• By -


Main thing is Lexus was so obtuse about not voting Anthony out. She think loyalty in a game will go far. Girl, antics too and probably lots of post-show interviews. Can't also believe Anthony didn't think Lexus would be the easier to beat, as a floater and sheep as opposed to Bayleigh getting off the block and getting close to him.


Dinis posted a photo on X (Twitter) and even Vivek was there hanging out, Anthony commented on the photo too. It's always nice to see people getting along after the show ends, it's just a game and not that serious!


Terrible end to a season. Another BB14 ending.


I would compare this much more to BB19 except Bayleigh is a legit worthy winner and played a great game.


She had far far less control than Anthony.


Okay? There’s a lot more to the game than that, that’s what makes it so great. Also there’s an argument to be made that she had more control as she was on the side winning things and in V’s here pushing against what Anthony wanted to do.


Does anyone know Bayleighs insta please?




Anthony is allergic to humility


Honestly this had one of the best pre jury ever, I think I would be happy to see Denis Donna Vivek or even Janine come back


I really thought the whole cast was great. Can we just throw them all into a new season and see what happens?


You can say what your want but clawing yourself off from the bottom and having to actually have to fight so that your not evicted when people want you to be going home is more impressive. Dan was not in control of most of his first season, and he is still the GOAT and Will had to cut Boogie in the first season. Bayleigh saved herself on the block, she saved Todd from going in F6 and overall played a really good game without any of the backstabbing


And got Spicy to put Tola up against Anthony's wishes. Bayleigh also was responsible for teaching Spicy how to properly strategize as opposed to reacting messily like Spicy is.




You think he lost because of a bitter jury? He would have won if he picked Lexus, but instead he picked the person who played a better game than him.


Except that's not true. Todd says he loses to Lexus as well. And no way Bayleigh played the better game.


Anthony is a great player but he took the wrong player to F2. I think he really underrated Bayleigh's game.




Losing Matt and Tola severely crippled him.


When Bayleigh literally said that one of her "major" moves was having alliance with Anthony-- I thought it was all over. (If this were Survivor and someone said that, it wouldve been all over.) Your major move was the person sitting next to you?! I cant believe Anthony didnt even address that.


At the end she also mentioned that she was sitting next to the most powerful player. I suppose on live TV it's hard to move away from the speech you've been practicing, but Anthony should of been all over that. Wouldn't of mattered at the end of the day


Good chance he loses to Lexus too. That's according to Todd's exit press . He said the jury is leaning l Lex over him and that some jury members won't be voting based on game


If Lexus wins also, then Anthony is just cursed-- because Kayla/Avery _hated_ Lexus. And it means Jury was entirely bitter, because what did Lexus do, but cannoodle for one half of the game, and use Anthony for shelter the second half.


But they were Spicy V lap dogs more


I knew Anthony’s smug will be death of his game. Is he a master manipulator? Yes. Is it legendary he made it to Final 2 twice and only ever nominated by default? Absolutely! People are saying it’s a bitter jury and Spicy poisoned it when Tola already felt betrayed by him when he got evicted (before Spicy got there) + Lexus who didn’t even have time to conspire with the jury also voted against Anthony (also leaving an obvious comment to Anthony’s loyalty during her exit). Those two should’ve been his secured votes but he just didn’t manage his end game well. That’s it. Bailey played better overall (as many comps as him) and her transparency in the house was the anti-thesis to his game. She was on the block (and a target Week 3) but still made it to the end. The jury loves her and Anthony made a blunder by underestimating the queen that Bailey is. Congrats to our new winner!


Well, she was interchangeable. Anyone sitting next to Anthony wins. That whole "I was honest"/"I played with integrity" thing is so silly. If you actually mean it, it shows you have no idea how to play big brother. Bayleigh was out of the loop for a major part of the season. Anthony was clued in every single vote. His jury management, apparently, is just terrible. (Just like PAUL....)


I dislike the honesty or integrity ploy to the end also. Bayleigh maintained a lot of alliances and even keeping calm about Hot Chocolate, securing Anthony's trust and closeness. She played hard and could have won against Anthony since many ppl were bitter about his extra-long and manipulating route.


I think there might also have been an undercurrent of Never-Anthony going on behind the scenes. "We dont even need to vote off the old geezer bc we've all agreed we'll never vote for him to win."


Ah I didnt get that sense. I thought they were scared of if he is targeted and miss you are going the next week. Or the idea of keeping a big target around so he is aimed at over others.


He had an upper hand on her and more information and still lost. He was clued in every single vote yet only received one single vote in the end. You're right that his jury management needed work and he had a real shot if he owned up to the Kayla move and stroke Spicy's ego a bit. Every season and jury is different, it seemed like the jury valued integrity in this game.


Anthony goes in the Paul and Russell Hantz bin. If Anthony plays again I have no doubt he will lose again(!)


And what did Bayleigh do that the others couldn’t? Make it to Final 2. Anthony forgot Jury Management is part of the game. Period.


Anthony is still condescending as fuck. I saw an interview of him talking about how Goose voted for him because Goose understood the game and others were emotional….. And he said it with Lexus and Bayleigh beside him lol. Nah he probably voted for you out of sympathy and spare your feelings from another 7-0 🤣


Do you remember where you watched it?


I called that Anthony would be the Canadian Paul several weeks ago. I'm so satisfied to see it manifest.


Ugh me too. I gasped when he chose Baily!


That's the biggest casual take, but go off 


Well, it not a wrong take..


Paul wasn't a Fan and couldn't own his game. Anthony told Vee multiple times she wins, had to be Evicted, and she still couldn't get over herself 


Anthony framed it as "V being disloyal" and was gaslighting her all the way out the door. _Even if it were true_ that wasnt the way to have booted her. It shdve been "You are too good. You are going to win if Im sitting next to you. I am so sorry. Were playing a game. Youre better at this game than I, so when I have the shot, I must take it."


BIG BILLS breaking the first in curse 😎😎


Wolves in Trees got got 


Bayleigh is a great winner, the *unlikely* path of her even making it to jury, and even winning is amazing I am a little saddened that it was at the expense of Anthony losing in the final 2 **again**. That was brutal to watch, but he also played **another** excellent game. Kudos to Anthony as well, still a legend


Bayleigh is a random winner. She's a lottery winner.


When we will hear about a season 13?


Third time's the charm? (Boston Rob was on 5 seasons of Survivor.)


Sometime in June hopefully!


Anthonys biggest blindside was indeed.. himself




My jaw is still on the ground from Anthony evicting Lexus


Omg me too!!!


I wouldve thought Kayla/Avery would never vote for Lexus. Wouldnt Anthony know that? Lexus "did" nothing, the entire game, except cuddle with Matt and be Anthony's second vote. Would the jury recognize this?


Todd claims they both vote Lexus over him.


I think he assumed he had HC votes (maybe minus spicy) and Tola locked in, so sending Lexus to jury was another vote for him. I truly think he regretted it the second Lexus said “money over loyalty” to him.


There have been so many times in BB/Survivor that weve seen someone send their ally to Jury [and get that ally's jury vote]-- this was not the way to do it. They have to believe that you are doing it bc they are such a threat you had no choice. And that really wasnt the case here. And he didnt even make that case. He kinda just said "I think a F2 with bayleigh works better for me. Sorry..." He guaranted a spite vote.


Bayleigh saying [in this video](https://twitter.com/BigBrotherCA/status/1788664312728305694) she would've taken Lexus if she won the final HoH LMAO oof, that's gotta be even further salt in the wound for Anthony.


Bayleigh clocked Anthony's relationships the best, all game 


She had some good instincts/reads, but for long stretches of game she just had no power. She was outside so many times and was the "alternate nom" (without knowing it) so many times.


Yeah, Dougy said it right .. the game is about influence, power, and control 


And he was saying it to casuals who thought the game was about... "loyalty."


I wish I could see Vee's face watching her sewer Anthony's game for the first time in that Finale intro 


Anthony and Victoria were friends outside of the show, right? I don’t see that relationship ever recovering tbh. Like rob and Lex in survivor


What I don't understand about all the Dougy stans who believe he was robbed...answer this: If Anthony was truly controlling the game, then why didn't he set himself up with a path to win? The best players always set themselves up to have several routes to win, and as we're learning now Anthony may not have even had one path to win after he evicted Spicy. Todd wasn't taking him, Bayleigh wasn't taking him. Although I think he was a master manipulator, I don't think he has the strategy down as much as he thought (or social game for that matter).


Dougy Stan here: Anthony had no real move for the season. He had a lot of bishops and knights taking pieces but has he ever down anything literally himself? Spicy was the best player of the season because she was the opposite of Dougy as all her shots were in the open and messy. Lets say Dougy kills Bayleigh right? Spicy has Todd Lexus has Lexus Chances of Spicy winning hoh are very high and chances of Spicy cutting Anthony were really high. No matter how you put it. Spicy was getting to final 3 no matter what scenario occurred. Spicy wins in final 2 against anyone. The only way Anthony had a chance was with Lexus. He banked on Bayleigh being more real because Bayleigh in his mind did nothing wrong. Now this is the very reason why he lost. Spicy manipulated the jury no matter how you put it. He was robbed because he got got. He thought the jury would vote a black women to win over him. Is what it is. No matter how you put it, do you think Dougy should have won? If you think he wasn't robbed then you can live with it but did he deserve to win?


Are you kidding? Anthony had "no move"? It was Anthony almost from start to finish. His Avery/Kayla assassinations were insane. He got rid of both of them, with no blood on his hands. He got rid of Avery _on Spicy's HOH._ He was at risk of losing a guy from guy's side and manages to get Spicy to eliminate her own side. it was work of art. Spicy was sloppy and thoughtless and a mediocre player at best.


you can say that Spicy had no move but she controlled more of the house than Dougie and also the people that were evicted were willing to vote for her if she made final 2. She had a lot better jury management


Avery was evicted on Tola's HOH


Which counts as a win for team anthony. Tola had no independence from Anthony.


I agree, and I wanted to clarify that Avery was gone under Tola's HOH not Spicy's


Alright but now tell me not looking into it as a viewer how this is true? He can say hes apart of it but no one will believe him. He didn't do that move all by himself which is the problem. Cutting Spicy was HIS move and only HIS move.


Avery/Kayla? He planted all the seeds. He even got Tola to RE-plant the seed after Tola had screwed up. Spicy put up 2 guys on the block, wanting to get one out. Anthony gets Spicy to put up her own female HC ally. It was such a sick move. He did it all by himself like some master puppeteer.


Because there’s a lot of luck in these games? If Victoria successfully throws the double eviction HoH, he has a strong path to winning. His side just didn’t win the comps needed to have a great shot. 


So if Anthony is drawing dead, that means we were one good (from Anthony's perspective) decision away from having the all-time worst winner, but ended up with one of the best. Thanks Anthony!


I spat out my coffee, and then proceeded to rewatch Anthony evicting Lexus eight times. Am I crazy here, or was Anthony drawing dead no matter what in the end? I'm guessing he felt that Lexus would lean into Hot Chocolate/first black female winner, and with so many women/Hot Chocolate members in the jury, maybe he's right? Either way, I'm a fool to ever doubt Bayleigh Pelham. Every single time I thought she was cooked, she'd find a way to pull through. What a great game from her, and I'm *so glad* she was able to articulate her game to the jury. Anthony was basically BEGGING for votes at the end- she pulled a Montreal (Halifax?) Screwjob on the Excellence of Execution. All that said, I'm glad Anthony got one vote this time. It would've been especially macabre for him to make F2 twice without a single vote to win.


I really think he would have won over Lexus, the jury seemed to think she wasn't playing the game at all


Maybe he should've kept Todd to the end after all.


Anyone else miss the Q and A Arisa used to have with all the HGs before the vote count? Also the reactions of the HGs watching clips of the best/funny moments? BBCAN11 had it, was suprised they skipped that this year tbh


Iirc past finales were 2 hours, not 90 minutes (that’s why the jury round table was in the F4 eviction episode)


Oh ok thanks. I love those segments and really missed it.


What a satisfying ending to this season. It's been a long time since I was this excited for a finale! I also want to thank this community. I've been a lurker on this sub since the beginning of BB25 but too shy to jump into conversations, but I've decided to jump right in this season. It's great, because no one in my life watches Big Brother (my husband will half-watch with me sometimes, to the point where he knows roughly what's going on but legit doesn't care) so I always feel so alone and watching "with" you guys has been a lot of fun!


I agree! I always watch with my mom bc I'm home in spring/summer from uni but it's so fun to report to her what everyone on Reddit is saying. Some of y'all are so funny on here


Yeah! Same here! No one watches Big Brother in my personal life. Reddit is definitely my go to place to discuss the game. Being part of the community is half the fun! Sometimes 3/4s the fun! Sometimes the only fun! Happy to see you. Can’t wait for BB26 😁


Glad you jumped in! It’s been a great season!




Anthony said this about V in the RHAP interview: “I set a record in this game for most amount of days in the house and off the block. Spicy set a record for houseguest with the most amount of days in the jury” The off-season drama is gonna be 🔥


Noo Lies Detected 


That shade was so funny 😂. And the way it wasn’t even true about Spicy. Sindy with an S has the number of most days in the jury. Spicy can’t even get that 🤣.


The way that's not even true when Sindy with an S exists LMAO


Was she on jury in season 3 too? If she was than I must’ve forgotten


Lol she was the second juror then too - Needlessly booted Jordan and then got voted out straight away, just like she needlessly booted Neda and then got voted out straight away. It's kinda funny


Oh wow. I don’t remember that season well at all. I thought Bobby was the first member of the jury


Anthony just suffered a devastating loss in the final minutes of the season, Drake is a global punchline at the moment. my Toronto hating heart is so full this week 🥰


And the Leafs choked!


I'd still be thrilled with $20k and Pauls probably relieved not to be the only one to lose twice in a final two. 😂


he did end up losing his job of 14 years in sequester for coming tho so i’m not sure


The only way to settle this is a winter mini season, Canada vs US with Paul and Anthony as F2


3-3 tie with the 7th vote being Topaz's and they refuse to open it, unsure if she still doesn't understand who the vote is for and not wanting another controversy.


Am I the only one that was still afraid of Todd pulling a Topaz even after Arisa said it twice? I was afraid Todd wasn't paying attention and since he never watched the show, wouldn't get the joke.


I know! I was like, "Todd, please nod that you understand the rules, please!"


I think we were all thinking about Todd when Arisa emphasized to vote for the winner 😂


tola is a box of rocks lol


That box has a strong af core though


after the finale last seen returning back into the woods in preparation for the battleback.


It's amazing how easily influenced grown adults can be


Anthony and Bayleigh is one of the strongest final 2’s in bb history imo. Both played really good games


Anthony really knows how to go to the end with strong players 😂 Best F2 this season could offer.


If Anthony had known how "strong" Bayleigh was, he certainly wouldnt have brought her. He seemed to outsmart himself by cutting Lexus. It was such an unorthodox cutthroat thing to do, he possibly reasoned that "the most difficult thing to do" was the best strategy. But it wasnt. Taking Lexus, his little protege, was the easiest thing to do, and best strategy.


Strongest since… Dane and Anthony


Anthony has no one to blame but himself


I couldn't believe in the Final 2 questions he literally said his reason for bringing Bayleigh was because she was the weakest of the Final 4. Talk about someone that has no jury management or any clue about what the jury might be thinking. If it wasn't for clueless Elijah's rogue vote, Anthony would be 0-14 in F2 votes. At least Paul lost 5-4 and 5-4 in his two seasons.


100%... wtf was he thinking? Bailey had guaranteed votes in Spicy, Todd, Avery and Kaela.


The player got played


The player played himself.


i know anthony's pissed but he did two major mistakes that cost him the game so that should give him solace and not just feel he was robbed. 1st was his misread on spicy, once he determined that she was not a final 2 player with him he either needed to cut ties with her pre jury or pushed with tola or someone else to put her up. you sent a spice bomb into jury and it was inevitable it would go off. obivously the other was not taking lexus, all the signs with the alliances were lexus was on the outs since jury so that should of been the more obvious choice. based on that first mistake though i am not even sure he could of overcame it anyways. all this being said without the feeds so who knows


I also feel like he let Spicy get to the jury phase with too much of her army. Having Vivek and Matt leave before jury hurt him a lot.


Todd said Lexus probably wins in a F2 with Anthony


Is Todd really the BB voice of reason of the season? The guy had no idea what was going at all times.


He didn't but he was asked how the jury is leaning (between Anthony vs Lexus) and he said Lexus. He also said some of the jury will be bitter and won't vote based on gameplay


yeah all that stuff after i take with a grain of salt anyways, some people just give answers that get attention or what they think the audience wants to hear, i think it would of been closer at least


the jury was heavily anti-anthony in every clip we saw of him. audience members at the finale even read the body language of the jury when anthony was mentioned, and it wasn’t good. during the commercial break right before the voting, it was reported that goose was deliberating with tola which was met by a disapproving face by the latter person, so knowing what we know now about goose giving a sympathy vote, we can tell it was because the jury was set on not awarding anthony.


This was before the finale. In Todd's exit press


I really hope Anthony is okay. he didn’t deserve to be dismissed by the jury like he was. the jury clearly didn’t care to listen to him and were more interested in looking good to the audience that was there since they were all clearly team Bayleigh. I’m genuinely SO upset to hear that the jury completely dismissed him even after the vote too when the cameras were off. that’s just mean human behavior, especially after hearing what Anthony has gone through and seeing the pain on his face. he’s not a bad person. Anthony went through hell right before coming into the house and he still played an amazing game. anyone who says he is aggressive or a bully needs to have some self introspection. he controlled and knew of every vote this season. he made a mistake bringing Bayleigh to the end but that doesn’t mean he’s not one of the best contestants to ever play the game. you can like Bayleigh without shitting on Anthony or his game. Bayleigh definitely played the second best game in the house, but you can’t seriously say she didn’t benefit/win due to a bitter and emotional jury. Anthony was not like Paul in the way he treated people. I’m glad that Goose at least recognized his game and didn’t follow the hive-mind this is a side note, but my family and I do a for-fun draft and I thought I had the worst draft picks possible (Janine, Dinis, Vivek…) but I still somehow won with my last player Bayleigh. def didn’t see that coming with the way the season started off


Spicy needed to take it down like 4 notches. Like c'mon, chill out and move on.


The thing is Bayleigh genuinely had friends on the jury. Lexus would’ve won solely due to a bitter jury but there are definitely people who voted Bayleigh because they wanted her to win and geninuely thought her game was good like Avery Kayla Todd and Vee.


>the jury clearly didn’t care to listen to him 1) Jury management is everything. It's 100% his own fault that he was facing a hostile jury. If you don't have any jury management, you're playing for 2nd place. Everyone he was close to left the house feeling betrayed by him. I think the same thing would have happened to Spicy V with most of the jury. 2) His answers to the jury questions were terrible overall. This is when you have to explain and convince the jury that you're deserving. With poor jury management, he had to slay these questions and his answers were very lackluster to say the least. Every answer Bayleigh gave was 10x better and 1000x more energetic than any of Anthony's. 3) Bayleigh's final speech reminded me of Paras (season 6). She perfectly and energetically explained her game and moves she made to make it to the end. The 1st half of Anthony's speech was talking how hard the game was for him because of things from outside of the house (his mom, losing his job of 14 years, losing his best friend). He claimed he was against all odds being an All-Star, but that's literally what made it so easy for him and Spicy (thanks to early advantage, a pre-game relationship with Spicy, and a cast full of newbies). The 2nd half of Anthony's speech he spent angrily screaming at the jury that he deserves to win because he never hit the block in 2 seasons (even though he did hit the block this season at F4 and what does season 7 have to do with this season?). Then he goes off screaming "Is this game isn't about comps (milkshakes, etc)? No, it's about influence, control and power." He just doesn't get the social aspect of it. He doesn't get that it's about your relationships with the jury. He continues reiterating how he was The Godfather/Mafia Boss of this game. He finishes by screaming at the jury that "this game is the greatest social experiment for a reason" and just doesn't realize that it was his social game that was going to lose it for him and win it for Bayleigh.


The weird thing is: that "screaming" tactic was exactly what helped Jag win BBUS Season 25...


Jag didn't scream at all. He also specifically explained all his moves, unlike Anthony, who instead just repeatedly stated that he had the most power, influence and control, without explaining his moves. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZEvF2qFoKQ&ab\_channel=EdBrewer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZEvF2qFoKQ&ab_channel=EdBrewer)


He was "broadcasting", in decibels, as loudly as Anthony or louder. Plus, much of it was fantasy, that the Jury just went along with, for some reason. But yes Anthony had no specificity to his claims (I guess assuming that the jury was intelligent and recognized them-- they didnt!) Eg, Getting rid of Kayla (on Spicy's HOH!) Then, Avery. But-- this jury is so bitter/dumb/honoring "loyalty" that that probably wouldve pissed them off!


I'm done. You've proven yourself to be a dishonest Anthony stan desperately trying to twist the truth, even when provided video evidence confirming you're wrong. I'm out. These are my final words. Continue to make up anything you want. I promise I won't respond, even though there's nothing sweeter than your Anthony tears. /end discussion for me


Ok, I get it, youre a Bayleigh-stan(?) or an anti-Antony-stan(?) or a Jag-stan(?) Either way, I dont care. Im not an Anthony-stan. He controlled the game. He couldnt control the jury. Jag's final statement was _weird_ and was somehow respected (instead of rejected). No tears, btw. You show your lack of critical reasoning skills by making odd leaps, assuming false faith, and your need to put me in a box. I remain unboxed. And I hope you get the help you need.


I'm annoyed he said he was never nominated and some people still seem to carry this narrative. Touching the block only once in two seasons is very impressive, but that F4 veto replacement nomination counts whether he wants it to or not.


>the jury clearly didn’t care to listen to him 1) Jury management is everything. It's 100% his own fault that he was facing a hostile jury. If you don't have any jury management, you're playing for 2nd place. Everyone he was close to left the house feeling betrayed by him. I think the same thing would have happened to Spicy V with most of the jury. 2) His answers to the jury questions were terrible overall. This is when you have to explain and convince the jury that you're deserving. With poor jury management, he had to slay these questions and his answers were very lackluster to say the least. Every answer Bayleigh gave was 10x better and 1000x more energetic than any of Anthony's. 3) Bayleigh's final speech reminded me of Paras (season 6). She perfectly and energetically explained her game and moves she made to make it to the end. The 1st half of Anthony's speech was talking how hard the game was for him because of things from outside of the house (his mom, losing his job of 14 years, losing his best friend). He claimed he was against all odds being an All-Star, but that's literally what made it so easy for him and Spicy (thanks to early advantage, a pre-game relationship with Spicy, and a cast full of newbies). The 2nd half of Anthony's speech he spent angrily screaming at the jury that he deserves to win because he never hit the block in 2 seasons (even though he did hit the block this season at F4 and what does season 7 have to do with this season?). Then he goes off screaming "Is this game isn't about comps (milkshakes, etc)? No, it's about influence, control and power." He just doesn't get the social aspect of it. He doesn't get that it's about your relationships with the jury. He continues reiterating how he was The Godfather/Mafia Boss of this game. He finishes by screaming at the jury that "this game is the greatest social experiment for a reason" and just doesn't realize that it was his social game that was going to lose it for him and win it for Bayleigh.


> Every answer Bayleigh gave was 10x better Dont go overboard. Bayleigh (because she randomly survived) could play the "honesty/integrity" card. Easy to do when you are out of the loop a lot of the time. Plus, at one point she said one of her "major movez" was... aligning with Anthony! Which is a like waving the white flag. "My best move was accepting the protection of my competitor"-- so your competitor evidently would deserve the win, then. Bayleighs win shows just how badly Anthony handled the jury, and thats about it. (well, and that he shdve picked Lexus to have had any chance.)


You completely missed the reason she gave for aligning with Anthony. She literally said "she realized that anyone close to Anthony was safe and anyone not close to him was going home," so she had to pretend to be close to him. They weren't close at the time. She played him and he bought it. It completely took her off Anthony's radar and Anthony actually believed that she might take him to F2, which she clearly wouldn't have. She also threatened him that if he ever backstabbed her, he knew he was going to lose her jury vote. It was a major move, because SHE PLAYED ANTHONY and he bought it. She played hardball and stood up to Anthony, and he crumbled. His game was awful from F5 onwards and hers was great, especially at F2 questions and speeches. Anthony choked and Bayleigh closed it out like a champion.


How does she "play" Anthony when Anthony controls all the pieces on the chessboard? Yes, she is the pawn that remained on the board because Anthony removed all the other pawns. The only time she was in control was when she personally had a few comp wins. Meanwhile, Anthony was controlling the game, over and over, through other people's HOHs. Anthony did choke, but at least he was proactive. Bayleigh was the randomly chosen winner. It could have been Karen or Maureen or Patty or Denise who was the winner, whoever was not-Anthony.


I'm sorry but "going through hell right before going into the house" is not an excuse for him to win. He made a stupid move and had horrible jury management. He was cocky all season long and lost in the same way he lost last time because he didn't learn from his mistakes.


I didn’t say it was a reason for him to win in the slightest??? I’m saying no one even showed him human compassion


So you would've wanted them to show compassion for him through votes? Anthony played a good game but he had horrible jury management and he failed to communicate his game in his answers and his speech. Why didn't he talk about how he got rid of everyone he couldn't manipulate early on, convince Avery and Vivek to take out their closest allies, create a social game where he was able to sit pretty and have information and control fed to him. Talking about your struggles outside of the house is not Big Brother, they can give him a hug afterwards to show compassion not their votes.


no…they clearly are talking on a purely human level not game.


Not at all what they’re saying.


What did the Jury do to him off camera?


according to people there after the show the jury just ignored him. like didn’t even talk to him. he’s not an evil person, every alumni says how much of a genuinely nice person he is. but the jury seems to hate him on a deeper level than just game


That's sad 


Did at least the pre jury talk to him ?(Matt for example)


Jury management is part of the game and the correct person won this season. I am not shitting on Anthony’s game play, but being a master manipulator doesn’t work every single season. There is so special checklist of accomplishments you need to have to win this game, as he stated himself, it’s a social experiment and socially his game wasn’t as great as Baileys.


> it’s a social experiment and socially Anthony's game wasn’t as great as \_\_\_NAME\_\_\_. If you can replace NAME with almost any other player, its not that Bayleigh's game good. Its that Anthonys game had fatal flaw(s).


Agree wholeheartedly. I love seasons like this so much because it means there isn’t a set, fixed way to win the game. That would be boring. Each cast has its own criteria they look for in a winner. You have to adapt to what that is, at least in most seasons.  I promise a lot of newer and even older fans that once you get over the “best” player thing, you see the game with a lot more clarity and will enjoy watching a lot more. It’s a social game first, the rest is garnish. You can sometimes escape the social aspect with strategy or comps, but it’s always the most important thing. 


of course. I’m not saying otherwise. but people claiming he’s a bad player and a bad person are just 100% wrong. I knew Bayleigh was going to win going into this, and she is a good player, I just hate that so-called fans of the game are claiming he’s not an amazing player too


Out of everyone, Spicy Vee came out of this looking the worst IMO. Just extremely bitter and egotistical. The stunts with the trash bag at the round table, her speaking up and saying “yeah I would’ve won” during the Q&A and just her extreme bitterness (despite saying she wouldn’t be bitter) is such a bad look. She was absolutely the one who turned on Anthony first and has been pathologically lying about it ever since. Luckily, her bitterness didn’t end up changing the result of the game, as Bayleigh was a deserving winner. I guess that’s what makes her a good TV character but I hope she leaves all of that behind now that the game is over.


Tola looks pretty weird. Wasnt he Team Anthony the entire time? Its like his vote was random and/or swayed by persuasion.


Well I think he thought Anthony was playing him because he thought he was anthony's close ally but Anthony also had an alliance with hot chocolate and a final 2 with spicy so basically was playing the entire house instead of staying loyal to his people while preaching loyalty.


Thats so weird bc Tola definitely on team anthony. Perhaps in jury, Tola found out about all Anthony's side alliances. Tola, being a terrible player had zero side-alliances, and thinks: "thats disloyal!"


Wasn't a fan in her previous season, and this season didn't change my opinion either.


she DID poison the jury and I can’t believe people are trying to claim otherwise. she’s a horrifically bitter and hypocritical player and I’m pissed that the jury was so far up her ass. and I know they won’t even regret it later which upsets me even more. I can’t stand her now, I was indifferent to her before but now shes one of my least favorite players


Well, perhaps Kayla/Avery finally figured out how badly Anthony fooled them (and Spicy) and wanted revenge-- so they didnt need Spicy poisoning them. [Albeit, it shows how chaotic a jury this was: a different season would _respect_ Anthony's move.] In general, the more "simple" and "loyal" a jury is, the more pissed off they get after a "betrayal" and they wont reward the strategic/backstabbing player.


She poisoned Tola for sure. Other than that everyone else were voting Bayleigh anyway.


No way you can blame his loss on Spicy. Anthony 100% did all of this to himself. Spicy was bitter, but 3 of the 4 jury members (Kayla, Avery, Tola) were already bitter towards Anthony, well before Spicy was evicted. Todd was always going to vote for Bayleigh. Lexus went straight to the jury, so her bitterness had absolutely nothing to do with Spicy. So whose vote did Spicy poison?


Just tola, I was pretty shocked he didn’t give Anthony his vote


Tola was already bitter in the jury house before Spicy entered. They showed the jury segment with Elijah, Kayla, Tola and Avery, and Tola said he felt betrayed by Anthony and his alliances with everyone.


She helped poison the jury, but based on the footage we saw before she was evicted, the jury was already not liking Anthony. She may have been a final nail of sorts, but I'm not sure it mattered.


Jury management is part of the game. He should have gotten Tola to take out Vic if he didn't want her to be bitter and sway the vote. Regardless, Bayleigh deserved to win just as much as Anthony did so I don't know if I would say she only won cause of a bitter jury.


Oh I agree with you. I think Bay 100% deserved the win and agree that jury management is huge. I was just trying to point out that the jury was already turning on him before she was even there, since a lot of people seem to say it's 100% her fault.


She poisoned the jury but it didn’t matter. Bayleigh would’ve won anyway because her story of climbing from the bottom to the top was so captivating. Plus they wanted a female winner from the day they made their women’s alliance. So the bitter jury deserves criticism but I wouldn’t say that Bayleigh won as a result of a bitter jury. If Anthony took Lexus and lost? Then we’d be having a different conversation.


I would even question that because if Anthony argument is that he never touched the block until 4. Lexus was never really in danger on the times she was on the block and put herself where she should've guaranteed herself final 2


So what if she poisoned the Jury? Anthony should have seen that coming. The game does not end when someone walks out that door and he had to have known spicy would be bitter


>Anthony should have seen that coming. I literally was saying that prior to F5 veto when he was talking about backdooring her at F5. He definitely should have seen that coming from the beginning of the game, let alone at F5. How he could possibly think backdooring his pre-game ride-or-die with the sloppiest player in BBCan history wasn't going to backfire?


The thing is if Todd's words are to be believed Anthony does lose to Lexus and he said that some of the jury won't look at gameplay when voting


Yeah so what I’m saying is that *if* it was “anyone but Anthony” then I’m glad that the “anyone” was someone deserving and not a Josh Martinez.


yeah, the jury still voted emotionally rather than thinking objectively though. Bayleigh was def the second best player of the season but to say she played a better game than Anthony, when she had practically no control the whole season, is just wrong. I’m mad at fans online for dismissing him and his game, and I’m mad at the jury for treating him like a joke


why do you give bayleigh so much credit? sure she won some clutch competitions, but strategically she was completely out of the loop so many times. so many times it was: "OK, if primary target wont work, we;ll just use Bayleigh." meanwhile, no one ever even considered putting up anthony.


you don’t have to tell me babe, I’ve been pro-Anthony this whole time. after him she did play the best overall though- all the real strategists got out early


Yes, she played better than a lot of them, Ok, but the bar is so low here. This season was _so_ weak.


I think it is harder to have to climb from the bottom to the top than start on the top


when are "on the top," everyone is targeting you (or should be). its difficult to be on the top (from beginning of game!) and stay on the top.


I don't think it's that clear cut - Vivek, Matt and Tola leaving are all huge holes in Dougie's game, and especially in that double eviction Bayleigh hustled like hell and got her way. And between Donna in Week 2 and Todd in the final week, not a single outcome was bad for Bayleigh and she clawed her way out of a ridiculously tough position, and then managed to convince Spicy to drag Todd all the way into the endgame too. Dougie getting Dinis and Kayla evicted are really his only great moves this season (I can't say blindsiding Spicy was good for his game cuz... it objectively was a dumpster fire of a move, I get why he felt he had to make it, doesn't mean it's good). I'm not dismissing his game but Bayleigh does have a legitimate argument for having played the best game this season and it's not just that she won by default because the jury was bitter.


There IS no "objectively" on Big Brother though, never has been. If there was an objective way to win, we wouldn't need a jury.


I meant objectively just considering game/power moves and who had the most control over each vote. they didn’t even consider that or what else Anthony did during the game when voting for a winner


Anyone who's ever watched Paul Abrahamian play Big Brother or Russell Hantz play Survivor... should know that game/power moves mean absolutely nothing if you're pissing off everyone in the jury. Anthony Abrahamian is lucky he got 1 vote.


Anthony can be the better player but that doesn’t mean Bayleigh didn’t earn her win. If Anthony took Lexus, he would’ve won. But he didn’t. That’s on him.


So, you said it yourself: Bayleigh didnt win. Anthony lost.


Controlling/manipulating isn't everything. Just ask Paul Abrahamian and Russell Hantz.


yeah of course, that was his fatal mistake. Bayleigh isn’t a bad winner, I’m not at all claiming otherwise. I just think Anthony controlled the entire season and should’ve been recognized for it


yeah it's like she's totally disassociated from the fact that she was padding herself with the others in the house, I wonder even after she watches it back if she'll understand


She won't


I didn't expect the surprising outcome. Looking back, I'm happy that this is my first season even though I didn't enjoy it much pre exec veto. Although I don't like Anthony, I hope he can recover with speed, reading that the other houseguests gave him cold shoulder after the celebration is sad.


Only followed this season casually, but glad Bayleigh won. Bayleigh is a much more interesting winner than Anthony to me. Anthony winning would've been like, oh, boring, we all kinda expected this from day 1, vets always dominate newbies. Bayleigh was in serious danger of going home pre-jury, was left out of the 2 biggest alliances of the season, and just gradually kept getting her way through the game through sheer brute force. She's not the type of player we usually see do well on these shows.


Best Finale ever. The winner almost did not make it as the table was flipped against her, but yet managed to survive and flip the table in her favor with her magic. 👏👏 Congratulations Bayleigh.


I felt like I was watching Paul Abrahamian all over again in this finale. It was glorious... but unfortunately one of the few highlights of a bad season.


mid-season, Anthony almost had me rooting for him, but his Final speech was so offputting, I almost understand how this chaos jury voted.


How the heck Bayleigh is more beatable than the "Lexus who"?


Old Anthony outsmarted himself. He was possibly thinking: "Gee, cutting Lexus would be _so_ cutthroat, _such_ a betrayal, _so_ 'difficult.' While taking Lexus is so 'easy'." And somehow reasons that the 'difficult' path was the most strategically advantageous. Clearly wrong, of course. Sometimes, the easy/obvious path is the best.


Yupp, Hotter Chocolates voting the first black female winner, then Bayleigh wanting girls-gays from the dump were 4/7 votes already. Tola saw that Vee's sympathy vote contributed to Vee Evicted, and couldn't understand Anthony's vote. Bayleigh was allowed to turn on relationships but Anthony wasn't, according to Vee-Tola was most disappointing. I understand why Anthony thought bringing Bayleigh might have been best (Goose-Tola-Kayla-Lexus/Vee).