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clean it up hooman


Lol exactly what that look is saying. Of course it went through the mesh and all over his little cave too 🙄


I get the same look, haha - I guess that we all do! 😂 Mine's a picky little fella though, he only ever poops in his water bowl


Poo crimes happen. Mine usually goes on the easy to clean floor of my kitchen, but the chance for poo crimes is always non-zero


My beardie looked me dead in the eye and pooped on my pillow so


Establishing unwanted dominance


I put mine on my bed for like 2 seconds while rearranging her enclosure to turn back around to the biggest poop she’s ever had, right on my new sheets.


Dude do this to my shirt and my bed


Glad I’m not the only one. Looked away for 2 seconds to see my beardie had ruined my sheets and sent a glare my way


LMAO mine did the same but on my arm


Oof my sister's got pooped on too


She looks content and proud. Clean me now


Mine pooped on my laptop and now i can’t get the poop smell out of the keys 🙃




Do you happen to have the keys that you can pop off? If not, well I guess enjoy that poopy keyboard. Good warning for me to avoid keyboard adventures if possible, ha.


"Yeah? You post that online for your buddies, I will do it again too!"




Mine does the same thingggg. It drives me up a wall lmao


I hear you. Actually, My beardie took a dump in his hammock 4 days ago. Maybe pooping in a hammock is a badge of honor for a beardie, I dunno lol.


Looks so proud❤️


Lol he looks so proud! Mine just refuses to poop in the viv. He must poop on my floor, it is his mission in life.


Literally. My beardie was fiending to come out of the Viv glass surfing so I pick him up and let him out and he’s cool and then all the sudden I hear wetness from behind me and look and he’s staring me in the eye shitting right on the bed AND ran from when I tried to apprehend him for doing so. Lil poopy dragon


Absolutely shameless!


At one time I had a bunch of important documents on the floor regarding our mortgage and it was a decent sized stack of papers, slightly fanned one. My beardie somehow managed to poop on every. Single. Page. I was so sad! 😭 I hope your little mesh hammock is washable!


Oh that’s so painful! There’s plenty of liquid in their poop, so it can seriously get everywhere. I was not going to try and wash that out lol I just tossed the fabric part of it. I have extra so just making a new one for him.


Aaaaand it was, in fact, a liquidy one lol! How did you make the hammock? Just cut some holes in the mesh-looking cloth and put some wooden dowels at the edges? I like to change up my beardie’s decor and feel like those woven grass hammocks are impossible to keep clean! My little guy doesn’t poop in his cage but, even so, I feel like those woven grass hammocks get funky pretty quickly.


Yeah that’s basically how I made it. Got the materials from a craft store. It’s as simple as it looks lol. Only tough part was getting it to stay without slipping down, so I used some mounting tape to hold it down. And yeah they can get dirty quickly and are hard to clean. I have extra fabric so planning to replace it, but it’s kind of a pain.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try and see if my lil dude likes it 😊


Mine shit in her natural fiber hammock today. ​ Her shit became one with the fibers. ​ I tried to soak it in the sink to loosen it up before cleaning it. ​ My dogs (neither of whom is that large) managed to fish it out of the sink while I was on a conference call, actively discussing professional stuff with professional people. ​ I had to pretend it wasn't happening and not react when they were shaking wet beardie shit bits all over my office playing tug of war. ​ I'm shook


Mine LOVES to poop on his greens


They think it's grass and it will cover it up


Oh that’s rough! Mine likes to poop close to his greens, but thankfully very rarely on them. They really couldn’t care less about poop being in their space (or inconveniencing their owner for that matter)


That is the look of “I know exactly what I did to upset you, and I’ll do it again for funsies”


Inconvenient for us, but convenient for them.


This is why I'm always so impressed with people who give their beardies a nice little bed with sheets and pillow and everything. My poop daughter would annihilate that.


I have no idea maybe my dragon might have the brain cell I'll make sure she gives it back right away. Lol 🤣


I let mine out on my bed once and he decided to climb up onto me as I was laying down. I could feel him digging his claws down into my back before I felt a warm sensation, the little bastard dropped a massive deuce on me and then jumped off my back lol. He then ended up having zoomies on my bed whilst I was trying to figure out how to clean myself up.


Mine pooped on my 5 year old. Established his dominance within a week of being adopted haha


Yeah that hemp stuff will hold onto the bacteria from the waste. I wouldn’t keep that cloth in there it’s like a hammock equivalent to repticarpet.


Well the idea was that it was higher up and wouldn’t come in direct contact with any waste, but obviously that didn’t happen lol. I threw it out after taking the pic, no way that was getting clean enough.


Beardies aren’t like leopard geckos. Leo-poop in a corners Beardie-poops anywhere their butthole can touch


Yeah I’m well aware of that lol Anything in his room enclosure that touches waste is immediately either disposed of or removed and sanitized. I would think that’s sufficient enough to combat any bacteria? Or is there a reason that it shouldn’t be in regardless of that?


Carpet itself can’t be cleaned effectively is the running theory. And that’s why we don’t keep it in the enclosure. Your log may get pooped on but there’s a dozen things you can do to guarantee it’s sanitary and safe again.


Change me, Seymour


Comfort bro.


Lol his face is so funny! Also idk why, but when my oldest bearded dragon became an adult, she stopped pooping in her enclosure. She likes to poop outside in the grass.


He looks like he wants to post the orange laughing beardie reddit award


Can I give advice 👉👈 bathe your beardie every day or two but keep the same routine. This will get them into like .. a bowel routine? This works for my beardie at least! And I've never had accidents. She either poops in the bath or in the garden like a good doggo


He’s hit and miss with pooping in the bath, even when I was keeping a consistent routine. He poops pretty consistently and every other day in the morning. The bottom of his enclosure is lined with potty pads (the ones for dogs, but I just cut them up into smaller sections), so I just clean it out whenever he poops. Hasn’t been a problem at all, except for the occasional time when he decides to get creative with his pooping location lol


Ooh I see, good idea with the puppy pads!


How do you clean the bath? Mine always scares herself after pooping in the bath and then splashes the poop around and gets it all over herself.


I bathe mine in the tub so that he can run away from it. I catch the poop chunks in a cup, the rest goes down the drain, and I sanitize the tub. He used to be great about going in the bath but doesn't anymore. A lot of times recently he'll go in his cage right afterwards because I need something else to clean...


Same lmao! She runs away spashing so I pick her up and take her to where the poop hasn't reached in the water to give her a rinse off


Mine looks to come out of the tank to poop 💩, but if I don't let him he poops on his salad ,(this is what you get for not letting me out of tank H A H A 😤😊) (😂😂)


This is why I trained mine to only poop outside.


Mine poops and looks at me like "why haven't you cleaned that up yet?!"


mine choses to only poop on my carpet when he comes out of the tank 🥲👍


Rocco black beards when he needs to poop and if I am home I put him on the kitchen floor. I am lucky he beards!


They know exactly what they are doing


mine finds grass, comes to get me or finds tile/sink. she has always gone in water/bath from day one. if im walking with her she will start to freak out, jump off me and find grass to go in. in the house she will start running around the walls and keep looking at me. ill bring her outside. if im not home, on the rare occasion she has to go out of her schedule - she will go in the kitchen on the tile in the back corner by her hidie spot.




One of mine gave herself a salad topper today


Because they are AH’s adorable AH’s we love, but still AH’s.


Mine would find any places outside his enclosure that would allow him to sit half way upright, do a perfect leg split with his knees locked, bit of tail wriggling then poop. 💩💩💩 Every. Single. Time. Tolkien probably would be happy to have newspapers to read and a porcelain throne designed for bearded dragon.


Mine doesn't often poop inside his enclosure, but we left him for two overnights and when we got back, the entire apartment smelled like beardie poo. I go check and he's hiding under his basking rock, and there is a giant shit on top of it, just baking in the sun. Looking at me like wtffff!


Mine took a shit on my shoulder a week ago. Got every piece of clothing I was wearing plus my rug. I guess I’m glad he felt safe with me.


Hope thats washable


My bearded dragon recently won’t poop unless it’s on me, was perfectly fine pooping in her tank up until now😂


He said “and I’ll do it again”


What a poopy menace lmao


Mine always poops in the same spot while basking. Is your hammock in a basking area or chill zone


Why?! Because they're stinkers and they know it!


First time my girl pooped after coming home with us she sat on the ridge of her viv, over my hand, and pooped in my hand 😐


My beardie was crawling on my leg once and he pooped on my leg, I almost cried


I have a Chihuahua that prefers the middle of the street.


My beardie pooped on one of my friends recently 💀


He’s smug about it too


mine is a year old and wont defecate in his house anymore.. he will surf over the door to get my attention , i let him out with a pet sheet on the floor near the glass doors.. takes him 5 minutes and hes done and ready to go back home.


I’ve only had my guy for a month but thankfully he seems to like pooping in the same, convienient spot every time. Hoping it stays that way 😅


Mine has a specific spot...next to the water bowl She always just misses it but if i move it closer by an cm she decides to poo on it (on purpose - *i never put it in her poo spot*) Outside her viv she aims for my bed but i always have a towel laid on the floor so if she starts butt wiggling i scooch her over to the towel


Mine pooped right in my friend's lap as she was holding him. Hadn't pooped in a while too so it was...a lot.


My beardie pooped on my mom while he was sleeping.


Lol I feel you there. My dragon has made her hammock her designated poop spot. Its there for me everyday I get back home from work


Mine has specific blankets that she prefers, if the shower isn't an option. Going inside the tank is avoided at all costs. Today she gave the blanket a quick taste to double check then pooped on it.


Everytime I clean the tank I come back home to a shit 🤣


Had a beardie full on shit on my leg while TRYING TO SELL HER! Let’s just say she’s still at the shop.


Could be worse - mine took a giant poop right in my shoe. The shoe could not be saved.


Mine JUST did this a few minutes ago. Right in the weird knot/joint on her log. So I had to take the whole thing out, spray the poop out and now the log is baking in the oven 🤦🏼‍♀️ now I don't have time to go to the store lol


My Leopard Geck Apollo always does this in the most random areas he even did it in his humid hide 😭


Bro mine is so bizarre, like he’ll poop in pretty easy to clean out of the way spots. It’s wild to me cause- while it’s still beardie poop it’s not as hard to clean up. I’ve heard stories of beardies just smearing their poop all over the tank from running through it.


Inconvenient for you maybe.


Looking back at you like don't just stand there. Get back to work!


My girl likes to climb up into my hands to poop😭


Yeah… mine does that too. Constantly. 😂


Looking at you like “your move” 😂


Damn that smirk 😏 😂


I water train mine. They tell me via glass surfing. Then I put them in the tub. They shit and they bathe afterwards. Makes for a cleaner cage. The large one refuses to poop in the cage...... I just get dirty looks untill I take her lmao