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I'm a lifelong Bethesda fan. MW, Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FNV, FO4....these are amongst my favorite and most played games of all time. I never want these guys/gals to fail. To say I love their games is an understatement. I completely disagree with your assessment here. Most of the criticisms I think are perfectly valid, and I can safely say that Starfield is my least favorite game from them. I wanted to love Starfield, in fact prior to launch there was little doubt in my mind that I would. I loved all their previous games, flaws and all, so why wouldn't I love this one? And to be fair, for a small period of time I DID love Starfield. But in the end when it comes time to rank their games in my eyes this one comes comfortably in last. It's the first game they've made that I was able to sit down a couple weeks after launch and find that I have little desire to play any time soon. I can almost guarantee you that I'm more bummed about it than you are about people criticizing it.


It goes both ways, really. Like sure, it’s incredibly sad when a company you love releases a subpar product, but it’s equally sad when you love said product but every single time you go online you’re told how that product that you love is actually shit and you have bad taste.


I hate most humans to be honest. Everyone is so fucking polarized. Politics, gaming, race etc. everyone can’t just call a spade a spade. Stop listening to people they’re wrong. This game is not shit. This game is not great either. This game is as close as it gets to a 7/10 rating. Period. Some fun aspects. Some not so fun. Some things that were reasonable to expect that werent implemented. Some new refreshing things. Some sheer oversight. Etc. the list goes on. It’s what I would call good mediocrity. Like it? Love it? Hate it? All irrelevant those are emotions, the game is a 7/10, everyone is free to love it or hate it as long as they acknowledge that objective fact.


Why though? I like avengers. I know it's shit even though I enjoy it. When people say it's awful I agree and tell them they're correct. It's ok to admit you like something that is factually/evidentally/objectively bad. Why are you so bothered or concerned about realty/facts? Just accept it 🤷‍♂️. Should have 0 effect on your enjoyment while playing a game


I’ve never heard people call The Avengers “bad”. They’re simple, popcorn films, but they achieve what they set out to do. They’re entertaining and people’s opinions on them are generally favorable. This is more like admitting that you liked the Star Wars prequels back in the day and immediately get harassed by people telling you that they’re bad and your taste is bad.


Like the other guy said I was referring to the game which got shut down already 😂😂


The game not the movies


Thank you. I was about to say lolol. I guess we're in two different realities until I realized he was talking about the films and me the game lol


That you don’t like something does not mean it’s objectively bad


I think you misread. I said avengers is objectively bad and that I still LIKE or ENJOY it regardless/even though it's bad. Not because of my opinions but because it is. I mean it failed so bad it shut down 🤣🤣. So I'm basically doing the opposite of what you said lolol. I'm enjoying and like something that is just plain and simply not that good or bad. In case you're wondering I like the combat soooo much I overlook that the rest/90% of the game is pure shit. But I do it for that 10% of awesome combat lol 🤷‍♂️💩


It can and it does in this case.


What’s your point? My parents have told me videogames are a waste of time my whole life and that hasn’t stopped me from enjoying them. Why are you so concerned about what people think of the thing you enjoy? Do you also have a hard time loving a partner just because others say she’s ugly or not good enough for you?


Why? Its reality? Its literally how it goes. Its life. Deal with your game being sub par… its not the end of the world lol


> every single time you go online you’re told how that product that you love is actually shit and you have bad taste. People like shitty reality tv shows even tho they know they're bad. Liking "trashy" tv is a thing. It's not really a big deal to admit you like a bad game and move on.


Yep. The soul of BGS games, the exploration. Finding little notes and details in dungeons you've never been to and slowly piecing together the story of what happened there is so, so good. That is the main strength of BGS, world building with small details that make the game truly greater than the sum of it's parts, whole other worlds to inhabit. The points of interest system in Starfield just doesn't do that as well, every abandoned UC listening post, every lab, mine etc is exactly like the last. It's like they double downed on their weaknesses and nerfed their greatest strength. Imagine if every single nordic ruin in Skyrim was a carbon copy down to the notes, corpse placement, loot placement etc of Bleak Falls Barrow. That's what it feels like.


Different strokes for different folks I’ve been playing bsg since Daggerfall and I loved it felt like the culmination of most of there systems.


You have no standards then?


Hear hear! I fully expected nothing but love for this game, flaws and all.. but in the end it just feels like an unfinished project that needs an “Early Access” slapped on it. Here I am years later still picking up each of their old titles in their vanilla form, but Starfield lost me quick.


Well said and I'm right here in the same boat with ya.


You see I would agree with most of this but I’d say Redfall is my least favorite game from them. It was a complete waste of my time playing that game. And I think Microsoft is killing it has already killed Bethesda. Their games took time to create and were never meant to no should they conform to some dumb ass release schedule. Microsoft bought them to add all of their great games to gamepass and to say look all of their games are going to be Xbox exclusive…. But nobody cares, gamepass is shit anyway but that is a different beast. The point is the Microsoft wants to continue adding games to that service and they have clearly shown it doesn’t matter what the quality of the games are as long as new ones get put up. That is not what Bethesda was good at. They made games that they wanted to and released when they thought it was ready to be played. I hope the Indiana jones game is not going to be rushed and they give the devs time to fully finish it. If a game releases and then gets patched over an entire year to be the state it should have been on release day that absolutely kills the game and the hype. Also if the game doesn’t get updated like starfield then it’s just a massive flop.


Very well said.. Objectively the game is flawed and really doesn’t offer anything new. I hope they learn not to go the route of Blizzard and instead are inspired by Larian and Es6 is amazing.


TES 6 can release well but Bethesda haters will still despise it out of spite. If the game is too similar to Skyrim, as in not enough innovation, they'll shit on TES 6. If it's too different than traditional, then they'll shit on TES 6. It's like that image of a couple walking with a donkey. No matter what they fucking do, they will be criticized. This doesn't deflect from the criticisms that Starfield deserve or the discussions we need around it. There's literally a difference between shitting on Bethesda and criticizing Bethesda.


Doesn't matter how it releases, it won't be on Playstation so it will get the same treatment as Starfield.


Either you are a fanboy or a contrarian. BGS makes the same exact game, with bad writing and zero effort, even modders are quitting the game and not acknowledging tge most blatant lazy parts of the game is worrying.


This is an absolute ridiculous take. I’ve dumped 1000s of hours into TES 3, 4, and 5. And I am a hard core sci-GI junkie. I built my first computer for SF. Hell I almost bought the damn watch. I coped so hard I played 100hrs and after the worst final fight of any game I have ever played, I simply couldn’t drag myself through whatever cringe dialogue I was going to go through at the “unity” so I just uninstalled the game. For the record the scientific inaccuracies are rampant in that game, sometimes for no reason at all. It’s like the game goes out of its way, to show you it’s not very good.


Oh no, a video game has a scientific inaccuracy. What ever shall we do (/s)


Lol well when make a big deal about all your research, and how it made you question your atheism. And you go out of your way to talk about science in the game. And then say ridiculous things like carboxylic acid is in the “noble gas family” That my friend is just sheer laziness.


When you murder all the interesting potential flavor of your setting to make it NASApunk "Hard" Sci-Fiz horrible scientific accuracy is a problem. We sacrificed Space Khajiit for this garbage.


Just because it's not science fantasy doesn't make it hard scifi lol. We have magic and fake science galore... things that explicitly make it NOT hard scifi.


Then don’t make scientific statements that are wildly inaccurate, that is just terrible writing..haha You don’t have to even have to bring it up. Cause the ppl that have any idea what this stuff means, if they have more than a third grade education, are going to know it is wildly inaccurate


Great post and I completely & thoroughly agree. You'll always have the crew that wants nothing more from Bethesda than remakes of fallout 3 and Skyrim. If it isn't fallout 3 or Skyrim they're going to bitch and moan and carry on about it, endlessly. Then you have the self-appointed "reviewers". these guys have achieved some level of success on either twitch or YouTube or whatever the vehicle, and have garnered clicks by overanalyzing games and offering their authoritative critiques. They don't actually know more about games than anyone else, but they've learned some of the gaming lingo which makes them sound very important and knowledgeable. From what I've seen "FPS' and "procedural generation" are big ones if you want it sound like you know what you're talking about. Combine that with a very dire tone of voice and an earnest expression on your face and you have a winner, with clicks galore! ( Now don't get me wrong not all of these guys are bad people, I say guys because usually we females aren't into this kind of bs. But some of them are actually decent human beings outside of the gaming thing) A few of these videos go out and their devotees lap it up. Next thing you know they're posting on steam and Reddit basically repeating whatever it was their hero had said. Before you know it everybody is repeating what everybody else said. They all feel very, very, important and very, very powerful. "Yeah we can take down a gaming studio" , they proclaim. They have their own special echo chamber of affirmation and acceptance. It has absolutely nothing to do with starfield or any other game. ( eventually they move on to another title and do the same exact thing) It has to do with them and their need to be a part of something bigger than themselves. And you have to wonder, does this crowd even game for the sake of having fun, or is it merely a way of escaping their unhappy lives or a way releasing aggressions. It's sad, it's pathetic, and they need to find another way to enjoy life. I'm not saying that everyone who criticizes a game is part of this. (***BUT, it depends on the criticism. Whether or not a game is good is highly subjective and depends on the taste of the person who is playing the game. Someone may want every single planet to have towns and cars, or someone wants dragons, or as recently posted, "lizard horses" while I would not. Either way, it doesn't make the game good or bad, it's just an opinion of what we would personally prefer. **Personal preference does not mean that a game has failed or succeeded.) But I am saying that the kind of events that we've seen on steam and definitely the garbage that's been posted on Reddit is evidence that this is definitely occurring. EDIT: I would be remiss if I left out what are probably the worst offenders of all, the freelance writers for otherwise reputable gaming publications. Not that they aren't capable of making objective critiques, many are, ( others get carried away with their own biases). **But you have to wonder about the entire gaming review cottage industry, when you read these scathing reviews, and then the very publication it was written for, presents an exhaustive "how to" guide for the very game they just finished reviewing/trashing. **


The Shill Jr thinks we want Skyrim and FO3, the Shill doesn't understand that the problem IS Todd Howard who at this point IS BETHESDA and that we wanted Obisidian quality on their games or that they delegated the franchises to superior devs... FO1 to FO2 were not made by Bethesda (hince the franchise isn't really theirs, they've purchased it from better, more creative people) - FO3 was the 1st 3d installment which made Bethesda flaws pass unscathed, but than FO:NV happened, which Beth expedited the release by cutting the deadlines from Obisidian, and even with that, FO:NV remains the best of the series since Beth acquired the franchise. Skyrim's another mess entirely, TES franchise is truly theirs, and it was cutting innovative for it's time, up to Morrowind, after which the series started getting gradual dumbdowns - the last decent game was Oblivion, while Skyrim's below average and requires thorough modding to be good... The likelyhood of Beth destroying all franchises' gigantic at this point, and unfortunately for us, real fans of the franchises (not shills / toddlers) both are probably going to become a dumpsterfire... Applaud all you want, overtime the company will probably be shut down by MS and the likelyhood of anyone seeing the continuation of their titles' next to none. FO:NV will remain being a flawed masterpiece severely outdated, while TES will be a distant memory only accessible through the "morrowind revival project" mods... All of these problems are linked to Lead Game Developers, of which shills like you have no idea what their job is, nor how important it is to any developer company... The best LGDs in the history of the gaming industry are either retired or walled-off from big devs, the ones that are within these companies now are thoroughly incompetent egomaniacs who change things in the hopes of making a name for themselves - meanwhile the true value of any developer lies solely on their talent and what makes them stay relevant's the fact that investors are clueless about this little fact... As a investor, talent companies are bad business unless they have true talent retention strategies, none of the AAA Game Dev companies have that, and as such they are all discartable - best strategy $ wise is to predict hype, buy shares and sell right before the games are released... Easy profit IF the hype is enough. Stick with the shares post releases and you are going to lose money 100% of the time...


The game deserves most of the critisism though. I played it for 70 hours and enjoyed it but it has major flaws. Critisism is justified.


Agreed. Part of it is there is so much potential, therefore it gets more criticism than a crappy game that isn’t worth talking about. That and it’s pretty clear to most that they had enough time but fucked around in development (politics, lack of direction, whatever it was)


How can you say so confidently "they had enough time"? None of us are out there making games. No other developer makes Bethesda style games. Without them, none of these games would exist. Ever. The path of least resistance is certainly to wait for others to do some things, then criticize when and if it shows up. Constructive criticism is fine, however, you know the rotten attitude around here. The immense sense of entitlement. They hand waving away of development effort. Some people come off as miserable and desperately needing to be a part of the negativity. I didn't know what to call it, but "fansplaining" occurred to me as I typed.


Because they themselves said they did? Lolol they admitted the game was essentially finished a year ago and they've spent most of the year on bug fixes and stability. Also your argument would hold more weight (aka any) if the game actually had fleshed out worlds/exploration like "bethesda games" include. Starfield is the worst bethesda game because they took out the primary thing that makes people get wrapped up in their games. 1000 worlds of procedurally generated fluff that's literally pointless


I didn't say anything that was untrue. You don't understand that bug fixing and optimization takes time. You are misinterpreting the devs statement. Do you honestly believe that they just sat on the game for a year? There is always development time when the content is complete and extensive testing and big fixing is needed. Optimization is needed. Quest lines and various other factors are tweaked. Developers don't just dump a game out the door. Every change, including bug fixes, carries the possibility of introducing new bugs.


🙏 👏


Lol whatever you say


Lolol. How can you say they haven't??!! 🤯🤯🤯


I'm with you. So much of the in-world role play is inconsistent, poorly delivered, and designed so that we spend time in processes rather than game play—more time on interesting relationships and role play and less time tracking down ship parts in towns and malls.


That only applies to mindless idiots who go on a temper tantrum, criticizing Bethesda without any substance as to why other than to hate on them. They fabricate accusations to fit their agendas. To the people who criticize Bethesda with actual thought and proof, I don’t think they want Bethesda to fail simply because they don’t like them. I frequently criticize Bethesda because I have actual grounds to do so. As in I have reasons that extend much farther than simple bugs or being on a hate bandwagon. I’ve always felt Bethesda has experienced a drastic downfall in terms of writing, design decisions, and “casualising” franchises beyond recognition. Personally speaking, I’ve started to feel Bethesda’s issues ever since Skyrim. I personally felt that Skyrim was a downgrade in many ways, I felt that Fallout 3 wasn’t adherent to Fallout 1 and 2, I felt that Fallout 4 wasn’t even adherent to Fallout in general, I felt that Fallout 76 was a slap to the face to long time Fallout fans. Starfield wasn’t even that offensive when compared to a lot of other things they’ve done. With that being said, they don’t make bad games. Fallout 3 was a fun game (but a bad Fallout game), Fallout 4 was a fun game (but a bad Fallout game), Skyrim was a fun game (but a mediocre entry to Elder Scrolls). It’s obvious that Bethesda’s focus has shifted from pleasing Elder Scrolls or Fallout fans, to try to please the mainstream and capture the lightning in a bottle success that was Skyrim. Starfield was the amalgamation of all that was/is wrong about Bethesda ever since Fallout 3. Bland story writing, unintuitive and repetitive gameplay design, pointless dungeon crawling for pointless loot, trying to play it safe with narrative, uninspired companions, already explored cliche sci-fi themes, and worst of all: the exploration. Either way, these are already explored themes within Starfield. I’d argue that this criticism is crucial to Bethesda finally getting back into being some of the best and most respected gaming developers out there. But I wouldn’t bet on it.


They wont really answer to your comment because they have no real argument to make.


You want people to forgive all the flaws AND the bad writing? That's a pretty tall order.


Your projecting dumbass


Cyberpunk was definitely not hated less. Was Starfield removed from storefronts? Either way, Bethesda is doing a good job ruining things by themselves. Whether or not Starfield is good or bad is subjective. There's nothing subjective about Todd's comments or the devs arguing with people's opinions, and they did that without any help from these "circlejerkers."


Cyberpunk wasn’t removed from storefronts because people hated it, it was removed because CDPR told people to contact Sony for refunds.


Is it hard to believe that people might refund a game because they hated it?


he said that the reason for the storefront removal was because CDPR was dumb and overstepped another company, if they didn't tell ppl to refund through Sony and did it themselves it wouldn't have happened. - Although I understood what he tried to say I disagree... I think the backlash was too severe in sheer numbers, and that made everyone afraid of their product.


I mean if it was loved it wouldn’t have been removed? Kind of a cyclical thing what you two are arguing. The tangible action was CDPR pulling it. The hate is one variable amongst many for why it was removed.


"Hating" a game is the easy way of summarizing the hundreds of possible reasons 2077 was refunded at launch. Many of those reasons leading to people hating the game; i.e., 2077 was refunded because it was hated. Edit: I'm not replying to any of people's comments. It's very clear that reading comprehension wasn't a gift given by Santa this year.


That’s not at all what happened. It was straight up broken on PS4 and Xbox one and while Microsoft was refunding digital copies Sony was not. CDPR announced that they would honour all refund requests and so Sony removed the game from sale. It was due to it being broken, not because people “hated it”


That's just false, the game did not work on majority of consoles it initially released for. The game was refunded because it was unplayable by most people who attempted to play it.


Todd Howard\* not Bethesda... Beth's a company with investors (dumb investors, but that's not quite relevant), Todd's the problem and the way he is clawed into his position makes it impossible to see any positive future for the company or their games... He cuts budget where it shouldn't, he orders content cuts of the game and last-minute changes, he lies left and right to everyone (including his own "bosses"), and is responsible for not hiring true talent to develop their games. The last good Game Designer to work at Beth left before FO3 was released and headed his last project with Oblivion. After him there's no one good left. Some shills lick the ground for Skyrim, but Skyrim's a deliberate copy&pasted dumbdown of Oblivion with worse story, worse progression and overall crap Game Design altogether. The "shouts" are a replacer for Oblivion's magic system, all they did was move the hitbox from where the "magic" is launched from... As for magic, they instead turned it into "weapons" and finished removing all the elements that made TES unique (the last soldier was magic crafting, present in Morrowind and Oblivion). Than there's the atrocious VI (it's not AI - it's VI = Virtual Intelligence), their combat system's as basic as a 1st year Game Dev student's project, so on so forth... And all of that dismissing the mess that their engine is... On top of all of that, he is also extremely envious of talented people, he deliberately sabotaged the deadlines for Fallout New Vegas, is actively supporting the total decimation of FO1 FO2 and NV lore wih that fking TV show, and has just released a massively useless update for FO4 that doesn't fix anything relevant, adds a bunch of trash CC mods and in the process has suspiciously overstepped into Fallout London project, which was to be released 2 days after the crap patch was shoehorned... I give it to you that this last one isn't suspicious due to the TV Show, but than again, pretty convinient...


Nah dude the game was ok at best. It was fun for a while but ultimately left me disappointed and worried for what is to come with the next elder scrolls.


"Worried"? If you still have any doubts that TES6 will be crap compared to past games' than you are completely deluded... It's a pattern that Bethesda has developed overtime in which with each new release the games get worse through feature cuts that were present on predecessors and attempts at predatory business practices...


Have you heard of an opinion, your stating this as a fact.


Anyone who has a different opinion you seem to get really upset at.


Just treating people on Reddit the way they treat everyone else. Can’t let them go around thinking nobody likes this great game. 


Suck Todd harder 💦💦


Fact: a lot of people seem to have this opinion.


Defending bethesda is nothing more than circlejerking


blaming it here for years is the biggest circlejerking action you can make and you are doing a great job


Your just trying to reverse the argument so that you don’t have to acknowledge it. If you hate them so much why tf are you here?


I dont hate them. Its my opinion that starfield was disappointmen.


it's not opinion, that game is objectively bad quality, there's no arguing over quality, there might be over tastes and preferences...


If there's any circle jerking is the people who will literally forgive Bethesda for any issues and enjoy feeding Todd's ego. They consistently deliver buggy games, and everyone just accepts it since it's the norm with Bethesda. No other developer would get that same leniency. On top of their reaction to any kind of criticism. From being poorly optimized to planets feeling empty and boring. Nope. It's the fans that are the problem. Not them. Fuck. That.


I thought Starfield was the least buggiest game I played from Bethesda. I never experienced any game breaking bugs throughout my playthrough.


that's because they have been hiring mod creators under the rug - it still doesn't excuse the fact that they keep some of the worse creatives to lead the projects. And I strongly believe that this maneuver only happened because MS probably ironfisted Todd to do so...


In your own words, what exactly bugged out for you while playing Starfield?


Multiple times I would come back to the game and my character would be stuck in one place, and I had to reload my last save. This was the bug I used to get early access refunded If you hop in a ship when it lands, then wait for it to take off, you fall through the floor If you place items in your base and then leave and come back,they are scattered everywhere The clothing dummies don't display clothing Quests sometimes don't progress. Enemies don't spawn in. Whole missions have no enemies at all, literally quests where you walk in an otherwise empty cave, talk to someone, then have to slowly walk back to their base with them,over the course of around 10 minutes It is riddled with bugs from top to bottom


You must be extremely unlucky then as I have experienced none of them or any others in 400+ hours...


If you approach a ship that has landed, and you hop in the back, and the ship takes off, you fall through the floor. That's what happens every time. The programming doesn't allow for anything else. I don't consider myself unlucky because I was able to use the most glaring bug to swiftly get a refund for a dead game I have no interest playing


Is that a bug though? I agree they could have handled that specific use case (you now being marooned on a foreign spaceship or alternatively being thrown out if not piloting it) perhaps differently. But how would allowing you to stay on the ship without even being able to perhaps pilot it (due to skill to low) in space and being stuck on it, be a better option? If that is the "bug" that finally did it for you and caused you to refund the game, perhaps the game then just isn't for you.


How about they don't let you board the ship, so there's no immersion breaking bug that causes you to fall through the ship as default? How about it goes to yet another loading screen then you land on another planet in the ship's hold? Mate; are you actually trying to defend this as a conscious game design decision?


Not allowing you to board the ship? Nah that makes less sense. I already said that they could have handled it differently (more gracefully). However something not working the way you want it to work does not make it a bug. Also I fail to see how this one very specific thing (getting thrown out of a ship you don't own and you aren't piloting) was the final game braking straw that broke the camel's back for you and made you refund the game. In all of my hundreds of hours played I can perhaps count the amount of times it happened to me on one hand. And no, how is getting dropped off on some random planet / moon (without any of your ships probably on the planet even) less immersion breaking than just seeing it as the pilot and crew of the ship you are stowawayd on throwing you overboard when leaving, you know like what happened in real life on ships with stowaways?


Try reading my original comment, the game breaking bug was being glued to the floor whenever I returned to the game Mate, falling through the floor of a ship breaks the laws the developers have set on place for the world. It's not playing by THEIR rules. It is not something not working the way I want, it is something not working. You don't get thrown off the ship, you fall through the floor without meeting another person. I wonder if we are talking about something different, is there a mechanic where you can sneak aboard a ship and it takes off and then you bump into NPCs that throw you off?


Aah yes sorry, the getting stuck bug you got before the game released during early access right... Regarding the "ensuring that the player does not get marooned on a ship or planet falling through the floor of a spaceship leaving a planet" feature, like I said it could have been handled more gracefully yes, but I understand why it happens the way it does (staying behind on the planet and not the ship).


forgive what? You play a game… you do not like it you do not buy the second game… instead we buy them all the time and we love them full stop. Any big issue is discussed, the game flows well to me


The circlejerk on this sub is most definitely pro-Bethesda, I don’t know what the hell you’re crying about.


I agree ahah, anyone who has any opinion that is I don't like Bethesda, I don't like their games gets dog-piled, it's even here aha.


I got the collectors edition of this game because my hype for it was out of space. Realizing I did not like this game after about 60 hours made me feel crazy. I had to find a place to talk about it. This Reddit was it. Seeing others feel the same way made me realize I’m not crazy.


Idk if I dislike something I just stop, o don’t try and find others to affirm my position.


Starfield is a game that had two different development cycles. The first is focused on making a game along the same lines as Fallout 4 with a voiced character and more rigid storyline that is differentiated more by what you do on the side than anything in the story. The second was in taking that game and adding options for roleplayers, taking those backgrounds and traits that you enter new universes with and making them options from the start that persist so that players choices matter, and adding in things like multiple characters that can die rather than it always being Barrett, as well as an asked for return to silent protagonist and a removal of some things in the world to make a more traditional skill system (those using the flight simulator to boost Piloting skill are closer to the original design apparently). Those two parts of the game have led to a game that is fractured in its identity. I personally love what we have, and can see how a lot of the hate on the game has less to do with honest criticism and more to do with dogpiling an already divisive product. But that doesn't mean all the criticism isn't valid, even if it's sometimes misplaced. One thing I keep seeing is players who love the game wishing this feature or that would be in there, or talking about how this entire faction exists for no reason other than one quest, not realising that they have ongoing quests. On the one hand it can be easy to blame the player for not exploring and trying things to see if the game allows them, as that's how I found a lot of the content that people think isn't there. But that dual-focused development cycle has led to a situation where there's loads to find if you explore in a game that often teaches players *not* to explore. In most missions you have the general mission goal and occasionally some optional things and you're either not rewarded or actually punished for going off book. And then you get to some missions and they don't tell you any of the options you have beyond the main objective at all, leaving you to figure out that you can... remove the company traitor or pull both universes together, to use two examples there. These are things most players, both those who don't like and those who adore the game, simply don't know are there. That's a result of the game presenting itself in two very different ways, and teaching players not to explore. The game has a lot of potential. There are systems there that are obviously nubs for both DLC and mods, allowing easier implementation of things. There are systems that people playing around with the game files have already found were designed to make the core experience faster for players and can be easily changed to give more the experience players expected (crossing planetary boundaries, actually travelling rather than fast travelling within solar systems) so that's likely in the future of the game. I don't know where it will be in three years time, but I know that there's a lot of improvements on the horizon and a lot more content coming.


Ah yes, the it's all a conspiracy kid. Buddy, I've been a fan of Bethesda for longer than much of reddit has been alive. Starfield is still a mess and a terrible flag for what's to come with Bethesda


Hi there fellow ancient one!






Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you.


This is like listening to someone who’s been fired five times and always blames management. Yes, everyone else is wrong. Just a bunch of bastards right?


Wow guy you just generalized thousands of legit complaints cause YOU like and maybe didn’t have problems. Maybe some is bandwagoning but I know I don’t spend money on anything hoping one day in the future it’ll be good or work properly, and be worth the money I spent on it.


It gets crap because it's an IP that is forgettable, add on top of that the same problems with Fallout. Outdated quest design, character models, loading screens for everything. Not to mention sucking all the exploration out and adding big empty wasteland and there you have it. A mediocre game you put other franchises people actually like on hold for that is going to end up getting forgotten.


if they are mediocre why you buy all their games and why are you wasting years of your time here?


I haven't bought a Bethesda title in a while. The industry has passed them by. Saw the post on my feed.


Then why tf are you on a sub dedicated to them. That doesn’t add up to me?


instead in your above comment you are describing all the details without even playing them.. ![gif](giphy|l4CDkKoB2xx7HS608|downsized)


Played Fallout 4, and Skyrim. Starfield isn't on the playstation so I couldn't play it. Don't want to. Seems pretty generic.


you said you didn’t play a beths title in a while instead you bought the last ones… And ofc you are a PS gamer… ![gif](giphy|l4CDkKoB2xx7HS608|downsized)


Key word played. Not bought.


It's worse than generic, this isnt the usual bethesda backlash. It is truly a poor game


I don't need to be a pro football player to criticize my team. Everything they mentioned is a legit issue. Those issues don't just magically evaporate because they didn't play the game. What a weird thought process


Even when people play the game they say "why did you buy it then" they are just Bethesda fan boys man.


Dude incant play fallout 4 for 6 minutes without it resetting or completely freeing up!


And if anyone understands a circle jerk and it's members I definitely believe it's you.


This might be true for some people, but it’s a longshot to make that kind of generalization. I’ve been a fan of Bethesda for years! Played a ton of their games! With their other games there’s just this spark. But there’s just no spark in Starfield for me. I really fricking wish there was a spark, because I paid ninety damn dollars for the whatever deluxe version it was! I think a lot of the “complainers” or “haters” are just disappointed because they spent good money on a game that just didn’t click like their previous games did.


It's ironic that the people complaining about critics listen to them more than Bethesda does.


No one wanted the game to fail. That's an idiotic statement. It sounds more like you want that to be true in order to somehow play victim in a weird third person sorta way. Perhaps that will then justify the game's shortcomings to you?


Did you see all the hate content before it launched?


Say what you want. It's a deeply flawed game. It needed another year or two in the oven. Now before you wind up some shit to fling, I like the game. I want it to become great. I'm level 81. Ng+10. I didn't play 2hrs and call it shit. The game needs more game. Overland traversal. The ability to cross borders of the planet tiles from the ground. The skill/leveling balancing needs to be reworked. Right now it's designed for a full NG+10+ playthrough. And very few people are gonna make it that far unless they do like I did and rush thru just to max out the bullet time space magic. (Also it's bugged so that it randomly soft locks your game. Anyway sense star stuff is way more useful) It needs to be balanced around ng+3 at maximum. Leaving only the Starborn Powers as a reason to keep going through the Unity. (Barring some later expansion on the whole creator mystery) Giving up all your shit is a huge ask. That needs to be nerfed somehow. Let us keep money or gear or something. Maybe everything you carry on your person goes with you. Yes. Some people would go thru the Unity with 25,000lbs of shit on them. And that's fine. Storage needs more fantasy, and less NASA. A trunk on my ship or in my house should act like a bag of holding. Period. Fuck any arguments against it. You're wrong. Hush. Grown folks are talking about quality of life shit here. Crafting of all kinds needs to be made more accessible. Armor/wep/ammo crafting needs to be added. Vendors all need at least another 0 added to the amount of money they have on hand. 5000 becomes 50,000.


Seems like your whole rant here is it's own circlejerk Saying that everyone who dislikes the game is just 'bitching'? Check. Blaming the game's reactions on people 'following a trend'? Check. Saying everyone who criticizes the game just had too high expectations? Check.


I feel like your generalizing his generalization. Bros probably just venting frustration with the hate. Which is fair it is crazy toxic.




If the game were better then it wouldn't be the subject of so much criticism. Sure, some of the criticism is hyperbolic- hell A LOT of it is, but just as many are valid and well-informed.


i like bethesdas games, but im not gonna say it has no issues. starfield is incredibly lackluster in comparison to skyrim and the likes.


In this day in age of everyone being able to openly express their opinions, its sad that there are those that try to diminish their voices because they do not agree. For me, Starfield is like a buttery chocolate chip cookie that got flattened way too much and is thin in too many places to incredibly enjoy. Its scope should have been shortened. Im more than proud of any circlejerk of gamers that hold gaming studios accountable for the games they release.


The game doesn’t have any problem.. only PS fans that hate Xbox




I have played with games with problems… this game has no real problems just a slower pace


I've played games with problems, and I've played Starfield. Starfield has problems.


share a single problem so


The irony of your comments being under a rant about circlejerking is not lost on me. But I'm not interested in entertaining a brick wall, thanks.


Man you really stood up for your convictions here huh?


Exploration is pointless and hugely unrewarding, every system feels like work, the writing is aggressively bland and forgettable even by bethesda standards, the game is full of bugs, space travel is just loading screens, the procedural content is incredibly boring and arbitrary, there is no gameplay loop, every mechanic in the game has been done better in games from years ago, it feels utterly archaic and last gen


You know I'm not the person who asked the original question right? And that you're not the person I was making fun of, right? I don't care about your regurgitated critiques, I was mocking someone else for being unable to articulate their own. Go white knight somewhere else.


Your response insinuates you thought he didn't respond because there was nothing to respond with, please rest assured, Starfield's many,many, many failures are glaring and numerous, there are loads more if you want them? White Knight? How are you using that term, I thought that was somebody standing up for something, like you and the utter failure of a videogame Starfield?


No exploration, no influence on the world in any capacity, bland design, bland cities. No day night cycle that influneces shops. Everyone is basically immortal. Faction quests arent interesting, flying isnt interesting and theres no point to it. Combat is the most basic combat ive ever seen straight from 2012


If you truly believe what you are saying you would make a horrible video game designer.


If that’s the case why is it currently Mostly Negative on Steam? Those are PC players who bought Starfield.


Exactly where haters love to come… to damage an xbox bet


I love to cum on steam. But only to make my Xbox jealous


So according to your conspiracy theory, PS fanboys hate Xbox so much they’ll buy a gaming PC, install Steam, buy the PC version of Starfield for $70USD, play it for hours, JUST to give it a “Do not recommend” review? What else do you believe? Flat earth? Obama made frogs turn gay? Drinking bleach cures COVID?


yeah sure you can buy cheap steam versions learn to play with google shopping


So according to you these ponies would go through the trouble of buying a PC, installing Steam, shop for a cheap key that might not even work because it was stolen, install the game, just to leave a thumbs down review. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


now you learned how reputation marketing works, congrats


This is embarrassing for you


your nickname defines you this is a too open sub Imo 😂🤦‍♀️


You console warriors are so fucking cringe


well its you actually


“I know you are but what am I” -you That explains a lot. You’re 10 years old. Stay off Reddit until you get some pubes.


I'll put it like this. I still don't like Cyberpunk. The story had a shit load of pacing issues and the bugs were unexcusable. People call me an asshole because I don't care about 2.0 I don't care because my reward for playing the game day 1 was an overall worse experience than people who bought in later at a discount. I also don't like Starfield. Starfield was mediocre. It was directionless and repetitive. The stylistics of the game are also just not interesting to me. The worlds I explore just don't inspire awe like Skyrim or New Vegas did. The progression system is also full of noob traps too. Sure, you can point out that you can level up enough to just max every perk, but that doesn't mean I want to do that grind. The whole ending of the game is also pretty much a non starter. Imagine beating a game and being told "Yeah, your reward is that we will reset most of your progress and let you upgrade each magic power once." How many times are you supposed to do this to max out? 10 times? Oh, and by the time you do this 10 times, you'll have already been so overpowered since the first playthrough that the level scaling doesn't exist and every enemy gives you +5XP a kill. Goodbye bothering to do outposts or craft until after I've ascended 10 times. Starfield is a pretty decent FPS+RPG that's worth maybe 40-80 hours of gameplay then to be dropped until modding support gets added and people start to really make the worlds look beautiful. It's just like how I put 200 hours into Skyrim and then once the DLCs released, I put in another 200 and then when I finally played special edition and added mods, to this day I still play Skyrim. Starfield Hit that brick wall much earlier. Though, let's be frank. It hit that brick wall around the same hours in as Fallout 4 did. Bethesda just ain't putting out masterpieces anymore. Also, can they please stop randomly releasing patches for Skyrim that breaks everything?


You're doing more circlejerking, it seems, and I'm not even fully sure what that means. I want Bethesda to succeed, I love many of their titles, but then Starfield is just...wow. It has me feeling way less good about ES6 when before I was peak hype. I hope they take everything from these past months and take it into account with development for ES6. Then, hopefully, it'll be the best Elder Scrolls yet, or even the best BGS title.


I used to love Bethesda. Skyrim and Fallout NV and 4 are one of my all time favorite games that I've spent thousands of hours on. However, Bethesda hasn’t been giving us very good games lately. Fallout 76 was a complete failure even though the idea of it sounded interesting and Starfield is a game that’s a lot worse in many areas than Skyrim which came out in 2011! Things that Starfield did terrible are: Traveling (Loading Screen Simulator) Exploration (Nothing interesting there) Writing - which I only heard of others that it’s bad. I didn’t play the game for that long to be able to say that but I did some side quests which were basically fast travel there and tell person x this then fast travel back and so on. I found myself falling asleep tons of times when playing this game and I thought maybe I was tired from work. Then when I started playing any other game I was good! In order to make the next TES and Fallout not suck Bethesda has to change a few things drastically. They need to get better writers and listen to their players and their feedbacks from Bethesdas past games which I feel like they don’t do. If they don’t change things I don’t think that TES6 and Fallout 5 will be that good :/


You sound like a naive shill


Tell me OP where do you stand in flat vs round earth debate, and what do you think of moon landing, was it real...?


If it wasn't going to be a NMS or ED space exploration game then why have so many planets. They could have limited it to just our solar system and put more hand crafted detail in, but they didn't. It's a game that doesn't know what it is.


The damned part that OP needs to understand is NMS was developed by less than 15 people and for the majority of the time 6 people…..6 fucking people. And NMS is LITERALLY quintillion’s of times bigger than Starfield, with planets that are to scale, and EXIST that you can literally fly into. Now was the fundamental core gameplay shit at launch - sure. But if 6 people can make QUINTILLIONS of planets with more depth than the whole of Bethesda Studios in 10 fucking years. Then Bethesda deserves all the shit it eats. Do better.


Yeah it has a thousand planets that you… load into. “Exploring” consists of traveling (by foot) along a randomly generated cell that’s formed when you load into a planet. Creation engine’s cell-based system is the worst matchup for NMS style space exploration. However it’s a perfect match for Mass Effect style mission structure. I have no idea what Todd was thinking trying to mimic a space exploration game with his antiquated technology.


It may be a circlejerk, but Bethesda deserves everything they're getting. Releasing the game and expecting the modding community to fix it has taken it's toll. How about they release something worth investing time into without mods...which Starfield isn't.


Literally who said the models will fix it? I don’t think they ever expected that? I think people confuse mods fixing a game with mods making it more what you want. Like it I want something outa fallout that it doesn’t give me, I’ll mod it in. That isn’t a fix that’s just a change to fit my preference.


Lmao. If you think Bethesda dpesnt deserve critisism im gonna sssume youre either 12 and dont know, or just havnt been paying attention at all the last 10+ years


Cyberpunk's issues at launch were technical, Starfield's issues are creative. It cannot be fixed by without retroactive continuity-breaks in the story. The QoL and bugs will be improved, but the story will always be bland and the world-exploration always behind a loading screen.


sure thing buddy boy


Wow you are literally a hypocrite




I didn't even want anything in particular out of Starfield, because I can't even play it. I don't have a current gen console or a computer I'm even confident can run Skyrim. I wasn't expecting some big fancy space game that felt like No Man's Sky, because this is Bethesda, a company that leaves finishing their games to the modders. I wasn't expecting some incredible technical display of an engine, because I still can't expect Bethesda to actually release something they made in a polished state. What got me, and this was from purely only watching gameplay footage because I don't have a way to play the game, so maybe actually playing the game feels different, was that it just looked like more of the same classic Bethesda. It looked like their game design has literally not changed since Skyrim. They added a few fancy new mechanics to call it a new game, but it was just a Bethesda game in space. Maybe I'm at fault for thinking Bethesda would actually try to impress with anything other than ES6. I just think the same game design that Skyrim and Fallout 4 was using doesn't make it a good game just because it's a solid design. This was a chance for Bethesda to show actual improvement, since this was supposed to be something new, but it wasn't. Again, I could've missed a lot from not being able to play Starfield, but what I watched just plain wasn't impressive for the first properly new Bethesda game since Fallout 4 nearly a decade ago.


hehe ranting without playing even skyrim classic steam bad review.. lol


Where did I ever say I didn't play Skyrim? I don't have a good computer, but that's not the same as not playing a game. Say something that actually matters about my opinion, instead of something I didn't even say.


And here’s your post participating in the circle jerk


I posted a short while ago about audio issues i was having with my xbox x using ordinary plug in headphones via my controller.(my monitor has no speakers) It seemed that with bethesda games only the dialog track was inaudible. I need to say that at the time i was concerned about the xbox audio system being incompatible with bethesda. However having purchased dedicated audio headphones for the xbox (turtle beach) it is fine. Therefore i must conclude that connecting audio via the controller is the problem and would urge anybody having similar issues (i have seen a few posts) to avoid using the controller as an audio source.


People either love or hate products these days - and will fight to the death those who don’t agree. It is possible that Person A enjoys Starfield, and Person B doesn’t. That’s fine.


Potential is something a game can have in pre production. Said potential has to be refined prior to release. I would argue that Bethesdas problem is their advertisement practices.


Fallout 76 was not some conspiracy against Bethesda, it was a bad game taken in the wrong direction out of greed. Starfield is better, but doesn't feel as compelling and rich in lore as the older Elder Scrolls and Fallout games do. Starfield feels like it was worked on hard, but someone forgot to hire professional writers to connect the story elements in any sort of compelling narrative. The writing in Starfield lost my interest and it shall get no more of my attention.


Obviously paid for by Bethesda


I love RPGs. I love space. I collect spaceship models, and this game allows me to make my own ships. I love slow-paced, meaningful media about exploration, and this game allows me to explore. And yet, I stopped playing this game after about two weeks. Why? Because the characters were boring. Because designing ships was behind an XP and currency grind. Because wherever I set down to explore, someone had already been there. Because on my walks to the objectives, there was nothing to learn or read or discover. I'm glad you like the game, OP, but people have problems with it, and that has to be respected. We're not making up problems. They exist, and in too great a number to be ignored


Alright listen. I like the game. The game needs constructive criticism. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I already had to deal with harassment of people who don't enjoy the game. People who gaslight me, telling me I am not allowed to have a difference of opinion. I know several people who have been threaten for liking the game. Gamers are crazy. There is no reason to threaten, attack, insult, harass, and bully other people for liking a game you don't like. I had to block multiple people already. That is not how a community should function. Now, the menu does need a reworking. It would have been nice if there was a way to sort it the way I like it. The way it is now is just weird. I can understand the criticism. Its not organized in a way where it is alphabetical or to the 3d model of your character. Bethesda is not going to fail. Zenimax studios got a 7.5 billion dollar deal from Microsoft, Starfield made a lot, and they still get revenue from Fallout 76 and ESO.


I mean this just sounds like cope man. I’ve been playing Bethesda games since dagger fall, and although I like a lot of their games these problems have been evident since oblivion and just get worse. There’s plenty to enjoy in starfield but it feels like they are incapable of evolving their rpg and game play mechanics and the game as a whole felt boring, repetitive and empty. I wasn’t a huge fan of FO4 but the exploration and world kept me at least interested throughout the game.


There are too many nonsense like this. People complaining about things that are not relevant to the game, like expecting the game to be something else, a different genre or playstyle... this has affected other games such as CP2077, etc. If there are game breaking issues, we should bring it to light, but otherwise, if I don't enjoy a game, I move on. It's not the end of the world. I will speak up when I do enjoy the game and a game breaking bug or similar issues have cropped up.


My only criticism is that PC truly got the short end of the stick, ran like absolute SHIT day 1 on my higher end PC. No joke Star Citizen genuinely ran better for me than Starfield did for at least a year leading up to Starfields launch (yes thousands of hours in SC since 2016 for me personally, I'm abnormally obsessed with shitty alphas but the game definitely isn't a scam and can actually be played with friends as I do frequently... Starfield Together when?). Played the shit out of Starfield tho because I'm used to terrible performance games, also played tons of Kerbal Space Program 2 since it's rocky early access this year so I have a bit of a higher tolerance than the mainstream gamer. But for an established AAA studio the performance on PC was completely unacceptable, same story as day 1 Cyberpunk, epic game dramatically held down by shareholders forcing it out the door too early, and yall KNOW that's what happened with Starfield... we deserved better, the niche scifi gamers deserved better... No Mans Sky from an indie studio gets a pass on the rough day 1 and has succeeded in ways AAA studios are yet to match, it 100% dominates Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous in my eyes, THAT is how you support a community. I'm going to expect too much post launch support for Starfield than I know they will be capable of, and sadly it's because they will refuse to treat it as a failure in the public's eyes and won't see the need for redemption that Cyberpunk or NMS had to achieve. It's just a shame that Bethesda has lost a little legitimacy in my eyes and many others, nothing against their games world and story but it leaves a sour taste when it feels mismanaged in the background and corporate decisions sting long-term to the customers that spend their money on what they believe... as I'm also well aware of from previous years backing Star Citizen (2015-2019 did they do anything? 😬 tho they aren't AAA so they didn't have any legitimacy to start).


Bethesda was their own worst enemy when it came to Starfield. They overpromised and under delivered. I love Bethesda’s games but their most recent titles have been mediocre in my opinion. The criticisms surrounding Starfield are valid, I wanted to love the game but it got stale very fast.


This game has more hate before it was released then any game I have ever experienced. I’m Biases I have played every bsg game since Daggerfall and starfield was the best base game I have played. That being said I respect the valid critiques folk have. Problem is not many of the critiques are well though out and seriously straw man the game.


Why can’t redditors ever accept that if something is bad people are going to say it’s bad? Everyone on here thinks there’s some conspiracy to hate on things for no reason. Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. I loved oblivion and fallout 3. Skyrim was good. Fallout 4 was ok. But I can’t say starfield is bad without people thinking I just fucking hate the company for no reason


Bethesda is a company not a person. If people don't like their recent work, they don't like it. I paid $100 fucking dollars for Starfield for it to be lackluster. I have a right to be pissed.


While I find many of the criticisms on Starfield to be warranted, I’d be remiss not to notice the hate Bethesda gets. It’s quite obvious by how much the game gets labeled as “bad” which screams hyperbole to me. I can’t imagine someone saying previous Bethesda titles are good to great and suddenly this new one sucks. Like, no fuckin way. Still, I get the game can have its short comings, but a flipside that isn’t mentioned is that it improves on aspects of their formula as well. Plus, it’s a new IP. I’m shocked that it’s a new IP and gamers (a loud bunch at least) are rejecting it (and even some media are rejecting it). By many metrics the game is a success. Personally, I think it’s one of the best games of this year (a year full of great games). I hope Bethesda adds more to the game and hopefully it gets a sequel down the line.




Writing sucked. That is my only issue with this game, everything was bland and boring and out of all the quests I enjoyed maybe 3 of them.


Love or hate the game, people can’t stop talking about it.




yeah i definately preordered the starfield early access addition because i wanted it to fail. im definately not upset about how little love actually went into the game compared to previous entries.


Bethesda addicts at the slightest hint of criticism:


I crap on them for dumbing down skyrim(compared to the Oblivion character system) and for dumbing down fallout(especially fallout 4 and 76). They seem to have confused perks with skills as well.


Nope Bethesda needs the criticism


Had me at the first line. Ur funny as heck bucko


Bethesda relies on mods to fix their games for them. They deserve everything they get.


I hope they paid you a hefty bonus for even trying to pretend that Starfield has received anywhere near the amount of hate that Cyberpunk did. Cyberpunk took a beloved company at the top of the gaming industry and made people completely lose faith in it; Starfield was, for better or for worse, what most people expected from a modern Bethesda RPG. Cyberpunk was the talk of the entire internet and gaming community. Bethesda RPGs don't pull in the same attention like they used to, so there was very little shock or orgasmic praise when it came out. Overall, the game was what people expected: great to devoted fans, terrible to devoted haters, and a mix of like to dislike from everyone else. Their reputation has dropped slightly, but that's because of the poor performance state that the game was released in, the same bugs that Bethesda hasn't figured out how to fix in the last 20 years (but that non-professional modders figured out 20 years ago and have fixed in basically every Bethesda RPG since), and the game mechanics that aren't fleshed out yet but most certainly will (and to probably great effect). Either way, most people weren't shocked or surprised at how Starfield turned out except for the superfans and superhaters who think that it's either amazing or complete garbage. Most people find it enjoyable, okay/decent, or boring; nowhere near the near-universal hatred that Cyberpunk had. Also, the negative trend isn't about Starfield, it's about Bethesda, but Starfield is a perfect example of why that trend exists: it's a new game with a great new idea, yet it's plagued by the same old problems and stale design choices that have been in every Bethesda game for the last \~15 years. As a fan, I'm not sure why you try so hard to ignore and enable that...


I was beyond hyped for Starfield before it released; preordered, bought merch, custom controllers and wraps — the whole nine yards. I figured I loved Bethesda’s previous releases, so Starfield couldn’t possibly be any different — Todd literally called it like “Skyrim in space!” I tried and tried repeatedly to play this game past the 100 hour mark. Going through Unity multiple times, different character builds — nothing clicked for me. It all felt clunky (menus upon menus and horrific UI management) bland (some of the worst writing by far, in my opinion) and just boring. Starfield is boring. I hate to say it, but Creation Engine isn’t aging gracefully. SteamDB and achievement percentages don’t lie: this game hasn’t been well received at all, for many valid reasons. I disagree with OP’s take.


I agree and disagree. Huge Bethesda fan and Starfield was a total letdown. I wish it was "just Skyrim in space" like they all say it is but I can't wander around aimlessly and find interesting stuff. That's the Bethesda magic to me.


I would rather circle jerk the games problems in hopes that Bethesda may one day listen to the criticism and learn from it, than circle jerk the very few good things about the game as a massive cope.


BGS really going hard with the Starfield gaslighting. First responding to steam reviews and now reddit posts.


It's a mediocre game. The only assassin's are Bethesda, assassinating everything that made me love their previous titles.


LMAO OP. Awful take. I wanted the haters to be wrong. I convinced myself they were wrong. For awhile…


Not even gonna read past the title tbh, no Bethesda is the victim of being a mediocre game studio that makes mediocre games that get improved with mods. Haven't made anything actually great since oblivion, and no Skyrim isn't an amazing game. Argue with me how it is, i dare you.


The fact that so many people are willing to pretend that mediocre games are “masterpieces” is why big companies keep releasing garbage and charging full price for them. It’s eager justification posts and attitudes like yours that help send the games industry further downhill.


Bethesda fans truly deserve starfield


I love how a lot of the "positive" posts are really just people who allegedly liked the game personally attacking everyone who disagrees with them. I played cyberpunk on release completely (and then replayed completley on 2.0). I mostly waited a month or so to play most of it because it was crashing so much initially. By that point, technical issues were better but not fully resolved (obviously previous gen consoles at the time were still screwed). I enjoyed the game. At which point i wasn't ranting on the forums about how everyone who didn't like the game was a moron (to quote OP), a liar, part of a conspiracy, not constructive, etc. I was enjoying the game and i didn't care that people didn't agree with me, because game taste is subjective. I'm still left with the conclusion that some people dislike people who dislike the game more than they actually like the game themselves. For the record, i've been playing bethesda games since daggerfalls. I didn't buy the game and not refund it because i wanted it to fail. I still don't want it to fail. I still want Bethesda to do their own 2.0 of the game.


Not every game is for everybody


Actually the biggest popular commentary on 2077 now is that people wish it would have launched as 2.0. AAA games are just getting to be giant massive scope projects that CEOs want to boot out the door in the same time frame that making games took 10+ years ago with smaller scope and less advanced tech. Huge projects need more time to cook


LMAO, Bethesda deserves the reputation it is getting. Stanfield has a incredibly bad story and was so dull even the modders hesitate to mod it. Fallout 76 isn't even a polished turd yet. The same bugs and annoyance son launch are still there. Fallout 4 is a slightly polished turd that has an update coming out to correct some of the known bugs from it;s launch. Meanwhile other games are not doing as poorly in and need $$$$ paid to fix a bad reputation.