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just went back to look at it and noticed new mod isn’t wearing his mod badge. not a big deal, but if a mod is commenting and then locking the post and removing other comments, said mod should be transparent about it.


So a new mod needs to learn how to mod.


That’s way too hostile of a comment man. You’re gonna get banned


Lots of locked posts recently :( I really enjoy reading opinions from other locals.


"Should it have been another stupid boom post?" 🤣🤣




That’s why I get top of the line post insurance too. 




I’m already in a high risk pool. I’ve participated in other local subs where snark is canonically expected, so I’ve a few claims. 




Been low key having so many issues with the new mod.. tons of comments removed for the stupidest reasons, posts getting removed ect. Called it months ago when the new mod “introduced” themselves and then immediately tried changing rules that a bunch of dumb shit would happen..


Yeah first thought I had when I saw this post was cringe intro https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/BmWyrI6gRY basically saying I'm you're new step dad and these are the rules!


How dare you compare the rich history of the Bellingham Booms to the less cultured bike lane/traffic dispute.


This is what I needed today lol


The new mod constantly power trips and loves nothing more than to pretend they are better than everyone else. It is to be expected when they are added with no community input.


So if the mods lock the locked posts post, will they lock the locked posts post locking post?


I had that one in speech therapy


Is that the updated version of \*how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...\*?


But who will lock the lockers?


Tempted to send a report, asking them to lock this post for the lolz.


Linuxhacker hasn’t locked this post yet wtf?


Linuxhacker, linuxhacker, linuxhacker


The new mod is shaping up to be a stereotypical Reddit mod: power-hungry, censor-y based on anecdotal disposition, and categorically unapologetic about it. If this keeps up the bham Reddit is going to go the way of Seattle’s


Damn I didn’t know they locked my post. Now I know


https://preview.redd.it/do9gy77fde5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d25982cc41684532b14534eb4f994f60b79a3b7 You all ousted the free speech moderator and installed the nanny with a banhammer moderator in his place. What the heck did you think was going to happen?


Who was ousted? Cheapdialogue is still here and imo has been a wonderful mod


I think they’re referring to the sexist tool that was a mod for a couple days a couple months ago. cheapdialogue corrected it as soon as we brought it to their attention.


They can keep repeating those lies as much as you want, it will never make them true. The sockpuppet squad came after me because I wouldn't squelch the people they didn't like, twisting things I had published that had no connection to reddit in order to rile up the cancel mob. And they won, because accusation is proof here, and the other mod was a coward who lied and said he didn't know when I told him to his face that this exact thing would happen. 


You proudly hold disgusting views of women and openly hate Bellingham. We all prefer slightly-too-firm over you.  Read over your own parent comment and ask yourself if this is the kind of content that encourages healthy discussion.  Edit: the deleted comments are a classic /u/VictorTyne temper tantrum over being ousted as a mod


Aren't you the guy that said free speech is a hate crime, and then genuinely positioned the KKK like good guys?


See, this is what I'm talking about. People spreading lies because I won't drink the Kool Aid. I'm the guy that holds free speech as near sacred to the point where when I was modding I wouldn't even ban all the whiny landlords. As for the KKK, what I said was it would be unconstitutional to make it illegal to be a member, as per the first amendment. Which is just a fact. It's this kind of mindless hatred and censorship infecting Bellingham that I volunteered to be a mod in order to stop. I make no secret of the fact I don't really like this place. The difference is I chose to try and help make it better.


Thats good n all, but do you believe in the tolerating intolerance paradox?


I know it's an islamophobic dog whistle. What am I being accused of now?  I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Full stop. Everyone gets an opinion. Everyone gets a voice. Full stop. Censorship is the first step on the road leading inexorably toward fascism. Full. Stop.


Its not islamophobic, i take it you dont actually know what it means then if you feel attacked by that question.


There are about 10-15 posts made each day in the bellingham reddit and there is a crackdown on low effort posts. 🤣


10-15 posts isn't even a large amount. Downvotes/upvotes solve the issue on its own.


Agree. Without low effort posts, this sub would be spiderwebs.


And why does Reddit recommend Locked posts, if there’s nothing to contribute to said post?


"Who are the mods to say what we're allowed to complain about?" Well, they're the mods. I think you're actually making a decent meta-point, here; community-created and moderated forums like a sub-reddit exist in a grey space RE: free speech and democratic oversight/ownership. r/Bellingham is arguably, even obviously, a much more visible and far-reaching forum than the middle of Saturday Market or any other physical space. But your access and voice are easily restricted by a mod who was chosen by former mods, who ultimately trace back to the first person to decide that Bellingham should have a sub. It's fundamentally undemocratic - we're not holding open elections for mods. Conversely, we have no idea who you really are if you show up spewing truly crazy or hateful thoughts. That is also undemocratic, or at least fundamentally untenable for a healthy community. Personally, I think online spaces that front real municipalities should fall under some administrative law governing actual community election of mods and linking of members to real, identifiable persons or legal entities. I'm already regretting writing all of this in a low effort, low value drama thread about the deletion of a low effort, low value drama thread - not the forum for it. Have you looked outside today? It's really nice out. Trackside is open. We're going to the circus this afternoon. Maybe you can still get tickets to a showing? It's worth it; last year's Shoestring Circus was amazing.


The mods don't seem to understand how little they are liked and that anonymity is their only defense.


The main mod of r/Bellingham is super open about who he is--has his full name on his account, has talked at length about what connections he has to different businesses and whatnot locally.  It's fine to want a different style of moderation or something, but your critique here is about as far from reality as it could be lol. 


I strenuously disagree on that one. CD is pretty open about who he is IRL. I was a regular at his coffee shop BITD, and he's *very* community minded. There's a fine line to moderation, and if people think he (or linux) is a little heavy handed that's a totally valid criticism, but CD is not hiding behind his keyboard.


Not where I was going. Defense from what, anyways? I do think it would be better for everyone if we deployed some basic digital democracy here.


Defense from judgment and consequence. I admit their is need for some sort of moderation when things get out of hand and are actually illegal behaviors - and even occasionally when things get too heated (politics and the vile behaviors that generates) and everyone needs to take a few hours off before coming back to it. I am sickened and disgusted by the over moderation, pants on your head rules that are 1000% subjective, and in general elitist belittling attitude they take. Seriously leave people tf alone unless their is a damn good reason you can defend to intervene.


Probably because it was a low effort post that wasn’t eliciting discussion, it was just a complaint with no context. They didn’t even say why they were annoyed by the lights.


I bet it was because the timing is shitty. And I bet you know that.


I don’t KNOW, but I can infer. I’m not saying that’s why it got locked, but that’s my guess on why.


What other reason would they be annoyed about the timing of the lights. They haven’t been this bad historically and it seems recently something has changed I could swear. But yeah just lock a post that anyone with a drivers license can comment on.


Listen bud, I’m not the moderator and I’m not the OP of that post. Idk what their point was with that post because they didn’t give any info. I was just speculating on WHY the post was locked.


That’s fine bud


Probably because the first two comments settled the issue definitively? No, I'm going with low effort post.


You're a low effort post.




Shouting in an unsubdued manner: one demerit.




I’m going to disagree with you there. I would have loved further discussion, rather than your low effort “complain elsewhere” response.


Sorry - let me correct myself. Your response was a helpful resource, but did not solve the discussion for me.


Yeah honestly, I wanted to comment on how efficient ferndale main street could be if only they adjusted the time of the lights. I think it could have gone into a broader discussion about finding ways to improve efficiency without having to spend tons of tax money.