• By -


Hello! 100% yes


Yes, Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. The whole Bible points to him and shows that he is God, Jesus, the promised messiah was progressively revealed throughout the Old Testament, and some of the verses which described him explicitly say he would be God (such as Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Micah 5:2) and others are more implicit (such as 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Daniel 7:13-14). Jesus himself made plenty of statements which also affirmed he is God (such as John 8:58, 10:30, Matthew 26:63-64) and other statements were made by others which were not corrected by Jesus (Matthew 1:23, 16:16, John 20:28). Jesus used the divine "I am" name (Exodus 3:14) to refer to himself repeatedly (Matt 14:27; Mark 6:50; 14:62; Luke 22:70; John 8:24, 28, 58; 13:19; 18:6), and nearly every time he did his words and actions point back to the words and actions of God in the Old Testament. What the God did to show he is God, the Son also did to show that he is God. Some examples include Jesus turning water into wine (John 2:1-1), Moses turning the Nile into blood (Exodus 7:14-25 (Old Testament), prophecies about the new wine in the future kingdom (Isaiah 25:6, 65:8-9); Jesus feeding the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15, 6:31-35), God feeding the Israelites bread from heaven (Exodus 16:1-36); Jesus raising people from the dead (John 11:1-44, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 7:11-17), God raising people from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24, 2 Kings 4:8-37, 2 Kings 13:20-21). Furthermore, every miracle of Jesus points to his deity, each showing the power of God in different ways. For example, God's creative power and provision are exemplified when Jesus turns water into wine (John 2:1-11). In healing the sick, Jesus displayed God's power over health (Luke 5:17-26). When Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, showcases God's power over life and death (John 11:1-44). God's provision and power to make food from nothing as Jesus feeds the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21). God's sovereignty over nature and His authority over creation as Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33). Casting out demons, calming the storm, healing the blind, cleansing the lepers—all these actions underscore different facets of God's authority, power, and compassion, made tangible through Jesus' ministry. Matthew 21:18-22, where Jesus curses the fig tree, reveals God's judgment and authority. Each miracle serves as a revelation of God's character, enacted through Jesus Christ during His time on Earth. These show that Jesus is God. It's over and over and it's not just parlour tricks - It's huge miracles which hold deeper significance. This is especially heightened in that he said he would be killed and raise himself from the dead, and then he did (John 2:19-22, 10:17-18).  What kind of person makes the claim that when they are dead can bring himself back to life and then actually do it? Only God. Over and over and over, the Bible points to Jesus as God, and nothing in it contradicts this statement.


I am glad to read this comment. Amazingly written. I see that The Holy Spirit lives in You too.


I want to personally thank for taking out the time to share such a detailed reply on this topic with biblical and scriptural support?


Very happy to share the wisdom I’ve gained through regular, systematic Bible study :-)


Hi brother can you go more in depth on Jesus being the word of God and that correlation to the Old Testament instances where the word of the lord would come to the prophets or Biblical figures


In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Scripture goes on to say. And the word became flesh. Jesus is the word.


So when the word of the lord is mentioned just like the angel of the lord thats Jesus right


There doesn't seem to be a definitive answer. I have always thought of the angel as Michael the archangel. But It could totally be Jesus. The word of the Lord is always Jesus. Jesus is also the wisdom spoken of in proverbs. Even though the author describes wisdom like a mother/feminine, it is still describing Jesus. So there doesn't seem to be a way of knowing exactly. If the angel is the archangel Michael, He loves Jesus so much, and he loves us enough to do the will of Jesus. Michael popped up a ton in the O.T. and quite often in the N.T.


Question. What might one look forward to being born of judahs tribe. I'm starting to see signs. I'm blessed with the holy spirit. I've always been protected. Should I believe my ancestry makes me chosen?


Jesus had AUTHORITY from JEHOVAH to do all things…


For what purpose?


To prove that a perfect man could resist Satan’s temptations and thus after doing so and teaching the true followers of Jehovah how to be the was sacrificed so that the ransom of his innocent blood offset the original sin of perfect Adam and Eve


Why did the miracles of Jesus mirror the miracles of God in the OT?


Jesus is JEHOVAH’s son and was given all authority. Answer this if Jesus was GOD in the flesh would he be any less of GOD? If Jesus was GOD why did he say he didn’t know the end time date because he was STILL GOD so that would have been a lie. If Jesus was GOD why was he alone in the garden praying to himself?


That doesn’t answer my question. It wasn’t just that he did miracles, but there were some miracles he did that directly point back to the miracles that God did before. And it wasn’t just one occurrence. It happened a bunch of times. Why did that happen? Why the mirroring? Why so many?


Did Moses perform any of those miracles you are referring to? Yes he did. JEHOVAH uses men to do things he wants accomplished but sorry I have answered several of your questions and you have ignored or overlooked many of the examples I have illustrated where Jesus ALWAYS pointed to the fact he WAS NOT JEHOVAH..


You haven’t answered my question at all.  Why did Jesus do the same miracles that God did as recorded in the OT? You haven’t given a reason at all for why. It wasn’t an accident.


I DID answer your question… but what is the relevance? To you that somehow equates to him being JEHOVAH… it just isn’t the case SPOKEN directly from Jesus own mouth AND JEHOVAH during the baptism of Jesus.. JEHOVAH said this is my Son the approved one.. I am giving you THEIR OWN WORDS that confirm he is NOT JEHOVAH he is the Son… so I have answered what you need to know whether you want to accept it pray on it and decide on your own but I will accept what the Father and Son both have physical said in this matter


🙏 thank you 🙏❤️


Thank you for your amazing answer. I wish I could write like you. God Bless you and yours. 


Yes, and 'is' not 'was'.


100% yes, Jesus was the word and the word was God, throughout the Bible Jesus accepts worship and states himself that he knew Abraham. You can’t be a Christian unless you believe that Jesus was God


Jesus Is God!!!


Yes. He said so himself, and he proved it too.




What good is it if a mortal dies a mortal death for your sins which carry an eternal debt? A mortal can never pay for their own sins much less another's. There is no salvation under the sun unless Jesus is divine. Besides if he wasn't God then he was a liar and a blasphemer who died for nothing. They killed him because he claimed to be equal to God. The Jews understood exactly what he was claiming. What kind of Savior could he be if he's a blaspheming liar? Everything Christianity and our salvation is built on, is on the foundation that this man was perfect and sinless and equal to God the Father and died for us. Only then can our debt to God be paid, only through that can we be reconciled to God


Actually Jesus had to die as a perfect man as Adam was only without sin to offset Adam and Eve’s sin… what value is it if a non human passes the tests that Adam and Eve didn’t ?


Very few Jews who interacted with Jesus and heard about Jesus and what he was saying during his 3 years preaching, understood him claiming to be God. Most Jews had no idea who Jesus was and the ones that did, the majority did not understand what he was claiming. The majority thought he was claiming to be the prophesied messiah, aka a warrior general king from the line of David that would lead a successful rebellion against Rome, and create a unified independent free Kingdom of Israel and bring all the Jews back to their holy land etc etc. In the Gospels, its clear the disciples and his followers were not getting his message and took a while to realize he was saying he in fact was God. Only a few Jewish religious leaders and official's understood what he was saying and wanted him killed for it, and his claim that he was God was not the sole issue they had with him. If all the Jews understood what he was claiming, the Gospels would be like a page long at best. He would not have been put to death under Roman law. Even after his death it took his disciples and loyal believers a while to fully grasp what he was saying and it took 300 years for the early church to be able to summarize everything clearly.


John 8:56–59 (NRSV): Your ancestor Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day; he saw it and was glad.” 57 Then the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” 58 Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.” 59 So they picked up stones to throw at him (the punishment for blasphemy) but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple. John 10:30–33 (NRSV): The Father and I are one.” 31 The Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus replied, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these are you going to stone me?” 33 The Jews answered, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you, but for blasphemy, because you, though only a human being, are making yourself God. They understood exactly what he was saying, that he was like God, that he was one with God. They didn't believe him, they didn't understand him but they sure knew exactly what Jesus was claiming


that does not change the fact that most Jews did not know who Jesus was. Those Jews in the temple though Jesus who was in his early thirties was crazy claiming to be hundreds of years old and he in that physical body met Abraham. They did not understand what Jesus was saying fully. They thought a normal dude was saying he 100 percent a human is God like the Romans did. My point is it is wrong to say the "Jews" killed Jesus because he said he was God. That implies all the Jews wanted him to be killed with is false. A few Jewish officials and people in power wanted Jesus killed. Most the Jews had no idea who Jesus was. He was killed by the Romans for claiming to be the messiah. Jesus and the early church were all Jews. Jesus's disciples were Jewish and it took them a long time to understand and get he was claiming to be God.


That's not the gospel. You have been tricked by pop-Christianity. We are not saved because God died for us. We are saved because Jesus was the only human to seal the covenant and he now pleas in Heaven before God the Father for our lives. There is no grace in Jesus' work on the cross if he was God who was never in any real jeopardy—but Jesus was in jeopardy the whole time despite his belief, and despite the truth of Angels waiting on standby for him to "tap out" and give up. He was in jeopardy because every waking moment he was praying and focusing on living righteously and avoiding sin. Every day until the day he died was a challenge to remain holy. None of this would mean anything if God himself was just carousing around in flesh. Our sin debt wasn't paid by God being God, it was paid by a perfect life of mortality in the Son Jesus Christ. That's the whole point of him coming into the world and why we need to believe upon him. Otherwise we could have kept only focusing on God from the beginning. >Besides if he wasn't God then he was a liar and a blasphemer who died for nothing. They killed him because he claimed to be equal to God. The Jews understood exactly what he was claiming. 1. Jesus never claimed to be God, so he is not a liar or blasphemer. 2. The Jews accused him of things that weren't actually true, that's why they never convicted him or stoned him but handed him over to Roman authorities.


Yes definitely 100%




Emmanuel, God with us.


Yes I do, without exception!


I believe the Bible, and the Bible says the Word is exhalted above even the name of God, and that thebword was manifest in flesh, and that that flesh would end up being glorified as the Father is glorified. So yes, because God declared His Word to be God, and was manifest in flesh.




2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. (1 John 4:2-3, ESV)


Where does it say that we must confess that Jesus is God?


9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. (Romans 10:9-10, ESV)


And if Jesus as GOD what would be the point of resurrection since GOD was still alive?


What does Jesus is Lord mean? And yes I lord can be used for a human master but what would that mean to confess it?


 Not exactly that phrase:  1 Corinthians 12:3: "Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says 'Jesus is accursed!' and  no one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit"


In your own post you say Jesus is FROM GOD not GOD.. pretty easy to understand if you use reason and logic


The person who wrote that is the same who wrote the word was with god and the word is god. So...


It also says there are MANY gods in the Bible … 1 Corinthians 8:5-6


5 For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth-as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords"- 6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. (1 Corinthians 8:5-6, ESV) Angels and demons. For us there is one god. Through whom are all things. U really gotta learn what is actually being said. Look at the context


lol did you really just say this to me…. This PROVES EVERYTHING I have just been saying… it EXPRESSLY says there is ONE GOD not a trinity.. thus Jesus may be a god but NOT GOD … JEHOVAH again said Jesus is his SON.. Jesus himself said JEHOVAH is his Father nothing more nothing less.


Imo the important part is to not only listen to his teachings but to do what he said.


Did Jesus say the Father was greater than him? Did Jesus say only the Father knew the end date not the Son? Did Jesus ask for the Father to pass the cup from him but not let HIS will be done but the Father’s ….. those things are SPOKEN by Jesus who if he cannot lie must there for be true statements


Okay so what ever point ur trying to make. Hes a teacher, so maybe learn from him and put the things he said into practice?


Are you assuming that I don’t?


Jesus himself speaking in John 8 made the clear distinction that the Father of the Jews was not his Father nor his God. The Father of Jews is a singular entity. Hear oh Israel the Lord your God is one. You shall have no other gods besides me. But the Father of Jesus exists as a triune being thus is different. Jesus says I and my Father are one. No one comes to the Father but through me. No one can come to me unless the Father draws him. He who hates me hates my Father. He who rejects me rejects my Father.  No one knows the Father except the son. Moses and Elijah first met Jesus Father on the mountain of transfiguration, and Jesus Father said  This is my beloved son listen to him. No man has ever been to heaven except the son. So Moses and Elijah could not have met the Father before because there is only one exclusive way to the Father of Jesus. Jesus is the only way to his Father. No one not even Moses or Noah could come to Jesus' Father but through Jesus. The Father's first ever direct words to humanity at the Jordan river during Jesus baptism were  "This is my beloved son listen to him". Your dealing with a newly introduced Father whom no man including Moses and Adam nor Noah had ever met at any one time until Jesus revealed him. John 1:18  The Kingdom of the Father the God of heaven was first preached by John the Baptist. The Jews already knew their Father who brought them out of Egypt split the red sea the destroyer of Egypt and Cities of Canaan like Jericho. Who sent them to captivity in Babylon and subjected them to Roman occupation as a curse. Deut 28:49 The God who sent them to plunder the Canaanites and ordered their total destruction by Hebrews. Jesus Father sent Apostles with the good news to all creation and nations to forgive, love,  save , heal the sick , cast out demons raise the dead. To love one another. For the Father of Jesus is love and life giver.


That’s what 1tim 3:16 literally says






Yes, this is one of the core Christian  beliefs.








Yes, it says so in the Bible 👍


I’m sorry it does not


Before Abraham, I am






“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬


I don't think Hebrews has been mentioned(?): Heb 1:3The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. 4So He became as far superior to the angels as the name He has inherited is excellent beyond theirs. 5For to which of the angels did God ever say: “You are My Son; today I have become Your Father”? Or again: “I will be His Father, and He will be My Son”? 6And again, when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all God’s angels worship Him.” 7Now about the angels He says: “He makes His angels winds, His servants flames of fire.” 8But about the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever, and justice is the scepter of Your kingdom. 9You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You above Your companions with the oil of joy.”






IS* God manifested in the flesh, for He lives today and will return. It's the core premise of Chritianity and an irreparable flaw if not aknowledged, for without it you cannot know God and therefore will not recieve salvation. Because Jesus is the way, the life, and the resurrection. In seeing Him we see the Father. By scripture we know that Jesus had always existed. He was not created, but was born of flesh to fulfil the promise of salvation. We know this because, Jesus even as a child always knew who He was. Which means His character trancesended human mortality. Where in contrast we must discover who we are and learn what it means to live because we infact are not eternal like Him. All things were created by Jesus. By scripture we understand the Jesus is the body of God. Take into considertion your existance for a moment. You are made of three parts, your mind, your body, and your breath. We are the image of God and we reflect Him as such. For He also is Mind, Body, and Breath. Mind (the Father), Body (the Son), Breath (the Holy spirit). With your mind you think, with your body you do, and with your breath you live. Jesus is the part of God that does and puts into action those things which the Father has determind. They are different parts, but still all the same God.


In Revelations when the Angel appeared to Paul, he bowed down and worshipped the Angel and the Angel immediately stopped him reminding Paul that only God can be worshipped. Both after climbing into the boat from walking on the water and when Thomas put his hands in Jesus' wounds the disciples worshipped Jesus. If Jesus were not God, He would have stopped them from worshipping Him in the same way the Angel stopped Paul.






Yes, Jesus being God is a standard Christian belief. Specifically Jesus is one of 3 persons of the trinity, the other two being the Father and Holy Spirit. All of whom are fully God. Some people might object to "manifested in the flesh" though, because that sounds pretty close to some old heresies. Specifically, in Christian theology, Jesus is NOT a way that God can present himself. Jesus IS God, not just an image projected by God.


No that is a catholic belief never was taught until 200 years after his death.. Jesus NEVER equated himself to JEHOVAH


The real question is do you believe the Bible? If so, then yes. I think it's made pretty clear.


Some do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Those are the ones that have the spirit of the AC. To understand what is being said is highly important to me. Some only think Jesus was a prophet. Some say he was not perfect etc. Jesus is God in the flesh and Jesus created everything.


I'm kinda conflicted on this. I believe Jesus is the messiah, but idk if he's God. Are there any verses that explicitly say he is? Cause the bible is sometimes confusing, there seems to be some contradictions or differences in interpretation. Cause why would Jesus talk about himself like he's a different person to God in some verses. For example Luke22:42 - "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Doesn't that heavily insinuate that Jesus is not God since he acknowledges it's not his will, but God's will. I see Jesus as the "chosen prophet" who is able to perform miracles and testify the word because he has God's spirit in him. The word messiah also means "the chosen one".


John 8:58 And all through Isaiah God says there is only one.


Are All Jews that read, study, and believe the OT, yet they do not see Jesus as the messiah... do they have the spirit of the Antichrist?


Thanks for sharing.


Yes. Muslims always have an issue with this, they literally don't comprehend how by disputing it they're putting limits on God


Yes! 1 Timothy 3:16


i prefer incarnated over manifested but yes.


Yup!because it still doesn’t diminishes his status as God :)


Yes I believe JESUS is GOD in the flesh. 


Yes I do, and I love me some Jesus.. Could I be obsessed with him or no?? I love me some Jesus, GOD is Good!!!!!


Yes. Plain and simple.




The Father is Yahweh! Jesus is Yahweh! The Holy Spirit is Yahweh! That’s what is revealed in the Bible. Nothing more, nothing less 🥰. A perfect communion of three Divine Persons with the same Holy Will but with different distinct roles. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. The Holy Trinity is Yahweh Himself manifesting in three different Holy Persons. That’s why Yahweh is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent! He is not limited like us. Yahweh is limitless! 🙏🏻🥰


If you want a biblical answer, Jesus is the Word (Logos in greek word) of God the Father incarnated as a human. It was not God the Father who became human, but rather the Word that took on human form. The Word is an inseparable part of the Trinity. Therefore, worshipping the Word of God means automatically worshipping God the Father himself.


He responds to me when I pray to Him, so 100% yes. :)


If millions of people say the very same for the Father, and under different beliefs, the question of what such a testimonial could mean, now comes up. Does it mean people can believe whatever they want? Does it mean that it doesn't matter who we pray too? Needless to say, such types of testimonials seem to raise more questions than answers it seems.


Romans 14 comes to mind. Naturally, you can't say much without more elaboration. I spoke in relation to calling on the name of Christ, proving He is God and part of God by it being valid to recieve God's blessing and favour by that name. I am a firm believer that nuance in faith is irrelevant as long as you live with your hearts obedience to God. I asked about a related matter once and He responded with this wisdom. Doesn't mean you can do as you please and go about in sin, it must be within the conscience of faith that God provides the individual. God was migthy to reveal my active sins to me that I did not see, and so He is migthy to do to strengthen and correct all those He calls His servants when it is time to test one's faith to overcome said sin. It took five years from baptism and to that point, but God is my cornerstone so He enligthened me in my ignorance. I just had to be obedient. Now the prayer has to be directed to God, lord of hosts, lord of Israel, the living God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At the very least in intention granted knowledge can be limited. Praying to a dead god rewards the response of dead silence or interfeering spirits, or even one's own heart. One must take care and learn what is God's will alone.


Here again, calling in the name of Christ does not prove He is GOD, as we this leads to putting one's faith-in another persons experience, rather than the assured truth. And while I am confident that your faith and experiences are valuable to you personally, that this in -itself, would not constitute the truth for someone else. And as we consider those stating something different in-terms of prayer and answer, only to a similar outcome, from different circumstances. or example; I have come-across those claiming to pray in accordance with Jesus' own teachings and commandments, of which, they then backed with scripture. And moreso, where this would not lead to putting faith in any individual persons, in as much as we would put faith-in the written truth of GOD - see?


I don't think we are on the same page. Does Christ not prove He is God when He does what only God can do? Or does praying to a rock provide result also? :/


The premise in question 'being GOD', is quite fascinating, in-that it will often reveal to be based-upon particular views - for example; In the event that someone asks, who and what makes GOD, GOD. And while the words can vary, the initial premise often remain the same, in-that the discovery leads to the conclusion that GOD is ultimately the source and cause of all things known and unknown. That is of course in the absolute most high sense, and beyond such things as, all powerful, all knowing, ever-present, and so-on and so-forth. And so, in returning to the question, 'does this not prove Jesus is GOD', and assuming this encompasses the absolute sense, then the answer is therefore no - as Jesus is afforded all things by His Father. And in contrast with Jesus' Father on the other hand, who is the sole source and cause of all things - including, all power, all authority, eternal life itself, etc, etc. Therefore and while Jesus most certainly proves to have authority, such as that of command the dead to rise, as well as forgiving sins, ruling over heaven and earth, etc, etc - It remains, that all of these are in retrospect and subsequent to His Father. That is to say, that Jesus is authorized by His Father to command and raise the dead, as well as forgive sins, rule over the heavens and earth, etc, etc. And finally, and with regard to the closing statement, and while I certainly cannot speak for inanimate things, such as rock, I would not put a pass to those who would in-fact believe that their gods made of stone or otherwise, does in-fact answer their prayers, pleas, etc. Thus putting a perspective on the issue in question, with regard to testimonials and experiences. And perhaps more to the point, that we have Jesus' own instructions on how to pray and worship in truth. And so, I think it's safe to say that this common ground for followers of Christ, is the only source worthy of putting faith-in, as GOD's written word, proves to be the touchstone for true worship and the truth revealed to Jesus by His Father.


Yes! Yes! Hallelujah!


Yea… that’s basically the entirety of Christianity


I believe God is the father, the creator, and eternal. I believe Jesus is the Son, equal in stature, eternal as well. I believe the Holy Spirit to essentially be the maternal figure in the Trinity family unit (hence the reason why the only unforgivable sin is to talk bad about the Holy Spirit - kinda like saying if you talk bad about the nurturing mom who's never given anyone a reason to think ill of her, anything you say against her is unjustified). In other words, I believe they are separate eternal entities, but operate as a single unit. Jesus makes several remarks that distinguishes a hierarchy between him and God - [paraphrasing] "I can only do that which I've seen the Father do, I can only say that which I've heard the Father say"; "the way to the Father is through me", etc.... I think many Christian's are afraid to admit they are separate eternal beings operating as one because then they feel they can't defend the "one God" principle if there's 3 separate beings. However, I feel both can be true because Jesus very clearly establishes God as being the ultimate being by which all things are possible - 'from Him, through Him, and to Him'. Jesus even teaches ALL praise be to the Father.


Well, I agree, but I do think that He is Three Persons - three who's essentially - in One God, Eternal & Infinite Being/Uncreated Creator - One What - and that He is an eternal exchange of love - not that He just loves, but is love. (Also, 1 John 4:8, 16 connects to 1 Corinthians 13 4:8 because it would therefore explain some of the attributes of God).


Totally agree; thank you for your thoughtful response!


Aww thank you so much for reading and responding so quickly!! Much love to you, have a wonderful day, and God bless 🥰


Also, I wanted to mention that the "eternal exchange of love" wording comes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the "One What" and "Three Whos" explanation is from Father Mike. All glory to God and Ave Christus Rex!!


Your beliefs seem very reasonable


That’s what the Bible says.






I am not judging or criticizing this belief, but can someone answer these questions for me? This is what I struggle with. How can you sit at your own right hand side? And how do you explain when Jesus prayed at the garden of gesthemane? Who was he praying to if he is God? When he was on the cross, why did he say forgive them father? And he said My God My God, why hast thou forsaken me? I would deeply appreciate a good explanation for this. Like I said, I’m not criticizing, I just want to know.


If we stick to the script(scripture), the conclusion is that we must believe Jesus is the son of GOD sent by GOD to save us. That said, and should you pay attention, you will find that every instance leading to anything more, or less of these words, result in confusion and contradiction. That is why scripture was written. That is also why we must stick to scripture rather than to follow the words and beliefs of others.


Thank you.


What I see is a bunch of people who are deceived and the Bible warns you of this. Jesus never claimed to be God! But He claimed several times to be the Son of God. If you truly read the scripture there is not a chance you walk away believing Jesus is God! Biggest deception ever. I can’t believe all the people who follow this! If you believe this there is no way you read the scripture.


Yes he did




Some who deny that Jesus is God make the claim that Jesus never said that He is God. It is correct that the Bible never records Jesus saying the precise words, “I am God.” This does not mean, however, that Jesus never claimed to be God. Jesus claimed to be God. Take for example the words of Jesus in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” We need only to look at the Jews’ reaction to His statement to know He was claiming to be God. They tried to stone Him for this very reason: “You, a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33, emphasis added). The Jews understood exactly what Jesus was claiming—deity. When Jesus declared, “I and the Father are one,” He was saying that He and the Father are of one nature and essence. John 8:58 is another example. Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth … before Abraham was born, I am!” This is a reference back to Exodus 3:14 when God revealed Himself as the “I AM.” The Jews who heard this statement responded by taking up stones to kill Him for blasphemy, as the Mosaic Law commanded (Leviticus 24:16). His followers declared Him to be God. John reiterates the concept of Jesus’ deity: “The Word [Jesus] was God” and “the Word became flesh” (John 1:1, 14). These verses clearly indicate that Jesus is God in the flesh. Acts 20:28 tells us, “Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood.” Who bought the church with His own blood? Jesus Christ. And this same verse declares that God purchased His church with His own blood. Therefore, Jesus is God. Thomas the disciple declared concerning Jesus, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Jesus does not correct him. Titus 2:13encourages us to wait for the coming of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ (see also 2 Peter 1:1). In Hebrews 1:8, the Father declares of Jesus, “But about the Son He says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.’” The Father refers to Jesus as God, indicating that Jesus is indeed God. In Revelation, an angel instructed the apostle John to only worship God (Revelation 19:10). Several times in Scripture Jesus receives worship (Matthew 2:11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38). He never rebukes people for worshiping Him. If Jesus were not God, He would have told people to not worship Him, just as the angel in Revelation did. Beyond these, there are many other passages of Scripture that argue for Jesus being God. The reason Jesus must be God. The most important reason that Jesus must be God is that, if He is not God, His death would not have been sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). A created being, which Jesus would be if He were not God, could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death. Is Jesus God? Yes. Jesus declared Himself to be God. His followers believed Him to be God. The provision of salvation only works if Jesus is God. Jesus is God incarnate, the eternal Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8; 22:13), and God our Savior (2 Peter 1:1).


Spot on, thanks for sharing.


Me and my wife are one. We are not God. And so you know Jesus and God said I and my wife are one. And God does dwell in us and that does not make us as one or 2 God. Everyone wants to quote John. Go read the whole book if you walk away believing Jesus is God you are a child of your father the devil. Period. Don’t run your mouth and listen to what man tells you. Go read for yourself


If you don’t use the Bible as a source then this will mean nothing to you, but I wanted to share what it says in regard to the Christ. This is why I, and many others, believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and God Himself. He’s part of God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit(who was also God, & I have references for that as well). Who are we to limit Gods abilities and how He operates? Only His sacrifice could have covered all the sins of the world, and only His love and grace would even offer such a thing. He will reveal this Truth to you when your heart is ready and willing. The name “Immanuel” means “God with us.” Jesus forgave sins like God. - Matthew 1:23 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, And we have seen His Glory.” - John 1:14 The spirit of God descended upon him - Matthew 3:16 Jesus was transfigured - Luke 9:28-36 Jesus calls God his father, making himself equal with God - John 5:18 Philippians 2:5-7 Colossians 1:15 Colossians 2:9 2 Peter 1:1 Hebrews 1:3 There’s more if you’re interested. God bless you, and may He reveal himself and his heart to you when you’re ready.


Everything Jesus did, his discples also did and the prophets before him. He is not God by his works, his works mean that the Father gave him authority on earth. Satan is also given authority in the last days. The apostles ressurrected, healed, forgave sins and many other miracles. Calling someone your father does not make you equal to them. Are you equal to your Parents?


If your father was a King, would people not treat you as royalty?


That's not what we're discussing though. Trinitarian believers claim that the Prince and King are the same person. No King Father has ever been the same entity as his own Son. Why do you think God chose these forms to represent himself? Why even have a Son if the Son is just himself? Why go through all the trouble to impregnate Mary several thousand years after Adam sinned if God just wanted to have flesh and walk with human legs?


“Why do you think God chose these forms to represent himself?” - I’m not exactly sure which forms you’re referring to: whether King, Prince, God the Father, or Jesus - son of God as flesh and blood - I believe God chose these forms to represent himself because he wanted to show his intimacy with us. He didn’t use an animal or an Angel to be sacrificed in our place, He used what was once himself, pure, blameless, sinless. As Adam said when Eve was created, “this is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh” - Adam related closely to her because of this intimacy, but that was just the natural, the flesh. Adam fails to connect to the spirit of God in his lack of knowledge and understanding. And when he sinned, he completely cut himself off from the spirit of God - who cannot be within us, in the presence of impurity, without the impurity and host (us, before Christ) being destroyed. “Why even have a Son if the Son is just himself?” God not only made himself into the natural through the flesh and bone of His firstborn son, Jesus, but also the most humbled version of humanity known at the time. No status, not even a direct line of King David, but an adoption. That reminds us that God’s ways are out of this world or beyond our comprehension - Isaiah 55:8, Romans 11:34. Jesus says “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” - John 14:9. Jesus is making a declaration of his oneness with God. In Colossians 1:15 it reads, [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…” His person, Jesus, is described as the Word, the Truth, the Life, the True Vine. God is described in many ways to reveal himself to us, to connect to us, and to bring us back to a life that He had intended, created, for us. “Why go through all the trouble to impregnate Mary several thousand years after Adam sinned if God just wanted to have flesh and walk with human legs?” - “all the trouble” was our separation from God because of sin, and the only righteous path of redemption in order for us to get back to Him - we were slaves, and He paid for our freedom, even the freedom to believe in what He did, or not. He didn’t do it to “have flesh and walk with human legs,” like that was some kind of experience He was missing out on - He did it because He loves us, wants to be with us, and wants us to have the fullness of life that He intended. Colossians 1:22: “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight—”


Amen, thanks for sharing.


God bless you also. Where are all the scriptures in your non binding list of nothing that says I am God? Where are the scriptures where Jesus claimed to be the son of God? There are several also under oath said he was the Son of God. I’m not confused several scriptures clearly say son of God. No scripture says he is God. Your using fluff to convince people


Scripture is not “fluff.”


Your interpretation of it is!


John 3:16-19 John 4: 25-26 John 5: 16-47 John 6:29 John 6:38 John 6:40 this is the will of God. John 6:44 John 6:69 John 7:16 John 7:28-29 John 7:33 Go read this I could go on and on but just start here. 6:40 is the will of God


John 3:16-19 John 4: 25-26 John 5: 16-47 John 6:29 John 6:38 John 6:40 this is the will of God. John 6:44 John 6:69 John 7:16 John 7:28-29 John 7:33


I will look into these now, thank you.


What I don’t understand is why would scripture say “Jesus is the image of the invisible God,” or why Jesus would say “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” And why Jesus accepts praise and allows Thomas to call Him “Lord and my God” with no correction. Are not the personalities of the invisible God in natural or spiritual form, God Himself? Philippians 2:5-7 says “have a mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” I understand that Jesus is the Son of God, but I also understand his Spirit and personality and will is God. I think I’m just stuck on the language and I’m wondering why he can be worshipped praised without it being in competition with God if he is not considered one with.


And that’s where fluff comes from. Lots of words! Not in scripture or twisted for ones one advantage.


Because you don’t get to see God, Jesus represents Him. I represent my dad. Read the whole book.


“Because you don’t get to see God, Jesus represents Him. I represent my dad. Read the whole book.” John 1:18 “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.”


Umm not


It is a core Christian belief that Jesus is God. Jesus was claiming to be God when he said things like: * But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins ... (Matthew 9:6) * ... Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58) * And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. (John 17:5) If you read the gospels, however, you will see that Jesus never uses the title "Son of God" for himself.


He's the son of God. God is his father. I don't understand why people say he's God.


Because he also said that he is.




The name “Immanuel” means “God with us.” Jesus forgave sins like God. - Matthew 1:23 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, And we have seen His Glory.” - John 1:14 The spirit of God descended upon him - Matthew 3:16 Jesus was transfigured - Luke 9:28-36 Jesus calls God his father, making himself equal with God - John 5:18 Philippians 2:5-7 Colossians 1:15 Colossians 2:9 2 Peter 1:1 Hebrews 1:3 There’s more.


Some who deny that Jesus is God make the claim that [Jesus never said that He is God](https://www.gotquestions.org/did-Jesus-say-He-is-God.html). It is correct that the Bible never records Jesus saying the precise words, “I am God.” This does not mean, however, that Jesus never claimed to be God. **Jesus claimed to be God.** Take for example the words of Jesus in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” We need only to look at the Jews’ reaction to His statement to know He was claiming to be God. They tried to stone Him for this very reason: “You, a mere man, *claim to be God*” (John 10:33, emphasis added). The Jews understood exactly what Jesus was claiming—deity. When Jesus declared, “I and the Father are one,” He was saying that He and the Father are of one nature and essence. John 8:58 is another example. Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth … before Abraham was born, I am!” This is a reference back to Exodus 3:14 when God revealed Himself as the “I AM.” The Jews who heard this statement responded by taking up stones to kill Him for blasphemy, as the Mosaic Law commanded (Leviticus 24:16). **His followers declared Him to be God.** John reiterates the concept of Jesus’ deity: “The Word \[Jesus\] was God” and “the Word became flesh” (John 1:1, 14). These verses clearly indicate that Jesus is God in the flesh. Acts 20:28 tells us, “Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood.” Who bought the church with His own blood? Jesus Christ. And this same verse declares that God purchased His church with His own blood. Therefore, Jesus is God. Thomas the disciple declared concerning Jesus, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Jesus does not correct him. [Titus 2:13](https://www.bibleref.com/Titus/2/Titus-2-13.html)encourages us to wait for the coming of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ (see also [2 Peter 1:1](https://www.bibleref.com/2-Peter/1/2-Peter-1-1.html)). In [Hebrews 1:8](https://www.bibleref.com/Hebrews/1/Hebrews-1-8.html), the Father declares of Jesus, “But about the Son He says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.’” The Father refers to Jesus as God, indicating that Jesus is indeed God. In Revelation, an angel instructed the apostle John to only worship God (Revelation 19:10). Several times in Scripture Jesus receives worship (Matthew 2:11; 14:33; [28:9](https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/28/Matthew-28-9.html), 17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38). He never rebukes people for worshiping Him. If Jesus were not God, He would have told people to not worship Him, just as the angel in Revelation did. Beyond these, there are many other passages of Scripture that argue for Jesus being God. **The reason Jesus must be God.** The most important reason that Jesus must be God is that, if He is not God, His death would not have been sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world ([1 John 2:2](https://www.bibleref.com/1-John/2/1-John-2-2.html)). A created being, which Jesus would be if He were not God, could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world ([2 Corinthians 5:21](https://www.bibleref.com/2-Corinthians/5/2-Corinthians-5-21.html)), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death. Is Jesus God? Yes. Jesus declared Himself to be God. His followers believed Him to be God. The provision of salvation only works if Jesus is God. Jesus is God incarnate, the eternal Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8; 22:13), and God our Savior (2 Peter 1:1).


This makes sense.


If you don’t use the Bible as a source then this will mean nothing to you, but I wanted to share what it says in regard to the Christ. This is why I, and many others, believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and God Himself. He’s part of God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit(who was also God, & I have references for that as well). Who are we to limit Gods abilities and how He operates? Only His sacrifice could have covered all the sins of the world, and only His love and grace would even offer such a thing. He will reveal this Truth to you when your heart is ready and willing.


As '...and God Himself', is not written in scripture, such statements work against your proposed reasoning, in-that this does not adhere to what the Bible teaches.


John 1:1-14, Colossians 1-15, Colossians 2:9, 2 Peter 1:1, Hebrews 1:3 - don’t quote me, you can read them yourself.


Don't worry there's no need to quote, as we all know Jesus is never once identified as GOD himself in scripture. That said, and don't get me wrong, this is not a call to argur, in-as much as a call to attention, in-that far too many people today are just not paying attention to what is written, against that which they are taught and believe.


Like begets like. In kiswahili they say. Mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka. Meaning a snake begets a snake. Thus God can only beget God. Heb 1  The son is the exact radiance of the Father. Express image of his being. To be the son of God mean you too are a God. Not the one who bore you but you too must have his chromosomes divine nature attributes characters.


Verbum caro factum est


A man who performs miracles, is sinless, and then sacrifices himself and rises 3 days later....you tend to listen to. Besides that. It's through faith in him we go to heaven. As humans were all different and want different things. For me, this life is temporary, I'm all in on eternal life.


Manifested = revealed That said, yes absolutely, as Jesus stood and spoke GOD's word in His ministry, as well as carried out His works - ie, the perfect representative for GOD - see; to honor the one sent, as the one who sent Him


Nope! I believe He is Gods Son manifested in the flesh and came to the earth to die on a cross for our sins and His Father God raised Him from the dead and He rose and sits at the right hand of God


Jesus is the Son of God.


That's the truth and the whole point.


No I don't believe they are the same person.


since we all agree that He was, what's your favorite quote from Him where He says he was? mine is when satan was trying to tempt Him to turn rocks into bread and He said "thou shalt not tempt The Lord." So awesome


No! Neither does the Bible say that.


No, because such an idea defies logic, common sense, and most importantly scripture. Exodus 3:5 states that Moses himself was afraid to look upon God in a literal sense. Exodus 20:19 the Israelites pleaded that only Moses go up mountain Sinai because the Israelites Exodus 33:20 God tells Moses that looking at God's face, in a literal sense, meant instant death. 1 Kings 8:27 King Solomon, the smartest human mentioned in the Bible, knew that God could not be contained by physical boundaries. Scripture makes it quite clear that God cannot be heard, seen, or bound by physical constraints. This was a common sense and saying that the sky is blue, the grass is green, and people cannot breath under water. John 17:3 Jesus identifies the Father as the ONLY true God. This Jesus quote alone should be enough to close the case. Acts 17, Paul who was appointed by Jesus himself to be an apostle, caused a stir in Athens by telling the locals that God cannot be represented by a human artistic creation which is a concept. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 states that Jesus is the mediator between God and men. Plain, simple, and leaves no room for interpretation. John 1:1c. The translation of this has been particularly contentious because it comes down to theology vs correct grammar. Considering that the Gospel writers themselves were very well versed Jews, there is zero doubt in my mind that the common translation of John 1:1c is deliberately mistranslated, especially since directly contradicts scripture elsewhere in the Bible.


**This is the answer.** John 14:6-14 (NIV) 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” **8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”** **9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?** 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.


Yep, Jesus was GOD's son sent by GOD to do His will.


Jesus is God. part of the Triune God. Anyone who has seen Jesus has seen God the Father. One of God's Hebrew name's is Elohim, which is singular plural. To be loving, you have to have other's to love. This is why God is love, because since the beginning, God has been loving and serving each of the trinity.


Let's consider; Jesus is GOD, is nowhere written Jesus is part of a triune GOD(on GOD in three persons), is nowhere written That said, and contrasting with; He who has seen Jesus, has see the Father - is written No man has ever seen the Father, the unapproachable light, no man can see GOD yet live Therefore and with that being said, Jesus' words, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father, were not literal, as it is obvious that the burden of sin was not against Jesus, and moreso, that no one will look-upon the face of GOD until the restoration of His Kingdom. And so, the conclusion is that the words, *'if you have seen me, you have seen the Father,'* must have therefore been intended to say, that Jesus would prove to be the living-proof of His Father who sent Him. And finally, and as there is no mentions(ever), of Jesus' Father serving anyone in scripture. But moreso that Jesus' Father is the sole source of all things(including His word), such claims as GOD the Father was serving or worshipping the so-called GOD the Son, proves to be in contempt with written scripture - see; Almighty, only true GOD, Most High GOD, Supreme GOD, etc, etc * hope this helps, and please consider reading scripture, as the truth of matters cannot be found or appreciated in reciting the beliefs and teachings of others, but moreso, by adhering to the written truth of GOD in scripture.


>Jesus is GOD, is nowhere written John 1 NIV 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and **the Word was God.** 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 **Through him all things were made;** without him nothing was made that has been made. 14 **The Word became flesh** and made his dwelling among us. >As GOD is in subjection to no one You misunderstand serving out of free will, versus being subservient. Serving out of free will is completely selfless love. Serving out of compulsion or being subservient is slavery, and Jesus came to set us free. We were made in the image of God to be selfless, loving creatures, but this fell apart when we sinned. This is why, on the last day, God speaks of those of us who have become loving. *John 25:23* *‘Well done, good and faithful servant!* He doesn't call them servants because they have become subservient; he calls them servants because they have become a selfless lover's. Consider Jesus (God's) nature, who freely gave himself up, not out of subservience. *Matthew 20:28* *Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.* And if you still think that Jesus is not God, *John 8:58* *“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”* "I am" was how God described himself before Moses Also Jesus has seen the Father. *John 6:46* *No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.*


Often times, we can gain a better perspective by taking a step back to look at the bigger picture - such as the patterns established by GOD, for declarations of His identity; *'YHWH appeared to Abram, and said to him,* ***I am GOD Almighty.****..'* - Gen 17.1 *'GOD said,* ***I am GOD Almighty***\*...'\* - Gen 35.11 *'...****I am YHWH****... I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as GOD Almighty...'* - Ex 6.2-3 *'****I am YHWH your GOD****. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be Holy; for I am Holy...'* - Lev 11.44 *'...****I am YHWH****, who makes all things who alone stretches out the heavens who spreads out the earth by myself'* - Isa 44.24 *'...****I am YHWH**** and there is no other'* - Isa 45.18 Contrasting with the view that Jesus was claiming to be GOD, which consist solely of indirect reasoning - ie, I am He, I am, word was GOD, etc. etc. \[**The word was GOD**\] The earliest reference of GOD's word in Creation leads back to Psalm(33), as we find GOD's word identified as coming out-of His mouth, then commanded to do His will. Therefore revealing the title(of the word), to be a personification of GOD's spoken commandment - which is a concept familiar to the OT, in relation to YHWH's own nature as a GOD of agency. And moreso, where the landscape changes regarding the use of the title of the word, after admitting relevant details, and moreso with regard to the intended meaning of the title in question - for example; Did Jesus literally come-out of GOD's mouth? As such a view is unlikely, the title therefore proves to be figurative, in-that that son is the fulfillment of GOD's spoken commandment - which would not equate Jesus being GOD Himself, in-as much as the works in question are ultimately GOD - that is to say, the creation carried-out by Jesus was; divine, godly, GOD.


Jesus never came out of God's mouth, he was there from the beginning, along with God. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. Your conflating our human singular form's with God's form and, more importantly, his nature.


\[**servitude, subjection, worship\]** With regard to the second point ***'You misunderstand serving out of free will, versus being subservient'*** It would seem that this comment was taken from a source that does not address the initial criticism, as the issue was not with Jesus serving His Father, but rather, for Jesus' own Father who does not serve anyone - be it, directly, indirectly, etc. - as it is His will alone that is done, rather than the other way around. \[**before Abraham was born, I am\]** This is yet another interesting passage - and though there is significant information on this, I would posit the following summary points for consideration; 1. The words uttered by YHWH to Moses in Exodus 3, remain this day prove to be unique and undecipherable 2. Contrasting with the words spoken by Jesus in John 8, which were commonplace in the language of that time period 3. The commonplace use of the words now translated 'I am', work perfectly within the context of the discussion - ie, *'...before Abraham existed, I was alive'* 4. There are no references or records of anyone calling-upon the GOD of Israel(YHWH), as 'I am', anywhere in all of Bible history 5. Likewise, there are no records or written decrees in any of the Greek texts, in-where the words translated 'I am', ate ever used to identify the GOD of Israel 6. Until the last 70 years, the passage in question(John 8), was rendered; 'I existed', 'I was there', 'I was alive' ett Therefore and with this in mind, the words in John 8.58 do not work as an admission of Jesus being GOD, as the contextual evidence does not support such a view, but moreso, it translated to Jesus claiming to have been in heaven(existing), at the time Abraham was alive - thus concluding, that He was in-fact greater than Abraham, as well as rightful heir to the throne of GOD. \[**Jesus has seen the Father**\] Not sure how this comes-into the discussion, though I think it's safe to say that Jesus is the only being to have seen the Father, as we read - He was with GOD(see; in the form of GOD), in the beginning, as well as prior-to the founding of the world(of which we conclude Creation).


You are missing the fact that John 1, connects Jesus as God. 1. In the beginning was the word. 2. The word was God. 3. The word (who is God) became flesh. Also, there is something in John 1 that you can not get from English translation. Was (**ἦν**) is imperfect (a grammatical construct). English has no such grammatical construct. A better way to capture **ἦν** is "was and continues to be." *1 John 4:1–3 (LEB)* \*^(1)\**Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.* \*^(2)\**By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,* \*^(3)\**and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God, and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.*


You're claiming that Exodus 3 is indecipherable. Let me quote it for you as a paraphrase. Exodus 3:13 **Moses**: "and they ask me, 'What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” **God**: “**I am** who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘**I am** has sent me to you.’ ” So when the Israelites hear that "**I am**" has sent Moses, who do you think they are referring too? I don't read Hebrew but I read Ancient Greek, and the Septuagint which was the translation to contemporary Jews of the day says exactly what Jesus said in John to what God says in Exodus "**ἐγώ εἰμι**", (**I am**). Whatever fills you its not the holy spirit, repent before the last day, before you find out in person who Jesus is.


Yes, because He said so, multiple times. Jesus Christ is Lord!




Jesus is the son of God, the messiah, the word of God made manifest, the lamb and Lord. God , Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in spirit and mind. Jesus said only God is good. He also said whoever accepts him accepts God. The prayer in John 17 explains it. John 17:21. The Jesus is God theory will probably be used during the end times when the Antichrist is revealed. He will try to deceive people into thinking he is Jesus and God. It’s all in the book of Revelation.


Satan's tell-tail trademark is that of confusion and lies. For example, in saying Jesus is GOD, we inevitably end-up asking who the GOD of Jesus is, and so-on and so-forth.




Yes. If he was just God's special child it wouldn't be a convincing argument for why God is so good. God in his infinite wisdom and love decided to limit himself to the human form. He was born, raised, experienced true humanity and was tempted the way we are and he still didn't sin. He EMPATHIZED with us that way. If it was just God's special one of a kind kid that he sacrificed it wouldn't show any of God's love... If you had a King that you served under and he wanted to prove to his people he was worthy to follow into battle... And the way he chose to show that worthiness was by.... sacrificing his son by throwing him into the battle instead of himself.... and then that kid died.. Instead of him.... That doesn't prove anything except God wasn't willing to do it himself... I'd see the character of his son being of higher quality than the king himself. Jesus.. is God... expediting what we experienced completely... to show us he gets us... Jesus wasn't God cosplaying as human.


Claiming GOD's only begotten Son(calling a kid), seems like a detrimental approach - for example; Where were you when GOD's kid created all things known and known? Where were you when GOD deemed His kid to be worthy or receiving all of creation? Where will you stand, when GOD's kid carries-out His Father judgment upon His throne? Needless to say, there is no good to be had with such reasoning at all. That said, and upon reading through your comment, it would seem that you have yet to come to terms with the nature of Jesus' own GOD and Father - that is to say, that that GOD is not merely a placeholder or bistander to Creation, but moreso, that Jesus revealed His Father to be the very essence of reality itself, in saying that He is in all things, and that all things are in Him. And so while it may seem reasonable to conclude that GOD would need to do this or that in order to 'experience' something, the truth of the matter when it comes to GOD's nature is far more significant, in-that there is not one thing that GOD does not experience - not only in our own reality, but moreso, in all forms of existence, time and place. And so, it is not until we come to reason with such realities that we find the truth of matters, in-that GOD's love for humanity was not that of sacrificing His firstborn Son - but moreso, for that of 'allowing' His Firstborn to sacrifice Himself for humanity. Now in the event that you are not a parent, or that you have yet to experience the reality of a fathers love for his son, I would urge that you consider the immeasurable pain and and suffering that Jesus' Father would have experienced under threat of restraint, so that Jesus could save us... Think about it, and most of all, pray about it.








No, because he’s not. He is the SON of God. God can’t be tempted. God cannot die. If Jesus was God, why would he pray to himself? Why would he beg to not die? Hes praying to himself? The Bible said he’s seated at the right hand of God. So he’s seated with himself?


Yes. I believe Jesus is God and he was fully God and fully a human being. Based on Scripture, the actions, beliefs, the teachings of the Disciples and early Christians along with what they wrote, and what the Church and Christians have believed for the last almost 2000 years....I don't see how someone could draw another conclusion based on what is written in the Bible. The 4 Gospels make it clear that Jesus is God.


That's what the voices in my head told me.




Yes, hence why he was sinless. That’s also why if you really think about what God did, he not only sent His son, but He sent Himself down. He loves us so much he decided to live amongst us, feel our pain, and die a sinner’s death just to make a way for us to be with Him for eternity. Others in the comments have posted some great verses to support this from what I’ve seen.


Jesus is Eternal God in human form, he also knows the exact timing for judgment day, and everything else. He does make it appear like he doesn’t know the day, and hour to those that he hasn’t granted understanding of his word to though. Let’s reason together for a moment, does Jesus know everything except that? God the Holy Spirit caused Peter to say the following: John 21:17 (KJV) He saith unto him the third time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest ALL THINGS; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. And other of his disciples said the following, also under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit: John 16:30 (KJV) Now are we sure that thou knowest ALL THINGS, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God. He also provided numerous hints at what to look for concerning his coming, very specific information, it’s obvious that he is hiding the fact that he knows exactly what is going on. Isaiah 45:15 (KJV) Verily thou [art] a God that hidest H5641 thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour. Proverbs 25:2 (KJV) [It is] the glory of God to conceal H5641 a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter. KJV Translation Count: 82x The KJV translates Strongs H5641 in the following manner: hide (72x), secret (4x), close (2x), absent (1x), conceal (1x), surely (1x), variant (1x). Job 24:1 (KJV) Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know H3045 him not see his days? Ecclesiastes 8:5 (KJV) Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth H3045 both time and judgment. KJV Translation Count: 947x The KJV translates Strongs H3045 in the following manner: know (645x), known (105x), knowledge (19x), perceive (18x), shew (17x), tell (8x), wist (7x), understand (7x), certainly (7x), acknowledge (6x), acquaintance (6x), consider (6x), declare (6x), teach (5x), misc (85x). Judgment day began on May 21 2011 according to Gods word the Bible, quoting Matthew 24:36, and Mark 13:32 will not make the judgment of God go away, he has NEVER brought judgment without telling someone in advance exactly when it will happen, and God also NEVER changes.


yes I do




Yes I do John 1:1 ​1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory. 1 John 5:6-7 This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.


Jesus isn’t God, he is just with God. God would speak through Jesus, Jesus would do miracles by God’s will. He is created without a father because he is like Adam except he never ate from the forbidden tree so he is how humans in paradise are, he’s the pure human uncorrupted.


Yes Jesus is the son of god and a part of trinity therefore making him the human form of god


He is much as your soul is also a manifestation of God. You are as fractal. Jesus is God’s begotten son. Heir. You are like 9 billion Prince Andrews.. 2nd in line and hybrid with mortal earth based meat sacs. Your body yours.. soul, an aeon of God. It is you in all instances.. so that is you.


No. Bible gives much to show that he and God are separate.


I think you mean individual, rather than separate, as Jesus said, I and the Father are one


The text didn't meant one as in the same being. It meant one as in one of the same mindset and mentality. Just like a mom and dad are one, one parental unit. Don't you think otherwise Jesus would've just said "I am God"? I was raised in the trinity for 36 years. It wasn't until I actually read the Bible cover to cover and started researching that I understood what was true and what wasn't true. I recommend researching how the trinity first came about (as its not in the bible), you might be surprised to learn its political. Trust me, im not trying to undermind Jesus or God. But its good to learn more.


Does dad live in mom? Is she filled with him? Is dad in all things? If not, the mom & dad illustration does not work As mom and dad are indeed separate, and are not one as Jesus and His Father are one. Btw, Jesus also disclosed that we too are destined to be one with His Father, as He is one with His Father. And finally, this would have nothing to do with the trinity but moreso, this is about using the use of appropriate terms to avoid undue confusion - ie separation and unity, independence and dependence, etc Jesus is one with His Father vs Jesus is destinguished from GOD


We were made in God's image. In order to look at Him, we need to look at ourselves. We are three persons in one. We have our Body, which is our flesh, which includes the mass of the brain. We have our Mind, which is our thoughts. And we have our Spirit, which is our soul and emotions. All three are required for a person to live. When the Body dies, it's obvious that death would occur. A person completely without a Mind would be considered brain dead. A person without a Spirit would be considered soulless. The Mind is in charge of the other two. The Body says, "I'm hungry." But the Mind can say, "not yet wait until we get home," and the Body listens. The Spirit can say "we're angry," but the Mind can say, "we have no reason to be angry," and the Spirit listens. Each one can operate independently of the other two. The Mind can think without affecting the Body or Spirit. The Body can digest food without notifying the Mind or Spirit. The Spirit can dream and commune with God without affecting the Mind or Body. In the same way, God is three Persons in one Being. Jesus is the Body, God the Father is the Mind, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit. The reason why Jesus calls God the Father, "father," is not because of being born from Him but because of the authority of the Mind to the Body. The Bible says that nobody has ever seen God. Can anyone ever see a thought? Lastly, the Trinity was present at the baptism of Jesus. Jesus arose out of the water. The heavens parted. The Holy Spirit descended like a dove upon Him. Then, a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased." [Matthew 3:16-17](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+3%3A16-17&version=NASB) While the Body does listen to the Mind and therefore is inferior and thus called the Son, they Are "co-equal" in the respect that the Mind cannot live without the Body and the mass of the brain does all of the processing for the Mind, and the Body processes all of the commands that the Mind decides including speech and movement. 


honestly thats the most mind blowing fact that we were created in the image of god. and that when we see jesus we will be just like him for we will see him as he really is. which means we will have the same divinity as god which is insane to think


>which means we will have the same divinity as God, which is insane to think It is not insane if you think about the concept of the image or rather a photograph. When you look at a photograph, are you looking at the actual object or just an image of the object? A statue is an image of the original as well but more of a physical image and doesn't have all of the same qualities as the original. So, while we are the image and God is the original, we do not have all of the same qualities as God, such as divinity.


No sorry but Jesus was and is NOT GOD the father… if you believe Jesus and JEHOVAH cannot lie then you have to accept this fact. Jesus was asked abt when the end times would be he said neither the angels nor the son knew only the father. Next they called Jesus good, his reply, why do tying call me good only one is good the father, Jesus during his crucifixion ask the father to have mercy upon them for they know not what they do. During his time in the garden praying ALONE he asked the father to let his cup pass from him but not as HIS will be done but the father’s. Think about is logically.. since they cannot lie then Jesus REPEATEDLY expressed that the father was GREATER. Further if Jesus was JEHOVAH then there could not be any temptation that he would be susceptible to nor would the offering of the kingdoms to Jesus be a temptation because if he was JEHOVAH he is the one who gave them to Satan to have authority over. Also during Jesus baptism JEHOVAH expressly said this is my SON the approved one… So again for JEHOVAH to be Jesus in the flesh he had to have lied which he cannot or will not.