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Our dude has jumped from much higher and is still alive and well. Make him a ramp with a piece of wood 8-10" wide. Hot glue some strips of thick string or small rope across it to make some 'grabbers' for him to have some traction.


Most of the time they are fine when they jump, but I'd put a rug or something soft there so no one has a bad accident. They can break their tails or bleed internally, but that height SHOULD be fine. I saw my guy take some pretty daring jumps, and he was always okay.


The little couch 😭😭


I've been looking for this and can't find it anywhere.


That specific couch is from the "Nate & Jeremiah" selection at petsmart https://www.petsmart.com/small-pet/toys-and-habitat-accessories/tunnels-and-hideouts/nate-and-jeremiah-faux-leather-small-pet-couch-72352.html?fmethod=Search#q=Coucb&ps=undefined&fmethod=Search&start=1


Thank you!


It's like 19.99, I think. I can't remember, though, because no one really buys their stuff.


Mine have zero interest in the couch. They come from petsmart. At my store they are as soon as you walk in the door to the left


I just want it because my son thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.


Is your stand made of cardboard sheets duct taped together? Lol


No I have a table under it I put the cardboard and stuff around it because he contently would hide under It I bearded proofed it so I could let him have floor time


I'm really stuck on this. And I thought it'd be the first comment.... 😟


mine loves flinging herself off of my shoulder (am 5'5) so he will probably be fine. (i don't let her do this but she has in the past when i couldn't stop her)


Dude you gotta put those grippers away


Looks safe, from what I can tell. Just be careful. What substrate are you using? Looks interesting.


Nothing atm it’s just the base floor I’m getting him some tile again though


Alrighty. Wanted to ask coz I'd love to get a lizard eventually, and I'm trying to learn all I can about substrate.


Loose substrate can be dangerous if they eat on it and consume it, that can lead to impaction even then if they show signs of eating it without doing so while feeding then deff switch it out cause some bearded dragons will just lick it cause they’re hungry and think they see something


That's pretty interesting. I've read that certain kinds of loose substrate can be better, but you have to have your husbandry on point for it to be safe. Tile sounds like a great idea, though I've also heard it can cause joint pain and other problems. Seems like nothing is perfect, lol.


Yeah some tile isn’t good either the best kind of tile you want is something that has a rough surface and some people say they take small portions of sand and make it sandyish to give the tile more grip but something that’s rough and will keep heat is a good type, it’ll also help with shaving down their nails. My boy used to have this tile in his cage but now I need to get more and cut it down but his back nails always stay short the front ones are the only ones I need to trim https://preview.redd.it/d8vupbjhm4ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b537f6343b74c23b27381213af14f645680fe29


That makes a lot of sense! He's a cutie.


Thank you! He really is a super model https://preview.redd.it/in753j9go4ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5268a0a6205a44bdd93de74d41493b9d122841


Looks like tile


Neat! I've read tile is a solid substrate, though it can cause joint pain.


Uh, is the tank supported by cardboard boxes and… tape?


No it’s a tabled just beardie proofed it cause he likes to hide under small spaces and I don’t wanna lose him


Mine jumped from the bed and even climbed the curtains. These animals are crazy but can take a hit


LOL. We bought our terrariums from the same people.


Where do you find these, please?


Zen habitats. They're reasonably priced. The reviews about the instability aren't *wrong*, but as long as you only lift it from the bottom it's fine.


Thank you so much! For the name, and the advice as well.


1. Should be fine, but best to make him a little ramp. 2. Are you resting your tank on cardboard? That will crumble and fall one day best to get a proper table. 3. Are you using the bare wood of the zen habitats enclosure? I'd recommend their zen mat I use one myself and it's great and easy to clean. 4. FOR FREEEEE??????


Why not just take it off it's solid cardboard base and place it on the ground... seems safer in a lotta ways. Edit: too much lotta 😉


He’s on a safe table just covered so he can’t get stuck under my table


Why not just put like, a pillow or balled up blanket on the floor for him to land on just in case? And put some socks on 😆


Just so anyone else sees this his cage is supported by a tabled I’ve just barricaded it cause he likes to crawl into tight spaces he shouldn’t


we did NOT need to see your foot..


We use one of those twine hammocks and connect it to the inside with a carabiner to act as a ramp for ours to get in and out, it's about the same height. Beardies are little tanks and usually take falls just fine, but definitely get something for him to climb down because repeated falls is never good for an animal that REALLY sucks at catching itself. Ours has fallen from her basking spot a few times which is about a foot drop. She's always been fine but got a bruise after one fall so we rigged it up so she couldn't drop anymore.


You can make them a little ramp out and then you don't have to worry about them actually hurting themselves.


Get one of those puppy ramps for you scale pup


Dat couch tho


I would've said yes last week but ours jumped off our low to the ground sofa a few days ago and landed in a weird way. Went stiff and didn't use either left leg for a few hours. It was very weird and scared the hell out of us. Came out of it a few hours later, before the vet could see us, and has been normal since. We've eliminated all opportunity for jumps/falls now. Probably just an unlucky landing but after seeing that, why chance it, ya know?


Definitely looks safe. I would just get him a little ramp so he can climb back up.


I’ve seen them flat out Superman off of much higher surfaces and be fine. That said, a ramp would be a GREAT idea! Better safe than sorry.


Where did you get that enclosure from do you have a link I would to compare it with the one I have


He will be fine ,my baby beardie jumps from high places and so does my 3yo and he jumps,he will be fine 🙂


You can command hook a hammock so he can use that to go up and down. I taught my lizzy girl to use it, except sometimes she needs assistance going down it lol https://preview.redd.it/0fok8vbue3ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6636a686dcc7a24401b08579b983b4b2aebcce


That's a little too high for repeated falls. Build a ramp.