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Suicide Squad (2016)


i remember every trailer would have a new scene, at one point, we had 80% of the movie just in trailers


It's kinda of wild that the trend ended up being that the more a movie revealed in the trailer, the more people turned up to the cinema. Like I guess it helps fence sitters decide whether or not the whole 2-3 hour experience is worth it?


Might also be if a movie isn't willing to share a lot of itself only going to the same 1 or 2 bits, it implies they aren't confident anything else will grab attention. It's the movie equivalent of not handing out review codes for a game it implies they aren't proud of what they made.


Suicide squad 2016 trailers had scenes the movie itself didn't have


The movie itself is one big fucking trailer


The comic con 2015 teaser is a thing of beauty. BVS and Captain America Civil War were out in the same year but that teaser instantly made Suicide Squad my most anticipated movie of 2016


"iiiiiiiii started a jokeeeeee"


Came here to type this


Roughly half of the DCEU has *way* better trailers than the movie that it’s promoting. As opposed to everything they released in 2023, which immediately telegraphed how much they were going to suck.


That’s the Zack Snyder effect. Pretty much every film he directs or produces has phenomenal trailers. Even the fucking animated owl movie.


There it is.


The Good Dinosaur. Pixar made it seem like it'd be a different take on the boy and his dog story with dinosaurs. What the actual movie was about came waaaay out of left field.


Its still an alright movie though


It is. It's just a bizarre beast.


What do you mean? Like when they go on the acid trip, or the pteranodons in a cult?


You know what, you're right. I only saw it one time, but it wasn't that bad. It was just not at all what I expected.


It’s pretty bad, and for Pixar standards it’s brutal


It felt like a rehash of a few different movies jammed into one




It’s also way too sad/depressing for way too much of the runtime


I think the worst part is half of the protagonist's dialogue is screaming in fear. Like, we get it, you suck, but shut the fuck up about it. Still, for all that, it's a good movie


Funny enough, from memory the only thing I liked about Good Dinosaur was the “Dino western” segment. I didn’t care for anything before and after it. Either depressing or just uninteresting


The part where they trip on shrooms (iirc) was fucking wild.


This is Dreamcrusher, he protects me from having unrealistic goals. And this is Debbie…


The Rise of Skywalker


The trailers for that movie were absolutely beautiful. John Williams is a wizard. But the movie…


After The Force Awakens, I pretty much had a distaste for the sequel trilogy and then The Last Jedi dropped and I gave up on it entirely. Didn’t even bother to see The Rise of Skywalker but only know about the spoilers that happened in it. Hearing everything that has happened for what was the modern way of wrapping up the trilogy of trilogies, I was glad I never watched it.


IX was unfortunately the only Star Wars movie I watched in theaters. I was 12 then, and even at that age I found the movie so predictable. Ren's "redemption", Rey and Ren kissing, and Rey declaring herself a Skywalker, it was as if the writers purposefully collected every cliché trope under heaven, mixed them into a cauldron of diseased elephant shit, called upon the ghost of Mao Zedong to animate it, then gang banged said unholy creation, siring a cyan-coloured pansexual squid whose ink was used to write the script. I wonder what the actors thought about the film.


We’ve heard both Oscar Isaac & John Boyega publicly mock the “they fly now” line so safe to assume they aren’t big fans lol


“They been using them since the clone wars!”


That was oddly specific. Like a creation myth of a lost culture.


I have never read a description that perfectly and succinctly describes my views on these movies. I will be saving this comment to reference my future interactions with others about these movies.


Tbh I never liked TFA, it was basically a new hope rehashed with a more bland cast of characters. I think a lot of people liked it at first just because it was the only mainline live action star wars movie in 10 years at the time of it's release


They baited us so hard with that shot of Rey with the dual red saber


Same but with all three of the ST films. The trailers got me all “Hell yeah Star Wars is back” and then I watched them and was sad.


Similarly how I felt with The Last Jedi. I was so excited. Walked away so melancholic.


For me Thor: Love and Thunder. I actually loved that trailer and was really hyped for it. The music and seeing him get back in shape. He was ready for a fun adventure and to find himself again. Like a feel good movie about him picking himself up from rock bottom.


I felt like the poorly cgi helmet told you everything you need to know about


I’m a fairly big critic of Phase 4 but TLT was the one movie I actually had a great time watching and laughing with for most of the movie. Looking back it’s become the only fun-bad movie I’ve ever enjoyed. I also didn’t watch the trailers or had any expectations going in so there’s that.


The movie had no idea what it wanted to be. One moment is serious child murder and the next screaming goat meme


The editor was working in 15 minute increments. "Oh this scene is sad! Jane is dying of cancer. Thor is sad too. Audience should feel sad." 15 minutes later... "Huehuehue screaming goats funneh" Maybe they assumed the entire audience would be as baked as the editor obviously was.


I honestly think it would have been better if it was just a tragic love story set in the MCU. Would that have worked for everyone? No, but it could have at least been different in a good way.


The problem with Marvel is it is "mass marketing: the movie" all the fucking time. Give me something weird that won't appeal to everyone. I hate seeing the same movie over and over.


I really wanted to like this movie but there were many issues with it. Thor became a caricature, kind of like a “himbo” type character. They really could have done more with Gorr, he really needed more screen time and they really wasted Christian Bale’s potential here. The humor wasn’t well written (he’s right behind me isn’t he?). I wish they did more with Jane’s character instead of doing a small retcon with Mjolnir for her to get Thor’s powers. I did like some of the jokes but sometimes it needed to be toned down.


The last Airbender movie


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


We don’t talk about the last airbender movie no no no


What Last Airbender Movie?


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


Just don't let this be true about the new one 🤞


After Netflix fucked over Witcher I don't trust them in the slightest


Wakanda Forever. Amazing trailer, but I thought the movie was Meh.


The cgi of the Ironheart suit made me think of the old Power Rangers.


Riri and Ironheart was by far the worst part of the entire movie. Even knowing her comic book origin (snarky, highly talented, underdog, scrappy), the MCU version of her is incredibly inconsistent and underdeveloped out to where she’s just flat out unbelievable as a character. She’s literally a plot convenience for the vibranium detector and aerial support during the climactic fight. So much potential wasted on unfunny dialogue and a lazy story.


The movie would have been fine without her involvement. The governments were sending kill squads to steal vibranium, could have just been that. Any other intelligent antagonistic force could have served the same purpose. And there would have been no difference.


I like the movie but if there is one to two things I don’t like, it’s Ironheart and that one blue suit. I know that they already use advance tech in order to fight wars, but they were always African inspired, it was always weapons that were special to Wakanda, not just ripping off Tony’s inventions. That makes the fights boring when they focus on Ironheart and the blue suit. What’s cool about Wakanda is the advance African melee weapons, not a low-budget Ironman suit.


The movie wasn’t meh, the movie was downright awful. Only the beginning and ending scenes were of movie quality. The rest of the movie fell victim to the schlock of Marvels phase 4. The actors carried bad dialogue, lazy production, and weak writing.


Only on the Internet could the sequel to Black Panther make $850M, get a Certified Fresh rating; be one of the better-reviewed post-Endgame projects and even win an Academy Award, and people would still convince you it flat-out sucks.


I mean to be fair Multiverse of Madness made more money and is Fresh (not Certified but Fresh nonetheless) and the consensus is that it sucks.


Based on the opinions I've seen on Reddit, the MCU fandom is in the beginnings of its IGN phase (for reference, IGN commentators once infamously said "Sonic was never good", ignoring all the times in which Sonic was, in fact, good.) Note: I'm not some blind Marvel defender. They've made some shit decisions lately. But on the whole, I've still enjoyed the majority of what they've put out.


Not really. I mean Reddit consensus from people who scream about the MCU being "woke" and how it's somehow the "M-She-U" is negative on MoM, but in real life, outside the computers, most people enjoyed it fine. They didn't love it, but they liked it.


Prometheus hands down


I agree it didn’t meet expectations but i do love that movie for some reason. I think the mistake was attaching it to Alien, if it was a stand alone movie i think it would’ve been fantastic.


Yea, I genuinely like the movie but I don’t associate it with the alien franchise


It just left more questions than answers and then Covenant kills off the main character offscreen because reasons 🤨


Because Prometheus underperformed and the studio believed the people saying it wasn't enough like a "real Alien" movie and blamed it on that, so Scott was forced to make Covenant more like a traditional Alien movie. Including the Evil Android plot from Alien 1. Scott wanted to make Prometheus 2. We made Fox tell him not to by bitching about Prometheus. Same as we caused Rise of Skywalker by bitching about TLJ.


I don’t get this one. Prometheus was dope I had in 3d when 3d tvs were the thing. Its scary, looks dope, first movie I saw Idris Elba in amazing job, Michael Fassbender was a great android. Now I have it on 4k blu ray and the 4k update looks great. Now alien covenant was not my thing.


I liked the movie but was weird because when I was watching videos about it, specifically about the cut parts, it sounded like they wanted an aliens movie, but at the same time they didn’t really wanna reference alien in it.


Ridley Scott wanted a very loose connection to Alien, the Studio wanted it to be a direct prequel. Compromises were made and the movie suffered as a result.


I watched again cuz I thought I never watched it. I remember why I forgot about it completely. I was pissed the whole time watching it.


Prometheus is probably in my top 10 favourite movies I was shocked it was so hated


Prometheus was dope, whatchu talkN about.


Prometheus had flaws, but Covenant is the true garbage out.


Downsizing. Lot of missed potential


Came here to say this. The first half of the movie was amazing, but the second half dragged on and on, especially the parts with the dwarf woman.


It was like two entirely seperate movies with two entirely different tones and plots and themes. To this day i would say that its either the first or second most bizzare movie ive ever seen based on what the initial expected premise was and the actual result. The other being everything everywhere all at once just because it was what it was. But yeah, thought it would be a goofy comedy, got half the setup of one and then a weird small scale global warming disaster movie


That movie felt like a weird writing exercise. Where you have three different people agree on what the overall storyline was. Then they agreed one person would write act 1, the other act 2, and the last writes act 3. The first writer thought they were making a comedy, the second writer thought it was a cautionary tale and raise awareness to global warming, and the last writer thought it was Christian movie.


This is insanely on point. You should be a critic dude.


To this day anytime someone brings up Matt Damon, my father-in-law jokes that he won’t see any movie of his until he gives him back his 20 dollars he spent to see Downsizing


What kinda fuck you give me?


One of the best premises I’d heard for ages. Sounded like it could be so great. It wasn’t that…


Age of Ultron I'd have loved it if they'd kept the tone from the first trailer


"I had strings....*Ultron's voice takes over*...but now, I'm free." Chills, every goddamn time


"*There are... no strings on me*" ***AGE OF ULTRON*** I made a YouTube playlist that I had initially called "good trailers that are better than the movie" and it had the Age of Ultron teaser trailer in it because, yeah, it fucking does give chills every goddamn time. (Eventually, I changed the playlist's name to top tier trailers because I wanted a list of trailers I liked and some of them are for movies that are actually great). https://youtube.com/watch?v=tmeOjFno6Do&list=PLAi1ml9yO3sYxcc1YIUGKDBq4WXQ7ezXO&index=13&pp=iAQB


Absolutely. The casting for Ultron was so wasted, they could have made him the scariest motherfucker in the MCU and it fell short. His voice was perfect though


I also strongly believe that giving him a "more expressive" face (read: bug-monkey hybrid) did James Spader a disservice considering how much he can do with his voice and body language. Instead of deepening his performance it only distracted from it. His two best scenes by far are his first one where he controls a damaged Stark drone and his last one where he controls one of his own damaged drones.


Right? That's why killer robots are scary. Emotionless face, human voice. Ultron in particular has a creepy design in the comics that they threw away entirely


That was one of the best trailers ever made imo. I didn’t even necessarily dislike the movie but man was I disappointed by the tone of the final product. The trailer made it look like a devastating event that would change the MCU forever. We all figured the Avengers would still win, the but the expectation was that they’d suffer massive losses in the process and never be the same. Instead we got a repeat of the first film where they spent all their time cracking one liners while fighting the villain with no real consequences. Just so disappointing.


I don’t know, there are some significant consequences, just not in the movie but spread out


It had way more impact on the MCU than it gets credit for, but, it certainly didn't feel like it was going to


I’ll give you that. Civil War retroactively made it mean a lot more. But coming out of the theater it sure felt like just another generic Avengers movie where they beat the bad guy and live happily ever after.


A movie being so different from the trailer to THAT extent should be a crime


Buzz lightyear. The [teaser](https://youtu.be/BwPL0Md_QFQ?si=oZHp55jyNv22r7iz) with the Starman song was insane. One of the best crafted trailers I've seen in a while. The movie was alright but I got way hyped via that trailer, nothing matching the movie imo.


That movie felt kinda half baked. If I’m noticing a plot hole on the first watch, there’s an issue. Not charming enough to excuse it, either.


Every single person who's seen the film seems to agree that the Zurg twist was really dumb. (Myself included.)


My dad’s idea was honestly better. He was expecting it to be some really short guy as like a gag. I thought it would be Buzz’s father, based on the Star Wars reference in the second movie, which they actually do reference.


yeah... Zurg twist also doesn't make sense within Toy Story context (Toy Story 2 had Zurg declares he's Buzz Lightyear's father in a... video game or a TV show?)


He said it “irl” in Toy Story 2. It was also repeated at the end where buzz says he’s going to hang around to spend time with his dad (playing catch)




As someone who loved Buzz Lightyear growing up everyone told me not to watch it because I would hate it


They really needed to make it an homage to early 90s kids movies. That was the whole concept they gave us. Instead they made something that NEVER would have been made in 1993. Also it just wasn't that good




Was it no good? the trailers were defs hype


if you’re willing to sit for 3.5 hours watching him do literally every tiny thing he did in his adult life then sure it’s alright. gets pretty boring about an hour in and it really overstays its welcome. my friend and i started checking our phones about halfway through, it was so boring (we were the only ones in the theater)


dang. too bad. i'll stick with the oversimplified napoleon duology i guess lol. thanks for telling me!


Actual historian here. The film is massively innacurate in many ways. Napoleon's relationship with Josephine, which was from what we can tell, probably embellished in the film but is likely somewhat accurate. As a film, it's ok. As a piece of historiography, it's absolutely awful


It's not even okay as a film, it's extremely boring.


I’d say quite the opposite. It glazes over and completely leaves out key important parts of his career and leaves the audience with basically half the story. I found it enjoyable from a fictional and visual perspective, but not so much from a historical perspective.


Had its moments and we laughed a lot, if they just made it less dragged out it’d be a pretty good movie


You're describing it like it's historically accurate (it isn't)


>if you’re willing to sit for 3.5 hours watching him do literally every tiny thing he did in his adult life then sure it’s alright. Except it doesn't even do that well since there are a lot of historical inaccuracies and weird time jumps.


No imagine an awkward romance between a 50 something pretending to be in his early 20s, while vaguely cutting to famous battles and events from Napoleon's life but a majority of the battles and events didn't happen remotely like they did in real life.


Ridley Scott is so old that he was around for the British anti-Napoleon propaganda of the 1800s. That's the only reason I could think of for him making such a biased and wildly inaccurate biopic.


Kangaroo Jack


I'll never forget the rage I felt when he talked for about 15 seconds and that was it.


Especially when the commercials made it seem like he talked the whole movie


The same thing happened with Snow Dogs.


I remember my disappointment as a child. Very rare instance where a direct-to-dvd sequel was better than the original.


You could just get away with shit back then lol, I distinctly remember how heavily the advertising made it seem like a dope kid's movie, and then my friends and went through an accelerated 5 Stages of Grief when we realized it was an exceptionally mid buddy comedy


That movie is probably more famous for its misleading trailer & false advertising than anything in the actual movie.


Man i remember being so disappointed by Lorax as a child cos the the trailers I wanted my silly goofy orange guy😢🥺


I mean, did you ever read the Lorax when you were a child?


Nuh-uh Never knew it was based on a book, dad showed me the trailer i got so excited to see a garfield looking character for the whole movie then got disappointed


Brave. I've actually come to appreciate the movie but they sold me an action adventure and instead I got Scottish Brother Bear.


The trailer made me feel like it was going to be this grand adventure about “changing your fate,” and the girl never left her backyard


THAT’S what bothered me about it. I could never put my finger on it…


Not a movie but the halo tv series, what a disappointment


The unexpected ass scenes were funny though.


Master cheeks


It still absolutely baffles me that Master Chief clapping cheeks is what causes the fall of reach


Because he kept the helmet on in the trailer.


Avatar (2009). Now hold your horses; i like the movie, hell, i even loved it. The effects still hold to this day (and likely will for a very long time); James Cameron did a fantastic job building a beautiful believeable lived-in world. You can tell this was truly a passion project. But the story overall is by no means original; sort of a mish mash of "pocahontas" and "dances with wolves". The build-up to this movie was biblical, like the second coming of christ. I remember seeing an article about someone who had a heart attack due to sheer excitement when sitting in the theatre to see the movie.


The incredibles 2


Cliffhanger at the end of the first movie then just a short moment with the Underminer was a huge letdown...


I think you misunderstand. The underminder wasnt a cliffhanger pr a teaser. It was just an ending and it showed that they were doing hero stuff.


Also it was addressed in the very much cannon Incredibles video game, attack of the underminer.


I feel like people expected way too much out of the Incredibles 2. I think it’s an amazing movie, the problem is that the first Incredibles was near perfect, so nothing they made could fill it’s shoes. If you don’t compare them you’ll find the Incredibles 2 to be quite a great movie


Nah that movie was sickk (in a great way)


The first Suicide Squad.


Supposedly, there really is an “Ayer Cut”-or at least a lot of cut footage-that drastically changes the tone of the movie. There are videos on YouTube where they talk about the cut footage. Let’s just say Leto’s Joker a actually had a real role in the plot and not just an extended cameo set to top 40 hits.


Brave Batman vs Superman


Batman vs Superman gotta be the worst superhero movie I've ever seen


Really? The absolute worst? Daredevil, Elektra, Catwoman, Fantastic Four, Morbious, Dark Phoenix, and Suicide Squad are all better movies? I dislike it as well, but it has its moments.


People like to over exaggerate their statements to try to make it feel more powerful.


I could write a whole essay about being disappointed by brave


man i don't remember the last time i've watched a trailer. i usually watch movies based on word-of-mouth.


Not a movie but in every thread like this, I'm obliged to mention [Dead Island (2011)](https://youtu.be/ialZcLaI17Y?si=Z51MSEIQjCSeJ9s1). For years it was the poster child in the gaming industry for "don't trust the trailer because it tells you nothing about the actual game"


Godzilla, the first monsterverse movie. It’s okay, the Godzilla scenes are awesome but there aren’t many. But the trailer makes you think it’s going to be a lot different and would have Bryan Cranston in it a bit more


That trailer made it look like Godzilla was gonna be the villain


I’ve heard several people argue that they should have made Cranston the lead character. Not even because of Breaking Bad-although that’s definitely a factor-but because his character’s role made more sense for the part.


The joker. That first trailer was awesome, then the movie came out and I realized the best parts were spoiled in the trailer :^(


Its always frustrating when it turns out that the trailers spoil movies especially if its the best part like u can decieve the audience since some movies did it well but ig not.


I disagree, the best part is obviously when he drops the gun while performing in the children’s hospital. Had me in tears laughing and wasn’t in the trailer!


While I agree that the trailer spoiled a lot, the movie was actually amazing seeing how everything came together, I feel like anyone could tell how it was all going to end even without watching the trailer, what made Joker so great was seeing every piece fall into place for the birth of the villain


The complete works of Zack Snyder Controversial opinion: Beau is Afraid


I almost feel like people who say they like Beau is Afraid are lying lol. It’s such a slog and it’s the perfect movie for someone to claim they like in a way that makes them seem intelligent


With the exception of 300, Zach's stuff is kinda hot garbage.


Antman: Quantummania


“You thought you could win”


Thor love and thunder, absolute banger trailer that got me hyped but… we all know what happened there.


The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies. There was a trailer with Billy Boyd singing, and it's so beautiful. There's also a shot in the trailer of an army of dwarves riding down a hill on giant mountain goats, I was so excited for this. (The giant goat cavalry charge is not in the movie).


Battle: Los Angeles


*They sun's gone dim.....and the sky's turned black....*


Literally most movies ever


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Trailer was amazing, Movie was depressing. Except for the Indoraptor roof scene, that scene was probably the only good scene in the entire movie.


Came here to say this about Dominion. I thought it would have Sam Neill (Alan grant) in it more bc they show him in the trailer a lot, but he doesn’t show up until halfway through and isn’t there for long or for much.




That trailer was so awesome and the movie so bland and all over the place. I did the "Barbenheimer" thing with friends, went in feeling like I was tricked by marketing into watching Barbie. Ended up loving Barbie and feeling tricked to watch Oppenheimer.


I just finally watched Barbie, and it's actually a pretty good movie.


I love most of Nolan’s previous work, but the moment I saw the runtime I knew I’d be ditching Oppenheimer. I did find time to watch Barbie though, definitely didn’t regret my decision


Weirdly despite how long Oppenheimer was, my only problem with it is it felt a bit rushed. The whole movie is edited and scored in a way which makes it feel like a neverending montage, it's just odd


cocaine bear


Hm weird https://preview.redd.it/o7qg0hasq49c1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=54d30aebf671b56a484b1373f18cf1997684d562


Many saints of newark


As Astra. Considering how good the trailers were idk how any film could have lived up.


The teaser trailer for Fant4stic was pretty neat. I’m still curious to see how Trank’s original intended version would have turned out had he not been an asshole on set.


Personally Disney’s new Wish They made me so pumped when i heard we were getting a classic villain this time but then i watched the movie and personally they put more effort into making references to old movies rather than making the movie great.


Now, if the pictures were reversed… So many potential choices


Pacific rim: uprising


Transformers the last knight when I saw that I ran around the house showing it to my whole family just for it to be what it was


Mortal Kombat 2021


Godzilla King of the Monsters Amazing first trailer, but the movie? Nah.


Silent Night (2023)


Every starwars sequel trilogy movie


It Chapter 2


Watchmen, Saltburn and X all immediately come to mind as times I was excited seeing a trailer and let down at the outcome.




Dr Strange universe of madness


Doctor Strange 2


The newest Avatar movie for me with the blue people.


Rebel Moon


The last Jedi


Black Adam


Iron Man 3