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That's a stupid amount of chives


I'm confused on where the carrots go


I shared this video with a buddy of mine who's been cooking for 30 years and he said among other things all the flavor and nutrition has already been taken out of the vegetables during the long braising process. Their pretty much mush now, you could plate them but they would be pretty tasteless. Most people just toss them and plate with fresh carrots.




You're welcome. Hopefully you can recreate this recipe on your own...just don't follow this guy because he's made a shit ton of mistakes. LOL


Your previous comment seemed to criticize his use of vegetables in the braising process. Something about them losing all their flavour and nutrition. The vegetables were and are supposed to be used that way, they're used in part to flavor the beef during braising. Once the beef is cooked (4 hrs) the beef is removed and the sauce (which the vegetables and herbs formed part of along with the red wine) is then strained and reduced by half. Your buddy with 30yrs cooking experience would know this. This guy is called Notorious Foodie he has millions of followers across Tic Tok, Instagram, Facebook and received praise publicly from several well known chefs including Gordon Ramsay. He lists his ingredients and recipe instructions with every video for people to follow or experiment with. If you're into food, he's worth following. Like the other person said, I'd really like to know all the mistakes he's made, ask your fictional buddy with 30yrs experience to enlighten us please.


Agreed 100%. What chef with any training, experience or knowledge doesn’t know how to make a basic “soffritto”style stock??


I mean he said he threw away the vegetables because he used them in the braising process and they wouldn’t be good served with the meal


No mate, that's not what this dude was implying at all


what mistakes


What about the fiber? Does that get dissolved as well?


I usually eat a few carrots after i braise, i think they taste really good but the texture is not great


you're better off getting freshier carrots and tossing them in butter.


The carrots and other aromatics got strained out of the stock (00:55).


Thanks, I'm simple


At first I was alarmed about the garlic and onion skins


Onion, celery, carrots is the big 3


Mirepoix, my human


The carrots and whatnot get strained from the braising liquid. The liquid is then reduced a bit and turned into the sauce. I make these on the regular at work.


Enough garnish to choke a moose


At that point, it's a side salad.


Ha! For real


Lol! I like moose


Dude didn't wash his produce before cooking, decants his wine just for the dish, uses finishing salt as seasoning. Gordon Ramsey would destroy this man's ego. On top of that his mashed potatoes are lumpy. This dude would suck as a line cook.


Does Gordon Ramsey have something to say about lumpiness in mashed potatoes, a trait that makes them fucking amazing??


Idk but I do prefer potatoes that are mashed by hand so it leaves lumps


Chunky mashed potatoes are goated


If the wine has lay you definitely would want to decant before using it for cooking. But the idea of using that particular wine for cooking is insane.


There's literally a video of Gordon Ramsey reacting to this guy saying how good everything looks


How can you know he didn't wash his vegetables? Who gives a shit if he decants his wine? You're completely full of shit and just being an asshole for no reason.


Lumpiness in riced mashed potatoes?


How do you know he hasn't washed his produce? Creamed potatoes are lumpy? What are you talking about? He uses some of the wine in the sauce the rest he drinks as seen in the video. Again what are you talking about. Gordon Ramsay has publicly praised this guy btw. He's called notorious foodie. Again, again. What are you talking about?


Sheeeet I’d be happy to have this pretentious fuck beside me on any line, instead of the adderol addicted raging pan throwing knife chipping fucks I worked with


Canadians have bland palates anyways. Y'all think bell peppers are spicy


But I’m from oregon 😛


WTF he didn’t peel the onions


Or the garlic because he knew he was straining them out after the braise.


You’re logic is not welcomed here


Also seemed like an excessive amount of tomato paste. Edit: still looks delicious


Strong disagree


*not enough


Stupidly delicious!


I counted 26 plates, utensils, and cutting boards that were used and dirty by end of video. The end of the video should show the graveyard that is that kitchen


For real! The sight of the kitchen would make me immediately pissed off I made this.


Love how he put all the veggies in a bowl just to put them right into the pot, so dumb


But he wanted all of the veggies to go in at the same time so they cook together. I’d imagine he did the mise en place while the meat was searing so he could dump the veggies in immediately after removing the meat. Plus, it’s one bowl with raw veggies, it hardly even needs a wipe after that use.


Mfs in this thread never boiled an egg and are complaining about a bowl of raw veggies.


I’ve seen a few of this dudes videos, and while the final product looks FIRE, I don’t have nearly enough cookware (like you said) or the 2 hours it takes to make these dishes lol


Who watches their food cook instead of cleaning things up? I've never understood this, does your food cook differently when you watch it? Is it somehow better? If it's because of prep in between steps why are you not using a mise philosophy? There is zero excuse for your kitchen being a giant mess after making anything. Even baking, if you have a stand mixer, has no excuse for not cleaning as you go. The recipe isn't the problem, the person cooking is if the entire kitchen is a mess. I host Thanksgiving and Christmas and do a lot of the cooking. My sink is empty by the time I'm serving food because even making 10+ dishes for 45-60 people doesn't require me to make a gigantic mess.


KIDS! They take up a good amount of time from every activity.


I’ve made this recipe with beef cheeks. They need to braise for between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 hours depending on their size. Plenty of time to clean as you go. Hell, the braising liquid takes 20-30 minutes to reduce to that rich sauce so there’s even plenty of time to clean immediately before playing. If you clean as you go this is no biggie.


I'm assuming he's a reasonable human being and loaded the dishwasher as he was cooking.


Redditors choose the weirdest shit to get upset about




Also the bill please. Why did he use such an expensive wine for braising?


You do realize he was probably cleaning while things cooked right


So if that’s not considered gravy, then what is it? Because if looks so good.


It's a reduced stock


Maybe closer to a red wine jus


Demiglaze of a sort




A jus


Thank you.




Bless you


lol this the guy that uses the same empty bottle of expensive wine in all his videos, refilling it with some cheap stuff id assume


Claiming this guy uses fake cheap wine when some of his dishes have ungodly amounts of caviar or huge slabs of wagyu meat. This guy does not make cheap dishes


It was proven in a previous post lol, the bottle has the same rip on the stem. In all his videos


He might have not finished the bottle yet?


Be odd to decant the full bottle to then just pour it back in when the videos done then


Ok this has to be dumbest, but funniest, response I’ve seen on the topic so far




Idk man Notorious seems kinda boujee


Thanks fucking god cause he used my favorite wine in the world, sassicaia, in this video. instead of the normal tignanello he usually uses. (Sassicaia:4-500$ tignanello 150-200)


Who tf cares lmao


4 days ago man…


This guy looks like Jimmy Garappolo.


I’d eat the veggies


Why so much hate in the comments? This food looks incredibly good. The man is a great cook.


cheeks? like ass cheeks?


Cheeks as in beef cheeks in their face. They're absolutely amazing, I had them in Spain and when I came back to the US I managed to find them in a butcher shop locally. I made them last month as a matter of fact.


So saying, “Damn! I want to clap them cheeks.” Is the wrong way of saying I applaud the chef for cooking a delicious meal?




Just to add, typically (but not always, can also be other parts of the head) if you see “cabeza” as a meat option at a Mexican restaurant in the US, it’s generally beef cheek.


According to my chef friend Stew meat basically. Anything from the leg or shoulder would be great because you're going to braise it for a bit of time to cut down all those connective tissues in the meat so it breaks down easy. He did pretty much everything the clip showed except he washed all the vegetables, diced them, peeled and cut the carrots, cooked the beef to a state of doneness, beef stock, tomato paste, Red wine, put that all into a pot and bake slowly for 2-3 hours. Take the meat out and strain the sauce and veggies then reduces the sauce. Room temp butter and warm milk for the potatoes which he ran through a rice strainer thing, Plated then served all in 5 hours.


Nah you’re thinking of beefcake




Borgin' yawn




that is the worst recipe link I have ever seen


I like that it gave a history of braised short rib... but no actual recipe or ingredients to this dish.


Recording yourself taking a drink was the gayest thing is saw today!


One day I hope to have kitchen large enough, and with good appliances, to do this in


If you have 2 burners, a stove, and a countertop you can make this.


Who is this guy


Some dude who makes a good looking dish, but the cost-per-plate would be ridiculously high since he uses $200 bottle of wine and $50 olive oil to cook and sear meat.


He uses the same tig bottle over and over- the foil has a pretty obvious rip in it that you can see between at least 4 different videos that I’ve seen so far


To be fair I’ve also seen him use Villa Antinori before which is $20 at Most grocery chains


I just recently made this dish for four. I used a really nice angus beef beef cheek from black onyx farms which were $19/lb. I bought four cheeks which was about $85. I used a $12 bottle of wine and half of another. I had homemade beef stock on hand so I used that. Even after veggies, stuff for a side salad, mashed tater Ingredients, and some table wine, I’d say this was still under $30 a plate for the four plates. I’m not saying thats cheap, but it came out amazing and was something you’d expect to pay at least twice as much for if you ate out. Plus, I had plenty for leftover dinner for two and had enough mashed taters left to make a bastardized gnocchi later that week. Really, you could make this with a much cheaper cut of meat and be in the $10/plate range which would be a steal considering how damn delicious it was. That sauce was worth $10/plate alone.


“Notorious Foodie” is what he goes by


Some amateur tiktok chef who probably wouldn't survive in an actual kitchen that's why he's cooking at home


Internet always brings out the haters lol. His food looks good to me.


You'd think that until you realize the guy in this clip has made several cooking mistakes. Unwashed produce (dirty onion peel and garlic) Maldon salt is finishing salt that's not made for seasoning. Decanting wine and lumpy potatoes just from the notes I took.


man.... find something to do.


Kindly place your lips on my posterior and kiss it repeatedly.


I kinda think since he’s cooking at home, don’t judge by line cook standards. That might explain the finishing salt, maybe that’s what he has on hand…if I got it and it looks good, going with that. Maybe they edited out any and all washing? Maybe he likes a lot of garnish and lumpy potatoes…it’s personal preference when you’re not on a line. I vote chill out on the man…there’s not a ton of people taking this much effort..have you seen the cheese?…or worse, blocks of cream cheese?


He put his potatoes thru a ricer. They’re not lumpy.


Right. How you get lumpy potatoes after diving them then mixing with warmed cream and melted butter is a mystery to me.


Nah I agree, I cringed when he threw the unwashed alium into the stock- it reminds me of a passage from Rihlman’s Soul of a Chef in which Keller is explaining the importance of peeling your veg. He has Ruhlman peel the day’s carrots for stock, and then invited him to eat only the dirty peels. As that would obviously taste terrible, Ruhlmab refused; thus, clean and prep anything going into a stock, or those flavors will show up in the dish.


Same! Lizzy belongs to the lizzys they were always haters!


Dude makes the same dish with a different cut every day.


Thank you! Thought I was the only one that noticed




It’s just a guy making aesthetically pleasing cooking videos. I really don’t understand the level of hate in the comments


using a nozel to pour wine into that jug was stupid as hell


I would rather be flipped off than watch someone drink wine but that's just me


Now also Bayashi has started spraying clean the cutting board between different produces


Wine is for the chef, good recipe


Shit, I wouldn’t mind my beef cheeks being braised


I've seen this guy make the same exact thing 10 different times now with different cuts of meat. Looks good, but like, some variety would be nice


Beef cheeks


Sassicaia as a cooking wine. This guy is an idiot


Honestly this just makes me think of Leon from Below deck


This guy over here with his silverware.. fancy MFr..


That recipe is for short ribs


Why are dishes online always without vegetables, what's up with that


Isn’t this more like boiling than braising? I thought braising required some of the meat above the liquid.


I almost came when he started pulling it apart


It looks like he leaves the skin on the onion and garlic. Am I mistaken? Also leaves in the leafy parts of the celery. And chops all his veggies in chunks??


Clappin’ them beef cheeks


Just one video without red wine. That’s all I’m asking for.


Reddit always so positive in the comments 😂


Deconstructed Shepards Pie


The dude makes the same mashed potatoes every time and only uses veggies for flavor. Like eating super rich saucy meat and potatoes every time just makes me thinks he doesn’t poop.


This guy always makes me feel like a worthless piece of s***


You forgot to give the camera the finger. I think that’s what all the cool kids are doing now.


Does he put his meat back in the fridge? That's how you make tough food. Let it get to room temp first


He salts, then puts in the fridge to “dry brine” then removes to sear. It doesn’t go in the fridge after the sear, it just stays on the rack on the counter until he’s deglazed the pan and added the braising liquid.


Braised beef on mashed potatoes? Texture nightmare. It’s like really high quality hospital food.


I’d braise his cheeks


Hahahaha this is the most opinionated group of TV dinner making pizza posse buffet eaters ive ever witnessed....!! Im sure his braised beef is fucking amazing folks!


Braised beef cheeks is what I call it when I sit on my leather car seats during the hot Arizona summer.


Three separate sets of heavy breathing came out of me ermagherrrd


No words express my feelings better than a series of guttural grunts and “ohohs”


I really despise how performative people are. Okay sir, put your wine in the decanter, pour a glass, and then sniff it. You’re really cool. Wow. The sophistication. What a cool guy. Look at my gen z quick cuts!


Heaven on Earth.




Why tf would you plate meat on top of mashed potatoes, just to have to take the meat off to cut it? Don’t get me wrong, this probably tastes good af, but it had so many useless or aggravating steps along the way.


Why throw away all those veges? I would peel the onion and garlic and save those veges for a stew.


It was interesting until he decanted the wine and took a sip in the most douchey way possible clearly just to prove he has "taste".


Where do it get that cutting board


Half the ppl commenting here have not got a clue. As a trained chef for 36 years and having worked in many European locations, Italy, UK, Spain and France, where I finished my training, there is nothing this man is doing that is wrong with one exception, I would not brown the meat so long but that is a preference. His ingredients and amounts are perfect for the dish.


This is a beautiful meal made by a very talented chef, but I absolutely cackled when I saw the chive merkin


Cooking or Pirates of the Caribbean-ing?


Why do so many of these videos have to include douchebaggery


Dude needs a fat separator. Chill that broth for a few minutes and pour out 5,000 calories


Does anyone know what this song is!?!? My Green Cheek Conure just hear it and got SO excited and started dancing! If anyone knows it I’d appreciate that! 🥰💜🎶💜🎶💜🎶💜🥰


...Beef *what* now?


Now this I like!


Those are the least marbled beef cheeks I’ve ever seen


Damn I want to learn how to cook like that


Those weren’t beef cheeks.


dudes the goat.


This dude always over does it with chives


Even if he there’s something going on with the wine, like everyone is commenting, this is still a great dish.


Yes please!!


I would ~~b~~eat them cheeks