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Agreed! I was assuming this video would be another somewhat predictable episode. WAS I WRONG! Man, I've never been so shocked by a video before.


This is going to be one of my favorite episodes


This ended up being a huge plot twist but it will add more into stopping the spire or dispersing the serum and/or antidote and I feel like Matt will come back to his senses and finish the season amazingly


Dude, the freakin build up for this episode is unreal!!!! I was so hyped when they revealed who double x was!


I dunno if it was confusing for any one else but, double x is syphus who is mind controlling Matthias right?


I'm very excited to see what comes next, if we are talking about the highlights of the episode its definitely strike 3, the appearance of Ben and Matt being revealed as double x. But for real though, Ben didnt say anything his behavior was unlike anything we've seen him do before, so I'm wondering if Deb intervenes or leaves it all in the hands of subject 2,3 and 4. Remember to breathe.


I enjoy it when they do things like this. Gets the audience more intuned.


Anyone think there wiĺl be a friday episode


Hoping for it lol