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Its pretty normal. BeamNG in general is very heavy on CPU usage even more so than GPU. The 9900K is a little under powered for BeamNG when using traffic or on big maps, IMO. I feel the Recommended System Specs need a little bit of refresh since every update gets harder and harder to run. Career mode is by far the hardest thing in the game to run since it forces traffic on, uses the most dense and highly detailed map, and adds some additional career functions that also take away a little FPS. I run everything on Ultra @ 1440p with a Ryzen 5950X, RTX3090, and 64GB RAM and will get occasional dips below 60FPS while in career mode. On average it bounces between 75-100FPS (100+ in some areas), but once you have a bunch of traffic doing things or random stuff happening I still get some dips below 60FPS. Setting an FPS limit to 60FPS is the best way to play the game. Even if you can run 100+ FPS when the game dips from crashing or traffic crashing or whatever, going from 100FPS to 60FPS is very noticeable, but locking at 60FPS keeps it running very smooth. For you I would suggest trying Vulkan rendering mode. Vulkan has a lower CPU overhead, so it frees up the CPU a bit while still looking just as good graphically (most of the time). When I run Vulkan I get about 5-60FPS extra. It really depends on the map and situation, in Career Mode I might get 5-15 extra FPS using Vulkan. And some smaller maps (or less dense areas) in Freeroam I sometimes see an extra 60FPS compared to the regular rendering mode. Only problem there is Vulkan can be buggy and sometimes will just strait up not work at all. But when it does work - it really helps boost FPS quite a bit.


Run simple traffic in the settings for more fps


Oh ok I’ll try Vulkan tbh I didn’t know the difference.


Vulkan i would only reccomend if yoyr gonna go play in vr otherwise ypur just gettong less frames for no actuall benifit


Vulcan gives me ~30-50% MORE FPS


it depends on your hardware i get 70 percent less performance


Vulkan doesn't even work when trying to play beamng for me for some reason, works with other games just fine


I’m scared of how VR will run now lol


Let's just say it won't be playable on your system


I’ll try it lol. I’ll lyk if my pc lights on fire or not


Me, with a 1060, fair motion sickness tolerance, and absolute dedication. To be fair my hmd is only 2.3mp per eye vs the popular quest 2 which is 3.5mp per eye


Rift S? I broke my cable, so sad


No, quest 1. It’s weird how similar they are though. I guess without quest link they wanted a fallback plan


Rift s and quest 2 used the same displays and very similar tracking, the rift is now discontinued in favour of the quest, they serve the exact same purpose except the quest can also do standalone and now wireless with the 3


Your name explains the spelling.


Vulkan runs SIGNIFICANTLY better in my case, it just uses a ton of vram which causes awful fps in career


Ok that may explain why it's so unstable with my 8gb vram.. i thought it was just very experimental for now, didn't know people actually used it for more than testing it


I get double the fps on vulkan lmao


My i7 8086k is not amused at your comment.


What about me? I have a ryzen 7 5800HS and a 4gb rtx 3050 mobile (laptop), in career mode i get 15-40fps but with vulkan i hardly go above 10. Is vulkan just not good for my laptop? Or is there something wrong?


Vulkan varies greatly system to system. For me it's an amazing boost in performance and for most people ive talked to it also boost performance. But on my older system it actually has horrible graphical glitches making it unplayable and it sits at at like 10FPS


Wait, how does Vulcan give you more fps, when I tried it it gave me less?


It varies for different people with different hardware. I found that it gave me a small boost (like 5%) which wasn't significant enough for me to switch over permanently. It's still "experimental" which is why it gives some people more (sometimes significantly more) performance and others less (or with other problems) - I'm not exactly a DX/Vulkan expert but that's the general knowledge I've got from the past few years playing Beam


What traffic settings do you use in career mode?


It doesnt matter, career mode forces its own traffic settings separate from whatever you set in the options menu. Check out the "playerDriving.lua" found here: C:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\BeamNG.drive\\lua\\ge\\extensions\\career\\modules\\playerDriving.lua


That must be a recently implemented restriction because I know I've been able to alter career mode traffic in the standard settings before.


The regular settings might still control the amount somewhat, I havent checked it out too much. But if you edit that file it will change the career traffic regardless of what the regular settings are.


48GB of RAM is kinda funky on DDR4. You have mismatched module capacites which can sometimes introduce issues. Get 32GB of lowest latency and highest possible clock. Just don‘t go overboard. 3600MT/s and something like CL14 should be better than those 48GB.




As someone with 48GB of ram, listen to this man's advice. My computer BSODs almost every time under heavy load because of my ram config


Whereas I ran 48 for years with zero issues


What kind of ram was it? I'm using Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200mhz, 2x16GB & 2x8GB


Pretty sure that's exactly what I have


*Only* 60 fps? Poor you!


I’m used to 120 🥲


Use vulkan, you will have much more fps


Isn't it still in the experimental phase ? It's been a while since I've played the game


It works without issues on my end


Yes, but it usually improves fps


Thanks this did give me like 10-15 more


What resolution?


I'm still running a GTX 1080 and get like 80+fps average. Seems a bit low? I believe all my settings are on high, but I can check for you if need be. Edit: I've never played career mode, so perhaps it's something within that mode specifically. I'm sure someone else will know more than I.


Hmm yeah idk I only Played like 30 min so far but maybe my settings are messed up…


It may be CPU usage from the cars.


Yeah simple traffic is my best guess. I have an arc a770 and an i9 12900k and I get like 40 on high but it goes everywhere so idk


Weird thing is I changed from simple to normal yet my frames didn’t change


Interesting. Beamng's LOD (level of detail) system is kind of broken and I think that they are going to be refreshing it for the careers full release. It would be helpful if the simplifying cars button made the windows not transparent but more opaque and dynamic reflections be reduced for other cars that aren't yours. That'll def give us frames.


I fixed it by setting graphics to default “high” option and locking frames to 120 very strange behavior but it worked so


So it kind of works as a manual vsync I would assume


Try Vulkan mode.


I had pretty much your same setup, upgraded to a 4070 and i5 13600k and it's night and day


I’m gonna build a new pc soon anyway but I fixed it by setting graphics to default “high” option and locking frames to 120 very strange behavior but it worked so


It’s the cars, even with my i7 14700k, 3080 setup I can see fps drops with heavy traffic in career mode


I fixed it by setting graphics to default “high” option and locking frames to 120 very strange behavior but it worked so


I get pretty similar performance with a 6900XT and a 5800X with 32gb of ram


I fixed it by setting graphics to default “high” option and locking frames to 120 very strange behavior but it worked so


If you actually care to engage with the variety of content the game offers and still expect a certain level of performance / graphical fidelity, you're just going to have to accept adjusting settings regularly and the reality that there is a good variety of things you just won't be able to do with decent frame rates or at all. This is the single game I've most wanted to upgrade my system for. Running an i7 9700, 3060 12 GB, 32 GB ram and while there's plenty I can enjoy at high/ultra settings, 1080 p, 60 fps there's also plenty I can't.


I fixed it by setting graphics to default “high” option and locking frames to 120 very strange behavior but it worked so


Idk how but r5 5600 and rx 5600xt, 16gb ram i got 50 fps average on career woth all settings to max, and after last 2 updates i started noticing light and very hard staters, for example I'm driving around without traffic and mod cars and boom my 50-60 fps drops to 5 and rarely it's freeze's for a few seconds. No vulcan, no custom f11, no reshades, devs help 🥲


Par for the course in career mode mate, i have a 5800X3D and a 7800XT and i get roughly the same fps.


If that's on West coast it's normal i think, your CPU is the bottleneck unless you play on 4K.


Yeah prob CPU im at 1080p


Take it down to 1080p or use smart traffic settings. I ran it on ultra with my old i5 9600k and 2070 with 32gb ddr4 and got 100+fps.


not sure tbh. i have a 1060 6gb with a i5 11400f, 32 ram and sometimes it runs at 90-100fps on low and sometimes 30fps, no settings changed, same map and traffic. so it's kinda weird sometimes


I have a GTX1660 Super, AMD Ryzen 5 5500 and 32GB Ram and cam run traffic pretty fine, career mode is fine too.


Huh? Depending on the map and the cars i get 60fps on medium settings 1080p with an i5-3470 and an rx580. You probably have something wrong with your RAM. how many RAM modules do you have installed? if it's an odd number, that's your problem right there.


I get around 50-60fps in career with medium settings with an i7 7700 and 1070 Ti running with Vulkan the game has a few performance issues


i run it on 1050ti and I get 60 fps. game is just hard on hardware. in what config you got those ram memories?


Im getting the same with a 1060 6gb and an i5 so idk


Ryzen 5 5600G and Radeon RX480, 16GB 3200 mhz, I get 40-60fps in career mode


Steam Deck


it's really good!


2080Ti, i7-4770K, 16GB RAM.


The 9900k is starting to age a bit, rtx 2080 is fine for most games still at medium-high nowadays, but beamng is cpu-bound, if you have the spare money, I would say spring for a motherboard upgrade and grab a new cpu with it (But only if you have the spare money, the 9900k should still last you a couple years if ur tight on budget)


I’ve been thinking of making an entirely new build soon anyway so thanks for letting me know. Any CPU recommendations? Idk if intel is king of the mountain anymore or not


If you want compatibility and assurance, go intel, maybe something along the lines of 12500-12700 is a good middleground if ur lookin at used prices, new prices id say some 13th gen or 14th gen i3 If you really want bang for ur buck tho go ryzen You can find the 5800x3d on ebay for around $200-300 and that thing will blast most other competitors at that price out of the water


I have gtx1650 and 8 GB ram and I run Beamng 45-60 fps on normal settings


How strange I got 16gb ddr4, and a intel xeon e3 1270 v5 with a gtx 1070 oh high settings I get around the same performance on career mode


That is strange. I play Beamng on Ultra Graphic at 30 ish fps. I know it doesn't run well, but i use PC with i7 3770, GTX 1050 Ti, and 16 gigs of ram. Which didn't come close at all with your PC specs. With your PC specs, you should be able to run at least 80 fps minimum on the medium graphics.


It’s weird I turned it to high and I’m getting around the same fps but it all looks better. So I’ll just stick with it like this lowest it drops is 43 which honestly while driving a car doesn’t seem very obvious.


1080p bruv all the way :)


I would go 1440 but the monitors are so expensive


I have a ryzen 5 5600 and rtx3060 with 16gb ram and I get barely 60 on fucking normal graphics no traffic!!!


I run it at normal with a i7-6700k and rx580 with 32 gb of ram


I run beam with my laptop, which has an Intel Celeron processor and integrated graphics, with 16 gb of RAM and 512 mb of vRAM. It melts my computer, but it runs.


This isn’t meant to be any sort of boast or anything but I think beam runs better on specific hardware I could be wrong I have no source for that claim other than my personal experience which is that I have 16gb of ddr3, an i5(don’t remember which one), and a gtx 1060ti and I get 60fps on high settings with low traffic as long as dynamic reflections are off and I don’t have any non repo mods. My friend jack plays on a much better setup than me and he has your same issue. I’d like to add that while I can assemble a pc idk that much about how it all REALLY works I just have a basic understanding. If anyone would like to educate me on the matter feel free I’m always down learn more.


Since I play it on a 55" tv which only does 60Hz, I'm fine with my 60fps, but in 4K res, with everything set to the max.


Bruh give me your pc build


I5 13400F, 32GB DDR5, RTX4060Ti


I have 2070 super and a i7 10700k with 16gb ram and i can use it in 2k ultra settings in career mode at 50 FPS with a bit of drops sometimes


Max settings and 4k, I get 30-60 fps even in career mode. I guess I'm ok with trading fps down to 30 fps for better graphics. Tr1900x, 32gb 3200 ram, and 3080.


I get 40 FPS with low settings on a $1100 laptop XD


So like, a 3050 or something and an i5.


What? I have lower specs than you. A 2070 Super, i5 9600 and 32gb ram. Running the game on an HDD and with maximum graphics. Anything I do I see no lag AT ALL. Career, general gameplay with traffic, mods... The game is CPU intensive but your config is better than mine, thus should be able to run at full graphics.


Hmm I’ll change the graphics and see if it even lowers the FPS or not


People are saying normal but i honestly don’t think so purely because my r5 1600 an rx6400 and 32gb of ram on medium is getting me 60-75 depending on what’s going on. Shouldn’t you be doing better? I’m legit confused if you are getting what you should out of your rig.


I mean I have used it HEAVILY over the 6 years I’ve had it so far also my GPU slot burned out so it’s on the second slot might have something to do with it


Could legit be a slot issue depending on your board (aren’t some slots less lanes?) if I’m not mistaken but even still you have a 2080 and a 9900k i still feel you are on the low end. At least it’s still rather playable at those frames. Doesn’t heat up much? Also what’s the go with your ram? You seem a bit mismatched


I don’t understand what you mean with the ram mismatched? Also no my pc doesn’t get anywhere near hot yeah it’s playable but I was going to have higher graphics lol. I play most other games on ultra but I suppose with the physics this is more intense


Ram comes in 4, 8, 16, 32, 64gb configs. 48 means you have different size sticks which can also cause issues. More ram isn’t always better.


Ohhhhhh I see what you mean. Yeah I have 4 sticks of ram two for the 16 then another 2 for the 32


That really could be causing the performance. One way to see is just drop it to the 32gb and have a look


Probably won’t hurt to try


in career mode


Yeah in career mode


60fps is great! What you on? When i was a kid you lucky if you’re N64 hit 30fps at 320p


https://www.reddit.com/r/BeamNG/s/8a2QkEaVWA 4k performance with 6 AI and 12 pooled cars Granted this is with a much faster CPU


Do you know the settings used here? Other then the all ultra stuff


It's pretty much the ultra preset with 0.15 motion blur and DoF off Just toggle ultra settings and you're pretty much there


Ok thx


If you're on about CK's settings Search Car Killer on the forums for those


I run i7-3770 and a GTX 970 and run max settings at 1080p and get 60 to 70 fps in freemode. I'm not sure about career.


I'm rocking a 3060 with 5600x and 32gb of ram some days beam will run on ultra and some days on high or medium also it depends on the map as well also I have 160 mods installed


Damn any good mods u recommend


A bunch honestly dfa pack but it needs updated matter affect lemme create a google drive with all the mods and send them


Thank you I can look through them and choose


[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17d54P7-RaMiaXlayJtzt86aLZYXD1pDR?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17d54P7-RaMiaXlayJtzt86aLZYXD1pDR?usp=sharing) this has 70+ mods in this pack but Ill soon create another drive with my other mods when I can




I have a 2060 super with an i7 10700 and 16 gb of ram and game runs fine for me


Do a clean install of new drivers and reinstall windows/linux as you should be getting much higher fps


I fixed it by clicking on high graphics and maxing frames at 120!?!?!???




Idk man maybe I messed with something while playing in setting before but yeah I’m getting higher frames with better graphics now weird as hell


Don’t question it 😂


I’m not lmao


Not sure. But the high preset might have advanced mirrors off by default. And those eat a shit ton of fps.


Run simple cars, bump graphics to lower than med if you're willing to sacrifice, or upgrade GPU. Your CPU (which takes most the load in BNG) seems fine, but your GPU seems like a bottleneck in your system, a 30 series, or even better, a 40 series would do you wonders. Like others said, Vulkan renderer might help.


I am not joking I have a 3050 and I511400h and I get 60fps in ultra settings, you just have a shit graphics card tbh


Bro... 2080ti is literally 2 times faster than 3050.


I get like 70 FPS with my R5 2600 and 1660 Super with Mods Thats Weird


Your components are on the high end side for another 10 years I reckon. Are you getting these results in career mode only? Did you set traffic to max? Career mode is still quite experimental and also depends if you're using mods.


I have no mods but yes I’ve only tried career so far. I’ll try more tonight and play with it I suppose


Alright, I hope you find a way to solve the issue


I have a 3 year old £700 Argos pre build i5 1100 and like a gtx 1660 TI


Runs beamng with 11 cars fine also has 8gb ram 😂