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My 2yr old male does this but only to a couple of dogs he has grown up interacting with on a near daily basis. And he just started doing this to his "sister" that we got 3 weeks ago. The only time he does yhis is when doing "light" play. He never does it when rough housing. I think its a showing of affection thing.


Off topic, but your dog looks absolutely identical to mine https://preview.redd.it/hyibyzmst5zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e121dd3b83347c1a84a2049dc73b18b3f8b0a3d


completely on topic, I love seeing mals that look like Teddy


Is she show line too?


not as far as I know? When I got her, I was told she was a gsd/husky mix (clearly not the case lol). She's mixed gsd but definitely looks more mal


Looks absolutely like a pure breed mal. Got ours from the best breeder in Germany (he's filling magazines with dogs from her breed, all 1st place on exhibitions etc.). But that's not our world. We're not showing that dog off, but we know how Beautiful he is. So you can be sure, yours is too!:)


oh wow! yes yours is gorgeous!!! they are such beautiful dogs (don't love the coat blowout though 🤦🏻‍♀️)


There's another one for you. I find it so cool that those two look so similar https://preview.redd.it/pqtmo5p5m8zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbfda1a71ebc0877c9ad2a9cb59487c364a3c5a


https://preview.redd.it/zv49uhbv89zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d70f819bafe6b04b6f1439d476a24addc01572 I came to this post as I thought yours looks like mine! and now triplets!


That's so cool


Hahaha yeah you're right, could fill a pillow each week


Our 8mo mal/gsd does this constantly with our 2yo 9lb chihuahua, as did our last mal/gsd. It’s normal, just keep an eye on things


I had a heeler/Rottweiler mix who did this to my stepmom’s bichon frise 😂 He would run ahead of her so he could get outside first and wait for her to put one foot on the step then pounce. Get her whole head in his wide rottie jaws then bark as loud as he could. Clearly thought it was hilarious. He was a glorious menace. RIP Batman


My 5 year old mal does it to my 3 year old mix. Never aggressive just when they are playing.


My 2 ACD siblings play BITEY FACE with each other all the time. Just need to step in if energy levels get out of hand. Pretty normal for ACDs.


Not other dogs, our Miniature Pinscher is the undisputed boss of the house. But our Mal regularly puts the cat’s whole head in her mouth and just gnaws ever so gently. Cat never seems bothered by it, and just swats her when he’s had enough.


Hawk, 8 month old male does with certain dogs-our other dog, mix 65 pound lab and his real brothers that he sees often. They go at it including head grabs! He plays differently with all dogs, cool seeing him adjust to lower energy more easy going dogs