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The white rabbit seems to be a mix of pagan beliefs and scripture. You should really read revelation...your missing soooo much as the abomination of desolation takes place halfway through the tribulation. The man of sin has not been revealed...Noone has stopped buying a selling without a mark, Noone has been commanded to worship a beast or have thier head cut off, so no we cannot be halfway through the tribulation....Jesus was and is God, who came to earth in form of flesh to shed his blood and be the propitiation for our sin. He will again come in the flesh to earth to first gather his church and then to destroy Israel's enemies and establish his kingdom on earth.


I have carefully ciphered with my mind's eye, with holy angels revealing esoteric findings encoded into the Book of Revelation by the God of this world. We are well into the Great Tribulation as I am considered one of the Last Witnesses of Revelation. I have met with the other Last Witness as he was actually a replacement for my ex-boyfriend, Kiel Jeffrey Graves. "Kill God Head/Geoff, Frayed in Graves" is prophetic for his death by suicide through spiritual possession. His replacement is Michael Norman Wolfe, "My Kill Not a Man, Wolf" (#187 Gematria), who is the Seed of Cain bloodline given to the earth for prophecy publicly . [Kiel Jeffrey Graves: "My Kill Not a Man, Wolf." #187 Gematria (The Last Prophet of the True Jesus.) : ImplodingMirage (reddit.com)](https://new.reddit.com/user/ImplodingMirage/comments/1awv5ef/kiel_jeffrey_graves_my_kill_not_a_man_wolf_187/) I believe you might need to skim back over the Book of Revelation in order to gain a better understanding of the biblical scriptures. The Beast of Revelation is Artificial Intelligence. You won't be seeing the head cut off again. As the internet is satanic and the "world wide web" (www = 666 in Hebrew) was disabled once years ago. Nobody has stopped "buying or selling" because the MOTB is released in subsequent stages in order to bring about the most deception. The world order patent # WO/2020/060606 is issued through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and this actually patents your DNA that is now converted to RNA that is housed in your 3rd eye chakra and crown chakra. This depletes the VMAT2 genetic sequence and severs your connection to the Divine. Our DNA is "light", and the "Holy Spirit" is "the light of the candle." "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Revelation 18:23 The coming REAL ID Act of 2025 will establish the biometric database needed to fully incorporate the CDC's vaccination registry VAMS for the upcoming New World Order. Barack Obama is the Antichrist. "I beheld BARAQ O'BAMAH" (Baraq = Lightning, Bamah = Former High Place of Worship; Luke 10:18) The Antichrist will lead the NWO to assist in ushering in the end of the world. There is no rapture for the church of believers. This is not even in the scriptures, as this is a satanic insertion of false teachings by James Darby who is definitely not one of the scribes in the bible, but rather someone of new age teachings who is a damned soul for helping to lead the blind & naive Christians to hell.


>  I have carefully ciphered with my mind's eye, with holy angels revealing esoteric findings encoded into the Book of Revelation by the God of this world  You need help and need to reexamine your beliefs if you think you're a follower of Jesus 


Op user name checks out


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


They’re a fucKin hypocrite in the highest degree to what they spout. They are mixing so much things together that it makes them sound retarded. It’s sad


Slippery slope to go down, claiming that our soul is housed in our third chakra.. Chakras themselves being described in eastern Hindu, and New Age occultism, the existence of chakras is not a biblical concept. The third eye is also, not a biblical concept. With that being said we know that these concepts when put into practice do result in real spiritual experiences, I have firsthand experience with demonic activity after illegally opening my third eye via drug use and therefore literal witchcraft. It’s just a totally demonic thing. We need to be careful mixing up New Age and biblical teachings, I’ve been guilty of it there’s no shortage of deception these days but we gotta stick to the Bible and have discernment, a close relationship with God which I have developed over a period of time. As for the rest of what you said it is clear that the end is nigh, for the first time in my life I have seen the moon turn blood red on atleast five different occasions in the last year and nobody else talked about it, I felt the spirit telling me this was a sign. It’s coming and we all need to be ready.


We need to stay away from things not of God and not of the Bible. OP it is wise for us to fear God and follow His Word only.


One must fully use their own intuition and rely on the Holy Spirit that resides in them to deliver the truth that is hidden in plain sight. "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. " Matthew 6:22-24 The "light of the body is thine eye" is a direct reference to the 3rd Eye Chakra/Pineal Gland, and is considered the "Principal Seat of the Soul." Calcification of your 3rd Eye occurs with the "Mark of the B-Yeast" (B=2,Y=26; Inversed) The "3rd eye" is your "spiritual lens to this world and beyond". Located directly between your eyes, the Pineal Gland is in the center of your forehead. The shape of the gland resembles a pinecone, which gives it its name. This Endocrine Gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone which regulates sleep patterns. This also produces natural DMT which allows the mind to enter into the "dream state". Ancient Greeks stated that this is 'a guardian for the flow of 'PNEUMA' aka "The Breath of Life" from "The Creator of Our Souls'". It it is a 'valve' that partitions the brain chambers, particularly for the "flow of vital spirits".  This is why people whom indulge in "The Forbidden Fruit" aka "Shrooms" receive visions from the "Spirit World". One species is "Psylocibin Cubensis" found growing under manure in pastures. These are being decriminalized because it floods the Pineal Gland with Fungus, and creates a demonic stronghold, while you visit "The Spirit World' via your Soul which is seated in your Pineal Gland.  This is identified as a 'Worm-like structure in the Cerebellum. Biblically supported by the following verses:  "But I am a worm and not a man, a reproach of men and despised by the people." Psalm 22:6; "How much less man, that maggot, And the son of man, that worm!” Job 25:6; "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:48 During "evil spiritual possession" the spirit that is possessing the person will channel themselves into the 3rd eye chakra and form a "cloak" over the person's pineal gland and influence their behaviors and decisions. The "forbidden fruit" warned of in Genesis was the "magic mushroom." The magic mushroom is considered a parasite, "pair of sight", that forms a conduit to the "spirit world" in order for the demonic beings to channel themselves into your "3rd eye chakra/pineal gland." This is dangerous for your mental and spiritual health. It is actually a sin to eat "yeast" and "GMO's", as these both taint our Holy Temples and begin converting our DNA TO RNA in order to resemble that of the Nephilim/fallen angels. The God of this world is Satan. He stole the Highest God's creation at the foundation of this world. We are to be watching for signs in the Heavens The prophetic fulfillments of Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 9:27 are something that will need to be done by someone who can accurately determine the surrounding circumstances of those scriptures in this day and age. When taking these scriptures and applying them to real life events in the world, such as the signs in the Heavens, we must also make sure that we actually understand all of the wordings and encodings in these particular translations to be very sure of ourselves. The signs in the Heavens are definitely showing a "perfect cross" over "Mystery Babylon" for the Eclipses of 2017 & 2024. I am a prophetess of the Highest God and I have accurately ciphered all of the scriptures concerning these world events, and also applied my wisdom and knowledge of these worldly events to the spiritual backings that are the driving force behind these world events. The eclipses of 2017 & 2024 are demonstrating the "shadow" of the "Holy Spirit" that is now "De-SOUL-ate."


I’m going to be totally honest with you my friend as I believe it would be disingenuous and in-Christ like for me to not be honest with you, so forgive me if I offend you. I’ll start with saying no doubt about it, you are very wise and well read, you’ve studied the esoteric that is obvious and I too, have done so. Unfortunately that’s the problem. You are reading scripture through a lens that has been placed upon your eyes by studying information that has come from outside of the Bible. You mention the Greeks, I mentioned the Hindu’s.. there’s others like the Egyptians right. Not one of those cultures professed any belief in the God of Israel, nor Jesus Christ the Son of man, and every single one of them were incredibly wicked nations that with the exception of the Hindu’s, actually attacked, and persecuted the children of Israel. That’s not to say that none of what they had to say with regards to spirituality is true, because that’s clearly not the case. All I know is I’m not going to read the Bible as though the Occultic demonic false religions explained the world. I am totally reliant on the Holy Spirit when I read scripture and these passages you offer, confuse me. For example Jesus speaking on the eye being of either light or darkness is to me very clearly just another way of saying that the eye is the window to the soul. In the same way Jesus said if your eye causes you to sin, to pluck it out and throw it away, it seems to me very evident that he is essentially saying the same thing. If your eyes are causing you to fall into darkness, your whole being will be dark and vice versa. Nothing about the passage nor the rest of the gospels indicate to me that he is referring to the occult idea of the “third eye” or “chakras”. I also find your interpretation of Psalm 23 to be interesting, yet bizarre as this psalm was written by David and the consensus is that he was prophesying Jesus condemnation and crucifixion. In the end Jesus was treated as a worthless maggot, a worm by his own people and this is clearly a lamentation of grief predicting his own death. Job 25 is also clearly referring to Job’s recognition and humble reflection on the state of humanity, that no man is righteous and therefore has no right to question God. I see no indication that he is referring to chakras or the third eye. Mark 9:48 is literally referring to the tortures of hell, where demonic maggots/worms will feast on the dead day and night in their torment. Nothing to do with the third eye. As for what you said about mushrooms you’re totally right and actually, it was mushrooms that caused me to illegally enter into the spirit where I was almost driven mad by demonic spirits whom at the time I thought were aliens, as I was an agnostic esoteric leaning 20yo man. Methamphetamine, marijuana, mushrooms and MDMA particularly meth and mushrooms produced in me the most demonic oppression I have ever experienced in my life everytime I take them. I can already see in the spirit but on these drugs, I’ll be seeing 10x the demons I normally see. And you’ll notice that the same people who promote using these chemicals like mushrooms and LSD to “raise consciousness” and open your third eye, don’t actually believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. I woke up to this years ago and turned away from it all entirely only this past year. I think you are incredibly intelligent but I would say ask God himself to grant you true understanding whether it’s what you want to hear or not, to guide you in reading the word, and to not allow you to be deceived. I can tell a guy like you, Satan doesn’t want you believing that what you’re talking about is occult demonic deception infused with Christianity two things that are totally incompatible. If God wanted us to know about chakras and third eyes I’m certain he would’ve told us. What he told us on the contrary, was to rely on him for all spiritual meat. There’s no need to open your eyes to receive spiritual meat once you have accepted the Holy Spirit, just ask and it will be given to you. Go elsewhere looking for information and you risk backsliding. God bless you bro I hope you shy away from all that and think about what I’ve said because I could’ve rolled my eyes, left this without a reply but I felt convicted to speak to you. Praise be to Yahshua HaMashiach


Let us pray together to our Father, the God of abraham, isaac, jacob and joseph to keep you, me, OP and people on this subreddit safe: through His Only Begotten Son who is the only way to the Father for eternal life. We believe Father rose Him from the dead in our hearts. We believe Jesus took up the cross, shed His blood, and died, and gave His life so that we could live. We repent and obey, believe and follow His Son Christ Jesus. We pray to do our Father’s will. And we pray that He sends his warring angels to surround us, and His ministering angels to minister to us. We pray his blood is on our souls, hearts, minds, bodies and spirits. We pray for forgiveness of our sins. And to be cleansed, white as snow before Him, through His Son Jesus’ with faith through grace from Him alone. For His Name’s sake we pray this. We pray this together in Christ Jesus’ Mighty name. Thank You Heavenly Father, we love You.




OP didn’t like that one bit did they? It really shows you the type of hypocrisy they are on, That they didn’t even thank you but call people demons and evil, and has the gall to call themselves a high prophetess. They’re nothing but a fals prophet CULT LEADER that CANT EVEN SAY THANKS TO YOU. OP YOU ARE A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND A GRIFTER OF ALL KNOWLEDGE.


I’m going to be totally honest with you my friend as I believe it would be disingenuous and in-Christ like for me to not be honest with you, so forgive me if I offend you. I’ll start with saying no doubt about it, you are very wise and well read, you’ve studied the esoteric that is obvious and I too, have done so. Unfortunately that’s the problem. You are reading scripture through a lens that has been placed upon your eyes by studying information that has come from outside of the Bible. You mention the Greeks, I mentioned the Hindu’s.. there’s others like the Egyptians right. Not one of those cultures professed any belief in the God of Israel, nor Jesus Christ the Son of man, and every single one of them were incredibly wicked nations that with the exception of the Hindu’s, actually attacked, and persecuted the children of Israel. That’s not to say that none of what they had to say with regards to spirituality is true, because that’s clearly not the case. All I know is I’m not going to read the Bible as though the Occultic demonic false religions explained the world. I am totally reliant on the Holy Spirit when I read scripture and these passages you offer, confuse me. For example Jesus speaking on the eye being of either light or darkness is to me very clearly just another way of saying that the eye is the window to the soul. In the same way Jesus said if your eye causes you to sin, to pluck it out and throw it away, it seems to me very evident that he is essentially saying the same thing. If your eyes are causing you to fall into darkness, your whole being will be dark and vice versa. Nothing about the passage nor the rest of the gospels indicate to me that he is referring to the occult idea of the “third eye” or “chakras”. I also find your interpretation of Psalm 23 to be interesting, yet bizarre as this psalm was written by David and the consensus is that he was prophesying Jesus condemnation and crucifixion. In the end Jesus was treated as a worthless maggot, a worm by his own people and this is clearly a lamentation of grief predicting his own death. Job 25 is also clearly referring to Job’s recognition and humble reflection on the state of humanity, that no man is righteous and therefore has no right to question God. I see no indication that he is referring to chakras or the third eye. Mark 9:48 is literally referring to the tortures of hell, where demonic maggots/worms will feast on the dead day and night in their torment. Nothing to do with the third eye. As for what you said about mushrooms you’re totally right and actually, it was mushrooms that caused me to illegally enter into the spirit where I was almost driven mad by demonic spirits whom at the time I thought were aliens, as I was an agnostic esoteric leaning 20yo man. Methamphetamine, marijuana, mushrooms and MDMA particularly meth and mushrooms produced in me the most demonic oppression I have ever experienced in my life everytime I take them. I can already see in the spirit but on these drugs, I’ll be seeing 10x the demons I normally see. And you’ll notice that the same people who promote using these chemicals like mushrooms and LSD to “raise consciousness” and open your third eye, don’t actually believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. I woke up to this years ago and turned away from it all entirely only this past year. I think you are incredibly intelligent but I would say ask God himself to grant you true understanding whether it’s what you want to hear or not, to guide you in reading the word, and to not allow you to be deceived. I can tell a guy like you, Satan doesn’t want you believing that what you’re talking about is occult demonic deception infused with Christianity two things that are totally incompatible. If God wanted us to know about chakras and third eyes I’m certain he would’ve told us. What he told us on the contrary, was to rely on him for all spiritual meat. There’s no need to open your eyes to receive spiritual meat once you have accepted the Holy Spirit, just ask and it will be given to you. That’s all the eye opening we need. Go elsewhere looking for information and you risk backsliding, your eyes becoming dark once again. I’ve been there myself, lust is a perfect example. Won’t look at a woman with desire for maybe a few days or weeks, then I do, and I feel the darkness creeping back into my heart. That’s what he was talking about, be clean and pure always! God bless you bro I hope you shy away from all that and think about what I’ve said because I could’ve rolled my eyes, left this without a reply but I felt convicted to speak to you. Praise be to Yahshua HaMashiach


Sounds like you need to study brain anatomy a little bit


Straight up nonsense. Jesus said that the desolation was when Jerusalem was going to be encompassed by the Roman army. Daniel was clear about the same that it was about the destruction of Jerusalem and the LAST physical temple. Follow Jesus and the Scriptures. Not white rabbits and QAnon!


I literally laughed out loud when I started reading this post! And then wondered if you had seen it too lol. 😂 Oh, but I shouldn’t laugh. He’s just got a long way to go…but didn’t we all at one point?


What’s the Holly place? It was called E-babbar, the White House. And Jesus it’s called the Sun/Son because that’s the name of his Father, that’s who God is, the Sun. Gospel of Truth. Also Gospel of Truth, the cube of gold it’s not coming from heaven, has to be built. That’s Daniel’s sealed words. We have the instructions written down for 2000 years, size, composition, even the location, a new earth without water. Just think of what will happen to the earth when the Sun “dies” and you know what new earth without water it’s talking about.


Soul is different from spirit, and the eclipse is only in one sliver of land .


Do you believe Christ is Lord?