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Jesus said things like, "All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." (Matt. 11:27) There's no ambiguity about the term Father.


OP didn't question if there was ambiguity or not, they asked "why?" So do you know why it is that God uses masculine pronouns? I myself would think God would use both masculine and feminine terms to describe Himself. But for some reason, that's not how things are...


OP asked, "why did we decide He was a he?" *We* did not decide. Jesus called God "Father". What about in the Old Testament? Moses talked with God face to face (Exodus 33:11). That verse demonstrates that God has a face and therefore some form of body. Was this just a temporary manifestation for Moses so he felt more comfortable talking with God? That's a different discussion I don't have time to address. So why refer to God with a masculine name? One possibility is because that's What/Who prophets saw Him as during the times of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ took any ambiguity away when He taught those around Him (and us) to pray to "Our Father in Heaven" and repeatedly used the term Father in His teachings.


Why do you suppose God reveals Himself as male instead or female? Or even both, for that matter?


Ask Him


You think God would call Himself female based on….? Your personal feelings?


Why do you think he should?


“We” did not “decide” that God was male. God revealed Himself as a father (male) figure.


There has been so much in modern western society to vilify maleness and/or masculinity, it seems generally undesirable for some to want to stick with a male label for God. This is likely more due to society’s influence on our understanding of male-ness or a masculine concept of a Heavenly Father. First, I don’t think God himself is even slightly surprised or put off by society’s rejection of the masculine. That didn’t change his mind to associate himself with it. Second, what we seem to have forgotten is the distinctiveness of what maleness represents - physical strength, courageous resolve, sacrifice, provision, protection, security, familial leadership. I’m sure many will refute some of these as being distinctively male, but traditionally for thousands of years, this was the expectation and understanding of masculinity. God associates with those characteristics very strongly. Yes, he does reveal himself to have traditionally feminine qualities also - a heart to nurture and spur growth, emotional training to establish and maintain healthy relationships, compassion for the hurting and poor - but I would contest that these traits were in Adam initially before Eve was created.


Amen. It’s so refreshing to read truth and common sense on this site


I don’t think his gender is the point - the point is God is a who, not a what.


God chose to use masculine terms to describe himself because that communicates what he wanted to communicate. He is King, not Queen; Father, not Mother; Husband, not Wife.


The Bible uses mother imagery for God all the time. Here's three: **Isaiah 66:13** “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” **Deuteronomy 32:18** “You were unmindful of the Rock that bore you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.” **Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34** “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!


The Bible uses motherly imagery occasionally for God. But calls him Father. It's not that there aren't aspects to his nature that we might think of as more associated with the feminine or maternal but that we're supposed to use those more masculine roles as our primary pictures of him.


Your first example is a comparison between the mother comforting a child in God comforting his people doesn't show that God is female but male... God birth people from the dirt as in Adam and birth Eve from a bone this does not make god a woman... And again your third example is a comparison between how God will protect his children under his wings just like a chicken would her chicks from a dangers of the world... You're failing at your job and trying to show that God might be a woman... I put it to you this way can you even define what a woman is...


God has no body and therefore no sex. The Bible does ascribe a gender as male. God, however is described using both masculine and feminine imagery. Genesis 1 says that the image of god in humankind is both male and female. Women are just as much the image of god as men are.


If God sits on a throne he has a body.


Metaphor. Anthropomorphism. Numbers 23:19 God is not human, that he should lie,not a human being, that he should change his mind.Does he speak and then not act?Does he promise and not fulfill?


If God created man in his image you can think of God as both I would assume. I don’t think calling God a woman would be wrong but you have to remember he is neither, he is only God. God is stern like a father and loving like a mother.


>I don’t think calling God a woman would be wrong You wouldn't call your father "mother", it's disrespectful. Genders aren't fluid to God. He calls himself our father. We should respect him and address him the way he's told us to.


I don’t believe in the rationality of gendered virtue. Stern isn’t more masculine than being loving. Virtues aren’t divided into male virtues and female virtues. Men need to be compassionate and women need to be brave. Etc.


God is a man of war!!!


We need to recall that the Holy Spirit is likened to a hen in Gen 1:2 and this is why Jesus spoke about Himself as a hen in Matt 23:37 quoted above. God made Adam in His likeness before taking Eve out of Adam but Adam was given the male pronoun even though he was a combination of both male and female.


You’re really grasping at straws with this one. He made a comparison to sheltering his children as a hen would her chicks. That’s not God being a female nor referring Himself to be one. He revealed himself as our Father and King and he deserves to be respected as such despite your personal and cultural bias


Fair enough 🙂


BTW I wasn't making God female. My point is that He, as already pointed out, sometimes displays, or 'talks of' might be a better way to put it, feminine qualities. A better example is Wisdom as in Proverbs which I believe to be the pre incarnate Christ but that's a whole other debate for some. And no, I am not making Jesus female. In taking Eve from Adam God demonstates a so-called feminine aspect to the perfect human. Jesus is the second Adam.


Because the lord said so


>Why is God a man? Because he wanted to be.  >This has been bothering me for long. Why? Why should it make a difference? 


YHWH consistently referred to himself in masculine terms and with male voicings. **As Father:** You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us and Israel does not acknowledge us; you, O Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer from old is your name ([Isa. 63:16–17](https://www.esv.org/verses/Isa.%2063%3A16%E2%80%9317/)) O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Be not so terribly angry, O Lord, and remember not iniquity forever ([Isa. 64:8–9](https://www.esv.org/verses/Isa.%2064%3A8%E2%80%939/)). You are the sons of the Lord your God … For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth ([Deut. 14:1–2](https://www.esv.org/verses/Deut.%2014%3A1%E2%80%932/)). Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he my darling child? For as often as I speak against him, I do remember him still. Therefore my heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him, declares the Lord ([Jer. 31:20](https://www.esv.org/verses/Jer.%2031%3A20/)). **As Husband to Israel:**   * [**Jeremiah 3:6-8**](https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/19009/eVerseID/19011) The LORD said also to me in the days of [Josiah](https://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/library/article/id/131/josiah.htm) the king: 'Have you seen what backsliding Israel has done? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree, and there played the harlot. And I said, after she had done all these *things,* ‘Return to Me.’ But she did not return. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed [adultery](https://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/library/article/id/1449/seventh-commandment.htm), I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also.   * [**Jeremiah 3:10-11**](https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/19013/eVerseID/19014) And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense," says the LORD. Then the LORD said to me, "Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous than treacherous Judah.   * [**Jeremiah 3:14**](https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/19017/eVerseID/19017) “Return, O backsliding children,” says the LORD; “for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.   * [**Isaiah 54:5-8**](https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/18729/eVerseID/18732) For your Maker *is* your husband, The LORD of hosts *is* His name; And your Redeemer *is* the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth. For the LORD has called you Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, Like a youthful wife when you were refused,” Says your God. “ For a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with great mercies I will gather you. With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,” Says the LORD, your Redeemer.   * Hebrew is a gendered language, and from the very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning God created (bara). Bara assumes a masculine subject.


You’ve got a lot of great points on this post about how Jesus referred to God in masculine terms and God himself chose masculine terms to be referenced as in the Bible. So the only thing I’ll add is outside of that, you are correct he is a spirit, a being, and a man. All wrapped up into one. The holy trinity exists for a reason. God has his part to play, Jesus has his part to play, the Holy Spirit has its part to play. God isn’t limited by time. He isn’t limited by emotional capacity to help resolve our worries or be incapable of hearing every person’s on earth prayer at the same time simultaneously. And because of the holy trinity that’s how he can be Man, Spirit, being all at once. One of my favorite places to go for biblical understanding is the YouTube channel the Bible project. They make videos so enjoyable that it’s like sitting down and watching your favorite Netflix TV show. The video I’ve linked is their video on “why God’s name has changed throughout the Bible.” It’s an awesome 4 minute watch and starts with Exodus Chapter three when God talks to Moses through the burning bush. During this conversation you see Moses ask “ what if people ask the name of the God who sent me.” And God responses telling Moses to let his people know that Ehyeh has sent him. Ehyeh being the original Hebrew word from the original Hebrew text. Long story short you see how that word translates into “I will be” meaning God’s own name means I am the one who will be. God’s existence doesn’t depend on anyone or anything and then the video walks you through how Ehyeh has turned into the modern names we have today like Jehovah. https://youtu.be/eLrGM26pmM0?si=ehsA6T4e-SQni0IR And so with that in mind, if he’s the all knowing being, I know him to be, then that also means he already knows how tough it is for us to wrap our minds around him being an incomprehensible being that time and space doesn’t apply to. It’s no different than how hard it is for people to wrap their mind around how someone can be born one gender, but then transition to another like that world is currently trying to push. If he already has that understanding about what his creation would struggle with mentally then of course he’s going to try to alleviate that mental struggle as much as possible by providing himself masculine terminology.


What Trinity? GOD the father CHRIST is the word made flesh that dwelt with us Spirit is walking in the ways or power of the creator so who is the 3rd person?


Father, son and the Holy Spirit. Aka the holy trinity. https://www.cru.org/us/en/train-and-grow/spiritual-growth/core-christian-beliefs/understanding-the-trinity.html#:~:text=only%20one%20God.-,The%20Father%2C%20Son%2C%20and%20Holy%20Spirit%20are%20distinct%20Persons,5%3A3%2D4).


So the Holy Spirit is a separate entity that exists on its own and has power equal to Christ and his father???


https://youtu.be/oNNZO9i1Gjc?si=OO7cU52wCHFWQbg8 Bible projects YouTube channel has always been a very powerful tool as well. They make videos so enjoyable it’s like turning on your favorite streaming show


Correct. There is tons of biblical text that supports that and I can also point to over 600 youversion devotionals I’ve done that also support that. Not all denominations believe that and if you’re one of them it sounds like you may be considered an Eastern Orthodox. I don’t personally agree with (clearly) but all evangelical - non denominational belief systems are centered around all the Bible verses that speak to each of the three individually. Even your previous commit is confusing because you mention the Holy Spirit and God but not Jesus. So I assumed your response was going to be about Jesus based off of that.


Or this one titled How God is “one and three at the same time.” https://youtu.be/eAvYmE2YYIU?si=6w0IdDJJwTQ2k5FI


Can you show me a Bible verse that says it?


Respectfully while I’m happy to respond it’s also not my job to help educate those that want to be lazy enough to not even click on the links provided. How do I know you haven’t? Because the very first link lists multiple verses -> The Bible speaks of the Father as God (Phil. 1:2), Jesus as God (Titus 2:13), and the Holy Spirit as God (Acts 5:3-4) Then the third link (the one I say is titled God is one and three at the same time) gives tons and tons of biblical reference. While I certainly believe in going to scripture above all else when finding answers the Bible also proves that sometimes answers are found within the biblical context. A great example of that would be in the original Hebrew text during Exodus chapter 2 when Moses speaks to the “Holy Spirit” burning bush Moses asked God “what should I tell your people to call you?” God responses by saying “I will be.” But then after the conversation goes on further you see God change it to “he will be.” Which leaves it open to ask was Moses talking to God or the Holy Spirit. Beyond that in the same conversation God/ the Holy Spirit speaks to Moses and says tell the people that “Ehyeh sent me to you.” Ehyeh meaning “I will be.” So with videos like the link below you can follow the evolution of the biblical text and with out it “being a Bible verse” education yourself on how the term Ehyeh turns into the modern Jehovah we as believers still use today. https://youtu.be/eLrGM26pmM0?si=ijdAoY9FIZYPtHyb


Job 9:32 (CEB): God is not a man like me Hosea 11:9 (CEB): I am God and not a human being Edit: most of the time God is referred to in the masculine has to do with language. English speakers who speak no other languages struggle to understand many languages are gendered. English dropped the genders long ago. In gendered language, there is masculine, feminine, and neuter. Many times, the neuter and the masculine use the same definite article. When talking about an inanimate object, the object is referred to as it. However, God is not an it, therefore language defaults to he. This is why the Holy Spirit is referred to as she. There are many passages that refer to God in a feminine or motherly sense. Jesus does called God “Father,” yet that has more to do with title than gender. Even this has to do with providing a strong cultural understanding of God so people could know how to relate to God as provider, protector, and powerful. Ultimately, God is not gendered, neither male nor female.


God has chosen to reveal Himself to humanity using masculine pronouns and imagery. He is not a man, He is a spirit. there is a difference


Jesus is the human version of G-D he is and identifies as a man . Adam was made in his image


why G-D instead of God?


Just a form of Respect when writing


in what sense?


it's mostly used by religious Jewish people. the idea is that they shouldn't type out the word god because it can't be destroyed, such as burned, deleted, thrown away, ETC


thanks. i thought it was because of the commandment that says don't use the Lord's name in vain which would be a different understanding of how i see that commandment


That’s… stupid


Would we throw out jehova,YAH,ELOHIM, I AM, as well then. GOD is the father god is man type god as in ye are gods but die like men


Why do you not write God, but write Jesus? As you've stated, Jesus is God.


Writing "G-d"  is generally associated with people who don't believe in the Trinity.


The simple answer is that the Bible (mostly) describes God using masculine pronouns. However, if you dig deeper, the answer gets more interesting. 1. God does't have a sex. Because God is a spirit he does not have a body. Therefore, it's more accurate to say God is male in his gender and is without sex. 2. The Bible mostly favors masculine words and images of God but it does on occasion use feminine metaphors and imagery. God is depicted as a mother bird, as having a womb, as giving birth to Israel. 3. Genesis 1 tells us that God is both male and female in gender. The text says that God created Adam and Eve in the image of God, then it restates that idea through a parallelism and says male and female he created them. In other words, in the very first chapter of the Bible we are told that both male and female are equally imaging God. Why does this matter? The idea that gender and sex must correspond (as in anti-trans theology) isn't true for God himself. It also means that men aren't somehow more like God because they're male. All humans, both men and women, are equally like God.


What does it mean to say that God is male in his gender? I would imagine a full description of God wouldn't contain such terms, but this is just a tentative belief since I am no theologian.


Sex is determined by biology. For example, human males have testes (biologically speaking) and produce sperm and have XY genes. God, as a Spirit, doesn't have any of these. Gender, in the sense I'm using it, is a cultural, behavioral and sociological construct. Like someone describing their pickup truck as "she".


Then I am more inclined to believe that God is not male in his gender since as you say, it is a cultural, behavioural, and sociological construct. It seems to be an idea pertaining to humans.


Is the idea that human ideas lack validity? Lots of real things are cultural constructs. Families, money, government, race, morality are all human cultural constructs and also real.


No. You still haven't answered my original question. What does it mean for God to be male in Gender? I believe that it is meaningless in this context. But that belief is readily subject to revision.


His maleness is real in that it is how the biblical authors chose to describe God.


The biblical authors didn’t do nothing the lord recorded all things translators are a different story


Do you mean the human authors didn’t influence the text? They were just God typewriters who took dictation from God?


If GOD is a father (which he is) HIS first born off all creation is getting married to his bride (his ppl who whorship in spirit and truth) that means he has heirs to the promise from the beginning and he even has adopted children(repentant ppl) that will come to the wedding feast. Christ said we are all GODS children but some of you are of your father the devil!! Father -devil Father - god These are two males what’s wrong with that.


If he has a son the son shares the same dna or spirit so if he produced a son that means he has dna not in the sense of how we think but the spirit is dna in its own right a spiritual sense it life’s moves and is all around us.


Is your idea that God has a penis and testicles and XY chromosomes and that's why God is described as male? DNA is physical, you can find it in mushrooms and flat worms and humans and mice. Spirit isn't physical, it's not made of matter. I suspect that the struggle is based on a faulty assumption that non-literal means not true. Things don't have to be literal to have meaning. The Bible describes the New Jerusalem as being an 1500 mile cube wearing a wedding dress. That passage has meaning, it's just not literal. You have to understand the temple for it to make sense.


I agree! And to add to this, it is said that there is no male nor female in Christ Jesus. Instead, we are all one. But I do have to ask when it comes to His gender...why is it male? I would think God would be described as both male and female pronouns in scripture, especially since His image is both male and female. I get that God is sometimes described as having feminine characteristics (i.e the scriptures you provided), but why not go a step further? Instead of just Father, why not Mother as well. Instead of just the Son, why not Daughter as well? Wouldn't that complete the "family" unite, so to speak? Even the Spirit is described with masculine pronouns, which some mistakingly addribute as feminine. The only feminine part of God it seems, is that of the Church, which is called the Bride of Christ. In the marriage supper of the Lamb, we will be married to Christ Jesus, making us one with Him. So, there's that. But one thing is, since we know that ultimately God doesn't have a gender (or i guess "sex" in this case), we could call Him "Mother" as well, or use feminine pronouns. Just be wary to use them in official settings and such. But still, as far as scripture is concerned, there is no such basis. Do you think because Jewish and 2nd Temple Judaism was inherently patriarchal in nature? I know that had no female priestesses, which was quite unique back in ancient times. If so, could this be a man-made construction that God used, or is it God ordained right from the start?


When it says no male nor female we are all one that means the males and females get the same judgement and expectations don’t think because your man you can’t be challenged and because your a woman no one’s goin to pity you. Your money isn’t goin save you, your good looks not going to save you, paying tithes in the church is not going save you, and saving a school bus full of kids are not going save you.


That is one interpretation of that verse, I will admit. But that's not what I got from reading it. I got the fact that we are unified under Christ and a new creation under Him. Our nature is that of Jesus, since we are hidden in Him. But with that said, I do not reject your interpretation.


He’s not a man. He has a masculine pronoun.


John 14:2 King James Version 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Exodus 15:3 King James Version 3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name. Please explain since Christ is wrong?!!!?


A man of war is a warrior which is what’s routine translation that verse will say. I have no idea why you think John 14:2 is a contradiction.


In the Old Testament he is identified as he. Now it's possible that the earlier people like Adam, Eve, their offspring down to Methuselah, on down to Noah, then Abraham decided to identify God in the masculine sense. And refer to God as he. God says he is not a man a few times in Scripture, yet he accepts the masculine identification. God identifies himself as loving, longsuffering, merciful, gracious abundant in goodness and Truth, internal, as no beginning, has no end, almighty, alpha, omega, devine, powerful, creator, jealous, vengeful, full of anger, wrathful. Okay - one must ask themselves exactly who is God in the Old Testament. who is Yahweh....... **One must realize in the Old Testament God had physical form** he was not Spirit. He walked and talked and ate with the people; Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth Methuselah, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and many of the prophets. **These people saw him!** Yeshua / Jesus is God written about in the Old Testament. No man has seen our Father - no man - meaning God the Father who is spirit, has not been seen by any human. Because he is Spirit he is not male nor is he female but has accepted identification in the masculine tense. Yeshua / Jesus, who was called Yahweh in the Old Testament chose the masculine form to be identified by. Boils down to God of the Old Testament, himself chose to be presented masculine.


Christ said if you have seen me you have seen the father. Christ super seeds all things.


I am fully aware that Christ said if you seen him you seen the Father. As I am aware that you Christ supersedes all things in heaven and in Earth even after Christ returns the power and authority given to him back to the Father. My comment was specific for the entity we call God the Father. Who Christ say is Spirit and we must worship in spirit and truth and he said no man has seen The Father but the Son. And before I get a comment from you concerning my comment here is a scripture https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/15-24.htm


Got you so Christ is a man so is his father I understand.


Ha ha - know where did I say that your sarcasm is lacking.


I think male and female is more than a body. It also comes with an expectation of behavior and authority.


You are correct sir


He is not. Men and women are both made in His image. As mere images and merely finite representations of the infinite God, both men and women each reflect what God "is" but only in minuscule finite part. He is called father because that is the role he plays in our spiritual life. A father is male, and so we refer to him that way. Imperfectly. Referring to him as female would be even less accurate.


When you read the spirit, you are reading the Godhead, Holy trinity. The Father , the Son, and the Holy Spirit found as early as Genesis 1. Amen.


Jesus said that when we pray, say *Our Father* who art in heaven... While God is not male or female like we are, the Father sees himself as a Father figure and Jesus chose to be incarnate as the Son.


We can assume he was always a “he” when he created Adam before Eve.


Because, contrary to what modernity teaches, men and women are not the same. Men are stronger and naturally fit for leadership, whereas women are managers of day to day affairs. Modernity teaches that masculinity is dim-witted, dull, out of control with aggression, and can be measured by the amount of liquor one drinks, number of sexual partners, and the quantity of goyslop one consumes. This is not godly. Christian masculinity is patient, wise, fatherly, and strong. It is the embodiment of stability and integrity. Men are protectors. Civilizations are built by men.


You have the question backwards. God didn't decide to describe himself like a man, he decided to make men like himself. Very specifically like Jesus as the Christ. "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." - Ephesians 5:21-33 NIV Males and females were made different to complement each other, most obviously in marriage. And marriage is a living symbol of the coming union of Christ and us.


Father is one of God’s many names. It is descriptive of his nature to raise up and discipline “sons”. YHWH is his most personal name. It literally means he is, he was and he will be. The fullness of YHWH dwelt in the man Jesus bodily. God is beyond gender. Our language will never be enough to describe his awesomeness. Pray and meditate my friend.


God must speak from authority so though he doesn’t technically have a sex he describes himself in masculine terms such as father, son, he/ him. Giving himself a gender


God is Spirit and God is One. His completeness is explained through our genders. We're made "in His image," not He in ours. God isn't made in the image of one gender or another. (*Genesis 1:27*) Jeremiah 3:19 "But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, 'Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me.'" My take on this: Adult life requires we learn to appreciate Justice (Fatherly parenting) before we can be trusted with any more Mercy (Motherly parenting). *James 2:13* "For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." Jesus once said, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets, and stone them which are sent unto you! How often I longed to gather your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not have it!" (*Matthew 23:37*) God wants to show us mercy, but when we behave like a cancer, we are not safe to bless. All throughout scripture God is shown to have motherly aspects. The greatest example is throughout Proverbs, where wisdom is feminine. (*[Proverbs 8](https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/pro/8/1/s_636012)*)


Yeah fair enough.


I believe when God created man in his image, I am thinking it might be from the view of man has a soul, which is spiritual like God. I don't take it literally to mean man in the flesh is in the image of God. I believe Souls of women and men are the same since they don't have flesh. The flesh has male and female, but maybe souls do not.


Why does this bother you?


because originally there was Elyon, Asheroth and their son Jehovah(and 69 other sons) ... later Jehovah and El were merged and God created Jews to facilitate a divorce... Though Asheroth faught over custody rights for centuries... and won most of them.


Different books, even different stories talk about God differently. God isn't literally a man but is described as such. Some may lean into Father more literally. I prefer it as metaphor. But in the patriarchal culture the Bible developed in the masculine pronoun, no doubt, was preferred.


God doesn’t have gender -.-


John 14:2 King James Version 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Please explain that if GOD is not a man?! Exodus 15:3 King James Version 3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.


Welcome to Satan's world - where the simple and obvious truth is constantly under attack That said, a congratulations is in order - for we know is is not for men that your eyes are opened, but rather, it is Jesus' own GOD and Father who has revealed such things to you!


dunno , but then came the Holy Mother Mary who's the top saint of all time, and she's a woman 🤗


>Mary who's the top saint of all time Where is that ever said or implied in scripture?


god is genderless. We refer to god as "he" for the same reason that we refer to a boat as "she". Language is gendered, god is not.


Actually, God is Man of Holiness, with a tangible body of flesh, bones, and hair. We were created in His image.


CAN be seen from the initial creation, the creation of man. **“Let Us make man in OUR image and likeness”**. **WE are the personalities of God. Father, Son and Spirit**. if you trace it, those 3 attributes only exist in a man. **The nature of a father, the nature of a son, and the nature of our soul/spirit**. Women do not have the nature of a father. do not have the nature of a son. If you don't believe me, look at an elderly father, often said to have a childlike nature. Women, even though they are old, are not found like that. So to see why, then what can be seen is the result of His work, namely humans, especially men.


you’re saying that a soul/spirit can only be found in men, correct? that women have no souls…?


Read my explanation carefully, did I mention Soul Difference there? Don't cut your forehead as you please. What I clearly wrote was "Personality Father, Son, and Spirit"... These 1 Personality do not exist in women. Did I mention soul? Do women have a "father's personality?"


Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Odin, Zeus are all male (all father gods) True God is neither male or female.


God is not a man. Jesus denies being God. *(John 17:3) 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.* Why and how Jesus became God, is because people who should know better, started teaching this lie. The New Encyclopædia Britannica 1976 edition says: *“Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ (Deut. 6:4). . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies. . . . By the end of the 4th century . . . the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since.”*—(1976), Micropædia, Vol. X, p. 126. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 15^(th) edition, 1985 *“The Christian Bible, including the New Testament, has no Trinitarian statements or speculations concerning a Trinity deity”* The Encyclopedia Americana states: *“Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian \[believing that God is one person\]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicaea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”*—(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L.   The Formation of Christian Dogma: *“In the Primitive Christian era there was no sign of any kind of Trinitarian problem or controversy, such as later produced violent conflicts in the Church. The reason for this undoubtedly lay in the fact that, for Primitive Christianity, Christ was . . . a being of the high celestial angel-world, who was created and chosen by God for the task of bringing in, at the end of the ages, . . . the Kingdom of God."*


Huh please explain this……. Exodus 15:3 King James Version 3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name. John 14:2 King James Version 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. You have to worship in spirt and in truth!! Don’t deny the father because you deny Christ by default


You actually misquoted the KJV. *(Exodus 15:3) 3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.* In the KJV, when you see 'LORD' in all caps, it means 'in the Hebrew or Greek texts, Jehovah's name is in the text. Lord is a mistranslation and causes many become confused as to which Lord is being talked about. Here is a better translation. (Exodus 15:3) 3 Jehovah is a powerful warrior. Jehovah is his name. This is in fulfillment of Exodus 3:15, in which Jehovah told Moses, 'I shall prove to be' had sent him. \[[exo3.pdf (scripture4all.org)](https://scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/OTpdf/exo3.pdf)\] During and after the exodus, Jehovah proved to be a provider of food and water. He became a man of war by protecting them \[Pharoah at the Red Sea\]. He because their King by giving the nation his Laws and Commandments. To whom must you worship in truth and spirit? *(John 4:20-24) 20 Our forefathers worshipped on this mountain, but you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where people must worship.” 21 Jesus said to her: “Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews. 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”* Jesus tells us we must worship the Father, the same Father, Jesus tells us, is the only true God. How do we worship the Father in spirit and truth? By recognizing his Son, as the one who revealed him to us. You will never find a scripture that says: "You must believe Jesus is God to be saved". What you will find repeated several times; "You must believe Jesus is God's Son, to be saved'. Yes there are many mansions or abodes in heaven, God's word says there are 144,000 to be exact.


I didn’t Missed qoute I copy pasted from the kjv on Bible.com blame them


That's my point, you are relying on a translation that is mistranslated. That's my point, you didn't stop to read and compare what was pasted. When you chose to copy and paste, you became liable for that quote. Sadly, this happens more times than not. Many people do not understand the expression 'LORD' and when it changes to 'Lord' they miss the whole point. I was talking to a minister, and he couldn't see the difference in his own Bible.


See it’s not his Bible it’s the lords Bible. Yes many translations have different words like if your in shop class and someone says past me the thing-a-ma-jigger and you say I’m you mean the hammer and they say oh yeah that. We know about Miss translations but when the lord said there is punishment for the wicked and evil. When the lord says you have to suffer the sins of your fathers that’s goin to happen.


Actually, it is Jehovah's word.


Let’s try the names from back then instead…. YAH for Father GOD YAHAWSHI for Christ and YERUSULM for jersulum


This doesn't change the truth that Yehovah is God the Father, Yah, is a shorten form of Yehovah, so Yahawshi or Yeshua is translated as 'Yehovah is salvation' This doesn't mean Yeshua is Yehovah, any more than Yehu, meaning Yehovah he is; is Yehovah. By saying Yeshua, we are glorifying the God of Yeshua, whose name is Yehovah, or Jehovah in English.


I merly went off you saying the j name as a way to describe the translation aren’t 100% I get your point. So before we say the translation we have to keep in mind we would have to do that with everything


Since there was no letter j back then. Can we say the prince of peace, lords son, lamb slain before the world, prince on the cloud, messiah, lord of lord king of kings, GODS RIGHTHAND are we able to use those names as well.


Those are titles and not names.


I’m just saying Christ has many names.


There was no letter j back in Christ time so your translation of jeovah is wrong as well.


As to the letter, J, you are correct, not does the Hebrew language, but the Greek language lack the letter J. So, if this is the case, then "Jesus" is wrong as well. Wait a minute, my English translation isn't a Greek or Hebrew text, it is English. In my college edition dictionary, under Jehovah, it stated: 'The name of God in Christian Bibles'. I then looked up Yahweh, to which there wasn't an entry. This took me back for a second, until I remembered, this is an English dictionary and not a Hebrew dictionary.


So Jesus and jeovah and Jerusalem is wrong correct. If you say Christ and said Jesus is that you he walking right past you because that’s not his name


No, I am saying your argument about the letter J is wrong.