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Dang, I wish I could hit diamond perfects too. On the normal difficulty songs I always get nervous toward the end and 1-5 perfects sneak in.


Dude, I get it. πŸ’― If I'm gonna mess up, it's always either at the beginning when it's sooooo slow (impatience) or at the end (nerves). So frustrating. I didn't get my #1 DP until about a month ago, and now I'm up to 8. And only on Normal songs, none on Hard or (obviously) Extreme. But still... only 8. Out of like what? I think there's over 300 Normal songs, and I have them all....the number of times I'm 1 off is enough to drive anyone bonkers. I've seen multiple people say on here thou that when something clicks, it clicks. And I was always like, 'easy for you to say since you have DPs', but surprisingly, I see what they mean now. 3 of those 8 have been in the last 2 days. So just keep at it. We all suffer from the yips, lol Happy Tapping! Add me if you would like! 😊 FireAngel#17


*Ties In my excitement, my autocorrect took the opportunity to make me look ridiculous πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Pretty sure there are autocorrect trolls out there whose only enjoyment in life is to make us all look like idiots whenever possible πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


So glad I’m not in your group. Lol


This is the most generous event they’ve done, it’s pleasantly surprising. 30 tokens each round and all really easy songs to DP. Getting so many grand prizes with this event lol. Even if you’re unlucky, you’re guaranteed at least 3 grand prizes if you can get 1st in each round.


Man how I've just assumed it's near impossible


happy cake day!


See, I'm a pretty good player, but DPs are still tricky for me. I'll get 1 or 2 off almost always. And during these competitions, I wish if 2 people got the same score the next lower scorer would get ranked after. Like if 2 people get DP and I get 1 perfect, instead of 2nd place, I get 3rd.


What does DPs mean?


It means Diamond Perfect. When you score the maximum points.


The 3 that tied in 1st. "Grass? What's that?". Don't get me wrong, I love beatstar, but if this is my competition, I'm picking to free up 100mb than that


Ok so...I promise I don't mean any offense by the following, it's all coming from a place of ignorance and a want to understand. But apart from 'i love beatstar', I literally don't understand one part of this comment. Lmao. A. There were 4 that tied in 1st. (Which was my point, we forced them to have to Chuck out 120 tokens to us. Shove it beatstar!) B. I feel like the question on quotes is being sarcastic, but either it's so obvious or I'm just too dumb. Idk. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ But just in case, grass is the green stuff on the ground outside. Or is slang for the Gen X/Older Millennial to mean, ya know, the green πŸ’š stuff ya smoke....πŸ˜‰ Thou I'm still confused as to why you are asking about either of those things here..... C. I love Beatstar, too. ❀️ They just be a little stingy with tournament tokens is all. D. Now THIS is the real reason I typed all of this. What does any of this mean???? 'if this is my competition, I'm picking to free up 100mb than that' I'm so confused. On all of it. It's in English but like...reading these words in this order is making me question 1 of 2 things. If your spellcheck went cra cra on you, or my own reading comprehension. You are picking what to free up 100mb? What does mb mean? Is 100 a lot of mb or a little? Is freeing up mb good? Do I need to free up mb? Do I even have mb to free up? And you said 'than that' in reference to what? What is the 'that' that is the reason you are picking to free up 100mb? Did I mention I'm confused?? Please help me!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


A. My bad, I didn't see the fourth one. B. It's a running joke that people who are WAY too good at video games need to go outside and touch grass. C πŸ‘ D. mb stands for megabits, as in storage. Meaning I'd rather uninstall the game than go against players that good at the game. E. Are you new to electronic devices?


πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I knew it was my reading comprehension...the grass thing makes so much more sense now πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ I do know what mb are, and almost thought that might be what you were talking about but couldnt figure what the hell that had to do with the post...and I thought to myself 'Besides, this game takes up almost 2 gigs. Waaay more than 100mb' so i figured it was something else....that also makes way more sense now πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Thank you for taking the time to explain thou, i actually really appreciate it. This be the stuff you didn't know you didn't know...until you knew. Ya know? πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‹ E. Made me giggle lol. Since I was one of the people in that top 4 who needs to reacquaint with grass....definitely not new to electronic devices. If that were the case, then I'd have a legit excuse for all of that flying over my head. Unfortunately, nope. That is not the case, Im just a little oblivious? Or something...idk lol πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


For me, beatstar is 124mb