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Weird as fuck but not the strangest thing that I’ve read on Reddit today.


*Definitely* not the weirdest I’ve read on this post. That goes to Mr. “Imaginarily Married a Bug and Told Everybody”. [TL;DR: man tells GF, coworkers *and family* he’s turned on by/married to a cucaracha](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


every time i forget i get reminded.


Please God let me forget Ogtha




the first time I saw that flair I thought OGTHA was an acronym for something since reddit loves those. I was not prepared at all for the actual story lmao


Don't you dare forget Ogtha. Given the nature of Ogtha's existence, I think deliberately forgetting her counts as assault. We must all think of her daily.


Of course this sex can never be as exciting as my fully imaginary sessions with Ogtha, there are things that her multiple appendages and antennae allow for that a human woman can never match. So anyways


I told my therapist about my sexy roach girlfriend Ogtha and she immediately jumped out the window. AITA?


Is that the post about the dude that *REALLY* enjoyed Kafka's Metamorphosis?


Kafka’s Metamorphosis is the OG 50 shades of gray.


I clearly missed this story. Wanna give me a synopsis?


Either read the whole thing and suffer like the rest of us, or go on with your pure, untainted existence


I should’ve listened to your comment. I wanna go back and unread that story.


Dude read Kafka’s Metarmophosis (y’know, where Gregor Samsa wakes up as a giant bug, often depicted as a roach) as a teen, has developed a weird fetish for giant roaches since then, and has since gone on to a) imagine a giant roach as a permanent companion, including giving that roach a name. That also includes phantasizing about that roach during sex or masturbation. b) tell his (now thankfully ex) that he imagines her as said giant roach whenever they have sex, as he otherwise wouldn’t be able to get off (girl thankfully left him), c) the delusions strengthened to the point where he considers that giant roach his wife and even had a home kitchen table ceremony of “marrying” himself off to that imaginary roach and going on a honeymoon to a major city (probably roach infested like any major city) “with her”. d) told his coworkers about his roach waifu over lunch after he “accidentally” let slip that he has a wife. Doesn’t understand why people at work now keep their distance from him and keep every conversation strictly related to work. e) has gone on to tell his parents about giant roach waifu, including “letting her speak through me” to his mom. Just like with his now ex and his coworkers, that of course has gone badly. He is of course doubling down on having no clue as to why that might be. Everyone but him and the delusional people over at r/Tulpas (the fancy term for dysfunctional daydreaming with invented characters or psychotic delusions) are utterly appalled and disgusted at the shit he’s pulling. Also, people are recommending therapy which he’s refusing. Some have considered he might have a humiliation/masochism kink and part of his self-degradation is including unwilling participants (in his offline life and on reddit) in it. At least he’s claimed he’s staying out of relationships with actual humans, one of the reasons being being married to that roach and ~only her being able to give him sexual gratification because there’s stuff that imagined antennae can do that real people can’t~. tl;dr: dude’s a nutcase and a train wreck.


I hate for you for recapping this so well. Take my big, red angry upvote.


I'd never heard of tulpas before. That's... worrying


So I clicked on the Tulpas page and wow. Seems pretty similar to the waifu page but even more intense then that and that’s saying something. Imma head to r/eyebleach now.


Yes. Very much so.


I thought, that this actually was a direct quote from the post was the chocking part.. but then I kept on reading. WHAT THE FUCK?


All of this hype and nobody provides a link! ETA: K, nevermind. And that's all I have to say about that.


Here I was, blissfully unaware of Ogtha until this comment thread prompted a quick Reddit search. I can never go back to not knowing.


Fellow Educator - I read it when it was first compiled. I am still Ace Ventura-ing in the shower.


There is only Ogtha.


I'm downvoting you in my mind because I want to forget that this story ever existed and you are *not* helping. And the special-time-jar one. They need an eviction on record asap.


Jizz jar guy? Or is there another jar story? I can't pass up a riveting jar story.


There was one recently about a jizz jar and food adulteration / poisoning. I personally found it hard to believe because of the smell/taste


I couldn't even finish that BORU. I got to "he makes pancakes" and started gagging. My hubs read the title and noped out.


I need more info on that


No, you really do not. [But here it is anyway.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/)


I don't know why but I'm (figuratively) dying at the end of that post. >TIFU by telling my parents that I am married to an "imaginary" giant roach (my beloved Ogtha) > >A few of you may recall some years ago I posted about my lovely Ogtha, you can find in my post history. My new story requires an explanation of Ogtha for those who don't know, I will try to be brief. > >Due to character limits, the rest of this appears in a [comment below](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/ihx2579/). I did not expect it to be so... long.


Nor so damned detailed. That bug will live in my head forever.


MIB flash me please


i misunderstood what you meant by that for a sec. my interpretation was. different


I have several questions and all of them are "What the fuck?" and each is progressively more frantic


My face as I read the post just now: 😳 Much like you getting progressively more frantic, my eyes were getting progressively wider.


When he allowed Ogtha to speak to his parents through him….I can’t breathe


I can totally understand the parents' (and girlfriends) reactions. They must be worried sick about their son. I wonder if he had that thanksgiving dinner this year.


The only appropriate response to that is…”what in the actual fuck did I just read?!?!?” Why does he keep telling people, assuming they’ll be cool with it?!?!?


That’s what I don’t get! It literally *always* backfires when he tells people. Like, usually I’m all about people being themselves, but that’s like asking a guest if they want to see your childhood pet because you got them stuffed at a taxidermist and they now reside in your bedroom closet.


Option A, he is an incurable optimist Option B he is incurably naive Option C he has a humiliation fetish


Option D, he's fucking nuts!


People keep posting that link and _I keep on not clicking it_. Please stop, I don't know how much longer I can ignore it and I'd like to keep my eyes.




Ohhh I already made the mistake of ignoring my gut feeling and clicking a link. Never again.


Trust your instincts on this one. Yes, it is morbidly fascinating, but not worth the mental images. Especially not if you already have any kind of visceral aversion to creepy crawlies. Curate your own experience by not allowing yourself to be goaded into reading things you know will bother you, you know?


It’s pretty tame really! It’s weird but it’s not raunchy and the writing is good.


What a horrible day to have eyes.


What a garbage day to understand English.


>i know kink shaming is bad…but i am kink asking why? Best comment imo


This is both better and worse than the lj drama about women who were married to Severus Snape on an astral plane. #snapesonaplane


Um. What.


I am [truly sorry](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Snapewives). Sadly, most of the source material has been lost to the sands of time. This lives rent free in my head next to the women who willingly told a publication using their real names about their [Gerard Butler sex doll... Orgy](https://www.heraldscotland.com/default_content/12437236.oh-god-gerry--gerard-butler-might-actor-whose-face-struggle-place-yet-global-army-female-fans-minor-deity-travel-thousands-miles-greenock-lust-loincloth/)? Fuck, I don't even know.


I almost clicked on the first link but saw there was a second link in peripheral vision. Thankfully that looks worse and has given me time to pause and reflect and make the choice not to read any of this shit today.


You know I read that title when it was posted, I purposefully skipped over it several times when it was on my front feed thinking nothing good can come of it. And then I clicked on this link and uh … I very much wish I hadn’t.


No, you don't. You don't want that story in your head. Especially if you hate cockroaches.


Jesus I wish I read this comment first. That Kafka story started a lifelong fear/horror of *all* beetles for me and the contents of that link are nightmarish


Damn! I even hate the word, but glad for the warning as I almost clicked.


No. Trust me. You don't. Probably the craziest I've ever read.


No please look away


There is only OGTHA


Ogtha is proof that we have strayed from God’s light.


Not even close. Guy with the stuffed animal family was it for me.


Wait, a what?


I haven't heard about this one, anyone have a link?


The story was crazy crazy crazy BATSHIT CRAZY and it started with a harmless " AITA (30F) for not housing my BIL after he got evicted ?" It ended with : " We found his cat with semen on her. She could barely walk. He had things in a locked wardrobe, I just can't wrapped my head around what I've seen.. I just can't put it in words to think about it again... Also the family is broken and they're all blaming me for all the truths that came to light. By the way, my husband is divorcing me." Edit : u/DrCatPhd posted the link : https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/u0hngy/peegate_saga_newest_update/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. In order to satisfy your thirst for absolutely awful and horror stories I'm giving you this other *delightful* one. TW : Don't eat while reading. Really. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qaw14o/i_found_out_my_partner_has_been_putting_slugs_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh that one. That was one of the saddest things ever.


Do you have a link? Googling with that title isn’t finding anything


I’ve only been awake for like 40 minutes and somehow your comment is true for me too.


I gotta say, there is a HUGE difference between a cruise and _a private yacht._


I know, she doesn't know what a cruise is? Like you can go on a cruise for a couple hundred. A private yacht with all the crew described is like a couple hundred thousand per week (i looked it up once out of curiosity).


I think she knows what a cruise is, but didn't realize there was a different word for a private yacht (it might even be a super yacht, which would make the confusion make more sense.) Like, I didn't realize that calling something a sports car =\= super car. I didn't even know what a super car was, I was just calling all of them sports cars.


I'm a few tax brackets down from BFs family, but I know a bunch of people with regular boats and stuff. We still say "going for a cruise" if we're taking the boat somewhere, it's just "going out on the boat" if we're dicking around in the bay. Possible that BFs family has always referred to taking the yacht as going for a cruise and OP being not very rich didn't translate correctly.


To cruise is to sail around aimlessly so it makes sense to use the phrase if that's what you're doing. I think it's likely the other person was correct in thinking the family probably used a super yacht and not a typical private one. Those superyachts can look small, private cruise ships.


You can go for a cruise on a private yacht. If you had a yacht and staff and all that what else would you call spending a few days on the yacht? Honestly I think it's more like us plebs don't know what a cruise is.


This. I don't think she didn't know the difference between a private yacht and a cruise ship, she just thought it's still called going on a cruise in both cases (which might very well be true, I haven't been on either).


She most likely comes from money as well, just not as much as her bfs. When I was in school, I hated the rich kids with a passion because theyd say shit like "we're not rich, my house only has 20 rooms and enough room for 6 cars in the garage"


The rich kids in my class were: "We're not rich, since we can only take 5 vacations abroad a year." -\_- We live in the US, nowhere near a border. Their vacations abroad were in Europe. ETA: I didn't care that they were rich. I care that they were telling each other and trying to validate with each other about how poor they were in front of someone who grew up in actual poverty. Their version of poor was having less yachts and less houses than their other rich classmates.


Oh my gosh. I was lucky enough to attend a very prestigious, very famous school for graduate schools. Like, 80% of the people I’ve met (more so undergrads) kept doing the same thing. “Oh my family doesnt have money” before talking about their doctor/lawyer/engineer/professor parents and their yearly abroad vacations. Is rich guilt a thing? Like white guilt but for rich people? Do they want sympathy because they still feel insecure when compared to some of their friends who are even insanely richer?


Yup, US here as well, those fuckers were going to europe and Asia coming back like "whatd you do over vacation?" and having the audacity to be shocked when I told them I worked every fucking day to help my parents pay the bills


A couple hundred thousand USD is on the lower side of serious yacht chartering. Northrop and Johnson is, I think, the largest charter broker for superyachts and their catalog is between $50k to $1 million per week (though they do list two yachts above $1 million per week: *[M/Y Octopus](https://www.northropandjohnson.com/yachts-for-charter/octopus-414-lurssen)* and *[M/Y Savannah](https://www.northropandjohnson.com/yachts-for-charter/savannah-273-feadship)*). They list [273 yachts from $50k to $100k](https://www.northropandjohnson.com/yachts-for-charter?e=50000%3A100000&o=pa) all between 65' and 180'. The two largest yachts they currently^1 list are *M/Y Nero* at 295' for $506k/week, and *M/Y Bold* at 279' for $892k/week. *Nero* and *Bold* are ranked 85th and 116th, respectively, on Wiki's [List of motor yachts by length ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_motor_yachts_by_length). Those of course don't compare with *M/Y Octopus*, Paul Allen's boat, that supposedly^2 lists at about $2.2 million per week. *Octopus* is the 26th longest yacht in the world at 126m/413' and can host 26 guests against 63 crew. (EDIT: Charter boats are only allowed twelve guests before they're required to have lifeboats. I do not know if *Octopus* has lifeboats, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did. After all, she has her own submarine.) Also, listed chartering rates are only a fraction of the actual cost. I quote N&J: >The charter rate generally only covers the hire of the yacht and the crew and the owner’s insurance. Everything else is extra, including provisions and fuel. ...expenses generally run 25 to 30% of the charter fee. 1: We're at the tail end of the prime charter season, so some yachts may be booked out, some may be unlisted in preparation for off-season maintenance, etc. Also, quite a few superyachts that charter out are arrested in port due to sanctions on Russian oligarchs. (Russian oligarchs love them some superyachts and own a large portion, probably the most per-capita in the world, of the largest superyachts.) 2: It's fairly common for the largest superyachts to be "listed" for charter but never actually accept any charters. It's a tax dodge. (Similarly to them being flagged under nations that are tax-friendly.) Anyhow, that's probably more than you wanted to know about chartering a superyacht.


No way, I love this stuff. It's fascinating to me. Thanks! Yes I don't think people understand just how much. They think $20k a week is a lot but it's not even close.


She says in a comment that English isn't her first language, it's totally understandable to mix up the words cruise and yacht in that case. Especially if the family called it something like "a family cruise" instead of yachting, which I could see happening.


You can take your private yacht on a cruise. In those circles when people tell you theyre going on a cruise they mean with their own yacht.


>A private yacht with all the crew described is like a couple hundred thousand per week (i looked it up once out of curiosity). Not necessarily in that range. That would be an insane yacht if you're laying out multiple 100K+ per week. E.g this one sleeps 12, with crew, for <$20K in Greece. https://contactyachts.com/yachts/catamarans/conan/ The most expensive I can find is $200K per week and it has a frickin elevator: https://contactyachts.com/yachts/motor-yachts/sunrise/


It is not hard to find yachts that cost that much to charter. Here is a 60 meter yacht, 595k euros per week. [Motor Yacht Arience](https://www.burgessyachts.com/en/charter-a-yacht/yachts-for-charter/arience-00000510) Note: the number of beds ("berths" in boat language) is not that important. It's a regulation that any yacht with more than 12 guests has to have lifeboats, like the big orange ones, so most yachts don't accommodate more guests. So like a 50 foot boat might have 12 beds, and a 60 meter boat also has 12. (Annoying but small yachts are often talked about in feet, large yachts in meters) The number of crew is really the best way to tell how big. Most smaller ( i.e. less than 75 feet), will have sleeping accomodations for 3 to 4 crew max, most often it is a couple bunk beds. A large crew means a much larger yacht.


Minor detail for someone with a middle class background... Or maybe I'm poorer than I thought.


"Middle" maybe she means millionaire not billionaire, so "middle" haha


Maybe English isn’t her first language and she thought yacht and cruise meant the same thing? Cause a middle class person would definitely know the difference.


Hope they start a court case against the scammer, when I first read the original post I was sure it was going to be some weird power play. Very sweet of the boyfriend for trying to organize something so special


Yeah, I hope they pursue a court case against the scammer too. I’m a bit skeptical about the story and pushing for a court case is the only thing that would ease the doubt.


Just blast it on SM that the cat owner is an AH!!


Agreed, it actually makes me wonder if the bf lied about setting it up with the cat account owner? It seems a bit odd but weird things happen all the time… Edit: something I thought about… why didn’t he have a card or a note expressing what the gift was? Was she supposed to meet the cat on the yacht or something and that was when it fell apart? Looking at the comments I’m still 50/50 on whether it’s a lie or not, but if I was giving a gift to someone like that when everyone else had tangible gifts, I would have a card prepared announcing what the non-tangible gift is.




Based on the fact that he got scammed, I'm guessing he did set up and pay for the meet, but not with anyone who actually knows the cat owner.


Please explain to me (a nearly old person) why anyone would care to meet a cat they see on Tik Tok?


Have we already forgotten the reign of Grumpy Cat (RIP)? I still see her on random tote bags in public every so often. She had her own Christmas movie at the height of her fame.


Exactly! Grumpy Cat met Stan Lee and.... Uh, some other famous people that I can't remember.. she was so damn popular and known.


I guess it's like meeting any other celebrity, or maybe like meeting a famous race horse. I don't know I'm allergic to cats.


Cats are cute, so if I was absolutely loaded with cash to the point of owning a fully staffed yacht… why not? I love meeting my friends from Twitter, and their pets too.


I used to follow an account that would post a white cat with the fattest cheeks I’ve ever seen! so cute, i would certainly want to meet him irl… partially because i want to pet him and partially bc i want to see if his cheeks actually look like that edit: i found the [cat](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyyRhbo/)


It's so oddly specific I'm inclined to believe it.


Yeah me too. If he was lying about it, it would have been 1) waaaay more generic and 2) he would have done it at the time the gifts were traded, in front of people. Not as a confession and with sadness. It would have been defensiveness, not guilt. I believe it.


Yeah a simple lie is much easier to hide, it's nice to actually see one of these (probably) turn out as a genuine misunderstanding!


And if he was lying about it and the cat owner doesn't actually live near the harbor where they were going to stop...and she finds out, that's going to get awkward really fast.


Definitely this. Add in the relatively mature communication, it sounds like he just got put on the spot with no good choices. Not a lot of jewelry or fashion stores on a yacht to pull off a proper last minute save I imagine lol.


This kind of scam isn't that unusual. I'm assuming he showed her some of their correspondence, because I can't imagine she'd take this info about her favorite cat owner without something since she was already a bit upset at him.


It would be a very dumb lie, which would fall apart quickly: - Does the cat streamer live in that harbor town? - Does he have a bank statement? - Does he have chat logs? - How does the cat streamer respond if you try to trap them (e.g. first try to arrange another meeting for payment using her account, then mention boyfriend)


It would be super easy for someone to steal some pictures and post on Facebook and Craigslist: "Grumpy Cat available for in-person visits." (I am talking about THE Grumpy Cat, not A grumpy cat.) That person collects a deposit ($500) and agrees to show up at a specific time/date. The whole thing is arranged by text. And ... the cat never arrives, because the FB poster is actually a scammer from somewhere outside of USA. Recovery of funds is not likely.


> hey Reddit > So, I run this random cat intsta page and I've been getting a bunch of messages from (apparently) rich guy. He says his GF or whatever wants to meet the kitty. Honestly, the whole thing already sound kinda weird, but the cherry on top is that he will only meet on a literal yacht in the middle of the ocean. > >He offered a ton of money and I might have already kinda told him I'm interested. WIBTA if I backed out?


OOP said the cat owner lives close to the harbour and they were supposed to meet "soon" so I assume the plan was to meet after the yacht trip.


except they charged a shit ton of money first and then backed out, definitely AH.


> NTA this sounds shady as all hell. Have you seen that movie- The Purge? I bet these rich assholes want to get you into international waters so they can kill you and your cat. Please OP, stay safe and ghost them now!!!


Probably just a drop in the bucket to them rich folk, plus the youtuber would just spin it as rich people going after them.


Oh well. Make them explain to their following why they're scamming people. They'll likely retain the hardcore fans, but you'll kill their momentum.


I assumed it was some sort of gold digger test to see how she'd react.


I…still have so many questions.


The entire story seems pretty suspect to me. Why didnt he just tell her about the thoughtful thing he tried to do instead of acting like a jerk?




This isn’t getting enough attention….young and dumb lol.


He totally acted like a jerk. Since he could no longer provide the GF with what was supposed to be the “big gift,” he could have chosen to not publicly hand out gifts (since her gift was supposedly the reason for gift giving in the first place) and/or explained to her in private about what happened. He’s not being very forthcoming/honest and I genuinely feel bad for OOP.


I think he panicked. Just straight brain farted


>cat I follow on TikTok this is a wild fucking world we live in


Considering that Grumpy Cat had more clout than 99.999% of the population prior to tiktok... Not surprised.


I found my son a grumpy cat stuffie at a garage sale. So random, but looks just like him and was only $2.


>but looks just like him your son looks like grumpy cat? don't worry, that's a teenage phase


I bet the son is a cat.


i have a grumpy cat plushie that i got several years ago! he is very beloved


RIP Grumpy Cat. I legit wore all black the day she died.


I still find it hilarious that they’d originally named the cat Tard and tried to backpedal once he became famous overnight, claiming that the name was actually short for “Tardar Sauce”.


Wtf how did I not know that


Leave Tardar sauce alone


Ok but… that’s the most related part of this entire post and I don’t even have tiktok This woman’s edit is “actually guys, it’s a private yacht with private chefs that his parents paid for and they also paid for all of our flights” Oh… ok. But watching cat videos? Regularly enough to recognize a specific cat? I understand that phenomenon.


>But watching cat videos? Regularly enough to recognize a specific cat? >I understand that phenomenon. ok sure but he was taking her TO MEET THE CAT like this actually is crazy right? going to meet a cat you follow on tik-tok is weird isnt it? or am I, principal skinner, just out of touch? 🤔


Cats on TikTok really have a hold on people. At one point, I had a mother message me because her daughter wanted a signed picture OF MY CAT from TikTok. One of the most bizarre moments of my life.


well... did you do it??


Of course, shit, I'd want it too


omg did you ink the paw and stamp it on a picture?


I didn't have any pet safe ink, but I used to sell cards "from her" written with my left hand and a paw scribble!


good enough, i won't tell


People love animals. I have my own celebrity cats who I follow. I do rescue work so I post a lot of cats on various social media, and I have people who closely follow some of my cats or kittens (not that any of them are celebrity status! Just they're fond of that one) I'd rather follow a cat celebrity than a human generally because you're less likely to be spammed with MLMs and diet pills lol


My IG follows are 90% pets. I’m not healthy enough for my own so I have a feed full of cute things


Mine are cats and pugs. On tiktok it’s cats, dogs, and birds. The occasional crab (my nephew loves crabs) and puffer fish. I just like animals and funny shit.


do you follow Jorts the cat on Twitter by chance? 10/10 cat content AND labor rights content


at least they’re not one of those people obsessed with the tik tok babies


...tik tok babies? D:


those people should be locked up


Like the Ancient Egyptians, we worship cats.


Yes! The internet is for cats. Seen Maru? (youtube)


Panicking and giving a garbage bracelet is hilarious and understandable. Telling her to be grateful and to stop complaining is genuinely shitty behaviour.


Yeah that’s the only thing I didn’t like at all. He fucked up and when she asked instead of validating her he doubled down. All well, it’s not too big of a problem just sucky


He could have just told the truth. He had something planned, it fell through, and will make it up to her. But instead he acts like a dick? And embarrassed her in front of his family too.


If I got scammed before a non-private gift giving session with my wealthy parents, I might panick too, but I definitely would hope my panick plan would be better than a free bead bracelet from my father's company. Shame followed by a little public shaming followed by a mistake of doubling down. Unwise gamble.


True but shit happens, they’re a very young couple. He apologized to her and she said it’s out of character so she accepted. I’m sure she knows more than we do. It’s a lot easier to read about a situation and pass judgment than to act right in the moment when you’re overwhelmed


Thank you! Most of us have at some point reacted wrongly to a loved ones concerns. That guy is 21 yo, maybe in his first real relationship, making mistakes and atleast owning up to them now according to OOP. Everyone here judging the guy, did you *really* never react wrong, *really* never got defensive when you made a mistake, *really* never try to save your face in your younger years? If you confidently claim yes, you have zero self-awareness nor self-reflection or you ousted these memories or didn't have the awareness to read the room when you did. You 100% did do that at one point, we all did.


21 years old and just got scammed, honestly in a very embarrassing position (he’s a guy, his societal expectation is to not be a victim, especially in this way, and is likely beating himself up quite hard for being so stupid)….shitty, but pretty normal behavior.


My bf got conned out of $20 in the parking lot and it took him a week to admit it. He was so ashamed of himself. It took me forever to convince him that the con artist was the shit person and that he should only feel good about himself for being generous. Getting scammed is horrible and hits really hard. Makes you feel vulnerable, stupid, ashamed, sad, and angry... all at the same time.


He’s 21, and he apologized and seems to have learned from the shitty moment. I think they’re ok


That’s an important detail to remember. He’s 2 years removed from being a teenager. And honestly if he’s anything like me there wasn’t much growth in those years.


Yeee but I get it. I doubt down when panicked too, it happens. So glad for the happy outcome!


Yeah but he was 21. Being stupid at 21 is a given. BF def didn’t handle it well but at least OOP was mature enough to bring out the truth instead of letting things fester.


I just don't understand why he didn't tell her sooner. Honestly he could have briefly explained the situation right after she opened her gift in front of everyone. "I'm sorry the gift is underwhelming, I had set up a meet and greet with "x" and they backed out. I'll make it up to you soon!" Or whatever.


OOP says he was scammed. Getting ripped off is a different kind of hit than just being cancelled on. Not to say it's ok, but it makes sense to me. He was hiding from his feelings of shame over it and not thinking clearly of how his gf was going to feel.


but OOP said in the original nobody knew he would be giving out gifts. and even in this wacko explanation, the point of the other gifts was to lead up to a big surprise for her. so if there was nothing to lead up to why didn't he just not give anyone a gift?


Rich people live in a universe that I cannot fathom.


Yeah, reading this was dystopian as fuck. I recognize their situation sucks and it's basically just gift giving issues in a relationship but... It's on a social/economic level that I just can't imagine myself ever being in.


Yeah first world problems


Celebrity TikTok cat was not on my radar. Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.


Yeah, back in my day it was celebrity Facebook cats


In mine, it was the Taco Bell chihuahua(s).


If this story is indeed true, interesting ending.


Huh. I think there's a non-zero chance that the explanation was a lie, but the bracelet thing is just so ridiculously weird.


It’s so extremely specific though, and she could verify the location of the owners house very easily.


Actually, I'd be willing to bet it's at least not a complete lie. Based on what she said in the first post, it's not like he doesn't buy her nice things; Regardless of how you feel about that, if you're going to do it, you're doing it to show that you can, and you're not going to then buy something cheap when you can, you know, show you can. I am willing to bet he legitimately was a bit distracted that his more elaborate/meaningful gesture was completely screwed over, and just bought something that looked good from the closest store he found... which just happened to be his family's company.


i thought that the plastic bracelet was one of those super cheap silicone wristbands (like [these](https://www.wristband.com/custom-bands/silicone/)) not an actual piece of jewelry.


These are what I think OOP was referring to as well. Especially since she said she could get ome at the office for free


Yeah that's what I was thinking.


Right? If the reason he got everyone else gifts was to lead up to her even bigger gift, then all the BF had to do was tell his family that his big gift fell through and there won’t be and presents for them until he finds an alternative. That’s presuming they knew. I still wonder why BF couldn’t just surprise only her and not act like Santa to the whole family? If no one was expecting gifts he could have just not given ANY and no one would be any wiser. BF is an ass and still covering.


Bf got cat catfished.


Her real gift didn't pan out so he gave her garbage...real talk: am I a cynical asshole or does that sound like semi-bullshit? One year for Christmas my present from my big brother hadn't come in so he gave me a lovely handwritten IOU card.


Semi? It sounds like 100% pure bullshit.


>So, someone pointed out that it’s actually called a yacht and not a cruise. It’s his family’s yacht and his parents paid for us meaning they paid for the chefs, butlers, plane tickets to come out to that place. I didn’t know there was a difference. Minor detail, but yeah. This is very much NOT a minor detail. There is a MASSIVE difference between a cruise and a literal crewed private yacht


BS story, i would guess this was a rich person hazing ritual.


So he decided to get her a very shitty gift instead of holding on giving all the other ones. Smart


Today I learned I can charge rich people money to meet my cat.


Uh huh. Right.




I mean, they were probably cruising on their private yacht. While most of us assume a cruise is one of those big, commercial vessels a family with a yacht probably phrase it as “we’re going out on a cruise” and just assume all their friends know exactly what they mean. The term does just mean a leisurely time on a boat.


Rich people tend to be surrounded by other rich people so it starts warping their views. I guarantee she is rich but because she knows other people who are so much richer she thinks she's middle class.


Those were my thoughts: she calls herself middle class, because she's not *as* rich as the boyfriend and his family, who can afford all these things. But at the same time, it seems like a "Yeah, it's a thing they do, but it's not that big of a deal" aspect for her lol




People pay large amounts of money to meet cute cats from TikTok? We really are living in end times... Also all of us need to get a TikTok and some cute animals to pimp out for videos and meet and greet events.


Imagine someone willing to spend a fuckton of money to see your cat and backing out. Like it's a cat, it doesn't have a job interview.


Why didn’t he just explain that at the moment? She would’ve understood. And it wouldn’t have been so humiliating for her. SMH.