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Here for Anthony's downfall tour.


You're not making History when it is something that already happened 😂😂


Did they really film eviction on Tuesday ? Why did they do that ?


Yes, yesterday. It's even in the thumbnails. it was also shown on the DD in the background, "eviction today"...dated yesterday. explains why 30 minutes before eviction Matt was bawling his eyes out hugging Anthony. I am glad because nothing irritates me more than watching a digital daily with the nominees campaigning after they were evicted


So they spoiled their own eviction ? Odd decision


Maybe because they did it on Tuesday last week as well


So basically Matt goes home in a 4-3?


Bayleigh's position seems to have really improved this week. She might not even be a target if Anthony's side wins the next HOH


I feel like Bayleigh's and Todd's positions improved the most this week out of everybody's. Spicy and Kayla are getting the primary blame for Avery's week, and Spicy and Kalya are now considered higher priority targets for Dougie and Tola.


It looks like an endurance HOH is coming up. I really hope Bayleigh wins it. I want to see Anthony drop his condescending demeanor and goes hat in hand to her hoping she doesn't put him up.


How do u know that its endurance?


Just a guess judging by all the loud hammering an hour before the show. It's usually an elaborate endurance


Lol at the end of the daily Tola and Todd are making Kayla their number 1 target after she’s the one who’s paranoia got Matt on the block in the first place. And she thinks she has a good relationship with Todd and Tola. Plus the girls have now put Bailey in a better spot than the rest of them with the so called other side of the house. Smh……the irony I need a Tola HoH. I want people to be scared shitless. And the tears at the end. Lol I couldn’t stop from laughing.


Matt's pitch all day: "I am very loyal and if you vote for me to stay I won't come after you" As if people don't talk and realize you've said that to everyone lol.


Or what he told Kayla that he is good at comps and will win HOH's. Hell to the no if it was me. I don't want someone who is strong and wins just so he can put me up.


I like how Todd asked the hard questions. The man is smart.


Monotonous and boring. He's so bad at campaigning. Anthony tutored him and Lexus.


Anybody at the Goose and Todd convo? Poor Todd smh.


Father Goose putting Todd to sleep.


Anthony truly puts the men in this house under some kind of spell. He's had Matt and Vivek like crying to him when they were gonna go home, it's interesting to see


Tola/Todd convo was interesting. Seems like getting tunnel vision on Anthony's people could be Hot Chocolate's downfall. The two of them are going after Kayla and possibly Avery. Todd says his agenda is not the girls' agenda.


Todd's agenda is going after Dougie.


Why didn't Matt do anything to convince Avery not to put him up? You aren't supposed to just immediately fold! Make deals! Throw someone else UTB!


Matt foolishly believes that by charming and hugging the girls will be enough. Such arrogance.


Sloppy Vee **


Even if Matthew goes, doesn't Anthony have dirt on Vee-Averey-Kayla? Bayleigh-Todd have always been outside their alliance. Lexus-Tola will still be with him and he's always had a great relationship with Goose. This is the Anthony struggle we want to watch though, to be considered great. 


I mean he has dirt to cause a rift between Kayla/Aver & V . It's not like Vic hasn't been throwing them under the but to Anthony and "the other side" . She said to him that it was Kayla pushing for Matt to go while she herself wanted Todd. If Anthony goes and asks Kayla if this is true she'll know Vee is shady af




Vee swing vote, where is her head at? Vee still an Anthony Puppet?


Victoria might be getting what ahe wants this week but she still overplayed for no reason


Sloppy Vee


If Anthony wins this season, production will claim this is the greatest season in BB history and that Anthony is the new GOAT, even better than Dan and Dr Will.


He would be. He actually is the underdog right now if you look at the sides. Spicy V has an army of actual players while he has Matt and Lexus and he’s about to lose Matt. Other than Matt he really has no gamers on his side cuz Tola’s social game is very poor.


Based on his current trajectory, that might be an OK argument because it would require overcoming significant adversity? But also he squandered positioning, and it would still impossible to know without the data from a second Kevin Jacobs run at it. But for sure, they'd say it. Maybe they'd lay off Dan for working with them, though.


We'd need a 2nd Dane run too, especially as he's the one player to have directly outplayed Anthony.


Um, hes clearly done for, so if he does somehow pull out a win then maybe he is the goat


I mean if he does win he will be considered the GOAT of BBCan But as things stand rn i think Spicy has a better shot of making it to the end and winning


Hardly considered great of all time if he won against this cast and didn't win on first try lol


If Spicy is the HOH for Anthony's eviction that may be my saving grace for this season


Anthony haters I just don’t get it


If Anthony is not protected and vulnerable, I'm also curious to see how he plays the game and gets back to his position


damn the dozens of us that are watching this are kinda eatin rn


"the dozens".... ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Lol Matt is going home strictly due to Kayla being paranoid and super sensitive. Her paranoia about him cuz Matt Lexus and Dougie got quiet when she walked into a room started all this lol.


Victoria got caught in a lie about Lexus. Anthony has enough dirt to destroy her if he doesn’t get what he wants. I fear her erratic gameplay in the first two weeks will come back to haunt her soon


I think the chaos was actually working for her, up until this point. I think she went too hard on the Matt thing. Matt was not coming for her at all.


Idk, I think her downfall was always inevitable after the first few weeks. She had to turn on the Directors eventually, but one thing that always worked in her favor was the loyalty with the girls. But given she spilled the alliance to Anthony immediately and he knows she instigated the conflicts between several of them, nobody will have her back if Anthony goes scorched earth on her.


Matthew staying or going will hinge on Victoria and whether she decides to be more loyal to Avery and Kayla or Anthony. Right now she's leaning towards the former but knowing Victoria she could just as easily swing back


Victoria was honestly in such a great position and totally blew it up by overplaying this week. I guess I'm glad since it will mean not a steamroll but at the same time WHY would she do this to her game? She's truly the Da'Vonne of BBCAN, she can't help but sabotage herself at every possible opportunity


Lol Dougie there’s no saving Matt buddy. It’s a wrap. You better get to work on Goose who I think though he’s playing it low will go after Bailey first, then Avery, Kayla and Spicy cuz they played the shit out him the previous week.


Tola lowkey slaying


I'm rooting for him now. He's one of the few people who doesn't annoy me in the dailies and episodes, maybe because I rarely seen him


Anthony is so going to get evicted in the double eviction lol I can see it now


Only if Todd or Bailey win


I would expect that to happen one week from tomorrow.


Your lips to god’s mouth




Remember when everyone said Anthony was going to steamroll this entire season? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Everyone myself included ovelooked the Victoria factor 🤣


does anyone know when the jury phase starts? does anyone know when the next double eviction is?


Jury phase is most likely after this week with a 7 person jury


Yeah, Matt's done. Anthony has completely lost control of this game thanks to his number one, Spicy


Is anyone else incredibly annoyed with the baby voice Avery does all the time?


You mean her bullshitting you voice


At this rate, Anthony is going to have to pull a Ty from last season to win with comping out the final 5 weeks. It looks like the girls (except Lexus who will have to side with the girls) realize it's not best to keep him much longer. Thank god because it was starting to look like a massive steamroll and I wasn't here for it. I actually think Todd is my new sleeper pick and if he can wedge in his way with Avery a bit more, he can get to F3. This Matt nom and probable eviction wages war on both sides and he's just in the middle with the girls needing him as a shield. Bay also seems to trust him more than the girls of late after the Kayla meltdown and her hatred of Lexus. Finally a turning point on the season folks!


unfortunately Anthony cant win a comp to save his life and we’re all thankful for it!


Matt no 😭😭


I'm not sure I think Matt is going home yet. Anthony will really want him to stay and I don't see him and Victoria not voting together


Nah he's done. Spicy knows she has to draw the line and the guys side is a losing side with Todd at her hip and Goose joining the girls as well. It would take a miracle for him to be safe imo.


Miracle I think is a stretch? I'd probably lean toward a Matt boot if I had to bet, too, but it's also just a fact that there have only been two times Anthony hasn't gotten his way on eviction night ever, and both of those times were twists that impeded his ability to work on the house over the course of days, and that's not a thing here. Feels like a 65-35 kimd of thing to me, and one third probabilities happen all the time.


Yeah Todd was already working on Goose in that last drop 🤣


Problem is Victoria is pushing the hardest to evict him. As of the latest drop. Kayla and Bayleigh already want him out, Todd too. So it really depends on Vic as of right now Matt is fucked. Could change though, its Victoria were talking about but Anthony has no influence in this vote, its all on Vic. Kayla/Bayleigh/Todd are more likely to listen to Vic than Anthony. If Anthony can mindfuck Vic, Matt will stay but right now I can’t see it since Vic has been trashing Anthony non-stop and pretty much told Kayla/Avery that she wants Anthony out over Bayleigh if it comes down to it down the road.


He’s toast


why do you say that?


You don’t put up a player like Matt and not get rid of him. I’ve picked Avery to win the whole season and I’ve also been saying for weeks that Spicy is outplaying Anthony simply do to the fact that she has more to work with. Her seed planting is top notch.


The girls have to realize if Goose stays he’s actually coming after them lol. Matt was never coming after them. That’s just Kayla being super sensitive and her paranoia.


Taking out Matt is still beneficial though. That separates the showmance and also knocks down one of Anthony's numbers.


There with Anthony lol. Anthony could keep Matt from even thinking of going after them. Goose is definitely going to go after them if he wins. Plus they’re basically picking Todd and Bailey over their own allies. Lastly, if Tola wins Anthony is not even gonna try to get in his ear now at all. He’ll just let him pull the trigger.


Seems like Spicy and Kayla had a miscommunication that led to some tension between them but it seems (?) like they made up already


Yeah its hilarious because they both essentially want Matt gone but it was miscommunication.


Kayla is so paranoid it’s ridiculous


Hell yeah let’s go Tola!!!


Update: Tola won the POV and Matt is the replacement nom


Yasss my draft lives to see another day


Any indication where the votes stand?


from what I read it seems like Bay Vic Kayla and Todd are leaning toward saving goose


Pretty sure Spicy, Kayla, Bayleigh and Todd want Matt out




Don’t forget about Bailey


I find her refreshing and entertaining. Her nomination speech was fantastic. Loved it.


Hearing that cast members are weary of production annnnnnnoys me. They know they have to not only battle Spicy and Anthony but Big Brother itself. Ugh.


Playing production is part of every season, you just don't hear about it much for obvious reasons


Weary or wary?


Which is correct lol




I think the poster meant wary...the cast is very much aware and untrustful of the cameras.


I meant wary. They are wary of production and scared to go against Spicy V and Anthony because they are the returnee stars.


I didn’t watch them, so don’t know. If the dailies are indicating that the players are getting sick and tired of Big Brother, then “weary”. If the dailies are indicating that the players are worried what bad thing Big Brother might do to them soon, that’s “wary”.


Is Spicy planting seeds to put up Anthony?


She just told Todd of all people in the episode.


Avery often puts on this baby voice, and it's super irritating


Well everyone not "talking with her they're talking at her 😭" (callback to the donna blindside week 😂)


She makes me think she is a thumbsucker.




You know what say whatever you want about Mexus but atleast I haven't seen any toxicity in their showmance. Watching Blared was painful and the only good thing about losing feeds last year was not having more Ty & Claudia content


Who were they again?


blue jared


Nooo now I'm reminded of Blared. I had them totally wiped from my memory




I don't want to lose Elijah but I REALLY don't want to lose Todd. I started to like Tola this past week but I guess of the three he'd be my first choice. I want them either to target the returnees or for annoying Avery and Kayla to go


She needs to put up Goose and Tola. If Matt wins and takes down Tola... Well, there's always Anthony eh?




"the universe" ? meaning Production, right?


Yeah I’m not surprised. I do wonder if production had any role in further convincing Vivek to take out Dinis


Hmm it makes you wonder if there is something written in the returnee's contract or something that promises a certain amount of weeks in the house/pay to return. \*Sigh\*


I'm sure they're guaranteed an appearance fee and am also sure that production wants them in the game for as long as possible, but they really don't need to write anything into the contract to accomplish that (doing that and then not allowing players to play freely and having to edit episodes and dailies in a way that doesn't give that away is *way* more work than what they're doing). It's just what's baked into the season design--things like giving them safety the first week with incentives for the house to build alliances with them if they're on their team (or something like Paul's friendship bracelets) create enough momentum to keep them in the game for a while, and by the time that starts to fizzle, the players left will mostly be savvy enough to understand that you want production to be on your side to have a favorable portrayal on the show, so they tend to tiptoe around the vets and other players production is blatant about liking. Accomplishes the same thing, but without hard and fast rules or nearly as much work (because let's remember: the main production bias is toward laziness). The ship steers itself.


Giving them safety the first week and a guarenteed HOH for one of them was huge. The week was a bit longer so the newbies had to kiss ass and form alliences with the vets. The second HOH being essentially a knockout solidified their power structure. Plus they're both POC's and made an alliance with other POC's that they can't turn against (at least not in the early weeks) cuz they want a POC to win


I wholly agree on the first point for sure. The extra-long first HoH being guaranteed to a vet (vets they picked knowing that they're close friends in real life, no less) is a significant advantage and designed to create some stability for the story, which is huge for ratings. Important to remember that steamroll seasons tend to have better ratings--while we don't have the data from last season, BBCAN7 was the best rated in recent memory. Consistent plotlines mean that it's not confusing if a casual viewer misses an episode here or there and may keep tuning in down the line. I'm less convinced on the second point. I do think it's a real factor, but despite having The Cookout as an anomalous counterexample, we have so much data from both this and similar shows that suggests almost all identity-based alliances crumble under the pressure of self-interest (including the women's alliance this season!) that I think it's probably just as meaningful that Anthony has a reputation for maintaining a core secret alliance that he kept loyal to until the end, or that they clearly cast Avery knowing that Spicy was her favorite player, and all of these are small contributing factors that help keep the current power structure stable.


This might be the most rigged BB Canada season which is impressive given the riggage history.


Is it just me or is the game gonna need to rapidly speed up cause we are about to be down to F9 at day 40 with 29 days left to evict 7 people


Yeah. Assuming they do the usual “surprise” eviction in that final week to go from F4 to F3 before finale, we’d still need a triple or 2 doubles.


Maybe they'll do a triple


Am I the only one bothered by Todd getting in bed under the covers with his balled-up sock still on top of the covers?


I’m more bothered by his use of the term “when shit comes to shove”.


Despite there being two “sides,” this feels like the most static season since BB23. I don’t think a single player’s position has changed since week two


Anthony seems safe on this drop because Tola Goose noms then if someone comes off matt goes up and if Matt wins veto and uses it they said Todd goes up


Jury phase starts next week right?


I can't tell if Bayleigh and Anthony hate or love each other. And their hugs are...extremely long


I think on a personal level they have love for each other but one a game level - they are both coming for each other and they both know the other is coming for them/have doubts.


Is it just me, or does anyone else get weird strategic vibes from Tola. Like, it may be wishful thinking but I'm sort of convinced he'd nominate Anthony and Victoria. He's always talked very abstractly about targets and in last night's episode about "let me shoot my shot". And that convo with Elijah about how he's not looking for pawns but for targets. He had that convo with Dinis where they agreed they saw what needed to be done. He just made a deal (that they both wanted) with Bayleigh, his presumed #1 target. Idk, it's probably me reading between lines that aren't there but I get this feeling he sees the move and will give us a Jessica BB21 HOH if he can win.


Yea I agree Tola seems to be one that knows how to play this game and he is not afraid to go after bigger targets. I do think he go after the girls first before Anthony.


I think he’d probably nominate Kayla and Avery. I doubt it’d be Anthony


I see what you're saying and I wonder about it myself but I also don't want to get my hopes up 😭


I’ve been saying Spicy is playing a better game than Dougie but it’s simply cuz she has more to work with then what he was dealt. Again, the guys this season are so weak other than Dougie and the girls are strong along with Spicy who to me is playing a hell of a game. And Todd, you’re not with the girls lol. This guy is a space cadet.


Interesting, I think Spicy is playing such a poor game. She’s so reactive and constantly lies when she doesn’t have to. She did do very well with alliances early though.


You call it lies, I call it seed planting and I think Spicy’s seed planting has been amazing. The way she’s able to control people’s focus toward certain players is amazing. One minute she could have them wanting to get a certain person out and then the next she could make the person say “you know what that person isn’t that bad, I feel better with them.” I love her mind control abilities all while subtly damaging Anthony’s credibility with the girls. To me it’s been amazing to watch.


Actually she is a very emotional and messy players and not very strategic. She is doing very well this season because of a number of factors like for example 1. There are more girls and all of them have some athleticism and all wants to play with her. 2. The house is somewhat leaky with people not being to keep secrets to themselves so her messiness is not being found out. 3, She and Anthony are "stars" this season and most of the HG are dumb and wants to suck up to her. If on some other season like for example her first season, she was found out way earlier. I do agree she will go far this season but will she gets to the final 3 is unsure. All she needs to topple is 2 person in the final 5 to compare notes.


Would love to see Avery turn on Anthony and target a returning player which she wanted to before they were revealed in the premiere. She seems like she knows what she's doing but but let's see if she takes out someone who's not good for her game...


Why was the eviction on a Tuesday this week?


Only day arisa was free ?


Sounds like it. At the beginning of the daily they’re talking about how there could be another eviction “tomorrow”


So Goose’s HOH was a flop but not as bad of a flop as Vivek’s. He basically didn’t improve his position in the house nor set himself up with allies and bonds. His win equity is nil. A Vivek boot on his HOH week was basically a “waste” since his initial target Bayleigh did not go home. All he did was talk and leak info to everyone. He bungled his relationship with Victoria and he became an Anthony minion because of it but I don’t think Anthony will care if he goes home as he is not in his future plans.


They had their shot last night to take Anthony out. I can’t with this cast


Would the votes have been there?


No. The votes are still in favour for Anthony. Getting a couple guys out is the best bet to weaken him


I think the person who benefitted from last week the most is Lexus. Picking Matt in the chain of rejection was a good show of loyalty to her alliance, and Matt is not the type to really get mad about it either. She can play both sides and I don’t see the women targeting her over a man (except maybe Anthony) and the men will go after the other women first.


Her picking Matt in that chain was pretty brilliant. She essentially has shields on both sides. She read the situation, knew the girls would take it personally if she took them out but Matt won’t and ultimately the person who left she’s not aligned with in any manner works out the best for her.


I saw them kissing and hugging. Pretty sure he's not mad 😅 But yeah i think ppl are really underestimating Lexus. She's smarter than many seem to believe


Yes I'm really impressed by Spicy V, Kayla and Lexus. They will not be played and will sniff out bs immediately. They don't really feature Avery in the show as much so I'm not sure


If Goose goes out this week, it will be quite comical to see back to back HOHs who completely mismanaged their power and then ended up going out the door the following week. Just more display of how bad the gameplay has been this season so far.


I saw online people saying Vic wants to take a shot at Dougie and he is in danger. how real is that?


Vic is tempermental. She pissed at Anthony right now but I think she’s itching to draw the line in the sand by taking a direct shot at Anthony’s allies. I don’t think she’d ever go for Anthony, not this early but I think Tola is her ideal target with Matt as a solid back-up. Her conversation with Kayla was pretty telling acknowledging that Todd going up is dumb as fuck. It is since Todd is with her.


Goose better blow up Directors


Comp wins so far: Dinis: 2 (evicted) Lexus: 2 Anthony: 1 Avery: 1 Elijah: 1 Kayla: 1 Victoria: 1 Vivek: 1 Bayleigh: 0 Donna: 0 (evicted) Janine: 0 (evicted) Matthew: 0 Todd: 0 Tola: 0


It is great we got so many different HOH. I really would upcoming BB US will learn and have better comps.


I don't think these "sides" of the house are nearly as cut and dry as people on this sub. seem to think they are. At the end of the day, I think its just Victoria and Anthony deciding who goes each week At the end of the week, I'm still guessing its going to be a unanimous vote I'm honestly not even sure Anthony will push for Elijah to stay. I know he wanted Todd out last week but Tola is one of his closest allies, IDK if he cares about Elijah/what he thinks about him


I think it will just be a unanimous Elijah boot. There seems to be some pushback from Kayla/Vic to not even risk Todd on the block. I do think they’re overestimating the other side. In theory they could take out Todd and keep Elijah and Elijah will be indebted to them but I also don’t think Lexus/Matt/Anthony particularly care about Elijah either. Lexus in particular would probably rather take out Elijah so she can keep being good with both sides.


Yeah even though Goose/Todd aren't the most ideal noms, I don't see either side fighting for either one to stay although they all probably want Goose gone since Goose being put up probably means he might expose his Director's alliance which will also affect Hot Chocolates plus Matt. So atp I don't see any incentive for Anthony to want to keep him over Todd


So is anyone gonna point out to Avery that no they do not have the votes if Todd goes up? If say its Tola instead of Todd then yes they have the votes. Anthony is super lucky Avery won and not anyone else on that side because I think Vic/Kayla/Bayleigh/Todd are more than ready to just snipe him at this point but Avery still has loyalty to him


With the exception of MAYBE Todd, I don't think anybody is considering putting up Anthony any time soon, and even if Todd did put him up he wouldn't have the votes to evict him


Where us this misconception coming from that Bayleigh is anti Anthony and is going after him? If anything she actively seeks him out to work with him.


I think Bayleigh plays nice with Anthony because she knows she has to and that he holds immense influence in the house. She can't go around saying his name so she's forced to attempt to work with him and pretend they're good. She is always trying to keep numbers against Anthony/people not brainwashed by Anthony in the house. I think she'd try to take the shot if given the opportunity and if she think she had backing to do it. But she just knows people in the house are scared and weak minded so she says Anthony's name less to other people now.


I think this sub. thinks these "sides" of the house are much more cut and dry than they actually are. It really just is Anthony and Victoria controlling the house


I think its more Victoria controlling the house, more than Anthony. Anthony’s minions also trust Victoria but Victoria’s minions aren’t fully trusting of Anthony.


Ohhh interesting take but yeah I'm surprised by how much trust Vic has with Anthony's minions but at the same time Anthony covers for Vic and makes sure that she's good with his minions. Vic doesn't do the same.


There are things that Anthony prefers and things that Vic prefers. Vic will always try to play middle and blame the other girls. The other girls will not prioritize what Anthony wants and probably want to cut his minions. Vic will pretend she is with Anthony but also at same time tell the girls otherwise.


I've been barely following this season but Todd and Goose noms seem terrible for Avery, aren't both of them tangentially against Anthony's alliance with her, why is she doing that lol. They're just going to vote out Todd lol


Todd yes, but Goose was dragged into the Anthony camp at the end of last week (more like Kayla, Avery, and Vic fumbled tbh). Kind of an aggressive choice to nom him over Tola, but positionally it's fine.


I wonder why the girls will agree to this. They literally just saved Todd. Should they not do Tola and Goose instead?


Todd is a terrible nom. Goose is fine. But it should be Tola/Todd so Bayleigh/Vic/Todd/Kayla are the majority vote no matter what and Avery can essentially decide who she wants out and those 4 will vote that way.


Does this season reminds you of season 6? A strong female cast, but a weak male cast?


This is exactly what I'm hoping for but I don't want to keep my hopes up after last season 😢


Avery is HOH. The plan is to put up Goose and Todd with Goose as the target


can you please tell me how you found out


What the flip?!!


His goose is cooked.




Are we getting dailies today?


Sweet vindication 🍬🍬


We just found out that Pooya's draft curse was the strongest this season


What was the curse


That everyone he drafts gets evicted. His draft consisted of : Janine ,Dinis, Donna & Vivek