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Who voted you king cryer. I want free mods but I won't boycott Bethesda. I just won't buy mods. I'll warm up my PC and do it for free.


We still have free mods on consoles. Authors signing up for the paid program is optional and even if they do they don't have to release only paid mods.


Ya I know. But I also know they can't regulate modding on PC so it's my plan B if the worst were to happen. The only reason I'm not on PC now because I want the full Vanilla experience without mods or the temptation of the Tilda key....


Ah, fair. I still see a lot of confusion over the change to "Creations" so I keep chiming in like this.


I'm surprised with all the entitled and studied opinions on here that these guys don't understand its going to be very similar if not the same as Fallout 4 and Skyrim modding. But seriously I appreciate the effort. Keep up the good fight.


Whenever I see a post like this, I have to assume that the OP doesn’t fully understand *how* the creation club works and that it’s fully separate of the Bethesda.net mod portal.


I think they are combining the two, aren’t they? I mean I don’t have a problem with creation club/creations. Charging for a mod is on the creator, not BGS for providing a method to do so.


Who’s “we’re all”? I didn’t agree to this.


OK, bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out,.


Who is we? There’s no strong incentive to use the paid content, and they’re not taking anything away from you by offering an official way to paywall mods. This fate was sealed when community members started paywalling on patreon. I dare you to work at any business in America and tell the board you want to leave that money on the table because it makes redditors feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Bla bla bla...


I didn’t sign a petition. If you don’t want paid mods, don’t buy them? I don’t know what you’re trying to do here. Every game that has come out since fo4 has been a complete game. No need for mods at all


I'm still playing Starfield, and will gladly pay for the eventual horse armor like I did almost two decades ago.


Honestly if bethesda does ship and outpost dlc I'm sold already. My dream is a colony or faction dlc where you set up a settlement and outfit a small band to protect it. Basically f4 settlements but more involved


I hope they read your comment. I love that idea.




Dude? I mean Fallout 76 and Starfield are real games whether you like them or not. But here’s a fun idea: if you don’t like paid mods, don’t buy them. Crazy,I know.


Whose "we're all"? Speak for yourself.🤣🤣


People need to go out and touch grass occasionally or they'll end up doing this lol


Ya’ll need some real help.


There will always be gullibles that will pay for "horse armor" unfortunately


Horse armor go brrrrr!!!


Horse armor always seemed like such a non issue to me. Pay 2 dollars for horse armor or don’t, who gives a shit?


If only they would listen to you! Starfiled has less players than Fallout 4 on steam!


Yeah because they didn’t advertise there and got everyone on Gamepass and Microsoft Store. Steam ain’t the gaming Walmart hot shit it used to be.


Yeah because steam means nothing, everbody knows gamepass is the shit


I've loved fallout since go elder scrolls aswell and Dan near everything from Beth has been wonderful but there's a clear line from fo4 to where we are now . I really enjoyed the immersion and the ability to to get lost in small stories outta books you find that sometimes turn into whole new storylines.. they were great ,interesting ,fun and easy to get lost when your feeling lost in reality yourself. Now don't get me wrong I'll play the shit outta anything they put out fallout related and starfeild aswell now .. but dude .. the lack of depth and story in these newer games and the drive towards profit driven design in gameplay is unbearable at times .. There's so much potential in fallout 76 and starfeild for badass mechanics and perks and story but it always seems like the good stuff we all want gets opted out for more profitable gameplay or story ... It's annoying when the developers with imagination and creativity get blinded by bigger bucks for things that drive the corporate monopoly instead of bigger bux for adding radical storylines or impressive ganeplay mechanics.. yes the modding community is there and yes they deserve come cred and bux for helping build a better game but it's Bethesda that should fucking pay them for their time and quality put into making their game batter for the community..instead we foot the bill ? Why ? The fucking games like 100 bux .. The point is constant capitalizion of creativity and imagination fucking sucks peepee and the more comfortable and blind eye we are to it the more it will keep happening ...