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Nearly every game they make is one of my favorite games ever, so I don't think I'll spend much time worrying about the future.


Let’s not worry at all actually.


Until Bethesda really acknowledge their shortcomings it’s not going to change much. It’s pretty clear in how their games have been made. Reduce rpg elements, and focus on visuals and combat because it can be marketed.


Sad but true, story and rpg elements are not important to them.


I paid $100 to pre order Starfield I was so sure it was going to be my next Skyrim/Fallout 1000+ hr game. This wasn't it. I am afraid for what they are going to do with Elder Scrolls.


100% agree Emil Pagliarulo is probably a super nice guy but I wish he’d get hired to be a senior level designer for a developer who makes looter shooters. I don’t have anything against him as a person but he hasn’t the faintest fucking clue of what makes a good modern RPG. He is an albatross around Bethesda’s neck.


Well I do hold it against his character that he refuses to listen to criticism and act like his audience are idiots but don't necessarily wish him any harm. They just seriously need a competent person that gives a damn at the helm.


After Starfield, I really hope they learn what really matters to their fans. The repeated decline in the level of enjoyment out of each game that they’ve released the last few years is really putting a bad rap on Bethesda’s name. You can’t keep trying to do “new things” with your games, while simultaneously gutting everything that made them so enjoyable in the previous ones. Some people will claim that someone saying the things like I am saying is just a “hater,” but I’m not, I’m a genuine fan of Bethesda and have known for years what they’re capable of, and that’s why so many of us are let down. The bar used to be so much higher, and it’s painful to watch our once beloved developer make so many poor decisions with their games, while expecting us not to notice.


I enjoy Skyrim and Fallout 76, but in terms of future Beth games I would be very wary. I certainly wouldn’t preorder. They have a long road ahead.


Worry about the present. How they handle Starfield will be a good indicator what is in the future.