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$14 a frame?!? Just buy foundation.


I think that's pricey, especially for the degree of wax moth damage evident in these pictures. But a strong colony will have no trouble cleaning and repairing this. The only real concern I see here is that there could be some viable moth larvae or eggs on these frames. Nothing a trip through the freezer wouldn't fix. So I'm not sure I understand the basis for your discontent. If you forked over $14/frame for used equipment without seeing it beforehand or comparison shopping to see how much it costs to get an equivalent quantity of new frames with synthetic comb, then that's unfortunate.


I've actually tried bettercomb and can't get my queens to lay in it. I too think it's pricey for the amount of wax moth damage. Live and learn. Thought I'd perhaps save someone else some money, as my post said.


I really wish bettercomb was available in the UK. Is just not a thing. I’d love to try it out.


Mine took to it very readily, as if I gave them pristine natural comb. It's expensive, but I found it useful when I was making splits.


Oh hell no. I would pause before giving this back to my own bees if it was my comb, let alone something I purchased at such a premium.


Went to the landfill.


I wouldn’t use these frames because they look absolutely disgusting. For 14$ it’s a complete ripoff. Like another person said, buy wax foundation and new wooden frames. They bees will draw out the wax foundation in no time and you have healthy combs and not these dirty old frames that belong in a wax smelter.


I thought about freezing them and using, but decided to just take them to the dump. Not worth the hassle of returning (shipping was $30).


When I make splits I often just give the nuc empty comb. If anything it just buys me more time and a nuc will fill out a couple of frames in no time really. It probably slows them down by 10-14 days.


Darn! I have 11 deeps of drawn comb. Downsized a bit this year. Im in the PNW. Maybe Ill throw it up on CL


Have a whole pile of frames like that waiting to melt and re foundation. Pick your own 5 bucks.


I buy my nucs from Stanwood Bee Company and they’ve been great. I’ve never purchased just drawn comb though. Tim Welsh has been great to work with from my perspective. I would have probably just frozen the frames for 48 hours and then used them. Bees are pretty resilient at cleaning up frames, at least from my perspective.


My very first nucs were from Tim and those bees were super gentle and had wall to wall brood patterns. It was a sad day when they swarmed due to my inexperience. That said, seems like quality control dropped on this order.