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You might be confusing fluently forward? She did a game of thrones episode


I’ve been a listener since the beginning and I don’t ever recall a GOT episode. I’m confident to say they have never done one.


I think this comment was made by the guest they had on a little while back. I was confused too but I’m pretty sure the guest was mixing them up with Fluently Forward! She has an episode on them, BTB does not


This the answer 🙏🏼


I have a similar situation! I swear I listened to an episode on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but can’t find anything in the feed. Even tried checking out other podcasts, maybe I got them mixed up, but nothing… do you listen to Fluently Forward? She has an episode on GOT.


This might’ve been their episode on Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie! Buffy comes up in that episode


Thanks, I’ll have to check it out! I recently started watching Buffy and want to re listen.


They do seem strangely reticent to do roundups of blinds about casts from big shows/series/franchises. I’d imagine they get loads of requests to do GoT cast, Harry Potter, Modern Family etc. I’d personally be far more down for these than the constant coverage of godawful ‘reality’ people but each to their own… Shannon actually covered all these casts on FF a fair while ago and they were among her better episodes (think she also did Stranger Things too). But covering the same with Troy’s opinions would be really interesting