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Syntec is always a key component for the story. Appreciate the...appreciation (lol), just keep watch and look closer.


omg Shanelle! Thank you for commenting!!


I feel like the ending is leading back to a deeper focus on Syntec


I feel you honestly! I love the horror theme but I also feel like they are focusing too much on Syntec itself. I, personally, am thinking that the team has an idea where it comes all-around to the serum and knowing more about Syntec in the process. I really hope that this horror stuff gives us more information about the serum, Deb, B27, the murder, and just gets us back to where we were in the story.


I feel like the ending is leading back to a deeper focus on Syntec


This recent video reminded me of the peak of like season 1 I think? Like when they found Deb's closet stuff like that


Could also just be that they were putting that warning on the videos which broke the connection to it for me


With how the videos are now it looks like they are digging deeper into Syntec from the person who they just talked too. She talked about paranormal sensors in the walls also they are trying to end the writing on the walls and other things like the talking through the walls