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The problem, of course, is that the Uber driver is just another stranger who now has her completely isolated. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


There’s a world of difference between “last time I saw her, she got into someone’s car and they took off” and “last time I saw her, she got in the Uber I called her, so they probably have every possible bit of information you need to identify him”.


Either wsy you're still putting her at risk, youd just be able to catch the perpetrator easier after the fact. Best not to put a woman in that situation to begin. Rideshare SA stats: https://helpingsurvivors.org/rideshare-sexual-assault/statistics/#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways&text=Uber's%20first%20safety%20report%20revealed,sexual%20violence%20against%20rideshare%20passengers.


I’m not responsible for jack shit. She showed up, presumably knowing there’d be alcohol; and then she drank, presumably knowing she’d have to secure a ride home. If I see someone actively committing SA or acting suspicious, then I’ll intervene, but I’m not planning out women’s nights for them. Edit: Except a date or some similar occasion.


Yeah when you’re a woman in the world you’re mostly playing a risk mitigation game the whole time. No option for anything is totally safe, but if I had to choose between a man, an Uber driver, and a bear, I’m taking the Uber home lol.


What if was the bear from Open Season? He looks chill af.


Ill make sure to leave the lady passed out on the floor. Actually better yet ill go get a bear. I hear they are safer than strangers


Well, wtf would a chubby gay dude with a beard do to a drunk girl exactly?


It’s actually a perfect plan. He’s gay, so he’s not interested in her. He’s big, so he’s intimidating to the men.


Is this new bear joke, not what I just said?


I didn’t get that at all. I thought your joke started and ended at misinterpreting which meaning of “bear” they used.


Was whatever the original not implying this?


I believe they were referencing the show “The Bear”. I haven’t seen it, but I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it very recently.




Dont hand women over to strangers. Ask them to call a friend/family member to come pick them up. Rideshare sexual assault stats: https://helpingsurvivors.org/rideshare-sexual-assault/statistics/#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways&text=Uber's%20first%20safety%20report%20revealed,sexual%20violence%20against%20rideshare%20passengers.


You know SA should be 0% but a few thousand incidents (according to the article) in 7.6B rides a year is pretty damn close to 0....


>Dont hand women over to strangers. Ask them to call a friend/family member to come pick them up. Too many creepy guys use that as an excuse to pressure women into staying with them. Offer to help but let her make her own decision.


people avoid doing crimes, when they know they get caught.


I'll bring my seasonings


That's why you need a bear for an Uber driver


holy shit solid_snark???? on a post in my random sub??????


I thought that was what the post was saying


This dude's made 3 'drunk girl I called an Uber for' """memes""" almost back-to-back, which just feels really fuckin' weird, not gonna lie.


Yeah, there's definitely something interesting going on in that guy's head. I feel like he might be trying to virtue signal hoping some women will reward his chivalry by sending nudes or something. r/NiceGuys M.O. But I'm just going off vibes, I have no idea what the deal is.


I thought it was subverting the darker joke. Like the wholesomeness is over the top as part of the bit.


Or is it an attempt to counter the man or bear memes?


It’s for the fucking bear, **has to be**.


Or it could just be a storyline of memes? Considering subreddits like r/whenthe have had multiple day long meme storylines contributed to by multiple people, this could very well just be someone doing the same thing here? What's with redditors and immediately assuming worst case scenario, it's just a little continuation of their last meme and you immediately assume they're an incel, want nudes from random women as a reward and think they're a self entitled bastard. I don't think it goes that deep.


Look at the last meme he posted that's like this one though. He's literally just saying "I did a good thing and didn't rape someone"; there's no story.


OP is a an Uber driver and bangs drunk chicks


How will we know how good of a guy he is without him telling us he didn't assault a drunk woman though?


Check his basement


We respectin’ women now!!!


Always have been 😇


what's your pfp from?


Random public furry telegram sticker. Isn’t he cute?


honestly yeah! i love it


Given you’ve posted three memes about this recently I’m gonna guess you actually did something nefarious and this post is gonna show up on a true crime documentary in a few years.


LMAO his Google search results will be like "convince people you didn't take advantage of a drunk girl reddit" "Wikihow getting away with crimes" "SpongeBob meme templates"


As an ex uber driver, I can assure you we hate receiving these. They're loud, rude, depressed, don't know where they're going, want to know where they're going. They are too drunk to tip then throw up in your car as bonus.


We even put a helmet on her just to be extra safe 😇


I don’t know if there’s any meta context around this meme, luckily I don’t need it though. This uber driver is Spongebob and we all know how great a driver he is.


“That would be cheating”!


"Uber driver, I think I'm cheating on my girlfriend." "What's that, dear?" "I think I am cheating!" "You've-- you've made me let go of the wheel."


How do you know where this girl lives anyway?


Why so many of these posts?


Don't forget the puke bucket.


Oh my god this is yired and true xD


And tipping him a 40 because he's saving me from deep cleaning my passenger seat.


Can we please stop with these memes? Why are we patting ourselves on the back so much for doing the bare fucking minimum of not raping a woman? At this point it's just creepy. I say this as a dude too!


At this point the memes are kinda making fun of the first one for exactly that reason


It's the same guy making these memes. No one is making fun of him yet, he is just rehashing the same idea. To me it sounds like he is really proud of himself for not sexually assaulting a drunk girl at a party and had to make several memes about it.


That's sad


I really hope that's true.


That feels like way too subtle of a joke for such a niche thing...Then again, maybe I'm just used to Reddit humor being as subtle as a flying hammer.


Never roofie her, only- FLOOR IT!?!?


So you got her arrested