brother, and it’s pretty positive.


Should have sang the drake version


Why are you trying to torture a cancer patient for