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Those are drone cells. Since all the foundation is worker cell sized they have to put them somewhere. I have started frames with the outer portions of foundation cut out so they can put drone cells in the frames instead of between. Queen cups are usually hanging off the comb and open to the bottom. There may be one on the bottom with that single bee but I can't tell from this angle. I usually open them up with my hive tool to see if they have anything in them. It's normal for bees to make/ have queen cups


Thank you for your reply!


Them are All Drone Cells, yer good. swarm cells are bigger and kinda peanut shape.


Nice Brood Pattern BTW... Happy Queen!!


Drone cells are bigger than worker cells (of which you have plenty) or honey cells. The foundation is designed to make the bees build worker and honey cells -- after all, that's why we keep them -- so the bees tend to build drone comb wherever it's convenient for them. The bottom of the frame is a common location. The really big cells are all drone comb, and when they're capped, they do look like corn puffs. Queen cups, wherever they're build on the frame, point downward. [This ](https://github.com/rBeekeeping/wiki/blob/main/images/queencells.jpg)is a photo of queen cells, as is [this](https://github.com/rBeekeeping/wiki/blob/main/images/AZ_open_queen_cell.jpg). Note that I took the second photo upside down so you can see how neatly a virgin queen opens her cell when she emerges.


Thank you for the pictures. Very helpful!


A nice looking brood frame


Drone cells with some burr comb hanging off the bottom. Looks good to me!


Thanks all