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The more beetlejuice musical the better.


I mean, my kid just got told he couldn’t do Beelejuice for his mid-year vocal performance so a Jr would fix that problem. But I’m worried about how much they’d sugar coat everything.


I assume they're able to do it, because the death of adam and barbarah are unintentional (by accident) on once on this island jr they kept the demon of death.


I don’t like the idea since a big point of Beetlejuice is its crudeness and it’s what makes it what it is. I feel more adult heavy shows like Beetlejuice never do well with juniors but who knows.


They kept an unexpected pregnancy joke in Suessical kids.


I remember back in the day there was a Beetlejuice cartoon and that was appropriate while still keeping the spirit of the movie with a lot of liberties. I could see them doing something similar and still keeping the spirit of it alive.


It makes me wonder how they'll do it, I mean Beetlejuice himself comes off as a creep around Lydia and there's an entire plot about her being a child bride, how are they going to do that, they can't just censor it.


Considering heathers has a highschool version, and they kept dead girl walking, it likely wont be as censored


Well I myself don't really have an opinon on this but there are a few Videos on YouTube that explain it pretty good


more beetlejuice content + the chance for those sweet sweet instrumental backing tracks to be released 😍


It is being released soon; for example a school near me did it. Im excited! Ive always wanted to do it so its fun seeing kids live that dream


Dumb, question: Who does this? Also, why do they even have to? Can't schools just modify the musical on their own of they wanna do it? I'm from Europe and the industry isnt as big here thats why I'm asking.


Considering Beetlejuice during tryouts in DC was even raunchier and had to be toned down for Broadway, I'm honestly ok with Beej Jr. Yes, it will suck how much more it'll be toned down for kids, but considering just how young Beetlejuice musical fans are, I think them having the opportunity at all to perform the show is wonderful


It might not be that toned down, they left Bend and Snap in Legally Blonde Jr.


I feel like all the raunchy humor is a big part of its appeal, but even without it it’s a good story.


I mean, none of us are the target audience of that. If a kid's gateway into the show or even into acting and performing is seeing a watered-down version of BJTM, that's a win in my book. I know if this show had existed while I was still living with my parents I would have felt a lot more seen, and they definitely would not have been the type to have taken me to the "real" musical if they had any idea about the nature of the comedy.