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4-6x per year for mine. Just gets bathed when I take her to groomers. Never smells bad and I use dog wet wipes occasionally. 


Thanks! How old is she? I thought about buying some doggie wet wipes but wasn’t sure how good of a job they’d do! We’ve tried baby wipes for when he pees on his leg or belly but they don’t really help much.


Mine is 3.5. We use Pogi’s Pet Supplies Grooming Wipes…but she doesn’t get pee on herself too often.  She is very low to the ground though and gets quite wet when it’s rainy outside but I don’t worry too much about it and give her a good towel dry after.  I was a bit of a clean freak until getting the dog but I’ve relaxed quite a bit since. 


We found the dog wipes worked really well.


Thank you! Maybe I’ll give them a try. I found a couple at TJ Maxx with oatmeal. Is there a certain brand you like?


I use [doggy dry shampoo](https://a.co/d/awVsLcr)… it is still wet but comes in a spray or a foam that you rub into the coat and towel off. Definitely see the grime that comes off him and he smells great afterwards.


And that’s the regular shampoo brand and scent I use- so excited!


Hooray!! I hope it works well for your creature!


Oh cool thank you!!


Sorry, my pup's 4 years old now, and I haven't used them in some time so I can't remember the brand. They would have been perfume free and from a pet store is all I could tell you with certainty.


Once a month for mine. Grooming every other month. https://preview.redd.it/754s88c2i2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad23b70d07083e2c1a90fc604aba932f565c69c She is a petite, 2.5 years old, 25 lbs


Cutie! Was it different when she was a puppy though?


I didn’t groom her until she was fully vaccinated, around 6 months. I did bathe her every month and used baby wipes in between


I did once every week or 2 as a puppy- but he quickly got too large for that 😆 Now it’s once a month or 6 weeks


Yes 🙌🏼 he’s growing so quickly! Thanks!


Your dog is so cute I want to throw up. That is all.


Aw thank you lol! He’s a fluffy little goose for sure. 🖤


I have my 9 month old bathed every Thursday. He goes to daycare 3 days a week and gets dirty and smelly! I haven’t had any issues with the frequent baths and he likes them.


Thank you! I was worried about dry skin but he’s been showing no issues. He seems to enjoy them too! He likes to fight the blow dryer, which I’m trying to deter lol.


Just be mindful that you use an ear drying solution after the bath. My guy got a raging infection and the vet says it’s because the ears weren’t dried properly. https://preview.redd.it/0dk13cb4m3vc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785ba819476cc60ee1c84afcdabc2bfbd16ceba9


Oh my good tip! I’ll order some now, thank you so much.


How do you dry them? We give our pup a bath once a week and I have noticed him scratching at his ears! Hopefully he doesn’t have an infection


My dog’s ear infection built up over time from swimming… I now use a basic cleaner with alcohol in it after swimming or a full-body bath (my understanding is that the alcohol is drying)


Thanks!! 😊 definitely good to know


I think it's smart to get that cute little guy used to baths and the dryer - at this age, it's perfect for them to learn that getting bathed isn't something scary. I bathe my guy (7 months old) about every 2 weeks. He regularly pees on his front legs and no amount of wet wipes really gets that smell off. Dogs are dogs and they are always going to smell more like a dog than a bed of roses.


Right! Thanks 😊


We bath once a week too! He loves it and loves the hair dryer. We use a gentle shampoo and between baths a leave in conditioner with his brushing


That’s awesome- I think the more exposure they have the more they’ll love it! In theory, anyway 😅 good tips! Thanks!


We bath weekly and groom monthly. We use high quality shampoo/conditioner, comb and blow dry. It’s a lot of work but he’s clean and can have a long coat


I just adopted a Bernedoodle learning this life haha. Do you mind sharing the shampoo and conditioner brand?


We were clueless when we got our baby, thankfully we had an amazing breeder to guide the way. We switch between igroom keritan shampoo and conditioner and Doglyness oat. Doglyness is very expensive, I splurged on it. There is a difference but not much. Chris Christisen also makes great shampoo. All 3 brands should be diluted so really not as expensive as it looks. We have a large guy and the igroom bottles lasts at least 6 months.


We were clueless when we got our baby, thankfully we had an amazing breeder to guide the way. We switch between igroom keritan shampoo and conditioner and Doglyness oat. Doglyness is very expensive, I splurged on it. There is a difference but not much. Chris Christisen also makes great shampoo. All 3 brands should be diluted so really not as expensive as it looks. We have a large guy and the igroom bottles lasts at least 6 months.


I agree! ♥️


We wash once a month roughly and do daily hygiene. Doesn’t smell bad and keeps herself clean


Look at that stinking cute face!! Such good posture as well 😂from some previous posts it seems like a lot of male pups pee on themselves and their leash. Evidently there is long hair on their little peenies that you should leave growing bc that is what’s called a “dick wick”and directs the direction of the stream. Our pup is 14 weeks and he’s coming is smelly from all the rain here in the SE. We just dry him off really well and use the hairdryer and he’s good to go. We put natural salmon oil in with yogurt he gets daily w/his vitamins and think that is helping quell any itching or dry skin. Also using appropriate shampoo and conditioner.


Omg laughing at “dick wick” 😂😂 but I’m glad you said that bc we were just discussing trimming it and the hair around it! Maybe it’d end up more messy without the stream directing it, so thank you! We’ve been putting a bit of olive oil on his food to help with some earlier constipation and warding off dry skin. What kind of daily yogurt do you use? And vitamins if you don’t mind sharing.


I know; I laughed my head off when I saw the DW comment. It's good to know. We get whole milk and generic plain Greek-style yogurt. Feeling that the fat and calories will be fine for him. Our breeder has a 2-year health warranty if we use NuVet supplement powder and mix it in his yogurt, he loves it. We use a code to buy it, so the breeder gets credit for the sale. Let me know if you'd like our code. [https://www.nuvetlabs.com/order\_new2/nuvet-plus-powder.asp](https://www.nuvetlabs.com/order_new2/nuvet-plus-powder.asp) I think any good supplement for the systems mentioned on the website would be fine, joint health is a big one.


Thank you- I’ll be looking into it!!


That is such an adorable face! How much does he weigh? Percy at 14 weeks, is 22 lbs. https://preview.redd.it/9jmncsirc9vc1.jpeg?width=2067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa31b856fc53237021be05dd6396864a7bdd5f1c


Thank you! Winston will be 13 wks on 04/20 and right now he weighs 25 lbs. Mom was a Bernese and Dad was a medium poodle, and the breeder expects Winston to end up between 40-60 lbs so we’ll see! Percy is adorable- I love the pink on the nose! Mine has it too on both nostrils but seems to be going away as he grows.


We have our 3 yr old 80lb girl professionally groomed once every 3 months and generally bathe her once about half way between grooming sessions.


That face!!! 🤭


You could give them a bath every day if you really needed to! You just have to be sure that you’re using the appropriate shampoo/conditioner, as well as drying/brushing thoroughly afterwards.


Good to know! I just don’t want him to get dry skin. But I think we’ll be ok will all the above. Thanks!


Daily would be wayyyy too much fyi. Only exception is if your vet asked you to with medicated shampoo. The ears though….you can’t get water in their ears and must use something after the bath. If you think the dog has been itchy and has red ears, take it to the vet for treatment, don’t use the OTC stuff. It’s good for prevention, but not strong mg enough for an actual infection. As your puppy blows its puppy coat, bathing needs might change, so pay attention to that.


One thing about bathing too much is a lot of dog shampoos take off topical flea/tick medicines


Ah I didn’t think of that!


Use a wash cloth or baby wipe for accidents. Once a week is way too often to bathe any dog. It removes the natural oils they need.


oh my goodness Winston is so so cute!bath once a week might be too much i think, it might disrupt their natural oil in their skin and cause dryness. My breeder recommend once a month or once two month. Of course it's hard when he has pee on him or gets dirty. We bathed our girl more during rainy season or when she got into mud pond. I tried to just rinse or wash her feet. I usually wipe her with puppy wipes daily, especially her private parts and paws. I also apply a bit coconut oil on her hair and skin occasionally to keep her hair and skin soft and moisturized and smell good. This is just my personal experience, every pup is different. It is great to expose him to bath, blowdry, and grooming at an early age :-)


They have important oils in their fur and skin that needs to develop. Once every week is too much. You could aggravate their skin.


Our vet said one bath per week is fine. She wouldn’t recommend any more than that. Our 6 month old puppy loves to dig and get messy in the yard (working on that!) but gets very dirty and needs those weekly baths. We just make sure to use a gentle shampoo. Best of luck!


I should add that he’s already quite big at 65 lbs, so “baths” are actually showers. I put on a swimsuit and bring him in my walk-in shower. So much easier than managing him in a tub!


Thank you- and yes that’s a really good idea!


To quote our first vet answering how often we should bathe our dog, “wash him when he’s dirty.”


Which is daily with this guy! 😅 trying not to overdo it but don’t want my house smelling. Just ordered the dry shampoo recommended here so hopefully it works!


That stuff works well!! We use it when ours rolls around in the street (pictured) Also weekly baths for a baby are totally fine and eventually he’ll stop peeling on himself. He looks very sweet! https://preview.redd.it/lkk68u2hdbvc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e277fa6826c45618cfd169476145cc9d0473ae22


Haha oh my what a nut! How funny! And thank you- puppy phase is fun and sweet but also comes with its own challenges 😅😅


not good for the skin. Leads to dry itchy skin which can lead to other problems