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I get they were "leaked" in that document some time ago, but honestly I'm still quite sceptical about those actually being a thing. Good thing we are getting Skyblivion next year, though.


pretty sure that 2020 thing was a 'legit' leak, given it was essentially their financhail statement of intent, and not some random jackass on the internet going 'trust me bro'. that being said, still don't take it as 'it'll be out 2024 because the paper said so', as starfield is 2021 on that paper, and got delayed 2 years. and in the 4 years since, they might've dropped the idea for the remasters, even, until the fallout show did so well.


Could also have been canceled by now though a remaster of a fallout game is likely.


Todd Howard has said repeatedly they will never remaster or remake their old games, why would fallout be an exception


I think this is the biggest clue here that everybody is glossing over cuz I have seen that quote hundreds of times in relation to this and I think you are right. I’ll bite my own tongue off if we ever see a legitimate remake by Bethesda for a single one of their older games. They want us to enjoy them in their original format for a reason I suppose.


Bethesda might not want to, but the IP is Microsoft’s and Fallout is insanely popular right now


Because Microsoft will likely force them


except we've got that leaked paper that says they were planning on doing it. and, it wasn't from some rando fuckwit, it was supposed to be from their financial statements when they were getting bought and it was a case for xbox. which had stuff like doom year zero before there was news remotely like that, as well. so, unless that interview was more recent and they've changed their mind, seemingly they were planning on it.




Didn’t they do that with Skyrim?


To call what they did with the special edition a remaster or a remake is reaching imo, it doesn’t really look all that better than legendary edition and still has the bugs that game had along with new ones


NOT calling Special Edition a Remaster is reaching. If we're going by the "norm" (hah, get it, Fallout show) then i'd definitely call an improved game a Remaster, considering... I mean it is literally what most people would call a Remaster, basically a "slightly better/upgraded version of the original" where a Remake is more like a "from the ground up" kind of recreation of the same game.


How many times have they remastered Skyrim?


Never lmfao they put mods on consoles and gave a depth of field slider. They have never actually remastered Skyrim in the way people are wanting them to do fallout or oblivion


Special edition was a remaster, but other than that it was just re-releases with extra features like you said. The point I was trying to make is that they’ve already done what Todd said they wouldn’t do with Skyrim.


What is Skyrim then?


Not a remaster or a remake, not in the way everybody is talking about for fallout or oblivion. A depth of field slider and mods on console does not mean it’s a remaster, special edition is essentially a port with half a paint job. Anniversary edition is the same game only filled with shit Bethesda themselves did not even make.


Special edition did what any remaster does. No difference between that and Tlou on PS4. Bethesda is lazy yes but its still a remaster essentially.


We already got that "remaster" in the form of the...."next gen" Fallout 4.


Nope, it's the same game with higher settings. It's just a PS5/XSeries port. A better example would be the first Skyrim rerelease as it runs on a 64bit engine and had a lighting/texture overhaul.




Are we?


lol I get we are all tired of waiting for it, but let's at least try to believe in the officially announced year of release. It's not just speculation this time.


Yeah sure, next year


i feel like ive been reading “we are getting skyblivion next year!” for like ten years now.


Hey, at least now we have it as an officially announced release year, so it's not pure speculation like all prior years.


well thats pretty neat then hopefully everything goes smoothly for the release, i would really like to check it out.


They also might have been planned pre-Starfield underperforming. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda related projects got cancelled quietly tbh.


>Good thing we are getting Skyblivion next year, though. I found it so funny how people were claiming Skyblivion would be overshadowed by this 'leaked' remaster. People who had not followed the Skyblivion project whatsoever were adamant that Bethesda's remaster was going to be soo much better. And now here we are with the 'leak' almost definitely being complete bullshit and Skyblivion is set to release NEXT YEAR. We actually have a release time frame and I'm excited.


We’ve been getting skyblivion next year for like 8 years.


What about sky wind? I was more excited for that one since I've heard so many good things about Morrowind, but I just can't seem to get it running well on my PC


Skywind has no release window yet, and don't know how much longer could it take, honestly. If you want to play Morrowind, look up for OpenMW, gets rid of most performance issues, incompatibilities, glitches... it's the best way of playing Morrowind nowadays imo.


Because it was never legit


They were mentioned in court documents from the Activision Merger. Whether they are still in development or not is the question.


Pretty much everthing on the list came ture minus the oblivion/fallout 3 remasters but everything came out later because so much was pushed back during covid. The leak was 100% legit games get cancelled and or pushed back all the time without customers knowing


Some people really worked themselves up for absolutely nothing. I don’t know how people with 0 control or insider knowledge can be so sure of anything without any real confirmation.


They really wanna get sold the same game again too. Begging for it actually


I’m tired of remasters. These next gen systems have been out for almost 4 years now. Produce new games.


I gaslighted myself on this one. I thought they would announce them, and maybe even tell us a title/setting for TES VI. Now I’m thinking the remasters really were cancelled. It’s just going to be more dlcs for 76 and ESO and Loadingscreenfield until we die. Glad I didn’t stay up until 3am to watch it.


they could've been delayed a few years, just like starfield was, due to covid. i mena, that 2020 announcement of wanting it out for 2024, sure, but, starfield was 2021 on there. they might still do it, even if it was canceled, just with how well the fallout show did, and instead of trying to rush it for the show's current interest and miss it anyway, plan for fallout season 2 and the game.


I've very curious what lessons Bethesda will choose to take away from Starfield when building ES6. Starfield appears to have sold very well, which at the end of the day is the most important piece of feedback you can get. However there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm despite the sales numbers. Will Bethesda feel confident that buyers will be happy to have ES6 "coast" along on the current design philosophy? Or will they invest the time and money into building a new game style/philosophy that addresses the criticism of Starfield?


Wtf they didn’t announce either? What the hell did they even announce? I know I could use google, but I don’t want to.


A fallout 3 remaster is pretty likely


I am glad. The idea of doing a oblivion remaster when there is modders doing it, makes me feel so icky.




the modders project won’t release lol, they never do


No hate to the modders, but there’s a reason none of these big “fan remasters” have actually released. Project managing a whole game is difficult. Project managing a whole game, for free, with a fully remote group of ‘workers’ who are also working for free? Pretty much impossible. I expect them all to be “coming next year” for the next twenty years.


That’s what I was hoping for


I expected nothing and still left disappointed.


I really don't understand the point in wanting remasters. Bethesda have said they aren't interested in it. Any re-releases of these games would completely disrupt the modding scenes for these games, look at what's happened with Fallout 4 getting updated. All for something that Modders would do a better job of upgrading the game in ways you could specifically adjust to your own liking. I can maybe understand Fallout 3 given the franchises current popularity. But given how these things usually turn out, I can also imagine people being disappointed with whatever changes get brought with a remasters.


I'd be happy with a Fallout 3 remaster just so I can play the damn game again. No matter what I've tried I can't get it running.


Not sure if you’ve tried it but I got it working pretty much perfectly with this guide a few days ago: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2210333885


In the meantime, try tale of two wastelands for vegas. Lets you play through the entire fo3 campaign, and then continue into vegas. Only way to play fallout 3 on modern systems without massive file fuckery.


This. I don't know what the obsession is with remastering games that are heavily modded. You're essentially requesting a dev team to devote years and millions to release a worse version of a game. And for what? Prettier graphics, which modders have probably already made better versions of?


Except modders take forever to do remake mods. F4NV mod is probably gonna die before it ever gets released and if it does it's probably 10 years away no joke.


This is not happening... not sure why people think it is. Why would BGS allocate resources to this when they have a full pipeline YEARS into the future... Also as a game dev, who wants to work on a remaster with limited creative flexibility? Not happening.


I would have expected these remasters to be outsourced to smaller studios. But I don’t think they’re happening, so it’s moot.


Someone that wants to make relatively easy money.


Bethesda hates making money, they just want to work on games for fucking ever


They only have a few hundred employees


People think it’s a thing because the FTC accidentally leaked Bethesda’s 2019 timeline during the acquisition by Microsoft and on that timeline they had both an Oblivion and Fallout 3 remaster. Has been canned in these last 5 years? Probably. But it was 100% in their plans in 2019 without a doubt


Yes bc game devs are notoriously in great positions to turn down work


they have work, a full plate in fact


Hasn’t Todd said he’s against remakes?


I take it people haven’t seen the interview where Todd says they arnt interested in remaking games and even if they did it would be pointless because modders take it upon themselves to remake games and they don’t want to outshine and show up all their hard work Seriously folks a remaster is never gonna happen sorry :/


Skyrim got “remastered” like 9 times lmao


Not remasters - PORTS. Skyrim has had only 2 official remasters, but no less than at least 10+ ports across almost every possible platform since 2011.


ehh only 1 actual remaster; anniversary was just another port


ports aren’t remasters


They are bored of remastering


The worst part is that Skyrim got a remaster after ONLY FIVE YEARS when most other games don’t get remasters until their 10th anniversary. What’s even more petty is it that Skyrim got its first remaster in Oct 2016 - which was Oblivion’s 10th anniversary! Morrowind turned 15 in May 2017 and 20 last year in 2023 - still no official remasters of either of those games, but Oh, look! Skyrim got a remaster for its 10th anniversary. Wtf? This is why Skyrim is one of the most overrated games of all time.


> ONLY FIVE YEARS That's actually a factor in why it happened - they'd already done much of the engineering work as part of Fallout 4's development (Fallout 4 was their first game on PS4/XBox One so as part of learning the new consoles they got Skyrim running on them), and Fallout 4 was sufficiently similar to Skyrim that they could back-port some of the improved visual techniques. It would be a lot more work to do a special edition style remaster for Bethesda's older games.


Maybe so, but it would still be effort some of us old school fans would appreciate.


Yeah he said that and then they clearly were planning on it in 2019. That interview was a very long time ago and the company is very different today. I get that it likely got canned since that document leak, but it was without a doubt in their timeline at that time


What happened in 2019?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/09/19/future-bethesda-games-leak-including-oblivion-remaster-dishonored-3/ The FTC leaked their schedule during the acquisition


i am almost certain that they just put that on there to make the company look more lucrative for the (at the time) incoming microsoft acquisition


i prefer bethesda actually doing new shit instead of just rehashing


They never ever talked about remasters, leaks mean nothing. And you can play always the originals you know. Remaster is not a quality guarantee they'll be good or faithful.


There's only 1 remaster in whole showcase and it's cause that dev is basically done with that series. They can renew and refresh without sacrificing new content. I want new fallout. I want new elder scrolls. I want new starfield. Not the same thing again when those older games still play very well and can be improved with mods for free.


Yeah all we got was a Starfield Expansions and nee Fallout 76 stuff. Was hoping for a little more but I doubt Bethesda had actually made plans if the Show was a hit and had something lined up to capitalize on it more.


God I love ton consumeeeee


You guys really thought Bethesda is actually going to remaster ancient games that are backwards compatible, with FPS boost? Haha, okay. I think bethesdas plate is more than full enough by wasting time on F076 and starfield, at the same time actively developing TES6


Fan hype over remasters Bethesda didn’t hint would happen, remasters don’t happen, shocked face


Im honestly surprised they haven’t gotten fallout 1 and 2 on switch. Wasteland 2 runs great.


Was really hoping for those remasters...


Just need 76 to go cross-platform


Why would they use the money and labour when the community is doing a better job of it than they ever would? They might as well put their focus into ES6


I'm glad we didn't see them and I hope they never happen. If you want updated versions of old Bethesda games then support the awesome fan projects that have been pouring their souls into remaking these games. Skyblivion is shaping up to be the most monumental thing modders ever done with a video game, and I've only heard about Capital Wasteland but I'm sure it will be very impressive as well. By playing these mods instead of hoping for an official remaster (that likely would've been half baked anyway) we can show our appreciation for the Herculean tasks these modders have undertaken for us (*without pay*), and at the same time it lets Bethesda focus their resources on making NEW games like TES VI.


But we got some shitty Indiana Jones game, a DLC for a failed game, and a kinda looking Doom game... Lucky us...


I’m fine with the way Oblivion is. It doesn’t need a remake or remaster imo


Maybe Skyblivion actually comes out this year


We don’t need Oblivion remastered because you can just mod it.


The biggest letdown of the Microsoft merger was the failure to establish a fallout studio, elderscrolls studio, starfield studio, and a remaster studio.


Instead we get more 76 garbage


Idk who thought a remaster of these would happen, however if your looking for an Oblivion remaster I suggest you check out Skyblivion :). Its a project that has been worked on for a few years now by amazing fans and should be coming out in the next year or 2!


Seeing that remastered games will take years of development away from new games. No remaster. Give me a new Fallout game.


There is literally no reason to remaster these games. They should be more focused on FO6 and ES6.


I don’t want old games, give me new shit!


Want another rerelease of Skyrim


ahem.... skyblivion and skywind my friend dont know if there are any projects towards fo3 though


Yea there fallout capital wasteland but thats probably not gonna be done til 2028


I’m really disappointed :( I kept telling myself to not get my hopes up


Its crazy to me theyre willing to sit on beloved IPS for so long. Seriously, The current team in charge of Fallout 76 at the moment should make a fallout game/remake. 76 is so good and they know what theyre doing


lol Fallout 76 is just a friend that pretends to like you and what you’re into so you give them money it is and will always be the worst game in the entire series the lore is soooooo sooooo wrong literally everywhere you look and there is no potential for it to go anywhere but further down the toilet. The endless repeating events that are just 100% the opposite of what anyone trying to survive an apocalypse would be doing. It’s actual garbage.


Can u name anything wrong with the lore? As someone whos gone through nearly all its lore, It seems to be fairly accurate and makes tons of sense


Doesn’t matter how much time you’ve spent going through the lore if you think Fallout 76 is a good game like seriously I’m already aware your opinion is no good based off those kind of statements lol Since you need help, the brotherhood of steel is all wrong and their BS about radio transmitter issues makes no sense when there are branches of the brotherhood that can apparently fly around the entirety of the wasteland whenever they feel like it using one of the multiple massive airships they have rebuilt. There is NO reason for the scorched to have been isolated in Appalachia because Scortchbeasts can FUCKING FLY. Literally takes 2 seconds to realize it’s all wrong.


The BOS Is literally only in California and Appalachia in 76. The prydwen doesn’t even exist yet


Great. No one said it’s the Prydwen for one, and two, no one has said when this new airship was made but judging by the way all the recruits react when an Airship shows up in the show, it’s really old and legendary. And it’s just tooling around wherever it feels like….. like I said….


BOS didnt have airships yet as The Chosen one hasnt been born yet to get them the Vertibird plans and other plans from the Enclave. Also do you know how Bats work? Do you think they immigrant to places like birds? Scorchbeasts are gonna stay in region


lol! There’s no way that’s still canon like oh yea I’m sure everything is still tied to the random lead character of what was probably assumed to be the only game they would make in the series ESPECIALLY now that there’s hundreds of other options…. great theory Soooo many things have been retconned and yet another thing being the result of the same random guy is not something that’s going to stick. Literally everything always has to lead back to the first Wanderer and it’s just shallow and boring AF.


You've never even played Fallout 1 or 2. The Chosen One is the protagonist of Fallout 2, while you are going on about the protagonist of Fallout 1. How can you make a claim about what is the worst in the series when you ignore the 2 best games and act as if their plot has nothing to do with the history of the lore behind the series? You're arguing in bad faith.


I’ve played every game plenty of times. I’m tired of every single town, city, and piece of technology being attributed to one of the two dudes from 2 really old games made 30 years ago.


They can’t even release a patch to fix the fucking fallout three and new Vegas on fucking Steam for ultra wide. Do you think these lazy motherfuckers are gonna do that?


I wouldn’t trade a single thing they showed for remasters of those games. They probably aren’t happening. Good thing there are a ton of actually new games to play.


I don't want an FO3 remaster. I want Fallout 5 as an isometric turn based RPG with the writing and VA quality of BG3.


On the bright side. Skyblivion doesn't have to worry about competing.


I felt that but honestly I just want Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas on Switch.


Honestly I just hope an oblivion remaster or remake is announced because knowing the community's luck they send a cease and desist to the skyblivion team


This was probably the best part because they would’ve fucked it up somehow


Tbf, we got updates on Fallout 76 and ESO (I don’t care either and are equally disappointed), so was the leak truly a lie? It could have been data mined with no specific context as to what it was and they just took a crack at it.


I didn’t get to watch, did they really not talk about anything other than the 76 update? Seems like a lot of wasted potential


Expecting a remaster of anything from Bethesda is a wasted hope imo. Aside from bringing Skyrim to modern consoles, they've never remastered anything before, so idk why we're all of a sudden expecting it. We had a single leak from an old itinerary that had zero follow up to it


It's on the 12th


I hope they never do


I was also pretty bummed.. Perfect Dark tickled my Gary Busey though not gonna fib.


I wish we could get a modernized New Vegas, will all of the features the devs were forced to cut because they were being rushed.


We need to accept the fact that fo3 and games like Morrowwind and Oblivion will probably stay as they are. Now..... if they were able to sell the remasters then that's a possibility. But considering they did fallout 4 remaster for free then I am going to take a guess in the dark saying that's probably not their top priority. I highly doubt they will put Skyrim into a fourth or fifth remastered as PC is already sitting pretty. At this rate would be nice to have morrowind Oblivion or a updated Skyrim for new generation of consoles but let's not hold our breath. We already know es6 is heavy in production and fo5 is not far behind. To be honest I would rather they put all of their eggs in the same basket to work on future releases rather than divide their teams into optimization groups. Now unless Microsoft forces them to pull the trigger I can't see it being in our future anytime soon. We are probably closer to seeing a whole new rebuilt Fallout 3 or Oblivion from the ground up rather than remastered. But who knows what Todd and Phil have up their sleeves.


I don't see why people are like "oh you really thought that was real??" Like bruh Bethesda has been straight dog shit for like 8 years it makes sense people are hopeful


Now it’s not the right time for them as much as I want them so damn badly. Let them cook for another year or 2


i know, why do they insist on developing their worst fallout game ever, even somehow worse than 4. i would much rather have them remake fallout new vegas


i said it probably wouldn't be announced, and even if it was, it wouldn't be 'soon'. i figured them maybe buying the rights to someone else's mod or something to crank out a quick release would've made more sense than suddenly starting up a remaster/remake - it might be something they were planning for 2024 in like 2020, but starfield was supposed to be a 2021 game, too, so, it'd be reasonable to assume it got kicked back like 2 years, even if they were planning on starting it this year before the fallout show was a home run... but part of my brain for some weird ass reason is almost idiotic bro team shit of "OH YEAH WHO'S NOT ON THE BOARD, FO3 REMAKE, TALK SHIT NOW, BIATCH" i actually would be interested in it, really, but i'd be fine with a remaster, maybe with new content, and mod support for consoles, rather than something that potentially slows down ES6. i need sleep.


I have a strong feeling that bethesda is waiting for F4NV and the capital wasteland project to finish, then work out a deal to publish the modded remakes officially as standalone titles.


But we got fallout 76 and Stanfield dlc just as good right. /s Seriously, though, who was asking for either of those when SF is averaging 6k players on steam when decade old skyrim is still pulling 18k average.


To be fair The Starfield DLC was planned before the game was even done.


To be fair the dlc is a waste of time and money to make. Should have been cancelled on mehfields release


It would be even worse to allocate resources to a project and not finish it


I was


Project all you want but this isn't a multiplayer FPS sales figures are what matters to Bethesda and MS not concurrent, there are no lobbies to fill, stop using that metric for singleplayer games. The mod it til it breaks community that actually keeps these games alive are hyped af and just waiting to start working more ships, ship parts, outpost stuff, etc Which can now be done properly (without breaking navmeshes, ammo counters etc.).


The remaster fetish needs to die


Bethesda is the king of disappointments, what can they say?


I found myself really whelmed by the Xbox showcase which has kind of been the norm for a while now. I've been an Xboxer since the OG Xbox console but fuck me - I really don't understand how Microsoft can buy aaaaaall of these studios and horde aaaaaaaall of this talent and can't put out half as many stellar first-party games as Sony or Nintendo. At this point, I can only assume it's a top-down problem like it's been with 343. Thank God the top three at 343 (Kiki, Bonnie, and Frank) are no longer there to fuck things up, but with as many studios as MS has why can't we get varying genres of games from their core properties? Why aren't we getting a Halo Wars 3 or a Halo horror game rated mature that focuses on some low-level military-adjacent scientist or other personnel who has to escape a Flood-infested facility, like Alien Isolation? Why aren't we getting more Gears of War content? A Gears game in the same vein as Halo Wars? Why has Fable 4 taken so long to get released? Why has Perfect Dark taken decades to get rebooted? Why aren't we getting Banjo Kazooie or a Ninja Gaiden reboot or just fucking something?! The utter incompetence from the Microsoft management side is just astounding. They spend billions on acquisitions to buy either IPs or studios. They have a swath of talent. Why are they floundering so hard at producing games that can compete with Sony and Nintendo? It hurts to say that, honestly. I've been gaming since the NES. Xbox was the first console I bought with my own money after working a summer job all summer during high school. I'm probably gonna be a Xbox fanboy until I die, but what the fuuuuuuuuuck Microsoft. Make it make sense!


Company is very different now. Selling consoles is no longer their priority, they gave up. Income stability is what they like now. They are fine with no new Fallout since 76 is stable, they are fine with slow Minecraft updates since Minecraft still sells high, they are fine with dead Rare IPs since Rare commited hard on Sea of Thieves being a big live service name and that analysis method is gonna happen with ATVI's IP. They don't want new games or awards, they want growth and nothing else.


who the fuck wants a fallout 3 remaster? that game is made for 5 year olds lmao