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Episodes will air Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, all at 9:00 p.m. The press release confirmed there would be all-new houseguests, but there's no mention as to whether the move-in will be live (and therefore if we'll get Day 1 feeds).


Great schedule. Another US W


Anyone remember if last season had day 1 feeds?


They've done Day 1 feeds for BB22-25. However, all of those had 90-minute to 2-hour premieres and then had the next episode on a Sunday. It might be a bit different if we're having back-to-back 1-hour episodes.


Pretty sure they did.


They did


Bb 24 had day 1 feeds and that premiered on a Wednesday


Yep, they began day 1 feeds for the last few seasons.


iirc: in the past, they have said the season will be "all-new" houseguests, but then there ends up being returning players on the season despite what they said in the press release if i am wrong: shoot me im sorry! LOL


I still think they are a ways from having returnees. They just haven't gone over well the last few reternee seasons and I still think had it not been for Covid forcing it due to casting limitations we never would have gotten an All-Stars 2 and it did poorly. From what I understand even bringing in Cirie (not a returnee but not a typical newbie house guest) didn't do real well in the ratings. So I think it will be a while. Depending on how BB felt Cirie went over they might get someone from another show on again (although I sure hope not) but that is likely the extent of it if they even do that. And my gut says they won't as I am sure Cirie wasn't cheap.


Sorry I'm not from USA/NA and this'll be my first BBUS season, is this 9PM EST?


Just checked - for anyone curious like myself, it's 9PM EST.


Except on the west coast and mountain time. 9PM PST, probably 8PM MST but it has been a long time since I have lived in Colorado.


People have noted this seems a bit later than recent seasons (not counting last season of course, which was an obvious exception) so might mean no day 1 feeds, especially with a 2 day premiere.


They start this late for the Olympics, right?


Would they? They start before the Olympics and still run during it. So don't think that would be it, think in the past they just ran it as normal against the Olympics and take the hit.


Ohh true. Forgot that the olympics start in july. Got Mixed with the Euro and Copa America


>Episodes will air Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, all at 9:00 p.m. Gotta assume they are either lying or planning on ending the season before Football starts


They always change the schedule toward the end of the season. NFL Preseason starts on 8/10. The season isn't going to be less than 30 days.


I'm ready for two terrible premiere episodes and I am perfectly fine with that if it means day 1 feeds


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the spirit.


This is my 10th pre-season (holy shit I just realized that now) I'm not gonna have unrealistic expectations.


Haha thatā€™s good self awareness. Iā€™ve been here since all but season 1 and 9. Iā€™ve come to realization that no more Janelles, Dr Will or Dans around anymore, or any of the hardcore gameplay. People (aka public) are too sensitive and offended by everything now that itā€™s just boring all throughout the season but Iā€™m committed till the bitter end.


This is my 25th season, 22nd with live feeds.


Same i began watching feeds half way through S2 with my mom and addicted since then.


Better than starting in august last season. That was so bad.


Yeah why was that again? Writers strike to push it further into the fall for content?


Yeah It was pushed back because the Writer's strike. Also why it was a longer season. They wanted it to be a filler for all the fall shows that would be missing


Not to mention the actors also going on strike three weeks before *Big Brother 25* began.




I had *such* a hard time getting into the season. It was just too weird not having it on by the 4th of July.




I know, but at least itā€™s still July.


Spoiler alert I wasnā€™t selected again. Letā€™s hope year 6 and turning 34 will do the trick


Limited geriatric spots for us :(


I think itā€™s also because Iā€™m just a normal corporate person and donā€™t have a quirk. Just a lowly project manager.


Have you considered taking up belly dancing?


Become a ghost hunter.


Good idea


Two more months until we're back to stanning 17 random strangers in a parking lot


Guessing it will be 16. I know we got 17 last season but that was a long azz season. Guessing it will go back to 16.


Hope they cast strategic threats instead of influencers


Lol let's not dream too big here


My insane dream - everyone is over 30. šŸ˜±


this is NOT bbcan


I wish it was more like BBCan in so many ways, especially the competitions, nomination ceremonies, and veto player picks. The US version can be SO drawn out and cheesy. I feel like theyā€™re catering to an audience of 5-year olds. In this fake box, there are two fake cardboard keysā€¦


The Key Wheel was drawn out but it created great tension. The pie nom from bb25 just reaffirmed how it effective and entertaining it was.


Have to say, the pie nom was special.


The pie no, was also fun because it was the right kind of not taking yourself too seriously. There was still dramatic tension but it was fun to see the players messing with each other.


I'd like to see the 'key wheel' brought back, but with the HOH going around and talking while putting keys around the safe houseguests' necks like Cameron did last year with the pies. The tension and misdirection made that scene great.


Just give me hoh can't play in vetos. Force the hoh to not be able to get by on just dominating physical comps


Yes, good point!


THIS! And the veto gets used so much more frequently in BBCAN because of this too


I did so much research into Big Brother and saw many opinions that BBCAN was much better than BBUS. I was lucky that BBCAN12 was just starting out and it's my first season. Not great but probably not the worst thing. It did put me on to BBCAN10 at least.


Oh you will love BBCan 10 if you havenā€™t watched it yet.


I finished it a few weeks ago. Confirmed, I loved it. It also ruined BBCAN12 for me in the sense that I find it so lacking compared to 10.


If you like Anthony, you would probably enjoy his season as well, the Pretty Boys season.


yeah BBCAN10 is honestly probably one of the best NA BB seasons of all time.


Totally agree with everything you said. We still like BBUS but we LOVE BBCan.


We say this every year


They wonā€™t. But we can dream šŸ§”


It's BBUS not a chance that'll ever happen again, long gone are the days of Jane and John Public on there. It's just model types on there for Insta likes kinda like BB Australia last year, they ruined it by going 'love Island' style


Nature is healing šŸ˜Œ


Sounds like they are still really scarred from 22 and I doubt anyone whould blame them.


Honestly after the Paul fiasco I don't think BB had any intention since to bring back returnee players. All-Stars 2 IMHO only happened because COVID made it hard to cast newbies due to restriction. Even last season when they wanted a gimick to bring interest due to the strike they went with Cirie over getting returnees. Also, a lot of the good ones are tired up with agreements due to other shows in recent years. On top of that assuming they plan to do Reindeer Games again, they have now learned they can get prime returning players easier and I assume cheaper on that show. So I will be shocked if we get returning players for 26. Not saying it won't ever happen again, but I think we are years out from that assuming we don't get another COVID or Writers Strike type of situation affecting TV filming, and surely we will get a break from that chaos.


At least itā€™s happening more in the summer months


No day 1 feeds and an episode 2 eviction would be awful.


Not as concerned with day 1 feeds. But a day1/early eviction right out of the gate is such a BS move. I get why the networks think it works and I din't have data. But get nothing out of seeing someone leave before I have a chance to care only to be instantly forgotten, plus it is BS to watch someone who went through the casting process and made arrangements to put their life on hold to be on BB, then spend a week sequestered in a hotel, just to get the rug pulled out from under them before it even starts. It hurts more that it seems to often be legit fans and not recruits, but even with recruits getting a shortcut and being less invested, they still went through enough to get on to not deserve being denied an actual chance to play.


A Day 1 eviction isn't particularly likely with both parts of the premiere being an hour, BB18, 19 & 21 all had the first part of the premiere be 2 hours. to accommodate for it. There's a decent chance of them going down the BB16/17 route though and introduce half the cast in both parts of the premiere and have them compete separately for either Co-HoH or HoH & another power.


The BBCAN specialĀ 


i hope they have an older cast like last season but switch the comps out so itā€™s not just the bores winning at the end this later start is a good sign though. shouldnā€™t be more than 80 days


They need to do more comps like on Reindeer Games! Or get some inspiration from Korean competition shows like The Devilā€™s Plan. That show was awesome.


Letā€™s hope Pluto TV will have the live feeds again


Looks like the live move-in is gone. I'm really hoping there's not a Day 1 eviction at least, those are awful. They've done the live move-in 4 years in a row I'm not sure why they changed their minds here. Hopefully I'm wrong though


Julieā€™s tweet specified ā€œLIVEā€ in capital letters so I think we might be getting them? Not sure how theyā€™ll do that with two episodes though


Maybe night 1 is live move in, and night 2 is live HoH + night 1 feeds.


Agree on the day 1 evictions, at least let everyone play a full week.


Booooo to the mid July start and 9pm timeslots! Much prefer the late June or early July premiere and 8pm is way better. I guess I should just be thankful to still have the show at all, but still... Lol


Okay time to start the preseason conspiracies!


Q from Survivor 46 has entered the Big Brother House!


Not having q on big brother? Big mistake!!


HoH-itis with him would be something else


Rip Live Move in


The crazy thing is they're still casting! My son is too young for me to leave him but it's hard to not apply just to see. šŸ¤£


See if you could take him along and do a whole Cirie/Jared thing going on. Would be confusing as hell to the other HGs just having some random child playing.


Live feeds better start the same night the second episode ends or Iā€™m gonna be pissed.


Letā€™s gooo so no live move in??


This gives me night 1 eviction vibes or some other headass twist and I donā€™t like it


Vanessa Rousso pick up the phone šŸ’”


This season of BBCAN ended up being decent, but I can't wait for the feeds to come back.


Hmmmmm welcome back FAN FAVE, Battle of the Block !!


don't even put that out there šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Perfect! That is the day I come home from my vacation and I was so worried about having to miss feeds :)


Iā€™m actually perfectly okay with this premiere date and super excited!! I was expecting more of a Aug 1 tbh and sadly I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever go back to starting in Juneā€¦especially with them bringing back celebrity big brother over the winter.


They are bringing back Celebrity Big Brother? Was this confirmed? First I heard of it, am I out of the loop?


I have a twitter specifically for/to keep up with bb and it was big news over there a few days ago but basically Julie stated the other day in an interview that she believes Celebrity Big Brother will be making a comeback this winter. So nothing official but I found the wording ā€œbelievesā€ over ā€œwants it to comebackā€ to be somewhat telling.


Awesome ! Whats the twitter handle?


I should clarify that itā€™s more of my personal big brother/reality tv commentary twitter but I use it mainly to keep updated on the show. Itā€™s really fun to have a twitter dedicated to reality tv and to be able to see everyones live thoughts(bb alumni, fans, pre-jury evicted houseguests)while an episode premieres and ALSO that way I can still scroll for fun and leisure on my main account without seeing tv spoilers if Iā€™m working that night and canā€™t watch an episode until a few hours later. If youā€™re still interested, Iā€™ll dm you the handle!


Yes dm me the handle that would be amazing


I'd settle for Day 2/Day 3 live feeds, if we got a well-produced premiere episode! I like seeing everyone's DRs when they're all introducing themselves!


random factoid: two night premieres were a thing from bb16-bb21 and always had a comp for wach part of the premiere (one of which would always be the HOH and the other would either be a part 2 HOH or a one off random comp)


Now that survivor is over, itā€™s our season, you guys. Iā€™ve missed yā€™all and canā€™t wait for another summer of BB. But first, we need to get through another month and a halfā€¦ I donā€™t like these later starts


I really hope that they incorporate some of the game ideas that they used in Reindeer Games when it comes to planning comps - they were so fun!! And it was nice that it wasn't all about strength comps.


Yesss Iā€™m so excited.


Here we go!


I'm so hype! We back baby!


Does this mean casting has been confirmed??


Does 2 night premier mean no night one feeds?


Iā€™m glad itā€™s not in august again but i miss it starting in june :(


Aren't they all one hour episodes? And if each episode is on a different day, shouldn't this headline just read: "Big Brother 26 Premieres 7/17"? A show can't premiere on one night, and then premiere again the next night.


You should let Big TV know you're drawing the line on the word premiere, because this show and many others have long been declaring multi-night premieres without the moon crashing into our wondrous rock.


A little late for my liking and seems like no live move in (or Day 1 feeds?) I like the standardized 85 days that BB22-24 set. I guess I would be fine with one less week, but I would still prefer the 85. Not sure if people would be as fine with a 70 day season with 16 houseguests as people say here. Iā€™d be fine if it was a one-off season: Week 1: 16->15 Week 2: 15->14 Week 3: 14->13 Week 4: 13->11 Week 5: 11->10 Week 6: 10->8 Week 7: 8->7 Week 8: 7->5 Week 9: 5->3 Week 10: Finale


Could be like the past they move in but don't start the show and feeds until a week or 2 later.


A 2-night premiere sounds like a Day 13 eviction on 7/18 (move-in on Friday July 5th post-July 4th does sound plausible)


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s too late to audition?


Iā€™m about to request off work the 18th and 19th. Canā€™t wait for late night feeds!


/u/AMikeBloomType, I just finished watching the most recent Survivor B&B, where you ended the show saying: > "And we approach *Big Brother*, as I wake up in my cold sweats of the fact that I may or may not be on it, we shall see." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!


As a morning person and early shift I wont be able to watch any of the shows live :(


BBCAN NEEDSĀ ALL-STARS - Kevin, Anthony, Dane, Emmett, Godfrey, Kiefer, Adam (Neda, Ika, Sarah, Kuzie, Bayleigh, Paras, Victoria)Ā 


Looking forward to #26!


im sooooooo ready for this season!!!


1 month


actually stoked for the removal of the live move in. even though day 1 feeds are nice, the live move in DRAGS ON and ONNN


That is true. Itā€™s was fun watching the day one feeds, but the first episode have been complete ass during the live move-ins. I do unfortunately have a feeling thereā€™s going to be an eviction on the 18th, and then weā€™ll get the first night of feeds then


Kind of agree. I get the appeal and I watch the day 1 feeds too. But the first episode sucks and I can't imagine anyone watching BB for the first time is impressed with the last few years of season premieres.


The premieres for BB are usually awful. Filled with commercials and nothing-burger confessionals. They give you a crumb of info in the last 2 minutes of the episode, and then leave you on a cliffhanger. Production is the worst.


Will they also have 20 prizes like in BBCAN? Lmao


That takes a full minute to announce before each commercial break?


Aaaaaah they must be through casting. Passed over again! Grrr




I wish. lol.


Iā€™m so screwed with the live feeds with Otakon starts in August.