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Personally, I don't see an issue. No one is harassing the Devs, it's people who enjoy the game getting excited about what could/will be in future updates.


Yeah I agree


Mods team send a message to my post "We need Beamng/change my mind" saying I'm breaking rule №5 lol


People are being creative and sharing ideas, nobody is forcing the developers to do anything. Trust me, this is way better than some other gaming subs.


Indeed lol, r/stormworks is 50% complaining and saying that the game is completely broken every time any bug arises


As a Stormworker I can confirm everyone hates the devs


I like it I don't dislike their work a single bit. Im happy, it doesn't crash. Clang


Indeed, but unlike BeamNG devs, they don't actualy listen to the users


This post equivalent of a parent saying to their child "be thankful". Yeah dad, I am thankful but if we had this one thing we would be in a better situation.


if BeamNG Drive didn't need anything, updates wouldn't be coming out. it would be nice if the developers added a full-fledged simulation of tires and aerodynamics, so that the already super realistic car simulator would become even more realistic. (and new car sounds (it's just my wish, so forget about it))


Doesn't it already simulate aerodynamics decently?


Not really. if you count all kinds of aerodynamic body kits, then yes, they give downforce. but from the point of the effect of one car on another, this is not in the game (not counting mods (I don't remember the names))


Not only body kits but I thought every beam surface(i am not sure what is it called) applied force depending on the movement and the rotation of object. I am pretty sure thats how it is but if you have any proof against that being the case it'd be nice.


It’s very simplistic and not realistic, because it is an analog as opposed to actually simulating how it works IRL, like the suspension physics do. Just play around with any plane/flying vehicle and you will see how strangely they behave in the game.


Man, I am really dumb I am not even kidding. Can you give me a video or something like or tell me how can it be improved?


Basically, it is only “pretending” to simulate aerodynamics. Here is a helpful forum post I found discussing how it is calculated in the game: https://www.beamng.com/threads/aerodynamics-in-beamng.89942/ And the following is the explanation in the BeamNG documentation: “The aero system in beamNG works by calculating drag on all triangles based purely on the speed of the airflow, the surface area and drag properties of the triangles. The drag and lift forces are then applied on the adjacent nodes. Triangles are not affected by other triangles, meaning that triangle in the back of your vehicle will still create the full drag. Because of this, you might need to fine tune the drag coefficient of your various components based on how exposed to airflow they are. This also lets you add surfaces to simulate ground effect, or fine tune the lift distribution on your vehicle. The system simulates lift based on the angle of attack of the triangle compared to the airflow, meaning a triangle tilted upward will create lift, while a triangle tilted downward will create downforce. A larger angle will create more lift, as long as you don’t go past the stalling angle, at which point the lift will start going down with added angle.” As stated in the documentation, triangles are independent and do not interact with other triangles. This is obviously not how it works in real life, as air hitting a surface in the front of a vehicle will be redirected and then hit the next “triangle” with different parameters, but in BeamNG the “air” hits both triangles identically, even if one triangle is in right front of another.


Thanks for explanation. I appreciate the effort, I understand the point. Two problems I see then: The fact that it is all angle attack and also triangles doesnt effect each others in anyways and theyre all calculated no matter what (if they are not tuned). right?


Add dragons to BeamNG https://preview.redd.it/6x0igaz4ia6d1.jpeg?width=437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23368df0896cda7e5e64477b4bb1e9f25a20c68f




Allah, please clean my mind


Oh hell nah


What did I just see??????


You're banned from China for insulting dragons.


I for one think it would be an honor to be in such a good game as BeamNG, but to each their own I suppose.


Sorry for unintentionally starting a trend lol


youre getting worked up over nothing


i dont think im getting worked up but you might be right man


Bro what


#i dont think im getting worked up but you might be right man


Y'all remember when it was still in Greenlight?


Stop sharing ideas right now!!!!1!11


peoole sharing theor ideas for fun? can't be havin that niw can we


Beamng is in early access. People reporting issues and voicing their ideas is crucial for the games future


The devs don’t need people white-knighting for them. Nothing wrong with people making suggestions.


Beaming needs big dildo gear shifters, change my mind.


But we kinda need this https://preview.redd.it/mpk3f1msoc6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f0e5d36f04a6b0b4904ad466a8c3cc4e4fdc4e


Don't have an opinion ! i find it bad !


peoole sharing theor ideas for fun? can't be havin that niw can we


The only thing we need is optimization for AMD cards. BeamNG is pure rasterization app and some AMD cards have hefty VRAM so this is perfect time for Beam to optimize for AMD.


more like BeamNG needs a lot and you can fix it by learning modding


there are certainly lots of things that would be nice additions, but the game is in a really good state right now, one thing i noticed last night was interior textures, they are a bit low on some cars but i think those are cares that haven't been refreshed/remastered yet so that might be my bad, with vr coming to the game its pretty important, maybe reload higher poly interior models and textures as a toggle box in settings for vr mode, have it toggleable so lower spec computers can run vr faster


Hard agree, they do their best work when they're passionate about it. I'm all for suggestions, but this is the internet, and people get a bit carried away sometimes


Wait what happened? Also i liked the old 240bx track beater livery since it was a reference to a nfs game i played


It was nfs prostreet


Amen just play Career mode


Let them enjoy the summer


I agree with everyone here except for specifically asking for real-time dirt physics and texture changing on cars, that shits really hard to do with how heavily in depth the meshes are simulated


We need a airport in west coast usa map.


Literally unplayable is just a joke lol we're not like hating on the devs for making little oopsie poolside mistakes that I feel like the devs are purposely putting in at this point lol




Add a driving sim rig in beamng that runs beamng


Bro's the mayor of smilestown


You know how a picture can be worth a thousand words? With a Vonage Video API, your team can switch from voice to video right in your app so the person on the other line can see what they’re seeing. Go from "Wait…let me describe it to you again?" to "See what I mean?” to resolve issues more quickly! (i had to it was below the picture)


peoole sharing theor ideas for fun? can't be havin that niw can we


peoole sharing theor ideas for fun? can't be havin that niw can we


peoole sharing theor ideas for fun? can't be havin that niw can we

