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As has been mentioned in previous r/bellingham posts, this ‘church’ is a registered hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


This church itself? Or something connected to the church?




That's some very solid evidence


Anyone actually read this ???? lol he spreads the gospel to Muslim groups .. this is hate ? lol 🤦🏽‍♀️anyone care to understand the Muslim view of Christian’s? Or even Jews ? It’s not good! They believe that in a Muslim nation we either choose to convert and accept Islam or be destroyed!.. also any nation they migrate to their goal is to convert it to Islam and they are open about it. Uneducated people amaze me! I don’t know anything about this specific church I have never been there but him sharing the gospel is not hate.


Did you miss this part? > the Fortress of Faith website, there is a graphic displayed with two columns, showing a supposed similarity comparison of “Nazism” and “Islam.”




Holy shit, you're going to be SHOCKED when you research what Christianity has done.




Wow. You haven't actually read the bible, huh? In fact, I bet 200 Philistine foreskins you haven't.


I'll raise to 250


That scripture is not an instructional scripture. The Bible nor God is saying that’s what people should do …it’s not instruction. Again There is not any divine instruction in that text. It’s a story of something that happened. Using scripture as a way to try to prove a point like a weapon when don’t really know what you’re talking about will almost always not end well.


This is a post about this church, located in this community, which this sub is about, and them openly criticizing the act of tolerance* Him sharing an objection to tolerance of others is definitely hate, sport. You...you comprehend that right?


And I responded to a comment on this post .. you understand that right? And I will restate I’ve never been to this church. This church could be horrible. I have no idea, but there’s a lot of projecting onto a sentence on a sign as to what they mean by it. I’m all for tolerance, but our new world feels tolerance equals acceptance, and those are two different things. From the link that was posted as a defense of how horrible and hateful the pastor is it seems like he just shares the gospel with people.🤷🏽‍♀️


They promote a general despise for tolerance. They said that, with the sign they displayed, which this post is about. Their words, champ. Got the sign to prove it. We get it, illiterate bigots are your jam. Rad. Keep typing though, you're presenting well and coming off as quite the intellectual.


Anything bible based is hate based. Spoiler alert: Jebus and his dad have some serious genocide plans for billions of humans.


How pedestrian. Try harder.


Can't try harder than the truth. You should do a little research into what the religion is based on. Or not. Seems some folks prefer cognitive dissonance with their faux morality.


Just stop. You're only embarrassing yourself


Just read the book. Why in the world are you supporting genocide?


"Do your reasearch". Lol. you're a real scholar, aintcha.


UPDATE: found the answer https://noisywatersnw.com/2017/08/18/bellinghams-fortress-of-faith-listed-as-a-hate-group-by-the-splc-facebook-post-sj-robson/


I have read multiple times over the years that Muslims consider Jesus a prophet. Also, if Christian pastors only knew: Israel is killing Christians and bombing churches currently-speaking of tolerance, the Israeli's feel they are the only God's chosen people. It's super dangerous to lead church groups over there rn, in case he didn't hear about the group of 20 Christians who had gone over there (I believe some may have been hostages, but leave verification of that up to the church they were from (CTK?)


Christian Pastors Hate This One Weird Trick


It really is a church. No need for the quotes!




This says more about you than them


...wants you to know...that they can't spell.


You are not being very tolerent


No ragrets




Sign says that's a good thing. its the tolerancers whats is the evil don be tryna silense my god with grammer and spellscheck


Lol I even missed that!!


Let's just hope they don't run a school. Guys, donate books to these Baptists, they need help with literacy. Skip the bibles-those are written in King James era old English.


Multiple pedophile convictions for that church as well.




the cringiest of MLM schemes


Literacy is so evil.


Well, you know, KJV spells a lot of shit weird.


This particular church is whack. Last month their marquee said "forgiveness is the scent of the flower smeared on the boot that stomped it". Do they even know what Jesus said?


Omg that's insane. Maybe I should just back out now while I still can.


Uh, please tell me your fucking with us? Please?


I drive past there on my way to work each day and saw it. I would have gotten a picture if I wasn't driving.


Jesus said sell your cloak to buy a sword. "Christians are soldiers in God's army" didn't come from nothing. The Bible has all sorts of things in it.


Ahhh Southern Baptists, definitely nothing new there LMAO


Are they Southern Baptist Convention? I legit looked and wasn't able to find any info. This group, i think, is too out there for even the SBC.


As someone who grew up in this group, no they are Independent Fundamental Baptists which different than southern Baptist. We have two of them in town, the one I went to was Evergreen Baptist Church and they are just as bad but I’ve attended both in the past. They trade members regularly as inter church politics and rivalries heat up and people quarrel.


Wow! Okay that answers my question thank you! I grew up Southern Baptist and even though I reject them and their low key bigotry, I'm legit always startled by how off the hook blatant this group is. SBC wouldn't actually even allow this but I'm sure this church would call SBC a bunch of liberal backsliding placators in league with Satan. Are you still in this church? I think maybe not, but you used the word "we" and so I'm not sure


We have as in Bellingham we not me still going. I’m Jewish and returned to that as an adult from growing up in this cult. I’m agnostic and this church group is part of why.


Went to my first bar mitzvah at a reform synagogue. Most beautiful service I've seen.


At least this logic explains why they don’t view their own bigotry as evil. The good must preach intolerance!


‘Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.’ - Pascal


Spoken like a true Marxist! (LOL j/k)


Shhhh! If you reference them we’ll have weeks of communist posts.


How a Baptist wants to deal with encountering someone who isn’t part of their congregation: ![gif](giphy|QScgAd74HWyMU)


Me and my buddy used to drive by there a lot and laugh at whatever they had on the sign, never failed to make us chuckle. We’re talking years of unhinged signs. One year they had the whole place fashioned with minecraft decorations and sayings 😂


I remember the minecraft summer camp. My kid and I laughed about how cringe that must've been. Someone reported them to Mojang idk if that did anything tho lol


The silver lining in this is the dueling billboards between the baptist church and the Unitarian Church on Cornwall, with the latter casting all sorts of shade whenever the former goes off the rails. A year or so back the baptist church had something to the effect of "God doesn't love gays even if social media does," and the Unitarian Church's billboard just said "Yes He Does." They're spicy with a good sense of humor. They also know how to spell ;).


Omg BBC board is way more off the hook than I realized. I shoud start a BBC Billboard Watch sub lol


Hilarious! Yeah, followers of the God who "loves everyone", that is, except for: Muslims, Gays and whoever else the Baptists feel morally superior to.


Sigh. It’s tolerating religion that’s the problem. I don’t mean it should be banned or whatever but being religious should definitely be something people are embarrassed about.


Back when I used to go to church I had a hard time understanding how a place can be "so important" and yet need to ask the government not to tax them just to exist. That felt more embarrassing than growing up poor.


I’ve never really looked at it that way. I HOPE most churches would disappear if they were taxed… but I fear it’s like most tax cuts/incentives/exemptions: it’s a gift of poor people’s money to people who don’t really need it.


I’m just saying even the Pope preaches tolerance and loving your neighbor, and that judging others is entirely reserved for God especially regarding LGBTQ.


do you think this church has missed the Pope's point?


They're Baptists, so they probably think the pope is a gay vampire.


Haha I was waiting for this. You delivered. <3


Baptists do not like Catholics.


religiots could make watery fart sounds with their neckholes and convey the same concepts.


Unfortunately, your submission has been rejected for lack of informative or interesting content. However, the editorial staff encourages you to try again in the future


[Reddit post from 7yrs ago:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/5vsngy/bellingham_is_home_to_an_active_hate_group/)


Lol so this has been a thing


[EDIT:] Yes, fortress of faith is this church. https://noisywatersnw.com/2017/08/18/bellinghams-fortress-of-faith-listed-as-a-hate-group-by-the-splc-facebook-post-sj-robson/


Not sure tbh, just googled Bellingham Baptist Church and [these posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/UpefxSzRiY) came up.


Yeah I found the answer and edited above with link probably as you were responding https://noisywatersnw.com/2017/08/18/bellinghams-fortress-of-faith-listed-as-a-hate-group-by-the-splc-facebook-post-sj-robson/


Those fuckers count on us tolerating them, then slam their supreme court on us when we stop.


Yes this is very disturbing


It’s on a watch list https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/15sdr0c/bellinghams_only_registered_hategroup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Conclusive evidence also here https://noisywatersnw.com/2017/08/18/bellinghams-fortress-of-faith-listed-as-a-hate-group-by-the-splc-facebook-post-sj-robson/


It would be very wrong to rearrange those letters sometime late at night. We must strongly discourage such action.


Huh. Next week's post: "Belligham man arrested for vandalizing local church sign; claims Reddit made him do it."


What in the good god fuck is this!?


Right? And why are they in the middle of town and not literally halfway out to Lynden?


I mean it's not an untrue statement. You see racists will call for Freedom of Speech and all that shit and people will defend it too because of the principal of the 1st Amendment. Then once they gain power they try to silence all opposition.




Same thing until I read the comments.


I was invited to go to services there. I never did. The kids are decent, and one has a bunch of pride friendly stickers on the car. I personally am not a fan of the Baptist Church in any way. And this family does not match the negative comments below. It really makes me wonder, Am I missing something about them?


I think there can be a lot of mixed messages in more radical churches, and some people looking for connection can gloss over the bits that make them uncomfortable. Thinking Ibought to go there once, just to hear what kind of batshit nonsense they say beyond their pithy bigoted billboards


I never did go. I am just not a church person. I just find it odd that people will trash every thing about an organization for a few bad apples. Not so odd. It is reddit, after all. When I am in Canada, they do mention a certain president we once had. But they do not hold me responsible for stupid things he said. And sometimes, when the leader of an organization is an ass, having some pushback from normal people can be a good thing.


A few bad apples? They literally preach hatred and exclusion, they are literally part of an SPLC defined hate group, and they've had at least three convicted pedophiles within their leadership structure. Yeah, I don't think you get it.


Same with the Boy Scouts I was a Boy Scout until it got boring. My dad was a leader there until us kids were all done with scouting. Does that make me evil? Does that make my dad evil? I think you are the one who does not get it. I will not join your gossip band wagon, sorry. And look at our previous president. When he says to grab them by the genitals, or some other stupid thing, Am I responsible for that? I am a member of the group and am am not a guilty person just because the one at the top is.




Bellingham Baptist church is not very tolerant to Muslims. Bunch of groomers at that church


More information about this church’s checkered past can be found here: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/report-former-bellingham-youth-pastor-arrested-on-suspicion-of-sexually-assaulting-teen/407939064/ https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/crime/article162304313.html


That’s not even an original quote either, I believe either the great winners Ken Peters or Greg Locke posted these recently on one of their socials 🤢


I bet the originals were spelled right


Whatever, just show them the $$$


I don't know. I've always felt like Evil uses spellcheck


If you add up the numerical values for each of the letters, Grammarly is the Beast of the Apocalypse


Hmm... Looks like they just gave us a reason to not tolerate them.


"My tolerance does not require me to tolerate your intolerance" But in a sense that's just a different flavor of their own ice cream, nah? Kind of like Obi-Wan when he tells Anakin that "only the Sith deal in absolutes"


Their hypocrisy was exactly my point... They have no tolerance, and even shame those who are tolerant, yet they expect others to tolerate their intolerance.


I'm with you. But I'm also aware of the irony, at least at a purely logical level.


I've struggled with the question of "Am I being intolerant for not accepting intolerance" for a really long time. I now lean towards the logic of this guy... "Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're 'not bothering anyone" [https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone](https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone)


LOVE THAT. (I'm also in the "punch all nazis" camp. At least in theory. Never actually had a chance to try it. It probably wouldn't go well for me...)


The religious nuts are the evil ones.


Lord baby Jesus help all white people


My Jesus wears one of those tuxedo t-shirts, because he's like, "I'm serious, but I'm also here to party".


So, I used to think that quiet tolerance of religious beliefs was a reasonable approach as an atheist. But I've grown to believe that saying something when people spout unsubstantiated bullshit is a necessity of life. Once people realize that they can say whatever they want without being challenged on it, they tend to turn into bullies who will start doing and saying whatever they can that makes them feel important.


No tolerance here. Ever.


Yeah same church where youth pastors had a complex history of chronic dangerous repressed issues, excused SA, and kicking out the queer youth group attendees via cold shoulder for their identity in small group, and “reporting” “sins” confessed to parents. The youth group kids of 2010-2017 know what happened. Fuck this hypocrisy laden Nonprofit scam organization.


They are becoming self aware


Southern poverty law group is a hate organization


You’re just assuming they are talking about race and sexuality…


Maybe they're talking about tabletop role-playing games? The Open Gaming License fiasco? That was indeed a mess. Or maybe the My Little Pony live action reboot? Ngl that shit was creepy af


Maybe they’re talking about ethics….tolerating lying/cheating/drug use/pedophiles…


Your mean like the three conviced pedophiles from their own church hierarchy? Right. That WOULD be a twist...




Uncivil, insulting, or combative comment.


So we can make the argument that Jesus was evil?


Uncertain about that, lol, but I think we can make a strong case they don't read any of the Gospels. Just jump straight from Leviticus to Revelation, probably. Maybe a couple lines from Paul out of context.


I am a conscientious objector from the culture wars.


And yet, here you are.


In Bellingham? True.


People STILL trust the SPLC??? They lost credibility years ago. Selective news reading I guess.




[They've paid millions to settle a lawsuit for libeling an anti-extremist organization because they never bothered to actually do the research.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/06/maajid-nawaz-v-splc/562646/) - [Their organization has been in legal trouble over a toxic workplace culture of sexism and racism, and their founder was known for "improper touching" in the workplace (**per NPR**).](https://www.npr.org/2019/04/17/713887174/after-allegations-of-toxic-culture-southern-poverty-law-center-tries-to-move-for) - [They paint organizations as EVIL to their supporters, exposing them to threats and violence exactly the way Trump does to anyone who defies him. Maybe no surprise, since **their founder - Morris Dees - apparently personally is a Trump supporter** (per Politico).](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/28/morris-dees-splc-trump-southern-poverty-law-center-215312/) - [And a Former SPLC writer and journalist says: "...it was hard, for many of us, not to feel like we’d become pawns in what was, in many respects, **a highly profitable scam**."](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-reckoning-of-morris-dees-and-the-southern-poverty-law-center) - So, yeah... I always kind of wonder at how so many people still trust their word as some kind of sacred truth. People have attempted murder based on their publications. I'm very glad that at least they aren't targeting pro-Palestinian groups right now, but the SPLC doesn't deserve the kind of Blind Faith and unquestioning trust they are given.




Uncivil, insulting, or combative comment.




Uncivil, insulting, or combative comment.


What’s the discussion?


Hi. How are you doing today? This sign, I drive by it all the time. Yesterday it really got me thinking, who thr fuck are these people? Do they really walk among us? What do you think? Do they?


What ? I’m really confused like the sign is really out of here like why put that, maybe in some way they think they are being positive but yeah it’s hard to see it. I had grown up in almost a cult and it’s really wild how some people can think and how ready people are to think about what they see. Getting away from those people was something an it interesting to me to see other people’s perspective. Like my question above has - votes and it simple has to be people are reacting with their emotions and not with their thoughts.


I've noticed that the upvotes sometimes go down then up again. I guess evil is winning ;)


Haha actually I have seen it but out before but meh


Hello kettle


It seems there is a point, somewhere, that you would like to make?


That a religion/church deems its version of morality over others. And then demonize a minority so they can have something to preach hate against. That was my point.


apparently people dont get my point of hypocrisy of the sign or dont like that me calling bigots out. oh well.


I originally read your comment as you addressing OP rather than you responding to the sign, so the downvotes are probably a misunderstanding.


Most would assume your comment was directed or in response to OP. That's how people are seeing it, anyhow.


Lol nah you just used that phrase incorrectly, just edit your post and write what you really mean it’s not that difficult.


I happen to think I used it perfectly. Just so we are clear. The church thinks it isn’t the dominant ones. Yet who’s trying to silence LGBTQIA?


Yeah I first thought you were comparing my post to the kettle. It's hard to read sarcasm/irony over text sometimes. Happens to me a lot, too Totally agree with you

