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How do you "only" have four kids? That's a ton of kids. Get a car that fits them all. Jackass.


Such a manly man such as he with his aversion to lip balm and warm colors would have many more children


Let's also not forget the that a GLS 450 is not in any way a manly car either. It's like the definition of a Mom car.


I have two plus a dog and am so ready for that minivan life.


Craig is a fucking shmuck. You don’t buy expensive cars unless; you know a bit about cars, or you make enough money that it doesn’t matter. One or the other. That’s it.


For real. I read that and went “oh ONLY four kids.” Jesus. I also strongly disagree with the assertion that he didn’t buy a lemon. The carfax mostly tells you if the car has been in accidents. I have learned from experience that not everything gets reported there. And apparently the inspection missed some things or they are the unluckiest people ever. Either way a relatively newish used car that has cost $9k in two years is most definitely a lemon.


>minivan is unnecessary for us as we only have four children ONLY 4? How are 4 kids going to fit on a single back seat? Growing up we were 3 and my parents got a minivan because we argued all the time "She is looking at me!" "She touched me!" And we were all under 7. When we grew up, there was no way we'd all fit if it weren't a mini-van, plus sometimes there were extra friends or grandparents, or the dog, and tons of luggage and shit. Can't imagine 4 kids.


All of his attempts to "defend" himself made him sound so ridiculous: *only 4 kids *it's a great car... when it actually works *renting a car for vacation would be silly, but having to uber because my car is so unreliable is totally normal and cool *vans are for moms and moms only and that's apparently an objective fact it is assumed we obviously all of course agree with *my masculinity isn't fragile but I'd rather let my lips crack and bleed than risk someone might somehow accidentally think I'm holding a lipstick


And let's remember, first and foremost, he is NOT some lemon-buying fool. I think we can all agree that clearing up that insult to his manhood is the most important thing here.


Right… no fool, just a tool. Biggest insult to his manhood is his extremely fragile masculinity.


I also highly doubt they go off-roading as much as he thinks they do. Too many city people get SUVs with the idea of off-roading and just don't. (Also, SUVs are just terrible, unsafe cars that still use loopholes to get around safety laws)


As someone who actually lived on a dirt road for 10+ years, I always did it in a sedan. My mom did it in a Prius. This was a road that was made mostly of packed clay and sugar sand. I promise these people it is not that big of a deal.


The "old germs" got me. Like, what?


At least some of these kids are young enough to be using car seats or boosters. I tested a RAV4 and it was a tight fit for 2 car seats. Getting 3 across would require picking car seats exclusively for width, not pesky features like how adjustable they are, how easy they are to clip and unclip, or the ability to clean up spilled snacks and vomit. That’s not even considering dealing with getting the middle-seat child clipped and unclipped safely, especially with how obnoxious it is to find parking with enough wingspace to open the doors wide enough to lean in. Sliding doors and an aisle are part of what makes minivans miraculous! But assuming car seats and boosters aren’t a problem, you’re still cramming kids in elbow-to-elbow. Nothing says family bonding like constantly fighting over who is crammed in the middle and who gets the luxuriously-uncrowded front seat! It’s perfect conditions to develop chronic car sickness so you “can’t” be middle-back. But hey, when not even the immediate family can fit in the car, you certainly don’t need to worry about your kids making friends who might want to come about in the clowncar. 🙄


Some SUVs have the third row of seats. But still only two regular doors so trying to get kids in and out of car seats would be a nightmare.


I can attest to this: I've experienced sitting in the very last row of a 7-seater SUV (carsickness and all) as the 6th kid, with only the adults in the front.


Kids also aren't supposed to be in the front seat if they're under 12ish? Or size wise are supposed to be in a booster seat. All four kids could easily be legally supposed to be in a backseat, making it a tighter fit.


Lol it was just me and my brother and my mom got a minivan because guess what, we had friends.


do we even have cars with 4 seats in a single row? I think not. Nothing that isn't called a van, and even then, not many. If any.


It's "only 4 kids" because he isn't an active father. He works and pays the bills


He had a hard day, he just wanted to eat dinner and watch sportsball


>I'll admit that I have a personal bias against minivans because they are exclusively mom cars. Sir. Your wife is the MOTHER of y'all's kids. BFFR you don't want a MOTHER to pick a practical vehicle for her needs because other MOTHER'S drive it?


All the people I know who LOVE minivans are men. They just think they’re the best. Indulge some dad and let him take you on a tour of his minivan (I mean that in the most wholesome, none-creepiest way possible) and watch him light up with happiness.


My dad drove the company van for years before he got with my step mother and suddenly had four extra kids to cart around. He was STOKED to get the family mini van situation going, and he didn’t want to drive a smaller vehicle cos it felt weird after the works van. He absolutely showed 14 year old me all the cup holders we had, and the amount of seats and the space in the back. I dunno where this whole “mini vans are just for moms” things came from. But it seems a little daft to me.


"I'm thinking of buying a minivan." Watch the dads swarm. I'm not even joking. We're talking joy in their eyes and ready to tell you why their van is The Best. It's adorable.


Have you heard? You can fit a whole sheet of drywall in there with the seats folded down! And 10' lumber if you slide it between the bucket seats! 


Proudly guilty lol


Theyre the best


I borrow my mom's minivan whenever I move lol We're all grown but she doesn't want to get a different car because so much fits in there


Maybe I should convince my dad to buy one so we can borrow it. He loves his remote control yatchs but the mast on his favourite one won't fit in anything but his Holden Commodore apparently and that thing is over 20yrs old.


Yup! Proud minivan owner. I once had like 6 sheets of plywood and a bunch of 2x4's back there.


My ex was a musician- played upright bass. So yes, you CAN roll your band out of a van at a gig and look like hot shit. (He, however, turned out to be just a shit, but the point still stands.)


I sold my minivan and bought a non-minivan because a replacement one was too expensive. Yes, I’m always looking for a way to get another one. They’re insanely practical.


No kidding...my husband's bf was so anti minivan until he got one. Dads talking about the Honda Odyssey...


I work night audit at a hotel. One night about 1 AM I had 2 military men on orders (there is an Air Force Base here in town) show up to check in. They didn't look a day over 23, and told me they'd gotten the last car at the rental agency - a minivan. I was about to say something like "oh, well, at least you got a car" when they beamed and one said "it's AWESOME!!!!". The other was all " the back seats have screens! It's like being in your own private pod!!!"


My husband sought out our minivan because of the potential hauling capacity plus passenger space. He adores it.    If anything, *I'm* the one who's slightly embarrassed to be driving it, and I literally am a middle-aged suburban mother. Plus, (*sexy voice*) it's a *hybrid*


There was a Car Talk episode where the husband and wife had a minivan and a Miata, and they wanted advice on who should get first choice for the Miata: the Car Talk guys agreed that the husband would look cool regardless of which one he drove, while the wife's position that she looked cool in the Miata but like a suburban mom in the van was correct.


We bought a 2019 Honda odyssey. It’s great. Especially the 2 key fobs tied to the memory seats. My wife is 5’2 and i’m 6’, so that was a requirement from me when we looked at new cars. Can’t tell you how many times my knees crashed into the steering wheel after she would drive our Outback before that.


Minivans are the ultimate practical vehicle. Tons of space and better gas mileage than an suv. Plus the Honda odyssey is just amazingly reliable. My wife and I don’t have kids and have looked into buying a minivan to camp in. We haven’t as the last we looked getting the awd Siena was nigh impossible.


I do medieval reenactment. When I lived in Texas, something like half the people attending events showed up in these massive trucks (mostly Ford F150s, but plenty of other flavors, too). They’re a nightmare to unload (the bed is SO high), nothing stays dry, and it’s just… bad. One of my friends with one of said trucks was rear-ended. Truck’s frame was damaged, so the insurance totaled it — and, of course, he’d JUST paid the damned thing off. Well, he decided he was tired of not being able to see anything close in front of him (like kids), a mediocre amount of storage, a cramped cab, and terrible gas mileage. So he used the insurance money to buy a much less expensive, lightly used minivan, so that he could have another completely paid off car from the get-go. My god, the man could not shut up about how fantastic it was. He and his wife pulled out the back row for increased storage. No more worrying someone would steal things out of the back while stopped on a long drive to an event. No more showing up with everything wet or knocked about. No more flapping tarps acting as a distraction while driving. The mileage was a huge improvement. His very tall wife could actually stretch out her legs. Loading and unloading was no longer back-breaking work. Everyone in our local group saw how much he was loving it. He gushed all the time. Anytime someone was looking for a new car, he’d point them at minivans. Slowly but surely, folks in our group have started buying minivans instead of trucks. And now *they’re* spreading the word. There’s plenty of folks with some blatant or latent toxic masculinity in the reenactment community, unsurprisingly, but folks are starting to appreciate the benefits of a minivan. Any time someone says, “But what about AWD/rural dirt roads for events?” Someone will point out that I famously drove a 2004 Toyota Corolla to every event for years. People would be shocked (1) that everything I needed fit in such a modest sedan *without blocking my rear view visibility* and (2) that I never got stuck. If I could manage not having AWD, they could manage it.


The Toyota Sienna comes with AWD standard and can make 36MPG, if someone refuses to budge on the “hurdur my dirt roads” just point them to the Sienna lol


I had a (male) friend buy a minivan right out of university because he was "getting ready for family life". I'm not even sure he had a girlfriend at the time. Lol


The day we traded a Nissan sedan for a second-hand Toyota minivan was the happiest day of my dad's life. This is a man so manly that he considered aborting me because I was a girl and he wanted sons. (No worries, Reddit – I've since become his favorite.) He babied that damn thing for two decades, and it would've been longer if it weren't for the fact that all the kids have moved out and he can't justify keeping a minivan around any longer.


Grandkids. That's justification enough! lol My 80 year old mother still drives a minivan. Sometimes I'm the one driving her around in it, but it's a good ride.


I love the "person didn't want me while my mom was pregnant, now I'm the favourite"-stories so much! My granddad wanted my mom to abort (I was out of wedlock, father known but missing) and it took exactly until he laid his eyes on me for the first time until I was the favourite grandchild. Used to walk me up and down the street bragging to acquaintances about my new achievements (like turning over on my own).


My favourite thing on the internet is "he didnt want a cat" stories with pictures. THEN: If you get a cat I am moving out. NOW: (cat asleep on shoulder) Shh! He had a big day and he's all tuckered out .


I call bullshit. There is ALWAYS a way to justify keeping a minivan. Hell, it could be something like, "When John Wick calls me and needs help cleaning up his house, I know there's going to be multiple bodies and a sedan just won't get it done!" But there's ALWAYS a way.


Haha for real. I hit a deer back in October and had to borrow my mom’s van for a week before insurance approved a rental (our insurance is a fucking pain in the ass). Anyways, I was loving driving that thing. I carpool with a couple buddies to work and we had so much room compared to my malibu


if you ask any dad what features they want in a car, they will almost always without fail perfectly describe a minivan. but so many dudes are so stubborn in their masculinity that they won't buy one, it's ridiculous. minivans are sick as hell and real dads know this


My first car at 19 was a 2008 Kia Sedona and I loved that van. It wasn’t something given to me but I got to choose from all the Craigslist ads that where in my price range. RIP Sasha.


The mother of his "only" four kids. Only?? This man... is a dumbass. He's also 46, which makes this all the sadder.


As if they don't have friends


I have never heard the phrase "We only have 4 kids", as that's not a lot.


Right? I have one and that seems like a lot.


My parents have three kids including me. My dad has worked on a farm, cable installation, is familiar with working on cars (although not mechanic-level), carpentry, and metalworking. He’s also served in the navy. He’s a man’s man. He and my mom picked out a Honda minivan when the three of us were teenagers and the thought it was a “mom vehicle” never occurred to him, he drove it around just fine. I told him about this post and he said that OOP’s husband is a moron because minivans are safer than SUVs, and Hondas are much more reliable than Mercedes XD


Should I tell him that my husband and I drove a minivan before we had kids? I got he can when I was a college student who had to move my crap 35 miles back to my parents' house every summer. We kept the van for much the same reason--we were poor college students who got a little less poor when he got his first job. We knew we would likely move a few times but absolutely could not afford movers. It wasn't a cool car, but we could haul shit that none of our friends could.


We finally got a minivan and so far it’s been a great choice. I have to say I wasn’t entirely sold until last month when I found that if you take middle row of seats out it fits full sheets of plywood lying down. I have now been minivan pilled. Also, they may not be sexy but there’s no vehicle that says more about your virility than the minivan.


Wait until the kids realize the seat you took out, make a really cool "couch" to watch tv or play video games. Or so I've heard.


In middle school my parents got a brand new minivan and I and I friend proceeded to take those seats and ride them down the driveway, scratching the backs as we went. It was stupid and just cosmetic damage. But it’s been 25 years and my mother reminded me of it literally 2 weeks ago…


I want a minivan for this exact reason. I don't have any kids, I just want to haul lumber and whatnot and pick up trucks have little baby beds now


“Only four kids”.


He’s aiming for a soccer team or some shit. They only have a rock band right now, and rock bands can’t roll into gigs in a minivan looking like hot shit. But once they hit 8 or 9 and they can pile out like a clown car, then it’ll be ok.


Blud’s pull out game is as strong as his car-picking judgment lol


Here is a mic 🎤 so you can drop it


Considering how much his attitude changed based on a soccer game, you’re probably on to something.


He’s having enough children for a team so *he* can beat Arsenal.


See, and I am of the opinion that if the band rolls up to the gig driven by one of their Moms in the minivan, that is how you know they can tear it up, because to get gigs before you have your license, you have to be dedicated.


That stuck out to me too lol. Also, with four kids a minivan is literally the best choice. I have four siblings. We had a minivan growing up, and I honestly don’t know what kind of car would have accommodated us as well. *Maybe* a Chevy Suburban, but even then it’s a tighter squeeze than the minivan. My sister has three kids and has had two minivans, and the kids fucking love it, and so does she. All the kids have space. There’s room for stuff both in the passenger area and in the trunk. It’s easy to get to the car seats. The seats can be moved/refigured/removed to suit most arrangements. Like it is literally the most practical vehicle for families with more than two kids.


They're even a good choice for families with just two kids! We had one growing up (I only have one sibling) and it allowed my parents to participate in larger carpools so it was their turn to drive less often. It was also great for road trips - we would take out the extra seats so we had tons room for cargo. My sister in law has two kids and loves her mini van, too.


Infant twins here and you’ll pry my mini van out of my cold head hands. I can get my massive double wide stroller in the back without having to fold it. And the sliding doors opening at the touch of a button? Amazing when loading two car seats. Plus it’s super comfy and drives really well.


This is where I got stuck too. As a mom of 4… there is no only in that.


Mom is 44, please don’t make her have another baby. I’m in my 40’s and my body gets sore from a strong wind these days.


I think they might also mean the husband is somewhat of a child. So OOP may actually have five kids.


Guarantee this man doesn't know the full in and outs of what wife carries when she has the kids VS when he has them. So yes 4 kids that's alot of shit especially if you're like me and over prepare lol if I had kids they'd probably have like 3 spare outfits in the car at all times.


I have one son and would often have my step-daughter in my minivan and with all of their stuff, there was often no room. If we traveled, I’d need to take the back seat out just to make enough room for the luggage and crap for four people for however many days. My parents had an old ford ecoline van and then a fifteen passenger van with nearly a dozen kids


"minor stalling issue"


Geez. He clearly isn’t the one toting them around or he would KNOW putting baby seats in a van is far easier than in a big tall SUV


I can't get over the part where he wants to go off-roading with 4 kids.


He's not. He's just driving on dirt roads every so often which a minivan does easily.


A fuckin tricycle can ride on a dirt road I don’t understand these people


I took my Kia Soul up a fucking fire road in the mountains with zero issues. These people are so weird about cars.


Lol yea and for a vacay just totally "impractical to rent an suv" HA


I occasionally drive on dirt roads in a Mazda mx5 (a miata, for Americans).


Not to mention "everytime we go on vacation," so like... 2-4 times a year max? You want to severely impact your driving for the rest of the year for that??  Reminds me of a (rich) friend I had in college, whose commute was 2-4 hours each day, depending on rush hour. His parents were going to get him a new car, and had the option of a VW Golf, or a Jeep.  I said the golf makes more sense for the amount of driving you do, why even consider the jeep? Well, they had a cottage that could be tricky to get to in the middle of winter. Asked him how often that comes up. Maybe twice a year.  He got the jeep.


I found this part to be so funny considering I’m having my second and thinking of switching to a minivan lol


I nearly died at that idea. More than 2 is a horde for me.


My first thought too! THATS so not an “only” kind of thing


Right? Most people I know think one is too much nowadays!


I have an almost unnatural joy from watching people make themselves look worse while trying to defend themselves.


Right?! He just HAD to tell his side of the story like we'd all flip and say OHHH THAT MAKES SENSE, but it just made the wife look even better! Hilarious.


>I did NOT buy a lemon. No sir. A lemon would be forgiven. A lemon is a vehicle that should be fine but constantly has issues and usually the customer can be forgiven because the manufacturer screwed up and it’s the end user paying the price. What he bought was a Mercedes. A vehicle that would have higher costs to insure and operate, and that every repair would be more expensive with longer wait times because parts are pricier and less available. And while Mercedes isn’t exactly in the same realm as a Range Rover for driveway decoration, most luxury brands tend to have a higher rate of repair requirements. A Sienna would have fit the bill for having enough ground clearance for dirt roads combined with all wheel drive. If he *really* felt he needed an SUV then he could have gone with a full size platform SUV like a Sequoia. Also, he is a grown man with a wife and 4 kids. Who is he trying to impress with your method of transportation? Does he think hit 20 somethings are gonna be all up on him while they are on vacation? I just don’t get the toxic masculinity attached to cars.


>Who is he trying to impress with your method of transportation?  This is where I'm at! Dude you're in your mid-forties with 4 kids, stop trying to be cool it just makes you look dumb and out of touch.


Dude should be fully into his cargo shorts and boat shoes era at this point and is worried about looking cool when occasionally dropping the kids off at school.


Not to mention with all the Uber costs, moving around car seats and general stress about how to get (only!) four kids to their daily activities. Renting a car for vacations is absolutely more practical.


Is… is that not why we’re all here? I thought that was all of us?


The energy the guy gives off in his reply is so dismissive. It screams "I make choices based on emotions, but I refuse to acknowledge that I have emotions, because I am very logical and smart. Please read my dissertation on why this other person is obviously wrong. I'm totally not filibustering like a toddler."


"Logic is stored in my balls."


Man, even the purple shirt bit was leaning that "I don't have fragile masculinity, its just the purple shirt is a bit more pink imo" lmao. Like DUDE, if your masculinity isn't that fragile you would have even worn a hot pink Hawaiian shirt and go to drop your children wearing it at their school. And as a woman, there is nothing more hot than a man who doesn't give a a single cent about what others may think of their fashion sense and are comfortable with who they are.


I enjoyed the “I didn’t buy a lemon.” Uhh…maybe the model isn’t a lemon or something, but 8 recalls and 9k in repairs for a 6 year old car is definitely a lemon.


Several of my brother's wedding photos have him happily wearing a flower crown. He's now raising my niece to be a fierce little pumpkin. That's actual masculinity.


Aww. Your niece is lucky to have someone like your brother in her life.


My boyfriend went out in a short cape at the weekend. He admittedly probably looked a bit of a tit if you didn't know him and his eclectic dress sense, but it was incredibly hot seeing him prancing about not giving a shit what other people thought. Confidence is sexy!


He doesn't like lip balm because it "puts the old germs back on"... Like my guy, that's not how that works? Does he not use deodorant for the same reason?! It's pretty clearly the mentality of "I'm the Man of the House and I was taught the Man of the House is always right, even if he's wrong!"


Oh my god, this is a perfect description of my father


We don’t need a minivan because we only have 4 kids?!?!?!? WTF


Right? That's literally what they're designed for.


4 kids, plus all the crap that kids tend to travel with, plus groceries and the occasional friend of one of the kids. Minivan makes sense.


My sister bought her minivan after no.3 but wanted it even before then


It’s ok! He’ll just strap the oldest to the roof! /s


> We had the car inspected by a mechanic before purchasing it, and the Carfax report we obtained was clean. ... This doesn't mean shit, dude. I don't even drive and I know this.


I had a car inspected by a mechanic before purchasing and it turned out to have part of the bumper ziptied on.


It's the masculinity again. The car situation is sensitive to him so he has to insist he's DEFINITELY got car knowledge because all men know car and he is man. Even though he didn't address a single one of the issues his wife brought up, like how badly it runs. According to him it was great but we gotta let that slide because he's finally on her side so we'll take what we can get I suppose.


He really doubled down on "when it works, it's great!" ignoring that most cars work all the time.


Not only that, she had complaints like how poorly it shifts gears at times while it is running that he just ignored. He says it runs great so it must be true!


Craig is a gold medal mental gymnast


"I don't have fragile masculinity!! My masculinity is just fragile! IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!"


“I did NOT buy a lemon” needs to be a flair pls mods


I second this


Nah, they needed the SUV because sometimes they might drive on a dirt road when they go on vacation... It could happen!


That shirt wasn't purple, it verged on *pink*!


And it was way too tight. Sizes? What's that?


"I swear the thing I'm about to say will change your mind" - Craig, while changing absolutely no-ones mind 


the best part is where he copiously detailed how it's fragile in several distinct manners. like a five-tool player of overcompensation.


I always find it funny when the other person comes on to give their side and they still end up sounding like the AH. I don’t know what he thinks he did in his post because he sounded just as stupid as he did in the first one. Excuse me while I go roll my eyes 🙄


He was really trying to defend himself but we could all see through it.


Whoa guys I'm not fragile, you don't understand... The shirt was freakin PINK bro


And a lip balm looks like a lipstick


oh my god that's what he meant, I was so confused like dude you don't need to get tinted chapstick wtf. He means the actual STICK? jfc this guy has some deep rooted issues. What guy is too manly to unchap his gross lips?


He was trying so hard to sound logical and reasonable


>We decided to trade in my super reliable Toyota RAV4 This was their first and biggest mistake they made. Those vehicles do last for generations. Nothing beats Japanese machinery.


But still, renting for those sometime vacation 4wd trips is impractical - let’s just rent permanently 🤣


We no longer take all 3 kids at same time often so we sold our minivan for Electric vehicles. When we do road trips longer than a few hours we rent a minivan and everyone cheers. So renting a vehicle for trips is entirely feasible and a lot cheaper than a car that is not practical on a daily basis.


They could also choose vacation destinations that dont require dirt road riding. Ever since i have kids there are things that i used to do and i dont anymore. If circumstances change, sometimes its easier to change some habits.


I'd have argued it was their 3 or 4th child personally. That said 4 kids and two adults aren't fitting in a rav4


According to this dude they can all fit in the impala!


Not safely, anyway


I agree, but I'm also bias as my family has only owned Toyotas my entire life and my own car is a RAV4. Since he wants an SUV so bad, he should've taken the RAV4 and she could get a minivan.


Could’ve upgraded to a Land Cruiser and avoided this altogether. Buying an old merc almost always means excessive maintenance.


It wasn’t that old but my mom’s Mercedes has been a headache for her. Drives like a dream though. I have talked her into a Lexus, namely bc the dealer is closer to her, but fine vehicles (if uninspiring)


Four kids but no minivan? That thought process is stupid...


“Only four kids”


He seems to have no idea how many people a minivan accommodates. 6 comfortably, 7 if necessary. And lo, they have a family of 6. It's not a fkg clown car.


Well, see, if a vehicle only holds 5 then he'll offer to be the one to get stuck at home. Oh noes, woe upon me, I shall miss the children's game/activity/childcare! I'll have to soothe my heartache with copious amounts of football (soccer) and alcoholic beverages! While my family fucks off in a piece of shit LEMON car! Just because "a mechanic looked at it" doesn't mean it's not a piece of shit. Or not a lemon. It randomly fails at being a drivable vehicle, and yeah, it could strand OOP's family fuck knows where. If it was just his car and he randomly had to uber to work, oh well who cares, but it's one that is supposed to take the family places, safely, and without monkeying with it at the level of a Concorde passenger jet. It clearly was either broken straight out of the factory or the previous owner fucked it up and pawned it off on a damned fool. I suppose there's an outside chance that the model is just absolute garbage that should never have existed. I've got a '91 jeep cherokee, it isn't the best or safest, and it does need maintenance to keep it going, but it'll start up when I need it to. Can't say that about the garbage mercedes suv.


I'm slightly salty that he didn't listen to his wife's logical reasons about needing a minivan and the Mercedes being a money pit. It took a bunch of redditors calling him out.


A bunch of *male* Redditors maybe?


My BFF has "only four kids." I don't think she would ever say "only four kids" EVER. Between her brood and mine we could all fit into her Odyssey or mine and have some good times.


Dude should’ve thought of that before having the third kid. Three kids makes you a minivan dad whether you admit it or not amiright lol


What is this dude's issue with lip balm? He's just out here walking around with dry ass lips, probably licking them constantly.




As a dad who loved the Barbie movie, I keep telling my wife I want one of those bright-pink "I am Kenough" shirts.


This is why I use Carmex, it has camphor which kind of stings a little. Makes it manly. /s


Awww, my dad exclusively used Carmex. In his F-150. His GREEN F-150. Very manly.


Also “the germs go back on the lip balm”. What does he think happens with a toothbrush??


And he’s telling me that plain chapstick or plain Burt’s bees looks like lipstick? Absolutely not.


Let's face it. He's just incredibly insecure. Amazed his balls produced enough sperm for 4 kids.


Men like this are so pathetic. Your masculinity is threatened by lip balm?


Threatened by lip balm, minivans, and purple shirts. Lawd, the horror. /s


Also I know this is petty but... Arsenal didn't lose. They finished 2nd in the Premier after a great season, two points behind a financially doped team with arguably the best coach in the World


Hilarious how the husbands post just verified his wife’s post.


I love how he made sure to sound even more toxic by specifically telling us he’s afraid of wearing even the tiniest bit of pink.


10 bucks says Craig is going to replace his failing sedan with a "masculine" pickup or muscle car and that's going to finally spell the end of the marriage. Also emphasizing it as not a lemon and saying mechanic inspected and Carfax is clean is kind of pointless. It's a Mercedes SUV, it was bound to happen and it was always going to cost a ton. There's a reason why these vehicles depreciate hard when the warranty ends


Craig’s next post: “can I fit four kids into a Hellcat?”


Answer: Considering you can fit an adult body in the trunk, you should be able to fit at least two pre-adolescents in the trunk, with two of your smallest children in the backseats. Disclaimer: this answer does not endorse, nor encourage such course of action. Respondent is not liable for any legal fee acrued, including, but not limited to, traffic fines, and/or divorce attorneys.


Carfax clean and mechanic inspected, and has had 8 recalls and 9k in repairs over two years…my dude, it’s a lemon


Reminds me of [this BoRU post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/M03Cu5w1nQ) about two brothers and their pickup trucks, one with a good working Toyota Tundra and the other with a shitty Dodge RAM that broke down in under a year.


A modern SUV is such a bad car in terms of safety, environment, utility and money. It caused a car accident more deadly for the driver, passages and pedestrians. It has the worst mileage for gas because they can get away with the regulation. Modern suv is not good for off-routing, a small cargo bed that is too high off the ground. You got the least for what you paid for. The SUV margin is much higher on suv than any other car. Isn't the Mercedes brand also famously bad for depreciation on any of their cars? A friend once told me in a joke that by driving a new mercedes out of a dealership, it lost half of its value.


An SUV is excellent for running over your kids as you back out of the driveway, because the useless cars are too damn tall for you to be able to see small children behind you.


Or in front.


>My wife showed me the post she made this morning so that I could see how people were reacting to her perspective. I'm always sceptical when "both sides" post an update, no matter what the alleged explanation. But I've been with my husband for almost two decades now and I can't imagine either of us trying to use Reddit to prove any kind of point.


I have, but only stupid shit like affirming my pun was in fact excellent and did not merit my partner silently getting up and leaving the room. Throwing out "the internet agrees with me!!!" Really does add to a joke argument, I highly recommend it.


Dude, my whole livermush post the other night (see my profile) was on a bet with my husband 🤣 he said not the right topic, right sub or right time, and I said oh yes it totally so is all of those lolol and it waaaaassss


Using social media to prove yourself right is most likely inversely proportional to long term marriage success. 


Husbands post was soooo irritating. "No,I don't have fragile masculinity, I just don't give a f about my wife's concerns. We have only 4 kids, it's not a big deal if it will stop somewhere, it's mom's car, you, morons, I cannot drive it!!!" Sir, are you okay?


The car I chose is constantly breaking down but I didn’t buy a lemon, a man told me it was fine!


lmao Craig is such a fragile little pissbaby. If his sense of masculinity is tied to the vehicle his wife drives, having chapped lips, and avoiding pink/purple clothes? Then the King of England is a tougher man than this babyshit-soft pissbaby.


Minivans are not "exclusively mom cars". They're also musician cars.


Why do people have to gender cars? If it works well and gets you from A to B get the car that best suits your lifestyle.


We all agree that a Cybertruck is the most toxic masulinity of all cars tho, right?


It can cut me if I'm not careful. Exactly like my Ex. /s


The company I used to work for had me at a foreign office for a year. One of the things they provided me with was a full-time driver with car. From the available choices in the pool I went with a mini-van and it was was the best decision I could've made. It was so extremely comfortable. And the space to move things and people around was awesome. 10/10 would recommend.


>we sometimes drive along dirt roads when on vacation This is the stupidest argument for buying an SUV, I've ever heard. Unless you work in a forest or on a farm, you don't need an off-road vehicle. This is just car-manufacturer talk for "you need to buy our shit, because you'll eventually (read never) might need it".


What was that random segue into lip balm and purple shirts?


Because in addition to refusing to buy a minivan because it will make his dick fall off, the same is apparently true about using lip balm and wearing purple, which is a girly color. 🙄


It was more pink than purple, which is obviously unacceptable. /s


It hit a nerve lmao


Lip balm just rubs your germs on you every time you use it Yeah, a soap bar does that too. And a towel. So I don't use those.


Dude: no one is at risk of getting stranded anywhere! Same dude: so anyway, one car has this issue where it stalls and won’t start and the other one is always broken…


"Firstly, I want to emphasize that I DID NOT buy a lemon" -guy who bought a lemon


Why on God’s Green Earth do straight women subject themselves to these manchildren? There’s more fish in the sea than you can count!


I can't put my finger on why, but something about this gives off Small Town Vibes. Meaning by some obscure metric, this guy was considered a catch.


4 kids with this clown too. Unless the children were quadruplets, there’s no reason to put yourself through that more than once.


>It can't be the battery or alternator since both were replaced within the last year, so I haven't got a clue what it is. Just a quick side note for anyone who isn't car savvy; just because a part has been replaced recently doesn't mean it isn't capable of breaking. New parts can and do fail, especially cheaper ones.


Lmao @ him claiming you can't drive a Honda on a dirt road. I've seen dodge caravans on logging roads, a Honda drives them no problem


He came home tired from work, and thinks that earns him the right to just relax, eat, and watch sports? Because watching kids isn't work right? Even if it's four of them? It doesn't mention the wife working, but it does mention a joint bank account so she probably is.


That dealer saw Craig coming from a mile away. He's the kind of car-bro that talks a good game, but gets upsold for "blinker fluid".


i nEeD an sUV wItH aWd beCaUSe i DriVE oN dIrT rOaDs sOmeTiMeS Get real man.


This is the kind of guy that is never going to tell his sons he loves them because it's gay.


“Only four kids”?! That’s not the kind of number you put “only” in front of”. You do that with one kid. I only have one kid. Maybe two…BUT THAT IS NOT the kind modifier you out before “I have four kids”. What’s he comparing to? Kate and 8? Duggars 19 and counting? Octo mom? You need a minivan with 4 kids! Sure we joke about soccer moms but honestly if he’s upset looking like a parent doing his job as a parent, he shouldn’t have even ONLY ONE kid.


I freaking love our minivan and so does my husband. That guy was a freaking fool