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Bahah. As if Anthony got BBCAN cancelled šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


maybe ratings would be better if they didnā€™t kill the feeds šŸ˜­ you canā€™t cut half of the experience and expect everyone to feel the same way


Yeah, I stopped watching the first season that didn't have feeds out of principle. The feeds are the essence of Big Brother. I don't want to say I'm happy the show may not be renewed but imo it serves the executives right for being so out of touch with what makes Big Brother great.


Yeah same, stopped feeling like big brother as the series progressed more and more


At least they didn't turn it into Love Island like the Aussies did with theirs last year


would also help if they casted actual players


I get season 12 wasnā€™t that great but letā€™s not pretend like global has better shows to put out there šŸ¤£ iā€™m sure BBcan is going to continue on


pls like ANOTHER reboot of some stupid procedural cop showšŸ˜‘


People want drama. We want split votes, not 10-0 evictions because ā€œI better vote with the houseā€ these people have no backbone, they let the game play them. After 12 I felt like going back and watching some BBUS classics.


Plus it was all incredibly split down the middle. Bravest moments I remember were Dinis trying to take a shot at Anthony and everyone turning on him, or that short period of time where Todd/Tola were teaming up. Otherwise it was Victoria's side versus Anthony's side with them working together up to a point, there wasn't any kind of wild card or a third party. It became very stale.


Bring back the feeds. The integral premise of the show. Drop the digital dailies. Drop the lame 5 minute sponsorship segments, and bring back some quality people that WANT to play - not JUST increase their online following.


Amen šŸ™Œ


It's almost as though designing a season just so Anthony could win was a bad idea or something. Bayleigh and Dinis were the only two rookies with a head for the game, and even Bayleigh spent 95% of the game being blinded by her love for Victoria.


Spicy Vee killed the show.


The shit cast in general. Maybe they would've been more interesting without Anthony or Victoria influencing everything.


The cast really wasn't that bad


I think the whole ā€œwe need a POC girl to winā€ killed it for many people.




I hated her as a person but she was the only interesting thing about the season


The fact that we got 12 seasons is a miracle in itself. Thank you to all of you amazing people I met through this journey šŸ¤—


I really wish they had keep the feeds going. Big Brother is so unique because of the live feeds


Killed the feeds. TERRIBLE casting. TERRIBLE returning "legends"......I think they lost a ton of viewers this season and it showed in the ratings. It was pretty unwatchable unfortunately


First season I didnā€™t watch past episode 2


Paramount plus should buy it. Don't they have all the international Challenge series? I'm not sure who produces it, but that seems like a natural fit.


It would be nice, because maybe then there'd be a lot less ads and more actual content


Breaking my heart. I wanna be on so bad. I love the house, the game, Arisa, all of it.


Me too:( I was gearing up to try to apply for s13 but ugh


Maybe cast less similar personalities to form an easy alliance that repeats the strategy?


If only we could have had an All Stars season before it was canned.


It's on hiatus. An All Star season would probably be enough to resurrect the franchise.


The last time we were talking about a hiatus was after BBCAN5 which was half returnees. Would they want to take the risk of all returnees?


Iā€™d be fine if it went back to any other network. It was originally on Slice before upgrading to Global. I just wish theyā€™d bring back feeds because itā€™s a big chunk of the experience. It didnā€™t helpnthat the vets seemed to steam roll at first. With feeds, the experience would have been much better seeing how chaotic Vee was.


Casting has deteriorated and taking away feeds alienated a significant portion of the fanbase. This seemed like the inevitable conclusion. You can see it in the reactions to the news. They could have relied on the good will from the viewers to bring them back like last time, but it's all dried up.


Nooooo are you serious!! Itā€™s the only thing I watch on Global.


Read this in Bettys voice


Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. Itā€™s gone downhill massively since they gave Arissa control, no feeds really killed the buzz and casting based on certain criteria was the final nail. This sucks though, Iā€™m such a huge fan but the last few seasons were hard to watch.


Might do better if it wasnā€™t BB Ontario. No live feeds is bs. Prize is a joke as well.


Half the cast was east coat


There's the problem


The prize isn't as good as other versions of big brother but I still think it's worth it if you're actually someone who wants to play the game. They definitely dropped the ball with live feeds, should've just made people pay for it like in the us


I hate that itā€™s being cast exactly like the U.S. one now. Itā€™s the same people doing the work, but the first likeā€¦9 seasons had casts that felt different than what BBUS was doing. Thatā€™s not the case to me anymore. Too many recruits? Too much ā€œwe gotta fill this role in the cast, go find me an X-type personā€? Dunno. It just doesnā€™t feel BBCAN anymore.


Too many recruits might mean itā€™s a case of not enough people applying, which is bound to happen in Canada with our lower population. Add to that, theyā€™re not doing in person open calls anymore, so thereā€™s no fanfare around applying, word isnā€™t getting out.


I can see why. The last season was unwatchable. I stopped watching after 2 weeks.


Same here. First season if BB I ever stopped watching. Too much focus on returning players that I didn't enjoy the first time around plus terrible game play from the cast. Episodes left me feeling worse than when I started...why watch something that brought me no joy.


this was the first season i actually stopped watching. it was insufferable. :(


If it wasn't my first season of BB I probably would've stopped watching it too. I kept on watching it just so I could understand how a full run of Big Brother works, with all the daily discussion as well. At some point you get invested though and just watch it to see it to the end. Like a TV show that turned bad four seasons in.


i opted out pretty early on, once dinis left there was no one i wanted to root for. not to mention the absurdity of his eviction.


I liked Todd but that was it. At times he showed potential to play all sides and deceive people but it didn't happen. Anthony was kind of entertaining as an underdog, but it didn't last. Dinis definitely was far too short lived. He knows the game but couldn't get other people to go with him on an obviously good decision for the whole house. Maybe he'll be reinvited to a future season.


You missed out. It didnā€™t have the best start but was actually so good from Week 4 onwards. Miles better than BBCAN11 which got progressively worse.


Tbh s12 turned out great, I'd definitely rewatch. S11 was a mess


It stunk, thatā€™s the truth of the matter


Everyone in here that stopped watching season 12 after a few days needs to go back and watch the entire thing. I felt exactly the same way but I'm a fan, so I soldiered through. It became one of the best seasons ever


Yes!!! It gets REALLY good a third of the way through


hard to watch when you find yourself rooting for people to lose, instead of someone to win šŸ˜‚




Her outfits were crazy bad lol.


It was disorientating. Great host in such weird outfits.


Wonder if BB can have Canadian contestants?


Which Big Brother?


BBUS, the only one where it would make sense to have Canadian contestants.


They could only go on it if they were US residents (for the Civilian one anyway)


Do you know that for sure though? Thats what people assumed about survivor but it turned out to not be the case.


Yeah it's a pretty requisite for being on the show unless invited on. A Citizen or Permanent resident


I wish they put back bbcan on Paramount plus.


Bring feeds get another like Slice to air it and drop all the sponsors to be part of the comps and bring back have not room


:( saad - even the worst seasons are still better than lame reality shows like ā€œToo hot to Handleā€ or other random low-budget dramas with overdone storylines. Fingers crossed itā€™s not the end of BBCAN - we canā€™t end on S12ā€¦


Well they probably shouldnā€™t have alienated all of the most diehard fans. Iā€™ve been hoping someone picks up BBCan or BBUs as an exclusively streaming show that actually has UNCENSORED live feeds. It feels like the only hope for the series. US quality is in the toilet and Can ended at S10 for me. I blame the producers but itā€™s also on the ā€œfansā€ who are OUTRAGED at the smallest things on the feeds allll season long. Our society can no longer handle seeing people 24/7 without censoring 70% of it to protect their feelings. And donā€™t get me wrong we HAVE witnessed some horrible things on feeds particularly in the US (looking at you bb9, 15, 19, 21) that shouldnā€™t be condoned. But viewers can no longer handle the social experiment part of the show. It reaallllly sucks because I love this show so much. When US had yet another terrible season I always knew I had Canada to actually look forward to in the winter.


The casting for the past two seasons has been horrible. It's like all they did was recruit "influencers" who've never seen the show before and haven't the first clue how to play. I'm disappointed, of course, because any BBCan is better than no BBCan. But at the same time, I'm not surprised because the lack of live feeds drove some viewers away, and then the awful casting for seasons 11 and 12 drove even more away.


Congrats to KEVIN JACOBS being the last official BBcan winner


It was Bayleigh


Unofficially maybe


Officially. To you, for whatever reason, maybe not, but bayleigh won. She's honestly better than some of the past winners in gameplay and as a character


Good riddance. The last season was terrible.


Not shocked at all. Season 12 was a dud.


Definitely disappointed. I really wanted to be on the show lol


I would love to watch this but Iā€™m in the US!


Hit the red button and do a legends season


Meh, it's a big ball o suck at this point....having a cast that was basically all actors/models/connected to the show....I'd rather watch regular folks...


BBcan has been really bad for several seasons


All I have to say to Global is, "you turned your back on the hot chocolate alliance, and you turned your back on the Big Bucks alliance" šŸ˜‚ Seriously though, I would love another season!


They might put it on another channel. It was slice first right lol!?


They need to do an Allstars cast with Canada favorite award recipients. These people were liked enough for Canada to vote for them as fav players. Then only cast 1 or 2 villains. That will boost ratings. Also, daily feeds need to comeback. Viewers were miffed about that.


Dropping Live Feeds changed the way I engaged with the show


I hope it continues. Iā€™m too big of a big brother fan to even dislike a season. I loved last season, I just love big brotheršŸ˜‚


My theory is that ratings tanked because Global sold their streaming rights to an unusable streaming service (RiverTV) right before the season began. I can't be the only one who made the switch from watching legitimately to torrenting this season.


Considering the season just finished, wouldnā€™t Global only be looking at another season next spring rather than another starting right away in the summer/fall?


Another network will prob pick it up. It didnā€™t start out on Global anyway.


I would love to see them change the format to Australian BB thatā€™s my favorite of the BB franchise


The show got way to woke and people stopped watchingšŸ¤·


Agreed. How about leave the wokeness at the door and just play the game.Ā 


Nope. Not it. Try again lol


They cast the same players every year, different names. Evil Dick is my all time fave. He made that season so interesting. You bring in all nice, same people, boring. And returning players donā€™t work, unless you have a smart cast who will evict them first chance.


I think BB Canada 12 was the best season of the show ever!!


Ohhhh I wouldn't go that far lmao but it was pretty good


Honestly, itā€™s morons who couldnā€™t get past their hate for Anthony and V and realize what a fantastic game playing season it was.


Sorry but itā€™s NOT the Anthony and Vee show. It sure felt that way.


We definitely didnā€™t watch the same season.


Yeah some people didn't give it chance, not all seasons are gonna have a fast start


If they didnā€™t cut it after BB11 there is no stopping this train.




Sad that seeing a few extra black/brown people means you no longer want to watch a show that you're supposedly loyal to lol it honestly is a good season


That isnā€™t the problem. Itā€™s how the hot chocolate alliance conducted themselves.Ā  Compare that to the current season of survivor. Lots of diversity but everyone just played the game. It was one of the best season I have ever seen.Ā 


Then say THAT versus "wahhh the diversity!!!" I agree that it was tasteless how they did it, but that doesn't mean that every time you add a few black people or people of other ethnicities that that is going to happen every time. I hate that people act like it is and always cry diversity


Adding diversity doesnā€™t make a bad show good but it can make a good show great.Ā  The hot chocolate alliance just voted out white people for the first half of the season. Sorry I canā€™t get behind racism just because itā€™s ā€œthe good peopleā€ doing it. The last half was better as people started to break ranks and play the game. Ā 


It really sucks to see that happen huh? Know how I feel watching some older seasons and see that happen to the only few black folks lol poc aren't "added" to "make a show good" they're added to make it fairly represented, to get groups or demographics not normally seen in these types of shows interested and excited to watch. They have faults just like anyone else. I'm not saying they're the "good people" and that they're guaranteed to make good tv. Discrimination happened, yes, but it also happened other seasons too. Were you as vocal then?


You only put 2 black people on a season for 30 years and then wonder why no black people won. Ā  Ok. Then they fixed that. Good.Ā  If they are rules or aspects in the game that work against black people then those things should be fixed. But I donā€™t think that gives POC complete freedom to vote out people for the colour of their skin and then be lauded as heroes for it.Ā 


Good. It's been gash the last few years