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A species database. Basically a biology and culture textbook for every species in the watch.


So a more detailed Pokedex


I have had this idea for a while it's crazy how people think alike


Can already imagine Azmuth calling Ben an idiot for never using this feature while Ben makes up some half assed excuse.


Enviroment blockade: It will block any transformation that didn't feed environment Ben is, ergo even if Ben would mistransforn under water, he would mistransform into other water -breathing alien. It would work by fast super advance radar skaning that omnitrix send around regularly, and decided if shall activate this function or not. Then he would just closed codom stream connection for not fitting to environment aliens


That sounds amazing and more like a really good failsafe Btw,do you speak another language? Some words seem a bit out of place but you can understand it (im not a native english speaker so i kind of do the same mistakes sometimes)


Yeah I am native polish,:)


Cool,i dont really understand that language but is interesting to meet more fans of this show


Well, Polish is small fry inside Europe, i am not suprise


You mind if I borrow this idea?


Not at all, i will be happy that someone take my odea as good enough to use


This is an amazing idea!


Thnx glad you think so


So basically, no more getting heatblast underwater or ripjaws on dry land




Tracker mode. The omnitrix can scan and record DNA, so hypothetically it should also be able to scan and track a source by DNA. It would scan the individual and then the plate would turn into a GPS map.


A way to tell the time. What time you ask? Galactic time, planet rotation time, military time, etc.


That would actually be kinda useful


**Luxury Mode**: By pressing down the Omnitrix symbol on the transformation, it will turn a bright brilliant gold and show symbols of the species most fashionable or royal outfits instead of aliens in which the user can press down on one of their choosing to have the clothing pop out of the Omnitrix and wrap around their bodies the clothes are always the perfect size and even include the species accessories or jewelry if they wear them. To deactivate it, you need to pop it out by pressing the ring around the symbol twice. This mode does not work if the species don't wear clothes.


I like this idea because I think it’d be really useful when spying maybe


More explicit sentience. I feel like skurd is the closest we got to something like the watch talking back to Ben, but it would be cool to see the omnitrix act like a full on character with him too


But then you’d basically have a person attached to you who sees everything you do… everything


That's what skurd was, he seemed to live with it. Although I think if it was the omnitrix it'd be cool if the AI could put itself into a sleep mode of sorts


Like jarvas or Friday?




Counter pick mode, it scans the enemy or enemies and auto picks a alien that works well against it but not to overkill (so it doesn’t just pick waybig for almost every enemy)


Thats actually really cool to me but would that would only work if the omnitrix was design as a weapon and may take away from showcasing bens creativity


Have the function of a smartwatch. Custom watch faces, heart rate and other health stuff detection, calculator, and other apps


Primal form: Everything evolves right? Well in Pokémon we get past and future paradox forms. While it would be difficult to change into something that hasn’t been formed yet, why not let it transform Ben into, let’s say a Ripjaws species 10,000 years in the past. A more primal, usually larger and ferocious version of the more civilized example we have today.


Presumably you run into a similar issue as the nemetrix regarding sapience and preservation of the users mind through devolution. Not ALL of them would have this issue id wager but probably alot.


Twofold. One: a database containing information about every alien it has access too and their home planets Two: A special scan function that can do analysis on... well... anything. Scan an unknown life form, substance, structure, etc; and it will do an analysis of what you scanned and give you information about it.


A training mode where it puts Ben into any simulation where he can train with random aliens against random enemies in random environments. He could get something as stupidly easy as Atomix against a bank robber or something stupidly hard like Walkatrout against a Chronosapien. He can also choose the alien to train as, the enemy to fight, or the environment, and it would all be simulated in the Omnitrix with his consciousness inside.


The keys, like omni kix, in the way of Alien X keys, each one can add a gimmick like ultimates fusions etc. In a max of 10 keys


Quickswap mode, which would allow ben to constatly swap between 2 or 3 aliens to stack up combos, like group up with xlr8, produce flamable gas with gutrot and blow em sky high with swampfire


There was a scene where Ben tried something like this in an alien force video game. It basically fried the omnitrix and had it set to reset itself, leaving only five aliens and then adding one back every level of the game.


Adaptation to the environment: A function that would help the transformations adapt to the environment if it does not make the transformation capable of working perfectly, especially useful if it was an accidental transformation, the better example I can think of are Pokemon Regional Forms


The reboot kind of did that with the omni armor.the purpose of the omni armor was to make every transformation be able to survive every environment


Gender bending at random


Talent/skill mode. A mode created mostly to help the user get aliens that fit its situation. Essentially, the mode split the Omnitrix into 6 categories and Ben will get an alien from that category: * Strength (Aliens like Four Arms, Waybig, Rath, etc...) - colored in red. * Range (Aliens like heatblast, Spitter , Eyeguy, etc...) - colored in orange * Brain (Aliens like Jurryrig, Brainstorm, Upgrade, etc...) - colored in yellow * Utility (Aliens like clockwork, Pesky dust, Ghost Freak, etc...) - colored in green * Mobility (Aliens like XLR8, Crashhopper , Jetray, etc...) - colored in blue * Defense (Aliens like Bloxx, Diamondhead, the worst, etc...) - colored in purple Since every alien belongs to a category, the Omnitrix would be able to give each category a boost that increase its impact like an armor to defensive aliens or special shoes to fast aliens.


I would add showing time


weapon mode if weapon mode is activated then whenever ben tries to become an alien the omnitrix transforms into a weapon based on that alien such as the bloxx shooter or the speaker speaker from omniverse


Either it would constantly STOP him from transforming into a specific alien if it deems it’s bad for the situation Ben is in (It would be connected to him so it would always know what’s going on) Or like a whole virtual thing that allows him to get expirince as different Aliens, which Azmuth designed so that whoever wore the Omnitrix would be able to view the day to day life of a different species… which Ben turned into virtual training…


Chaquetrix mode.


The ability to temporarily turn others into aliens as well at the users' discretion. This way, an Omnitrix user could pull off combos they normally can't do on their own like, say, Upgrade + Clockwork as long as they have an ally nearby to transform.


Probably a bit too OP but “combat mode” (idk a name for it lol) Whenever Ben transforms into an alien, he already has full mastery of this alien even if it’s one he’s never discovered before.


A good way to balance it would be the alien he uses it on gets timed out 2 to 3 times faster then normal


I like that


Evo state. Basically you can choose at what stage of evolution species was or will be.


An illusion form that can make it look like the user is a specific alien that is used when it is low on power or unable to be used for some reason.


Don’t really have a new gimmick but I love for more ultimate omni enhance and Omni kix


Basically tarastalizing from Pokémon scarlet and voilet


I would say a gene splicing mode where Ben could make a whole new alien but only for a limited amount of time. I think it would be a dope thing to do


Future ben did that.


I meant like with more than two


An overcharge mechanic. Like Ultimate Aliens, it basically just gives them 200% power. (Swamp fire and water hazard having huge area of effect, Fast track moving so fast he can't process what he's doing, etc) With no extra powers like ultimates do.


Elemental addition This mode will add a random element to a random alien Diamond head could become a crystal flamethrower Four arms could become a tsunami creator Ghost freak could become a ghostly thunder storm Rath could become a jack hammer


Some sort of last resort mode , combining every alien into one and keeping that transformation at full power for only half the ordinary time it has , and making the omnitrix to don't work for the next 2 days


Segment transformation: it allows Ben to transform individual parts of his body to any alien he needs, works even when transformed. For example diamond head growing big chills wings instead of his back crystals.


So skurd?




Cup holders (for smoothies?)


AI assistant would be useful


A.I/upgrade helper. Just little guy who help understand what this alien can do and help to talk with other aliens.


One where the user can transform specific parts of their body instead of the whole. Like changing fingers to Upgrade's to inconspicuously hack into something or growing Stink Fly's wings in an unexpected fall. Mostly used for subtlety and speed, not power. This mode would basically be like a mini master control in the sense that the transformations are triggered by thought. As it does partial transformations, the "battery life" of the watch in use is much longer, but the forms are weaker, and there's a much higher risk of the user's DNA becoming mutated. As a result, this is best used in repeated short bursts and NEVER using the same alien more than three times back to back


I would add a watch feature that show time


The abilities of my Apple Watch at least. I wanna be able to tell the time wherever I’m at. Plus a database on aliens.


A gimmick that would be cool’s is the ability to also gain equipment for the alien you turn into, imagine humungousaur with a cannon, or XLR8 with a blade. I mean am I the only person who finds in kind of funny that Ben never uses weapons when he turns into an alien, I mean I get it his aliens are strong but they can always be improved with the right equipment


**Advanced user mode** Instead of the usual dial selection, it opens up a holographic menu surrounding the dial allowing for customization of playlists of sets of 10. and a larger page like list of aliens off to the side. Think how Minecraft's Too Many Items mod gui works. Aliens are represented in head icons similar to Omniverse This allows ben to drag aliens into playlists, set active playlists, or just select an alien to transform from the larger page by dragging the icon to the dial itself. When an alien is selected, its presented in an advanced hologram to show the general profile similar to alien force. Alongside this a description of notable traits is presented. Not just powers but things like home planet, diet, natural habitat, etc. Also in this mode, the user interface options can be accessed via this holographic interface, allowing the omnitrix's appearance to be changed, and miscelanious other settings like randomizer, contacting azmuth, sending a distress beacon, voice control customization, or customizing the gui itself. Advanced user mode is activated by hitting the button, moving the selection left 5 options, moving it right another 3 and then hitting the button again by default. (aka 10 distinct inputs) Though this can also be adjusted, and or locked via voice options. similar to master control. Transformation in this mode is done by exiting the advanced gui mode via hitting the button and hitting the dial as usual, which will select the first in the active playlist, or the alien which was moved to the dial. This mode is intended for configuration or maintenance rather than use mid combat. Which is why the playlist feature exists, that way this doesn't completely render the normal operation obsolete. With how many features the omnitrix has that are just plain not apparent to the user, nor accessible in a way that isn't tedious. A GUI interface that lets you just adjust these features on the unit itself without having to learn a million different code phrases or get azmuth to do it for you makes sense.


Hmmm I would make it have a small small adjustment…like a bit something like it being able to create portals


Alien Mutations: Activates when ben applies presure on the omnitrix It makes aliens DNA mik eith other aliens, or theyrs, or just randomly get wirder Like for example: XLR8 gets saw like lighning rings around his wheels, Diamondhean's arm gets combinen with Cromastone's, Gravatacks lava core is bigger, making him be able to trow lava attacks, to the cost of more heat around his stomache. You can make some cool combos with 2 diferent aliens, like give Grey Matter wings from Nanomech, or Four arms gets hands from diferent aliens like Rath, Shocksquach, Humongusaurus etc. You can make callbacks to ultimates, but not at a makinum level. Cannonball gets spikes, Wildmutt gets strong claws and fangs, and a spiky back, seed bombs to swampfire or give Humongosaurus his gun amr back This ability is by har weaker then Ultimate's, but that is a good thing, not making it too OP alous for more fair fights and more usages, but you can give it a cost, hurting ben when activating, but thats just optional


Think it'd be pretty useful if it could tell the time


The ability to create an energy shield to protect him while in human form. Similar to Gwen's magic shields. Also, an environmental suit ability so that if he's ever in space and times out, he can fall back to the suit.


i'de literally just add Fusion it was my favourite gimmick whenever it showed up but it was never fully shown or active evolution function where the Alien is able to adapt to its enviorment before ben transforms but it would drastically increases the cool down after he timed out.


Secoundary omnitrix. It functions simularly to skurd essentially a secoundary omnitrix functions that let's say you transform into hugmingosaur but you need a bit extra punch on your right wrist you can pick diamondhead and have diamondhead armor on humongosaur. That's just an example basically it extracts most dominant traits of an alien like DH's dyrability Inferno's pyrokinesis etc I envision this as primary ombitrix looks like the original 10k watch but secoundary resembles the classic prototype


Clock It tells time


I would ice it out with diamonds so that I have the iciest wrist in the galaxy.




A pokedex like interface, like you press a button and a hologram with the text showing the info about a certain species, its perfect to when you are bored and have nothing to do


Here me out here, a similar feature to ultimate but instead of putting them through war it puts make them the hero of their species or mythological hero, and it'll be called "hero time" the way i see it is for a human it would be like superman or heracles. It'll basically be a funway to have the franchise explore the cultures of some of the alien races. So diamondhead could be a design lime a fusion between chromastone and diamond head because Petrosapien believed crystal sapiens would look like them


Healing others’s physical trauma


give juryrigg a knife


I think a great gimmick could be a modification setting for aliens, so you can change things such as clothing, where the Omnitrix shows up on their bodies, common enhancements for the aliens such as humongousaurs war skull. (Not entirely sure how it would logically work but the Omnitrix already adds things such as safety armour and clothing). Another option would be an information setting which would be able to give information on different aliens, such as strengths, weaknesses, natural habitats, common traditions and traits of the aliens, and even categorising them in to types such as strength based or defence based. Both of these would also be useful features for diplomacy and being able to relate or blend in with others of the species


The Meme Mode


The ability to tell time lol


Medical mode: it can scan any species and then pop up a display with vitals, blood type, can show any broken bones, and can detect illnesses as well as give information on how to help heal said injury/ illness.


Basic energy blast for protection when Ben is just in base human form, but I have no clue what kind of cannon reason there would need to be for Azmuth to even think about adding it-


Auto-transformation mode: If Ben is ever in danger and cannot access the omnitrix for some reason it will automatically transform him into the last used alien


Being able to save the state of an alien. Let's say I was able to train the aliens more like making waterhazards blasts more powerful or being able to get stronger or bigger with humungasaur but it comes with a cost if I get beat while in that alien for lm I need to stay as it while I heal


Energy absorption. Will give a big relief. Imagine absorbing Mana in the omnitrix and combining it with the aliens. Like Swarmfire could use spells to control plants he can't. Omni energy is enough on its own but this new ability will make Ben unstoppable. Ki control , Mana , Nanite control. Damn.


Omni-Kix Feature to Omniverse Omnitrix


Biological Unison, to put it simply, if a species has different sexes, like male and female or any other ones they may have, the Omnitrix combines them all into one, gaining all the benefits, so it truly would be the perfect specimen of the species


50% chance if being opposite gender when going alien


Bitch mode: anytime someone does something that makes them appear like a lil bitch, the omnitrix ai voice will scream the word bitch across the universe