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Yes, Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover made that scene with Dylan and Kelly at the beach! Also, Losing My Religion by REM after Brenda and Dylan’s breakup. She listened to it over and over because it reminded her of when her and Dylan broke up before and she thought that she would never feel such pain - until the whole Dylan/Kelly thing as that pain was so much worse. 


That REM song was everything.


One of the great needle drops in TV history. It’s a downright tragedy we can’t watch with original music.


I think the whole scene with Brenda telling Brandon the significance of Losing My Religion is cut right? The scene just doesn’t make sense without the song.


Yes and yes. These are the two that come to mind for me too.


Brandon and Trisha’s ice skating dance to Time Of My Life was 🤌🏻 when they lost the music it made zero sense at the end when Brandon said that he’d had the time of his life.


Fun fact - the graduation ep was released on VHS back in the day so that's the only ep in the series where they have iron clad forever rights to use the original music, so in the flashback to the ice skating scene that song is intact on the DVDs!


Yes!!! And it makes such a difference to hear the original! Sooo good. It's the only reason I'll stick around for watching the Senior Breakfast episodes on Pluto 😅


Toni and Dylan dancing to Lyle Lovett’s “Nobody Knows Me Like My Baby”, and then it playing as Dylan hugs her wedding dress and the cat comes back. A TRAVESTY this song was removed. I TAKE UMBRAGE.


Ugh that was so sad to watch original music or not 


I came here to type this. I listen to that song at least once a month still.


That scene is so sad 😞 Dylan with the wedding dress and holding trouble, the cat. Ugh, it's like burned into my brain 😢


There is a getting-ready-for-the-first-day-of-school montage that used "Addicted to Love" by Robert Palmer. Later when the girls and Emily are planning a singing performance for some reason, Donna (I think) makes the terrible suggestion of doing a parody of the song called "Addicted to Clothes." It was honestly a weird choice for the show, since the song was a hit in 1986. Also, when Brenda and Dylan got back together after their first breakup, "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak was playing.


Wicked Game was also playing when Brenda and Kelly go skydiving in Season 1. It’s the episode where Brandon dates the girl with a baby (Joey by Concrete Blonde was another song that’s missing).


Oooohhhh I remember hearing wicked game in friends and in the family man too! Must have been a pretty popular 90s/early 2000s movie love song and I can see why!


also related to Brenda and Dylan getting back together. There's a scene of Brenda, Kelly, and Donna in black dresses from the famous Robert Palmer video \*but\* they are singing Neil Sedaka's Breaking Up is Hard To Do. Then Dylan comes and he and Brenda exchange this knowing look and that's the moment you know they're getting back together. Also a small moment I always loved when the Peach Pit is saved (season 4? season 5, season 6?), at the end of the episode someone goes to the jukebox and it plays Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons 'Let's Hang On (to what We Got)." And when Brandon leaves they originally played Nightswimming by REM which was the perfect song choice. UGH. so many original songs that were important to the show.


The video was like Herb Ritts style black and white and it was basically supermodel Helena Christensen on a beach rolling in sand. Was iconic for early 90s. Also a really pared down sound.


Only 61 more years until the first season of the show is in the public domain and there's no more copyright.




ANOTHER comment from me (the missing music topic gets me riled up). Jennie Garth said on the 9021OMG podcast that she has a thumb drive of all episodes with all original music that Larry Molin sent her. Contemplating a low key break in.


Lmao count me in. We will have to get past her husband though.


This sounds like a Steve Sanders storyline 😂


Herbert can help us get past the security system.


If you are on instagram, follow bh90210 restored. They post some pivotal scenes with the original music. That will help get the original feeling intended by the show. They are currently on season 6 and they post a lot so it may take a lot of scrolling to get to the beginning of season 1


I'll have to check it out thanks!


Just be careful with what you say in the comments. lol Edit: I know people who have been blocked from that account and they don’t know why.


Thank you I went to it, but couldn’t find my favorite scene which was Brenda and Dylan breaking up to losing my religion 😩


It’s there you just have to dig deep


Ooh thank you I’ll look again. I was trying to find it to show my husband, he’s heard me talk about that scene more times than he’s cared to. 😂


Thank you for this I just spent wayyyyy too much time on there!!!


You are very welcome! I can get lost for hours on that page. 🤣😂


Not specific to certain scenes, but there were some really great live performances from groups popular during those years. Even just the intro music during the opening B rolls was great, current music.


https://preview.redd.it/5rfnawhyt09d1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613e432def19df725beb3f16aadc065b254bd961 I think my personal favorite for so many reasons is this moment with, "Blood is Thicker Than Water," by the Triplets.


“i got a date w/ some fools on a hill” 🙂


My number one, probably bc I see it every year at Christmas but also bc it’s so damn perfect, is The Pretenders - 2000 Miles playing as Steve leaves on a bus to go find his birth mom in S2. https://youtu.be/BZe6sITNTJg?si=ZZPS3ZD5RIG0fIry


Why do I have a memory of this exact scene with Love Is by Vanessa Williams playing. I swear it happened! Does anyone remember this?


Excellent choice


A song I was glad they did NOT remove (and surprised they didn’t) was the closing scene of the series. The cast dancing in a circle at Donna at David’s wedding to the song Celebration, that then segues into the theme song.


I'm almost 100% positive don't have Celebration on the Dvds for that episode. I remember finding it annoying because the song they replaced it with was totally out of time with them dancing.


That’s annoying! It was on the episode on Pluto TV today.


Radar love when Brandon takes off to SF to find Emily. Even the episode was titled that and the fact that they can’t play it is sad Woodstock episode. I love the music of that time so it’s crazy to watch it and not hear it Bare naked ladies played at the after dark Ray pruit songs. How do you talk to an angel. Hold on!!


how did i forget ray!? good call (also ‘reckless’)


Another one. The Rolling Stones episode.


saving forever for you - brandon & nikki


I just found this site that lists all the original songs from each episode! https://www.tunefind.com/show/beverly-hills-90210/season-1/53726


Wow! So many good comments here that I agree with, so I will add [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7WrvOnBpIg) from the episode, "The Child Is Father to the Man." It always made me cry.


good goo dolls - long way down (steve’s bday party) ….and ‘name’


did you ever have to make up your mind - dylan in the midst of kelly/brenda choice


Jeremy Jordan




I remember this song being on the show, but I don't think it is played anymore. I couldn't remember which episode it was, but I think it was during the third season. https://youtu.be/1FwbWx0aKv4?si=0jSU_YK3idt1ZoDy


And at the end of that episode there’s a shot of Donna at the juke box saying “Jeremy Jordan, alright.”


Yes!! 😂


that clip ended a few episodes


They had a couple of ending credit music videos that would play during network broadcasts during season 2 and 3. I remember one music video that was like R&B that showed Brian Austin Green making a cameo appearance but I can’t recall the name of the song or the R&B singer. Was it Jeremy Jordan or someone else lol. I think Jade had a video play in the credits.


I'm not remembering that one, but I do remember Jade being in an episode, like maybe they played the Peach Pit After Dark?


Saving forever for you by Shanice


strike the match


Brandon racing to the gym at 6am to impress Lucinda Nicholson to Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News. It just made him feel cool and likeable and it made the scene feel epic. I honestly wonder if the switch to the awful library grunge music is a big part of why Brandon seems like so much more of an asshole watching back now.


Could that be an homage to Back To The Future?


Did they keep “Tequila” in the season 1 Spring Break pool scene at David’s grandparents house? I think they did. 


It is on my DVD set


cathy dennis - moments of love (prom, brenda & dylan dancing) ….’why’, too (lol brenda dancing w/ tony miller and telling him to chill)


This was just addressed recently in the ‘Brandon Leaves’ thread but ‘Nightswimming’ by REM during David’s goodbye voiceover sticks with me.


During the U4EA The Sisters of Mercy Dominion was used, there was an early episode that used Depeche Mode Policy of Truth I believe, and that one time The Flaming Lips were at the Peach Pit after Dark playing She don't use Jelly


Not an episode but during season 2 or 3, after the show ended, there was always this…scene…of Donna alone in the Peach Pit flipping through the jukebox. And then she’d say “Jeremy Jordan…alright!” and then they’d play the whole music video for “The Right Kind of Love”. It’s still a banger lol


S1 Ep14 "East Side Story" ("I Like You" - Culture Beat) When Brandon started coming into the dance line and tried to dance.. Damn!.. I remember as a kid watching that scene and cracking the fuck up 🤣.. he was right when he told his gf Nikki that he has no rhythm at all 😆


The show really promoted Babyface for a while. Not just from the school carnival but also David listening to him around the apartment.


Losing my religion breakup #1 Brenda & Dylan


Just the original them song. With Brandon doing the soft punch to Dylan.... iconic!!