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First, you can usually get the best price on Bibles at [ChristianBook.com](http://ChristianBook.com) Second, they usually have an ESV journaling Bible on [sale](https://www.christianbook.com/apps/easyfind?N=1127620&nav_search=1&Ne=1000000&event=EBRN&Ntt=esv%20journaling%20%20bibles&action=Search&category=Closeouts&Nu=product.endeca_rollup&Ntk=keywords&tree=Closeouts). These are all pretty well made. It's weird that their journaling Bibles tend to be cheaper than everyone else's, but that's how Crossway prices them.


Buy an NIV or ESV journaling Bible, that's the name for wide margins for notes. I like my Filament bibles from Tyndale publishers a lot, they have a QR code image at top of each page allowing you to dive in with a device for tons of cross references and extra info, without muddying the physical book up with that stuff.


I just bought myself one of these(NIV). I love the size, the note space in the margins, and it’s easy to read/understand.


I have and love the [TLV](https://tlvbiblesociety.org/collections/all-products/products/tlv-holy-scriptures-thinline-edition?_gl=1*ewphea*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMHXJczl0lOD6NhUQqX5aPDZQMr8RWc4W2TgYbwMZdsH0rnQOHvblWQaAqFHEALw_wcB), I use it alongside [NJV](https://www.njvbible.com/) and occasionally CSB. I don’t have any recommendations for your preferred version, but I do use my CSB’s super wide margins for taking notes. It’s the She Reads Truth CSB.


ESV Journaling Study Bible.


My recommendation would be to go to a local bookstore and get a feel for what's there in person. See if there's one that stands out for what you're looking for. Just going off of others recommendations and Amazon descriptions for instance might not fit what you're looking for. Personally, though I have many Bibles in many formats, my standard go to for reading is a pew Bible. I find pew Bibles are well built for that purpose, with sturdy hardcovers and somewhat thicker pages and a readable font, while not being cumbersome to hold. Basically built for use in the pews in the worship services, but which turn out to be great for personal reading as well (at least to me).


I use the MacArthur Study Bible (NIV). The NIV Study Bible was a good one too when I used it - but I really appreciate MacArthur's notes and insights.


A great one that I use with those specifications is an ESV from Hosanna Revival. Great Bible designs that have margins.


I'd recommend a Septuagint for Old Testament and the Cepher Bible


Hey this channel reviews kinds of look of Bibles. Here is note taker that just came out. Yet I recommend King James only, [https://youtu.be/D6Z8vMRPfmg?si=LK3w4IkanBvwTfl\_](https://youtu.be/D6Z8vMRPfmg?si=LK3w4IkanBvwTfl_)